(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Tigerbb, ok ok, will tell you all if I really BFP... afterall is you all the sweeties here, supporting me.... without you all, think i will go crazy liao..... *sob* *v emotional now*

No symptoms... except like lot of gastric juice... which dun think is a symptoms.... although now I wondering is it Af coming or my NN REALLY gets a bit "bigger".... cos I cannot zip up a bbdoll dress at NN area which I can just 2 weeks ago before I wash.... Lolz! I cannot be putting so much weight over the CNY right? No change in my scale leh.... or the dress really become smaller after wash? wahahahahaha...... *ok ok, I am talking nonsense again*


I am not scaring u. That is wat Dr Fong told me for PCOS patient.

On top of that, I oso BFN so many times but aft sadness still can be strong. Be strong please!

Ping cheng xin!


U funny :p U wanted to test badly right :p

U making no sense .. haha first time see you talk like tat.

Must be the crazy hormones .. I keep my fingers and toes cross for you!

Lizzie dun say risk of mc lah.. so like bu ji li. Say to better support the growth of the feteus.

Tiga and kk must chant " I will be bfp"!!! Must be positive.

Hi Hi Liz, u in liao.... ok ok... testing this weekend.... keke

Sstarlight, ya ya, Dr Chong remind me must take w my Metformin wor.... alamak, FA from his clinic so expensive, after these batch I will go Unity to buy the cheaper ones....


Ya FA cheapest at Unity.

Stay positive lah. Baby always come to you when you are least expected. That time when I BFP, I also getting very bloated..

Anyway menses signs and early preggie signs are the same. So dun read too much into it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sstarlight, hahaha.... thank you.... include me in your prayers okay? hahahahaha.....

Sstarlight, u may be right, after so many rounds of disappointments, I just dun feel like testing.... afterall except the NN & the gastric juice, I really dun feel anything... must as well dun test, and still hv some hope daily.... lolz!

Liz, I understand your good intention...no worries, I will be strong de..... u all will be supporting me de....


haa.. ya...


come, we chant together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok ladies, i'm gg off le.

enjoy the weekend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha... I think u want to test badly but scared of disappointment. Is it the blue dress you bought from dressy dressy? Their dresses, usually will strink a bit after washing..


Of course I wish u BFP la! I wan to see u suffering MS! wahahaha!


No cursing la. But got to tell the her the seriouiness ma.

Liz i din say cursing i say bu ji li. Not auspicious. That is y in here we hardly use the word miscarriage. Instead we try to use words of encouragement but we do highlight care needed


I agree with Blurlet. Your good intentions are reflected in a negative way. Over where, M/C is a taboo word. We never mention it unless it really happen to someone.

You are a PA, I am sure there are many ways to say something diplomatically without getting mistaken.

"need to take medication to assist the growth of the fetal during 1st trimester if not there is a risk of MC" ----> does sounds like a bit cursing to me.

i am sure kk understands that Liz is just straight forward.

no harm done - what's for keeps will stay with us ya!

but to get things straight. I always forget to take my FA. the relation is there but not very great effect to cause it la.

forgot to take FA is better than taking the wrong FA! *bangwall*

dunno why yesterday so blur.. left the keys on the gate. and instead of taking FA, i took the yellow flu pill... *bangwall*

back from lunch..

starlight, got ah! i wondering why i so sleepy yesterday at work.. haha.. then this morning then i realized i ate the wrong pill.

smine, 2 of them same size same colour lor.. the flu tablet is safe de.. i checked before.. i got sensitive nose history.. so will packed some flu tablets with me.

Sorry, jus now go lunch so sudden cos colleagues calling....

No worries sweeties... I understand Liz good intension... Muacks, muacks blurlet, sstarlight, Vic ma & Liz.... 没事没事, ok? Hugs!

KK ...hugz ...jiayou !!!

vic...hw come u forget my pay also?? mine supposed to have TWO seros behind leh..not juz one like blurlet :p

woof i dint forget its Reiko doing our payroll keke!

i only reminded her of my zero.

she can put both u & blurlet's pay into my accounts also can!

nvm.. this year not labit year, we tell labit balik kampong! We get tiga to do pay roll since it is tiga year!!!

Okie now all tiger bb mamas, go bite labit's butt!!!!


all HPTS on pre-order status currently.

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices [email protected]

Hope PACKS $3.80 – available (3 units)

5 hpts loosely reserved all 3 pack for 1 TTCer

MINI HUAT PACKS (UK) $13.70 – 2 available

15 opks

5 hpts

HUAT PACKS (UK) $19 – 2 available

25 opks

5 hpts

*opks - Ovulation strips.

hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.

Hpts only order – only 20 pcs & above please email me will require 1 week after payment is received.

Hi Vic Ma,

Tried testing ur OPK. And tested +ve (with 2 red lines) on CD16,CD17, then CD18 tested was -ve(only 1 line). Does it means that I've already 'O' ?

