(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


wanna change gynae anytime one.

unless u wanna ur records. Then u mayb need to request fr ur current gynae to give u.

Not sure if he would.. u can try



I will only change aft 1st trimester. Cos I got PCOS and this doc know my condition very well. Safer to be with him till the fetal is safe.


of coz!

i like to see tummy!

as in, tummy with bb inside, not like mine inside all fat! hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


then go eat..

then will feel satisfied! hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I cheapo liao... Wah. Having baby is not cheap le!

I do the sum mentally over weekend until I wan to give up liao. headache lo.


Me hor, now almost every week need to see him once.

The fee is coming to almost $200 per visit.

Imagine for one month is aready S$800 le!

My dog oso getting sad recently cos We stop him from jumping onto the bed and jumping on me. He loved to sleep on my tummy. Now, cannot liao.


All the needs lo. But I gog to buy minimum. Cos like clothes hor new born very fast wear out. I will go borrow frm frz lo.

hee. cheapo mummy.


ask him when he starts his package bah if not how to tahan

I need confinement nanny not scared of cockroaches!

Now looking at agents liao since mine play me out


u just saw my 32w tummy


I dun dare to count liao. Haha. taking one step at a time. Now DH and me only go round to survey on baby accessories.

Then, ard 2nd trimester will start to buy lo.


I got plan not to get CL. Ask my mum to help me during that month.

But I really dun know if I can tahan to wake up every night to take care of the baby myself.

Liz, ask around if got hands down lor.. like my MIL already start collecting for me liao.. if you dont mind 2nd hand stuffs, then maybe can get lor..


if u get CL u also will need to wake up every nite to feed baby unless u want to express out and ask CL to feed bb then u can go zzz

i think ur gynae is lagi more ex than mine.


Old ppl say hor baby clothes get hand down is a blessing for the new born.

I dun mind hands down items. But now cannot say yet ma cos I not yet cross 1st trimester.

I told my mum to ask after CNY.

She pantang, my DH pangtang etc.


Yeah lo. He private practice ma.

I told my mum I wan to delivery at KK she shout over the phone "NO!" haha.


32weeks so big le.

wonder fullterm how? hee.

will u be posting a weekly photo of ur tummy?


Liz, same here.. i also dun dare to count.. *sobz*

for confinement, i also scare nite wakes.. but at the end of the day we still have to wake up ba.. because need to latch on and feed baby ah.. this is what i think lah. is not like totally we no need to wake up..


I think by then we very use to night wake liao. Cos now hor, we already wake up in the mid of the night to go toilet!



Sometimes dun count until the very cents. We got to enjoy having baby. If not, when baby comes, u will hate it.

So, I tell DH and oso myself la... We ar still young. Can stille earn back the $$ dun worry!

Since god bless us with this baby he will make sure we can feed it! haha.


faints.. he lagi more ex than pte hosp gynae.


dont worry abt waking up at night, maybe beginning a bit not used, eventually u will be fine de. .. its mind over matter sure can do it de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Liz, i think i weird one leh.. so far i seldom wake up at nite to pee lor.. i smart liao.. before sleep dont drink so much and go toilet 1st before sleep.. :p it works for me till now lah..

i do agree on money part lor.. i thinking we spent so much on wedding liao.. why cannot spend on baby.. keke..

bb dust, ya.. anyway sooner or later still have to wake up, if get CL, after CL gone, still have to wake up ah.. (trying to convince myself.. hahaha)


keke YES whatever still got to wake up..my friend is very good, she sets her alarm and wakes up every 2 hrs to feed her baby now she went back to work le, still continue to wake up at night but no need to wake up so frequently le .. i salute her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb dust, good to have a bed now.. zzzzz

alicia, i double confirm with Dr fong's delivery charges 1st.. his package is $800 from week 20 onwards.


ahaha if i am at hme now i think i shld be sleeping...zzzz


how come he don't give you.. though my bb big, my gynae still give me pictures of his tummy, his feet, hands, heartbeat and if she can capture his face, she will give me also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] every time i go scan she will give me a few to keep

Alicia, he nv auto give lah.. but i always ask for it. bb too big? my last appt is week 15, still can capture in 1 pic.. i dont know abt now lah..

Im back from my pork chop curry rice! yummy!


I thought Dr Fong's package is $700 frm wk20? I remember wrongly again arh?


The last time i went was last week, week 16. I asked for it cos the nurse no auto give me, & was told cos the baby very big liao so didn give me lor...

I got consider giving birth at KKH cos the gynea delivery fee for my gynea is too high liao



I cannot wait liao. I called the clinic! This is the breakdown:

Package start at week 20... cost S$700

Dr Fong's delivery charges: (I re wrongly... hee)

Normal birth = S$1k to S$1.5k

C-sert birth = S$2k to S$2.5k

Assist birth with tools = additional S$500

Tada! No wrong cos I write down this time... hee

