(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


that is great to hear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just monitor her closely okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah kekekek steady man...



deliver at KKH need gynea but gynea fee might be cheaper... heehee..

My gynea delivery charges are similar to Dr Fong's. I find that it is abit too steep lor..


I hate to guess and wait la. Sian. Call lo! easier to solve the prob. haha. I think afterall not so expensive la.


take note that the natural birth charges does nt include the epidual hor. That one is depend on how much Mt A is charging.


Tat mean hor, base on the Mt A list I give u right... got the charges right, u plus the above for Dr Fong to be there for either natural or c-sect birth lo.


can understand... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if its me i will call and ask too.


KK got to choose TPS or normal. from my understanding, TPS gynae will follow u throughout, normal gynae keep changing even till the day of delivery. Dont know if I am wrong, better check with vic or woofy

Rabbit, Have you done the hospital tour? Mt A really gd? cos my sister delivered both nephews at MT A. but find that the nurse service nt so gd leh... But MT A hospital charges is the cheapest among all private hospital.

KKH's hospital charges as below :

Class A1 (single-bedded) Packages

Type Length of Stay Package Price in SGD *

Normal Delivery Two days $1,659

Caesarean Delivery Three days $2,461

Class B1 (four-bedded) Packages

Type Length of Stay Package Price in SGD *

Normal Delivery Two days $984

Caesarean Delivery Three days $1,819

The 4 bedded charge seems to be same as Mt A.

Liz, yaya.. i commenting end up still have to fork out 1k plus..

Normal delivery plus Epidural - if 2 bedder

$1633 + $650 (nursery, rough guide i got from forum) + $1700 professional fees = $3883

i think medisave can deduct $2.1k.

alicia, of coz not.. usually ppl go for hospitals tours after week 30.

if your gynae not delivery at khh, then who going to help you deliver?

Rabbit, I thinking of switching to KKH-TPS(John Tee) lo... But after doing research on the hospital stay price, 4 bedded price is similar to MT A(4 bedded). difference of $100 nia. So very wei nan leh. I calculated liao, if I remain with same gynea, week 20 sign gynea package $1000, delivery - I plan c-sect (doc fee - $2.5K) & hospital stay $1976, nursary - $650 = Total $5126(just for the three days), haven calculate the CL cost leh... Aiyo... I dono what to do leh...

stocks are running low again. new batch ordered expected next week if there are no delays - could be 2 weeks later with tighter global security issues of late.

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices [email protected]

Hope PACKS $3.80 – available

5 hpts

MINI HUAT PACKS (UK) $13.70 – available

15 opks

5 hpts

HUAT PACKS (UK) $19 – available

25 opks

5 hpts

*opks - Ovulation strips.

hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.


woo dont be scared of pain... can use epidural if u buay tahan... from what i know the afterpain of C-sect is worse than if u do natural. Unless really bo bian medically doc said need c-sect i would encourage u to go thru natural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and C-sect i think u need to stay more days in hosp right??

I think hor at week 20 sign package 1K is a bit ex.. less than 1K i think shld be okay.. take e.g my gynae.. she charged 2.6K for delivery + consultation + vits and her package starts week 16. so I give her 1K for consultation, 1.6K for normal delivery.

Liz, so the price i calculated looks fine you? so my question is do you find it ex?

ohhh, 1.7k because i look at those bills they add up gynae fee and Anesthetist (if epi) fee together.

This is an example of the Mt A hospital bill (c-sec with epi)




bb package (maternity) + nursery bed charges + diagonistic imaging svc + lab svc + pharmacy + GST

DOCTOR (referring to PD) CHARGES = SGD278.20

Attendence fee

PAGE ONE GRAND TOTAL = 686.41 + 278.2 = 964.61

MINUS est. medisave claim for hopistal = 686.41

MINUS est medisave claim for doctor (PD) charges = 150





c-sec Delivery with epi + bed charges + clinical consumable & supply + equipment usage + operating theatre + pharmacy

DOCTOR (referring to gynae + anesthetist) CHARGES = SGD2380

Gynae attendence fee + Gynae operation fee + Anesthetist operation fee


MINUS est. medisave claim for hospital = SGD2106.59

MINUS est. medisave claim for Gynae = SGD1093.41



TOTAL OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE FOR ME FOR BOTH PART A & B (i.e. this whole delivery) = SGD128.2 + 1454.55 = SGD1582.75

alicia, not to scare you ah.. but c-sec is the after pain that have to endure.. enduring the pain and taking care of baby not easy ah..

and c-sec have to see each person's body recovery speed.

my friend told me his wife was bed ridden for 5 days in hospital. normal delivery ladies can get out of the bed after 1 day of rest.

liz and rabbit,

i dont know abt mt a but i heard that other hosp do charge extra for Anesthetist if u deliver on weekends. so do check also yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBDust, for C-Sect, need to stay additional 1 day in hospital. I scared I dono when to ask for epidural. I know to natural delivery is very wei da. But dono leh... I don have the courage.

your gynea package very worth leh.. $2.6K for both antenatal package cum delivery.


i think that depends on ur body also wor, not chop cfm 3 days in hosp de. the nurse will advise u de dont worry cause she will monitor ur contraction and will ask u u need it or not? once u have the epidural, u can knock out go zz and wait before u are fully dilated and ready to push.. my SIL told me she dont feel anything no pain at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think if u so sure want to do c-sect then might as well go KK cause i think pte hosp c-sect fees are all very ex.


i think hor if u can go attend those antenatal class, they are helpful in preparing u for labour and what to expect so that u dont panic when the time comes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i learnt a lot from the class so at least now mentally i am prepared [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alicia, ya.. i agree with bb dust.. like i said my friend's wife instead of 3 days.. she stayed 5 days... unless your placenta is low or baby too big, that one no choice.. if you really want to go for c-sec, got to markup your budget abit more.

hi hi cherry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

welcome welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u no need to go to that particular hosp to attend antenatal class de. I attended TMC antenatal class though me not delivering there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

personally, i think if i chop chop decide want to C-sect i will just go KK cause its cheaper. No pt going pte hosp cause the charges are ex.

but then again, u still got a long way to go, don't conclude now that u want to c-sect unless medically cannot natural delivery. Think abt it, talk to ur DH and people who got experience giving birth (both who did C-sect and natural) and then decide. but for me, i will encourage u to go thru natural with epi if u are scared of pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

alicia, no fan ok.. still got a few mths to think abt it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for antenatal class, no need to specifically choose hospital de.

Hi Cherrry!

Alicia, yeah lo. *breathe* I c-sect is really not play play. I removed my cyst via cut underneath my bellybutton. the surgern say this op is jus like c-sect. I cannot straight my back for a week le!

Hi bbdust! Read tat u been giving alot of bbdust to everyone.. giv me also okie. hehee

Hihi Liz! I read tat u got ur good news recently. congrats! =)

I haven really start trying cos I tot I shld wait for rabbit but think too old to wait liao. Haa... So i shld try v soon :p


kekek Okie okie... *spreads bb dust onto cherry*

wah shld ask vic to post the ttc term for newbie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pre-order status – payment now to secure opks coming in within 1-2 weeks. (this will allow me to order more as well if all of the next batch is taken up)

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

Regulars pm me for special repurchase prices [email protected]

Hope PACKS $3.80 – available (many units)

5 hpts

MINI HUAT PACKS (UK) $13.70 – 1 available (after which is pre-order)

15 opks

5 hpts

HUAT PACKS (UK) $19 – unavailable - preorder only

25 opks

5 hpts

*opks - Ovulation strips.

hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

Prices include local postage within Singapore.

Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.

xinyi: ya...the next one I wanna try w/o epi. Save $$ also xP dun knw can tahan the pain or not. I remembered the nurse asked me before I take epi why I machiam not in pain like dat...keep smiling. I told her this is my reaction...when in pain...I tend to smile 1st...wierd hor.


aw, you got take epi? i tot you nv take leh.. hahaha.. when pain still smile ah.. siao lah.. i in pain my face become black.. dont want to talk to anyone..

