(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

back hm!


yup, huat CNY for u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope we in time for tiger bb hor...


AL my gynae only see pple at THe Private suite

its $70-80/visit - only day time (longer queues) have packages which i am not very sure of cos i am not entitled - not sure why i am not entitled la - i am citizen my hb also & we have enough medisafe too.

+ misc scans/blood tests, oscar is 320, 5th mth detailed scan is $200 all in all could be around $1200 +/- $300. last round i paid more cos every little illness i also went in. now - i smart already -more confident maybe cos 2nd round & dont want to anyhow spend $$ so i go in ONLY when necessary. - just for checkups & my jap trip to get more standby meds & the cert to fly.

I was told to pay $1700 deposit for A1 ward - other choice is B1 only $900 deposit if i chose B1.- that's 2007 prices -i think maybe at most $100-200 more ba.

then after delivery paid another $500. myself medisafe i recall cut around $3+K. my daughter around $500 (medisafe)

so cash outlay for delivery $1700 + 500 = 2200 there abouts.

Liz, babyT ...rem to rinse yr mouth thoroughly aft u puke cos of the acid juices ..no good for the teeth.

Liz..start hunting ard for some affordable mat. wear...esp when tum tum is expanding n u just ate wearing yr pre-pregger bottoms...the feeling is v kan kor one.



well, no tiger bb, then rabbit bb also nice!


ok, i take a nap.

later then come in, see any other gossip anot. :p

Vic Ma,

The $2200 haven deduct medisave right? Funny hor, private suite no package meh? But my current gynea consultation with scan & medicine, cost me average $200.... suppose go to private suite will be cheaper, do u tink I go polyclinic for referral now is it too late?

alicia if u go to polyclinic and get referral, u will not get an assigned doc to u. Each visit may be a different doc. If you request for a particular doc, you will be tagged as a pte patient.

If you are not in pte suite, the usual consultation (subsequent visits for Snr consultant) is like S$58 i think, scan another 50+ if my memory dun fail me. Meds are dependent of what meds given.


i am not very sure about the polyclinic route. As most pple want to decide on their gynae - usually we go direct.

like my case - my gynae only sees preg cases in TPS. she wont see at Clinic A (which i believe has packages) & being a senior consultant i pay abit more too. day & nite charge is also different. I think around $7-10 more for nite clinics. & mine only available Tues afternoon & weds nites!

THis time i going in tues afternoons isntead so its slightly cheaper & i know meds is extra so i try as much as possible not to take any if i dont need it (even though its cheap)

TPS is not cheap la but its the ward charges - A1 ward could be same price as TMC's 2 bedder something like that -this was how i chose my gynae also -its my SIL's gynae & KKH i can have my own room for a lesser price.

what i understand the cheapest is KKH line up like siao one - every visit can be around $20 only medicial office - NO scanning. if u want to scan i think additional $30-50 & u have to request.

I very lugie in a way cos my gynae was already senior when i started with her. even delivery charges is more.

Alicia ...im at KKH Clinic A but under pte patient basis ..each time consulattion is nearly $70 which includes urine test, consulation & u/scan on tum / vagina only if needed ..Am seeing Dr John Tee ( thats why each visit is ex)..this does NOT include med / vits though.,,he has no package n charges r based on per visit basis...waiting time is OK for me as i wait usually 10 mins on avg. ...depends on hw comfy u feel with the gynae n of cos the $$ aspect...do

discuss with yr DH 1st.

TPS = The Private Suite in KKH


assume around 12 visits that's 80*12=960

blood test i paid around $80-100 1st trimester

oscar test 320

5th mth detailed scan 200

ya its around 1580 lor.

infact my friend from TMC say they hae $500-600 package then at most $200-300 more for scans (but i think she left out oscars) it works out to be much less actually.

say $600+300+300 = $1100 - mayeb someone can confirm if TMC charges extras for medicine?

hmm, consider quite cheap leh.. at least cheaper that mine.. mine need to pay abt $130 per visit without med.. i try not to take med also.. alot can be bot outside.

Morning everyone!

Happening hor?!?!?! hahahaa! Gossip really is women's nature xP I read the post I LMAO!

Hsien: Take care of urself wor...unwell go see doc.

Think later I will bring Gab to doc...dunno go GP or PD leh...Gab 1 week no POOP LIAO!!! &((^*(&_(*

Boomz boomz boomz... I've got horses galloping in my womb... Mwahahaha... So cute... 165bpm... 18mm now... I cried when I heard the hb... Mwahaha...


I only take vit c le... haha.

And some other ESL product... I tink I 1 month spent so much on this little one... sian.

Thanks Woofmeow & Vic Ma's breakdown.

I am forcusing more of my future consultations/ U/Scan & test after week 20 & gynea's delivery charges. I will be gng back to prof Kumar for my week 22 FA Scan.

I m considering Dr John Tee, heard quite a few gd comments about him...

morning ladies!!

its been a real loooong time since I came in.

Think most of u forgotten abt me alrdy...

Anyway, I also know who u all toking abt leh!! wahahahahahahaha... cos I pop into that thread to kpo on tat day n read wat the person posted. I was also SHOCKED when I saw wat she wrote...

btw, anyone still rmbr abt the emily (the v young girl n TTC-ing)?

Hi Ladies,

See this thread TTC for 2010. Can I join?

Been trying for 3mths... boh news leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so need more tips from u ladies.

hm... my waiting time is crazy. I go register, go breakie or lunch, go walk walk abit, den go back wait another 30min.. LOL. But then it gives me time away from my work. Yeah, it helps me to clear my leaves and mc.

Alicia, first thing now is to choose a doc from each hospital u would wanna see. Call the clinic and check with them what are the charges like, etc. bbp,GM, woofie and sstarlight is seeing uncle Tee (Snr Consultant) in kkh. You may wanna consider him.

Kaoz! Just now I thought the whole world is turning... *faintz* Think my head got prob.

Liz: ya...where is Dr fong clinic ah?? n is he that good?

yurieve, the little gal emily, BFP liao.. i think is in aug thread.

Liz, because i now need to take fish oil these vit mah..

hello june, 3 mths still consider early wor.. i think you too stress liao.. healthy couple before 30, is advise to try for 1 yr..

Welcome June - stick with us thru the chattiness hor -

u using any TTC TOOL like basal body thermometor, or checking your mucus discharge?

how many cycles u tried already & is your mensus reguar - if so what is your usualy length of cycle days?

Hi Rabbit,

Oh. try for 1yr? wow oh ya hor...maybe timing is the issue. will jiayou then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


OIC. I now hor try to take as much fish as possible.

My daddy will help me buy. He say must eat deep sea fishs and prawns... healthier

labit! Aiyoh, u ask vicmama how she got her fish oil lah.. hers bp one.. cheaper. Your dr fong atas ah.. ^^";;

June, vicmama the resident tool guru for ttc-ing.. LOL...

Sighz.. I better talk to my eggs tonite.. LOL...

