(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Xinyi - must be cordial and polite... Be sensitive to others... Don't just rant, rave and scold people as if the person is born to let *fill in the blanks* scold one... Mwahaha... The bush so huge we beat around sooooo many times still haven't finish hor... SHINGZ!!!

Dnn - if clash then don't f, then won't get preggy lor.. But for me I'm not pantang, if clash then clash la... I'm human, not animal ma... Just my 5 cents worth of opinion... Now 2 cents not the trend, now banks no more 1 cent coins le... Mwahahaha....


I cant stop laughing at ur statement!


U and ur shingz!


U better luan and let it out from other channel. Not here arh... wahaha.

bbT, my family every generation have 1 tiger 1. Now i stress cos i am the only factory still not in production and got all the active ingredients liao (cos rest also close shop liao). My dad was saying eh.. this gen still no tigers yet.. >.>

AH HUAT PTE LTD – opks & Hpts

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5 hpts

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15 opks UK OPks

5 hpts

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5 hpts

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hpts-Home Pregnancy test strips.

Where not mentioned Opks are 20 miu = High sensitivity opks. Hpts are 10 miu ultra high sensitivity.

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Those transferring from non POSB/DBS banks please contact me earlier as the interbank transfer will take longer – I do prefer to mail out only upon receipt of payment unless you are a regular.

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CNY notice

Due to the upcoming busy periods. Please do order early

During CNY long holiday:-

I will bring home some huat packs only for urgent postage out for regulars & for non regulars payment should be in 1st thanks.

I oso hormonal le... just now before alighting frm DH's car I scolded him!

Cos he went to open my Citibank CC bill and say why I spend so much (onli S$300+ on tt bill).

On the side line, he means 'much' is equal to the total of all my CC bills.

I snapped and say can u show some respect to me by nt opening my letters! And I pay my bills with my own $$!

If u dun trust me, u can manage the joint acct urself.

*open car stepped out and slammed the car door!*

I dun know where my temper come from too. hai. abit rude la... But, he started it.

Dnn - then normally cny factory will close thru out de ma... U don't close ur factory, put ur workers on ot, but no extra pay.. Just 9 months later give big bonus....

Lizzie - rant at dh ok... But don't overdo it leh... Demanding is ok, over demanding cannot hor.. Now we hormonal ma that's where all the anger come from... Some more we bloated with air, then now all the air come out lor...

ya i better luanz.. haha.. last time in another forum also got a common enemy lor.. super dulan her.. opps =X

everyone bombard her until she bth then stop coming to the forum.


Saw from ur previous post that u had gotten Dr Fong's package & delivery charges.

Can share with me? I got my gynea package list yts & notice that the gynea fee for c-sect delivery is $2200.. & Antenatal package is $1000.


I dun hve Dr Fong's actual delivery charges cos the nurse only give me a rough figures verbally.

If I didnt remember wrongly, He's c-sect can go up to abt 3k to 4k.

As for the package, it starts at week 20 and is priced at S$700

Lizzie - obvious??? If the person thinks we're referring to that person then so be it lor... At least I never F her... Hehe...

Alicia - [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rabbit, Yes, planned to C-Sect. to choose a gd day to delivery my tigeress..

Lizzie, for the package start from wk 20, got included medicine?


I got a prob le. I realise hor my bb like to eat fast food!

I take fast food hor, it will not give me the MS feeling for the whole night!

sian. How arh?

Ytd, I had yoshinoya salmon bowl for dinner. I feel so good aft that!


I think got. But not scans la. Got to call the clinic and ask. They are not willing to share with me more.

Only say, will give me the breakdown when time comes... cos I only 7 week ma... haha. Kaisu.


u can take sparkling ribena arh? I am sipping it today but I dun like le... too sweet for me. sian.

I think I will switch back to 100plus.

no la - bbt bo chap one - the rest might not want any trouble. we just want some fun who getting overboard. (want to eat cake but dont want to grow too fat!)

AL correct KKH.

Lizzie - I think it's normal for preggys to prefer fast food... I also like that leh...

Alicia - haha... U scared of vic ma??? She's soooo nice leh...

alicia, if you want to know the package details.. i can find out for you.. but.. by then will be quite late though.. because i only sees Dr fong in 2 weeks time..

i yesterday did a rough calculation.. after medisave deduction, i think still need to pay 1k plus for normal delivery.

LIz..can take but in moderation..balanced diet more impt ..if kfc ..i try nt to take colesiaw ( cos duno hw the salad is prepared n its raw) ...induge once in a while shld be ok ...keke ..i also got this fast-food siao at times one :p

Lizzie - I don't take sparkling de... I buy the concentrated one then dh will mix so he controls the sweetness arbo I make I also kena scold by him...

Vic ma - hehe... What's my title??? Of cos I bo chup... I think the person see me in real life will chua sai...


No lah I no scared... I was too blunted in my writing...

Vic Ma,

Can share ur gynea package? Might want to consider KKH, cos seems like gynea fee for private hospital, abit too ex, may as while spend the money on bb's future expense.


fast food hor. is ok la 1-2 times a week -convenient ba. but like maggie should try to limit.

sometimes at night if only MACs is open -then really bo bian also.

fast food usually hor

macs - bread/meat - too much carb/too fried. fries too oily. Drinks too much sugar or too cold

KFC - too much salt/oil

BK same like macs

try to choose healtier options la when we bo bain - i very paisay ask for less ice at MACs sometimes - but if i dont hor - say jasmine green tea - too cold after that my tum will CRAMP big time lor.

but i not giving us a green lite for MOss burger - even though its slightly healtier looking

Lizzie - ya lor... Not good but that's the only thing I will seldom puke lor... Ydae I ate chicken chop I puked 1 hr plus later I almost choked on my own vomit... Damn bad ydae...

sian. I think I need to go buy some bottoms liao.


Not I kaisu hor. U see, I had a big ovarian cyst before and my tum tum already expended then. The SGH doc can still joke with me that with that op is equal to me giving birth to a baby -_-" (faint)

My pants are getting tight liao and some of my 3/4 pants wear liao very tight now!



I go fastfood hor I dun take the drinks... hee. I always bring a water bottle everywhere I go. I only go for the food.

I took once KFC and once yushinoya this week. ok. I will stop fast food liao for this week.

