(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


how come CL go CGH? she ok mah?

as for u, do rest in bed ah.

10-15mins, hmmm, seems getting more frequent?

ur darling boy cant wait to see both u and ur hub ah.

hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

coming fri appt will get jab too?


Jeanpink, yes Yes, I saw their updates.........

So fast, their babies already like 3mth, 6mths liao....

Haiz Haiz Haiz....Now I can only try to think hard and count my blessing.....beside that...it is haiz haiz haiz and more haiz..........

Talk abt mooncake better ba........

Lizzie ah.. i really feel you should enjoy your wedding prep lor.. going to be bride liao... but i dont feel any joy in you leh.. you should put ttc aside 1st.. enjoy your wedding, enjoy being a pretty bride.. go round praying different gods makes you more stress up..

bbdust: her contractions pain anot?? I remembered my SIL...she didnt even knw she in labor till she see gynae for routine checkup n the gynae told her she dilated liao dun knw how many cm wor..have to admit hospital hahahaa.

Lizzie: *hugz*

Lizzie, I think u similar to Pinkie leh...not Jeanpink la, but Pinkie...how shoutout also say she dun like her preggy fren to show off....anyway it is common to have these kind of thinking.....becos I have it too....

Hhahah, babydusts....orgh.....Maybe I shld be happy in my own world of beds and games........

Yes, Say THat I WILL BE A JUNE 2010 Mummy, maybe I will be happier.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Okie, Logging off SGM liao....

Will log in at nite...maybe here will be ghost town........

Btw, when did Christopher proposed to Fann huh? Last yr CNY or this yr....I cant rem......

I wan to go on vacation too. But cannot. Work and wedding prep is pulling me back.

Mayb I should b like wat xinyi said, do my wedding first.


i think hers not pain until she went hosp... my bro told me the monitor contractions jumped so quickly but thank god she already on epidural liao.

morning xzz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yah say u will be a june mummy and stop thinking abt other -ve things...


giddiness i already pass liao ms on and off.. pls drink more water so that ur giddiness will be better.

Actually I am not excited over my wedding on Dec. so many quarrel broke up btw me, my dh n my parent.

Sian. I rather live in my world.


wedding is like that de wor.. sure got many barriers one.. last time when we were preparing, me and dh, parents quarrel until i want to call off the wedding .. different expectations made it really difficult.

Apple: u better sleep lor!!!! so late over yr side liao....shoo shoo! hehehe!

BBdust: Nvm...lets see later la. Think maybe call the clinic lor. I also dun knw what to do, not pain..dun think it is that bad.

morning bbdust mummy...

Lizzie, planning for wedding is like that one.. sure got conflicts de.. that time mine oso like that.. then me and DH will get stuck in the middle.

Ladies, this is what i feel lah.. we all see preggy women and new mothers posting they babies photos.. some very extreme case.. i know one online friend, that will post a few albums weekly.. even post to magazines.. we confirm feel bad.. dislike them showing off.. i myself hate it also..

but when we get preggy leh?? i am sure we will keep snapping photos of our own babies ya.. then there will be other ppl who are also trying hard to ttc, hating us...

humans are like that, like to show off nice things.. just like wedding photos.. all brides are pretty.. want to take pretty wedding pictures, show the whole world..


yah if its not pain means not ready yet... trial run nia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u sms tubby boh?


how r u ah, long time no talk to u wor..

Lizzie: ya...wedding is like dat. I remembered mine have to be settled within a mth. N I do everything somemore kaoz...in the end I too stress till my dh buay tahan me n dun pick up my phone for 1 whole day *&*(&(!

Morning ladies....

Was in FB this morning opening a fortune cookie. Sometimes, I want to laugh over the result that I see.. Duno why like seems to be telling me something..

My results today is:

"Tomorrow you will open your eyes and see the world in a new light."

Tomorrow is my CD32 le.. For last 4 cycles my AF reports on CD32.. Then tml I have appt with gynae. Cos now still duno AF will report or not, so also duno need to do IUI or not..


its like that de when u are preparing for the big day cos its becoming everyone issue not urs only, so have to give & take. Can understand ur stress with ur big day & ur work. Cos I am like u last yr too. So a lot of my friends tell me to put ttc aside 1st & if it come than it will come & prepare for the big day 1st if not we are the 1 going crazy soon. Try to relax more if not u will be very tense up & will affect ur mood.


must have faith hor... maybe tmrow dr loh will tell u to test liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekee then who knows good news leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust: I will sms her in noon if she still not in. Dun wan to wake her leh.

XInyi; ehh wat u makaning later?? xP

Lizzie, finish off your wedding 1st.. now your task list is like wedding do halfway.. ttc also do halfway, stuck because got problem.. why dont you solve the things 1 by 1.. no wedding is smooth..

like me, tubby and apple, we all had our wedding at the same period.. we also have our woes.. we solve it and have a wonderful, memorable wedding..


Its either good news or bad news..

Good news is maybe test liao strike.. Then see the world in new light.. else is

Bad news, never strike but do IUI.. So see the whole world in new light...


haa.. ya.. the fortune cookie hor...

so funny the message.

yest mine was what miracle thingy. wahahaha

Quite fun la.

but dun read too much into it ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust mummy,

hmm.. yah long time never talk to u liao.. hehe.. i hardly get the chance to come in here lately.. busy with my work.. whats more.. last few days not in office.. today have to clear my pile of work..

lately still the same lor... everyday look at all the preggy woman.. and receiving good news from other pple.. yet look at my own tum tum.. Haiz... but tell myself.. i need a house first.. but last week, stupid owner want 60K cash.. so forget it.. hope this week got good news lor.


60K cash wow that is a lot leh..siao ah... dont think so much 1st concentrate on house 1st then others..


eh maybe u can test loh... then at least u test liao can tell dr loh u tested.. their OPK is 20 bucks leh.



Dun be discourage.. Our turn will come soon.. That day went out for bf only, see duno how much preggie woman also.. Then I turn ard to tell DH, seems like everyone is preggie except me.. Haha..

