(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


Ok mah, I will still get the present lor. And yeah, it's the thot that counts!!


Jia you jia you!! Haha...you were not here when I was just a newbie here. AWBB can tell you. I AM SIMPLY OBSESSED with my doctor lor. She's the best I've ever had. My thank you card to her a bit the mushy too hehehe.... So I know how you feel! But at least you can still see yours when you BFP. Mine jin far away from me liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ok ladies, I'm going off to la la land liao, just wanted to come in and share some bbdusts with all of you!! Don't give up ok!! JIA YOU JIA YOU HUAT ALL THE WAY!!!!


bbdust... tonight go home sayang my DH... heheh...

feels like gg for some drinks... but tomolo gg to DH's department "family day"... sunday still got my company's event to go... so tonight must go home rest... (Boring leh) friday go home...

Yourself?? wat's ur mood today? btw u working rite?

dolphin; ermm he dun give me a specific amt of allowance. We have joint a/c so he use n I use also. anywayz only I have internet access to check wmhaahahhahahaa!!

So what belt is good quality n nice. I cannot stand his belt le!

vic ma

OK MDM!! THANKS for your concern!!

OK really going to bed liao.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Bye ladies....LOVE YOU ALL!!!


shld have told me, i went BKK bought lots of belts back.. hehe.. got 4 leather belts for my DH..

U can go normal departmental stores to buy those one set de lor.. belt + buckle


可爱才会有人爱... hehehee... **suddenly i feel so cold**

bbdust: dun knw leh...I just wan smething of good quality n professional looking. Not those wear a few mths then have to throw. he just got himeself tailored pants n shirt, so got to compliment it abit.

Hmm go taka the mens' section, the belts there not badx de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't go pedro hor, the belts lousy like sXXX... hahha...


好冷。。。。。|||(-_________-) hahahha

actually now I am changing his dressing =P this weekend gonna throw out alot of T-shirt that shrink or color run liao. I love my dh for this cos he always let me dress him up...hahaha machiam doll like dat. fun leh...

HAHAHHA! same! I cant stand my DH's belt... got him a new one... until now...dunnoe throw until where and he is still using his old old one...

erm depends on budget... and for work or causal ba... i like braun b... the GOOO one... but slightly more ex than Goldlion or etc...

btw, u noe where to tailor make mens pants good?? now neighbour hood area alot of those tailor made ones... small tables outside shops... but dunnnoe which one is good...

awbb! me too! im trying to dress up my DH! He very very down to earth... loves slippers... but me now make him buy classic jeans. nicer shoes. next target is new working pants and decent working shoes! his stuff all soooo old liao.

dolphin: my DH go to TJ custom tailor...at raffles place area. Alot of foreigners go there. Not bad...I like their service...n alot of fabric to choose. hehehe!

Yes...belts actually impt. I hate it when they wear crappy belt with nice shirt n pants. SO happy, he left his belt at home....so I can use it to see what size he wear


nice nice hor.. same same, i will doll my DH up one.. hehe.. make him gel his hair, wear nice nice.. kekeke...


你很坏 hor...


I never say before 我不坏 wor hahahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heheh me no fashion sense one its my DH who doll me up hahah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think it is women's nature to play barbie doll.

Next time my son jia lat le....I already got a style in mind for him for CNY. =P

MORNING hor Vio... hehe so late then come in ah..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


AH that is true also kekeke he bought me clothes rather than I buy myself cause all fail hahha..

bbdust: shiok leh...!! I dun mind my dh doing that...but I dun trust his taste wmahahahaha!!

Sigh~ I am still looking forward to my bag

bbdust, nice leh.. ur DH can dress u up.. my DH will go like "I rather i give u the $$ then u go and buy".. hmm.. then ask him nice anot he will go "Ok lor.."


Kekeke....Good noon hor....i m zzzpy but not yet blur. Wahahaha!


Yeah, bz bz leh coz alot things to settled in the coming months. Sianz to the max!


I log in everyday leh....*blur*


hahaha yah loh my DH says I am a country pumpkin hahahha...


How are u doing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] like so long no talk to u leh..


Hehehe....Have lah, but these days I chat awhile n MIA liao.....come n go like wind. Me ok lor, juz bz with work....boring leh...

Auntie Vio,

u got come in meh? Eh.. think i missed out in the archieves bah.. like u say.. u come in the MIA liao.. haha.. cos like many days never hear u ask us eat FA leh.. hahaha...


haha.. i am one who wants my DH to say i look nice mah.. but then.. all the time he say nice de.. is those very ex de.. haha.. so he will say give me some $$ then i go buy myself.. but if too ex then i got to top up myself.. hahaha...


Got lah, i come in everyday, juz different times of the day. Nowadays Tubby always help me to post FA so i sometimes dun post le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vio: I will be your motivator! wmhahahaha! U saw the trevi before?? Ya can wear 2 ways. Nice anot?!?!?!? The pic looks good...

XZZ: so niceeeee...talking abt clothes...I need to buy those vacumm bag for my winter clothes


Woo this one not bad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nani nani boo boo kkekek


BZ is good means got job... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That was my dream bag last yr when I went Europe...but hor, sad to say that when i saw one of our tourmate (not very pretty n damn ya ya gal) carrying, i sian half n condemn that bag liao. Anyway, it doesnt suits me also...its nice lah!

I bought roughly the same one, limited edition in Spring/Summer 08, fabric one...called cruise collection. Much bigger than ur Trevi... If urs is big one, its $2.4-2.6k now?

