(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Auntie Vio,

Ahh.. tubby 抢你的饭碗....


yah.. that time i pack winter clothes to UK.. woah.. i used 6 vacuum back for both me and DH.. hehe.. 2 XL and 4 medium...


Cheeky right.. hey hey.. no need hide ah.. i sure will find u...


I think only 2 sizes...i personally prefer bigger one leh...small one i find it too demure for me liao... hahaha! I asked the price last yr, cant remember but one of them is 2.4k+..should have increased by now le..


Ya lor...maybe this is the period that I m feeling this way.....jialat, i damn emo....


No lah, its gd Tubby is helping me coz sometimes i dun log in the morn also...i still need to thank her lor! Keke...


If u want airbag, i can lend u. I have 1 only lah...but can still put quite a fair bit. Ah bo u go Winterwear shop to buy, think not too exp also..

Hi Ladies.. I'm back.. Just now last minute kana ask to go to the exhibition at Suntec with my boss...


Congrats on your BFP!! I also need Baby Dust!!! My AF reported today le.. Sadz!!


Buying LV bags arh?? Haha.. I also like LVs.. My SIL just went to Paris and London.. Then help me buy also.. Shiok!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U went Suntec for the gifts fair? I m going there later leh! Alone....boring! Kena dua by boss to go there to collect info...


I thnk u suits the smaller one better. When i take the small one, my DH saw liao, straightaway shake head...


Yes.. Its that fair.. I carried so many catalogue and brochures till I pant.. Super heavy.. But there is this booth selling pens from Japan.. The pens are super nice and CHEAP!!! I bought 4 pens and 1 mechanical pencil at only $14..

Vio: need to get a few of the bags...cos too many jackets le. Now occupying my wardrobe...see liao buay song. Gal...sekali he shake head cos of the pricing leh wmahahahaha!!!!

Jasmine: ya...but spore is more ex..so now waiting for ppl to either come to spore or go europe =P


If u wanna get the bag, i ask my gd pal to get for u from London but not sure when she be flying again though. Cheaper but not sure how cheap. I know she helped my aunt to buy before a wallet, think by a $100-200. U check out the price n tell me SGD n if its cheaper there, i ask her to get for u? U consider carefully ba! Kekeke..


Hahahaha! My friend is air stewardess so can tong bang her but i didnt buy any lah. Broke liao...

Last time she flew Japan, i always asked her to buy Fancl Tenseup!


Ya.. If no one go europe then cannot buy cos very ex.. Lucky for me, cos we always go overseas exhibition, so got chance to buy.. Cos every year we will have someone gg Frankfurt, Norway etc.. If my boss go, I can ask her buy for me.. But just nice, this yr, my SIL went Paris. Then I waited to ask her buy for me cos cheaper.


It fun if I dun need to take anything.. Cos I need o collect brochures.. Its quite tiring..


No need to pay leh.. Unless you want the show directory which is $10..


Okie doks, thanks! I m still nua-ing in office...dun feel like going but its really late liao. How long u take to finish all booths?

Vio: Dont anyhow throw "FLOWERS" hor! ahhahaa! Aiyah...I am searching for place to eat for bday lunch tmr. recommendation? I am going crazy lor...everytime look for place to makan...going siao... the options are chinese or japanese

Alison - i du lan...just very du lan...cos i just bathed Jayde..very hot...she's full of fur..took me 2 hours to dry her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but she looks damn pretty now after her bath...more fluffy..tie her hair nice nice...smell like flower....anndddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...............................I NO CRAMPING LE!!! very minimal...just suan suan nia... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Val;thought u should be feeling happier now? Cos finally u see jayde xiang xiand le...n no cramping wor! ehh weather too hot....u should cool down~~

*AW fans Val*


Ok then...i will leave soon ba....boring to the max! TGIF become Friday blues...wahahaha!

Val mei,

Ho sey bo? Mai argh....come come, i sayang u.....


Wahaha, my "flowers" cannot play play de ok! Wah piang eh....makan place again ah? U really a foodie fanatic sia! Ooops! Chinese can go crystal jade, tung lok or the Sichuan Dou Hua?

Japanese ah? Erm....the one at Vivocity not so bad..can bbq one. Or can go Central for the Tonton, pork slice steamboat something..

Alison - fan liao bo yong eh...internal heat...my oni comfort now is waiting for my chix essence...tonite gng Jumbo seafood to eat with my mummy...

Ok now my turn to MIA. need to get ready go paragon to pick up dh....hehehehe! He so daring do lasik!!! My IDOL!!

Val mei,

Cramping dun last so long for some ppl de ba. Last time i BFP, no cramping de leh...Dun think too much...wait u think so much, will affect mood de....cool cool....


I dun think can get from Pharmancy. This kind of pills, best to be prescribed by gynaes coz u may not know whether u are suitable anot...my opinion lah..

****Tubby lies on Auntie Vio's shoulder, slips off, hits her head on Auntie Vio's breast instead...*ouch*...got blue black... (*&(*^(*&&************* hehehe...

Auntie Vio - haiz......me now waiting patiently for my chix essence... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no think no think...but think later see those bunch of ass wipes again i'll get damn pissed off...they are like eye needle...an eye sore...

Vio: tunglok so many branch...which one?? Sichuan douhua good??? ex??

The vivocity japanese one sounds interesting...what's the name!?!??!

Val: Go spa and relax abit. must COOL DOWN!!! ehh u should be happy leh...makan JUMBO leh!!!

Val mei,

My NN so fake till so hard meh? Wah piang, hits my NN become blue black...&*(^&%^$#^*U((^^&%^%#$!

Dun bother about those childish ppl lah..juz go enjoy urself so u wont stress urself too much. Simply ignore them!


I went to Central Tunglok, not bad leh...then the Sichuan Dou Hua is at the UOB building 62 floor, not bad also...nice! Been there for 2-3 times liao...

The Vivo Jap one ah...think its called Shabuya at level 1!

