(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Auntie Vio - haiz......me now waiting patiently for my chix essence... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no think no think...but think later see those bunch of ass wipes again i'll get damn pissed off...they are like eye needle...an eye sore...


Val mei,

Hahaha....dun see them lah...juz treat them as a$$holes n ignore them can liao.... i going off le...bye n take care ya! Enjoy ur jumbo!

Hello everyone..

Busy day today...


Congrats to you!!!!

Vic Ma

Thanks for ordering for me! looking forward for my birks!


What DPO are you in now? That time I also felt very giddy starting from DPO8 leh. Symptons does starts early..

Till now my DH dun allow me to go out alone cos my giddiness will come suddenly one.


u drop my order ok..

see le..

narrow de all not nice lei..

then i also lazy to go outlet see and test the size..

so i will just saw that 2 years ago shoe lor..



ya la.. then today i also dun know y gt the mood to spin clean my office.. then find one box inside alot pairs of shoes lor..


u toilet train ur gal le ma??

i today appply for leave.. i take two days Al.. intend to train her over the long weekend on the week of NATIONAL DAY...

just telling my dh wanna train her do it for 5 days then after that hope mil and maid will follow through..

HOpe that she is fully Train before this year ends...

Hi Ladies,

Sorry to disrupt. I have a box of Brand New preseed with 6 applicators letting go at $30 with foc postage.

p.s I opened the box and see only now no need to use. If interested pls PM me. Thanks

em i also cleaning my office these 2 days! & my notebook also doing back up & revamping.

I started long ago but my maid forgot . i suddenly remembered & asked her the potty also keep in storeroom liao.

Angry i bot 6 more training pants (no excuses wet raining not enough to wear) so with 9 more than enough BA! told her MUST train no point say & say.

Vicky's got the aptitude to start already - showing it recent mths.

My MIL said she's quite innovative.

SHe wants to take biuscuits from high up. not use the stools hor cos its unstable mah so small for her & maybe not tall enough to reach. She push my FIL's that ikea wooden chair le got the leg rest -its a sturdy "big stool" push all the way from the hall to the dining area where the biscuits are kept & attack!

my MIL said keep things high up from her hor - NO POINT de!

arrgh! she also said - this vicky does things (i think this incident) not a 2yr old does lor -like an older child. well i think children are getting smarter & smarter day by that lor what to do. just got to keep relooking at the house before an accident happens. child prove/safe the house all the time lor.

i also scared that CC or prenursery classes wont want her if she's not toilet trained. oh well at least i know her preschool classes she might start next yr is jsut 2 hrs. the diaper will last that long but hope to ya train her before the yr is over.

its good for u too - by that time u wiol be busy & wished u had 4 pairs of hands haha! if she's trained you have less work too.

yday i went NTUC with Vicky pooh bear training pants DARN cute we put her on the potty 1st before leaving house. just a quick one for bread & some fresh veg for tonight & tomorrow. Went home didnt leak * Phew! (i brought a spare diaper put into th ecar incase!)

starlight u more stubborn than me.

I phycho myself - look brave cos i am eldest in my family & extended family as well. if my cousins dont eat they are not as brave as me SO i EAT.

After a while got used to it lor. just like bitter gourd & stuff.

i used DARE then i ate it.

My mum has a nice way to cook liver maybe you want to give your child. (i believe what we dont eat better teach our children to eat -i hate celery)

She chops up the liver into MUSH then boils water few slices of ginger & alot of tomato fresh cut up into whatever size u like.

& boil. its a nice metallic erm tomato soup lor. maybe its why i didnt find breast milk so weird. Actually breast milk tastes worse than liver!

hi ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how are u doing today? TGIF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to all BFPs!! give lotsa of babydusts ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me went to see GP yday cos veri bothered with my menses... i am given the hormone to induce AF, GP say got to take for 5 days then it will come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thinking to start monday so that next sat AF will report ...

has anyone taken that before and will the AF be in large quantity and severe cramps??

taregal you confirm u not preg right?

cos taking it while u not sure if preg or not has its risks la.

besides that not sure about this med ba never taken before.

Hi vic

i ask my mil to toilet train her but she scare my gal wet the floor and etc and etc la..

i hate it manz..

i gt 10 training pants but she say also the urine will come out de


i am a skeptic on such meds but then my cycle is regular & 30 days. I suppose if i had long cycles I will be quite driven to take it too.

really your decision dear.


re: stretch marks

haha... but not very obvious la..

can see all those marks tiny lines lor.. which i dun mind cos gt bra to cover liao ma..

BUT stomach cant affords to leave marks manz..

hi Vic_ma,

i think i am not, cos after verifying with GP, he also said most likely not..

i had this little discharges and AF cramps these few days but no sign of full AF....

maybe i test 1 more time using the hpt kits again to confirm then i take the medicine...

usually after so long and a few times of BPN means i am not preg rite? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sometimes give false hopes to myself hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so fast .. u are in ur 13 weeks le..

baby should be some how more stable le..

be postive ok..

every thing will be ok...

i am in my 16 weeks NOW

also looking forward to my detail scan..


just like my MIL lor.

initially i told her let vicky eat herself. she has to learn how to self feed mah. bit they scared dirty the floor la this & that.

Later we had a compromise discussed & worked things out.

Do try to talk to her so that she can understand it.

1) the longer you dont train the harder it will become

2) the longer u wait the more diaper $ you have to keep forking out

3) the longer you dont train. the more work you have when the new baby comes along.

U tell her she wants u to be so busy & worry so much until affect your pregnancy mah? (threaten her hahah!)

Hi bbust

my baby is jan 2010 DE.. A MTH BEFORE OX ended..

at last NEXT year my ang pow out will be even wif wat i will be collecting with the help of two kids...



u will hate to hear what i have to say.

a lady here i forgot who. said her GF actually was preg went GP, GP said she not preg, gave her this meds she took & later found out preg.

worry like hell about the foetus's wellbeing lor.

but i understand i used up 10 hpts this cycle its clean as a botak head lor no red line. that feeling very fedup too lor.

some pple hor 8 weeks then can see BFP in pee sticks hor!


but my gal eat herself on the same dinning table as us.. so is ok.. she feed herself at the age of say 15 mths...

so now some x when dine outside she also dun wan us to eat which is some thing good i guess...

so i tell dh i must start to toilet train else his mum wun do it de lor..

cos my mil will say wear pamper dun need go toilet... this is wat i hate manz

wat i cannot take it is that my elicia had been wearing PULL UP instead of tape de at the age of 8 mths old lor..

os she have a hard x taping for her and want me to buy pull up foor her.. even more expensive lor

ladies after discussing with blurlet & the theory of swimmers take 12 hrs to reach egg & that maybe our hormones so slow to reach pee by the time OPK positive we BD after IS TOO LATE decided to BD 1 day before my OPK positive this cycle. If you have not tried this method maybe join me this cycle. BD 1 day before expected opk positive for boy & 2 days before for a girl? My gynae advised me cd 12 for 28 day cycle & CD 14 for 30 day cycle for a boy. Perhaps she's right lor. by the time CD 15 OPK positive BD end of CD 15 CD 16 then the swimmers reach the egg only to find that Ms Egg Angry of waiting LEFT liao.

Its a possibility our hormone by the time reach the pee too late liao -maybe we are those kind hormones not so strong kind lor

how to find 1 day before opk positive - we all have been usiong OPKs few days before we opk positive right? so u know what the slight pink lite pink looks like 1-2 days before both same intensity pink/red right? -then BD once OPK is slight pink lor is why i like our opks cos we can read gradual increase/decrease as well as clear positive or negaitve

EM its why my friend refused to stock up diapers lor. the more diapers she has at home - her maid will use more diaper than BUMwear cos less washing to do mah. she got so fedup lor.

can u imagine graduating to XXXL! (its my size now la by the way) diapers -shame shame lor.

esp if its the child can learn but the care giver dont both to train case la. cos there are instances its the child not ready yet la.

They said girls should be faster. So why not start asap lor. U bot training pants liao?

give your MIL an extra ang pao la! i was telling my MIL that maid of mine also $ face lor maybe saygive her ang pao she might really very very fast toilet train my girl lor.

now i rethinking cos my MIL point out wait anything u want her to do she expect ang pao then how?

which is true lor.


ya lor.. cannot always give ang pow la...

which i think will nt help in long run..

every x need $$$ to move then v hard also lor..

but my gal gt tell me lei..




EM i still think its important your DH talks to your MIL. 1st he has to BUY your idea then he can sell it to your MIL lor.

cos 5 days teach good 2 days learn bad very fast go back to OLD ways liao lor.

U need the caregiver's help too.

which is what i did for my Vicky asked my parents too to help. They also lor tried everyday put her on potty for 20 mins or so now & then while my maid went back 3 weeks. since she came back end June till now - I been quite onz following up on the report on the topilet training.

I find that if i dont discuss with her listten to her report & priase her enough. she will lose interest & stop training vicky one lor.

she's human after all.

think i will buy her another few cans of coke for 'small rewards" ba

but hor my friend told me once toilet trained also got abit lecheyness hor

when u go out with your girl she wants to pee - u got to quickily find toilet. no more let them happily just pee in their diapers liao lor.

good & bad. but its nature's call to control one's baldder ba - must go thru one lor.

I also sometimes wished i was SAHM then i can CONTROL everything.

soemtimes igo home listen to my MIL & maid's complains & stories about Vicky i also get very tired esp of the complains. but there are nice stories too la like her notti take the chair to get the biscuits.

what can i say


hi Vic_ma,

i also worried about the point u mentioned...

cos my last AF is april27.. i should be about 12 weeks now... but my tummy never grow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe i wait 2 more weeks then eat the medicine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


buy cans of coke for rewards??

lol... my friend give stickers...

but mine cant la.. cos intro to her too young le..

tot of buying piggy bank for her.. every x

successful then i give her $0.10, or $0.20 to

reward her.. let her put inside.. mayb this tiny rewards can help lor..

lol.. hope so..


u are WRONG ok 1st pregnancies u cannot see the tummy at all until 5th mth for many mothers. in jan 2007 i was 4mths this air stewardess nearly pushed her food cart into my tummy cos air turbulance I had to use all my strength to hold & push teh cart back before it hit my body.

only this senior in charge of the business class later - someone exchanged place with me on my way back 2 weeks later. He came to ask me - was I preg - they are trained to have a keen eye on passenger's needs lor.

u should wait its not like u dont want the child or what mah.

what was your Ovulation date? last ovulation date? your cycle usually how long?

EM my maid not my girl! bribing her with coke cos my maid likes coke!

my girl dont understand this sticker yet. ya but maybe i shoudl try soon.

i want to go pasir malam buy stickers.

hi Vic_ma,

my O date is 17052009, when tested positive using the opk, so bd that day and the next day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my cycle usually 34 to 35 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

17th may 09 ya nearly 3 mths liao le - ever delay so long before?

2 weeks later if u still dont HPT positive can u see a gynae instead? dont take the pills ba? consider that?

I mean waiting u only lose time. take the pills if we are wrong then we got all to lose lor. I am direct la. i can say wah liew this vicma advise me make me lose half a cycle i could have AF come liao earlier. but on the flip side i rather be scolded for this than u worry about eating that meds when actually u preg lor.


oh.. okok.. maid then ok la.. but ur gal cannot la..

ya go buy sticker.. every x successful then give one sticker lt her paste... a way to motivate them lor..

i gt no choice but to think of coins le.. haha

that the onli stuffs i can think of lor..


hi all

for those who need electronic stuffs at home especailly those moving to their


gain city and suntec gt SALES

Hello everyone.

Me long time never chat here.

Dear elicia_mum,

How are you? My stomach getting bigger and heavier. Going for checkup for 17th week checkup next week. Know yr baby gender yet?


haha... mine also not small lor..

lol.. but my colleague say nt so bad la.. still

can see my waist lor..keke...

gnder still unknow yet...

going 1st week of aug by then 17 weeks le..

hopefully can know gender by then lor..hw abt u??

knOw gender liao ma?


so late still gt meeting ar?


me also logging off son.. going for dinner then fetch elicia back..

chat again if later nv dose off wif the little pig


Dear elicia_mum,

During my 13th week scan doc say can c something in between. He told me 51 % is a boy. So next week scan should be able to c clearer. i guess yours should be a boy also. Will update once i know.

