(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


its ok lar...we will see can buy wat on board e cruise to celebrate =)

re: HK

last sun went to Chans Bro roadshow, finally booked our trip, will b gg wif tour, a bit lazy to plan...beside HK, e pkg aso include Macau & Zhuhai...gg to shop for winter clothes...hehe



mine will be 5D4N trip as well .. I must go Disneyland, is my dream .. haha .. and i wan to makan makan makan n of ocurse shop shop shop .. I m nt bringing bb along though .. just me n hubby .. let see will i bring back made in HK bb or nt .. haha

wow all the nice holiday talk.. it's that time of the year to start planning ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sorry mommies, may i go offtrack a bit? May I do a quick poll on your utilities bill? How much are you guys paying per month for your utilities bill??

recently my SP bill has shot up, and i'm finding it too ridiculous cause there's not been a very drastic change in our usage pattern. it's now almost $400! i don't think our usage is particularly high, really.

just asked a neighbour who's also in a 5-room and also has 2 kids, they turn on aircon the entire night for 2 bedrooms. only pay just under $150 for their utility bills. for us, we turn on aircon at night but only 1 room. this week i only turn it on for 2-3 hours and also tried other measures of cutting down electricity, and monitored the elec, gas and water meters. not much different.

i just learnt from a friend today that there's a way of tapping into other people's electricity. I don't know how this works but i'm beginning to wonder if anyone is tapping into our electricity source! anyone else heard of this?

tried calling SP and they said they'd get a "billing specialist" to call me back. i'm waiting for them to revert. anyone care to share how much you're paying?

Yvaine> 4 room flat, about $80/ mth. I think tts pretty high already, considering we are barely home and AC very rarely.

I think recently one mummy had that issue...her bill shot up suddenly like yours too, and it was her AC that was leaking? In the meantime just unplug from the mains..

Roz: wow! i've never really thought that double digit utility bills exist for 4-room and above! i've been grossly overpaying my utility bills i think... how did that mommy find out that it was because of her aircon? I called SP and they said something about possibly sending their technician down to check... i hope they'll call back soon cause I really want this to be rectified asap. it's a horrendous amount we're paying each month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i can buy lots of other things with that kind of money!

Yvaine- I'm paying bout $200 for exec. flat.. We only turn the Ac on every mon to fri for my Inlaws, we rarely use Ac.. But we do hav 3 fish tanks in the hse which I always blame for the charges cos the light/pumps are on 24/7! I Thot mine was exp til u mentioned urs!I think there is something wrong wf ur meter.. $400 for 5rm sounds rather sky high.. Ur fridge rather new? I rem seeing those tv program bout saving electricity n the common issues r the fridge, aircon n switches left switched on while idle..

Yvaine> i think the technician was the one who discovered it?

Im thinking for someone to tap on ur power, that they would hv to tap into ur electricity mains? The one outside your house? I dunno...but in any case, yah v heart pain to be paying so much if is really for nothing. Meanwhile i do suggest unplugging whatever appliances you hv if you can..


mine 4 rm...highest is >$100, avg mthly bill is abt $90+...yrs too high...hope SP send smone dw to chk, let wat Roz say in e meantime unplug frm e main bah


I tot mine is rather ex.. Urs too.. My 5rm monthly paying about 300 plus.. We on aircon from 8pm to 6.30am for 1rm , the other rm for only an hr.. I think the fish tank , wine cooler , fridge and tv are the major consumption.. Previously as more coz my maid use to iron for 3 hrs ..

My utility bill also increased significantly $300+ for exec flat. Though i do on aircon at night and my MIL does wash clothes n cook daily now. Can't believe it used to be $100 + only.

Oh actually our water flask tats switched on 24/7 also v electricity consuming.. U gt me thinking bout switching it off aft the last milk feed at 8.30pm since she doesn't drink next morn 7.30am.. Tat is almost half a day of savings! Ok, am Gona inform helper tonite n see if the bill will reduce in the next 2mths..

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

melissa and muddy: congrats on your new jobs! all the best!

yvaine: wow! thats super high leh. mine will be average $150 per month with some months hitting $200+ for a 5-room. we on the aircon daily from 6ishpm till 5.30am daily in one room. i think the other high charges contributors are my washing and fridge. i do many rounds of laundry a week, around 5 rounds.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

I think my PUB bill the lowest bah. $75 (When not using aircon, less cooking and hubby not in town) - $110 (when use aircon, more cooking and hubby in town)for Exe flat, 2 adults, 1 baby and 2 dogs. No aircon (As we use very good fan), cooking on weekend only, part-time helper do housework on Sun. I wash Alexis clothings on alternate days, bottle steamer only when 3 bottles used up. We only wash our clothing on weekend. Water flask on only when boiling water. Like at night I only boil once, then off, can tahan until Alexis 1st feed in the morning. We have small fridge.

I think with full time helper will cost more cos they do housework everyday.

good morning mummies!!!

Stefie, can share where you buy petpet diapers for alexis?? I rmb you saying it's a chinese medical shop. Recently I use fitti for my boy and realise the diaper can leak easily! Like 3 hours leak alr. Previously is 3 hours to 4 hours quite full but nvr leak. I think they change manufacturer. Haha

morning mummies

muddy and melissa: congrats on ur new job.. so fast u all have secure yourself with a new job.. Im still contemplating.. sighh.. wana wait for year end bonus first then ciao...

Muddy> im near harbourfront, we can meet for lunch one day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa> Marina Bay financial centre, wow cools!! great view i guess u have.. btw, any news from HDB?

Yvaine: My utilities bill is about S$250 a month for a maisonette. We have aircon for 2 rooms from 7pm-630am every night. Aircon (larger BTU) for living room on during afternoons. Our bill shot up to S$300 once as we had the TV on for liz all day, but now she's banned from TV, and the bill dropped to S$250 (average).

Do check if you have any electrical appliances on stand-by mode as that would take up electricity too.

wow mommies, thank you all so much for your input! grrrrr.... there must be something leaking... somewhere! cause last time even just me and hubby, no children, out working 5 days a week, hardly cook and do housework, and NO aircon... already 100+... we've wondered how come so ex but thought it's just like that (!!). also never thought of asking other people about their bills... over the yrs it crept up to 200, 200+, 300, now that it hit 300+ it's really getting to us. I looked back, in May they charged us $506!!! and I thought it's for 2 months (thought overdue or something) so didn't think much about it... til I looked through the bills again. All the while hubby is the one in charge of paying so I kind of never really process all these figures, until recently when it's getting suspiciously high. yesterday i dug out all the SP bills and am really disturbed.

we only started using aircon at night 10 months back. before that it was good old fan. maid came in march (which probably explained in part the high bill in May BUT still, $500+??????)....

We have 2 desktops at home but mine's hardly used. hardly ever use the tv, I can sometimes go few weeks without having the tv on at all.. fridge, not the giant type, washing machine, used once every day, standard 1 fan in each room but only turned on when we're in the room. i seriously cannot think of anything else... how come all these amount to so much leh???

i shall call SP and bug them again. so disturbed now. probably stupidly overpaying all these years.

sigh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

but thanks again all for sharing. that sheds ALOT of light on my current situation.

leelee & muddy: jio me jio me! im around the area too! maybe we can meet for lunch at vivo one of these days?

yvaine: $506 is jaw dropping! how can it be so expensive?! something is seriously wrong here. better bug the pub technician to check it out! gosh...

god's child: Aiyoh, liz is not ladylike with her masak-mask set. She would open and close the doors of her kitchen set repeatedly, throw her toy eggs around, bang her pots etc etc. A little terror at work, but she looks uber cute pottering around in her kitchen.

Eon and muddy: alamak.. tomorrow i have lunch appt.. sorry.. friday ok bo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi yvaine,

i had the same experience a few months back. bill doubled. I called them and they sent the technician down. mentioned that it could be the pipes leaking or something but they could not find the source. Later, they mentioned that the meter was faulty and came down to change it. They then contra off the balance. Hope this helps.

muddy & leelee: im ok with either thursday or friday. since leelee cannot make it for thursday, how about we set for friday?

Morning Mummies!!!!

Greetings all the way from DOWN UNDER in PERTH! The weather here is SHIOKNESS to the max. Loving it. So relax and nice. Dun wanna go back at all. Hahaha should just stay here forever! Just dropping in to say HI!

Eon: U missed out one number :p

Muddy: no worres, can we sms each other? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies! saw some good news..

muddy/melissa: whoa! that's fast.. found job and tendered liao! congrats and all the best in new job.. :) envious to the max on your office locations.. hahaha.. I'm destined to stuck in industrial area.. :-S

yvaine: now that I see your problem, I think I've better ask hubby to check on our bills.. I recall he was grumbling about how expensive the bills are, but I thought nothing of it, coz at one point, we used ac almost every night..

Lovebyte: have fun!!

erin: thanks! sigh i called them and they said technician will just come down and check the meter to see if it's faulty, that's all. i have to do my own 'investigation'...

anyways knocking off now and heading home. the SP people told me ways of checking the water/gas/elect meters so for now, shall do a bit of sherlock holmes when i get home. hope i can locate the source of leakage if any!

have a good lunch everybody!

colleen, god's child and all mommies: yes yes always good to do a check. i sure hope something good will come out of my investigation!

hee I kpo and saw u all meeting lunch at vivo!! I can join during my lunchtime [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i buzz u muddypaws ok? thurs or fri i am FREE:p

lovebyte> WAH! so good! Enjoy enjoy!

yvaine> hope it gets resolved soon, yah? good luck poking around!

bb 1st yr bash> just to update, based on the ppl who signed up, it will be on Sunday 20th Nov. Still trying to decide b/w the gymboree-style bash or function room type coz right now we hv 17 replies...and gym bash can usually have 20-25 babies.

On one hand, the gymboree bash is easier as less logistics but a function room type would be more flexible and accommodating. What do y'all reckon?

since i saw the bill psot, mine is abt 150 to 200 plus cos washing the kids clothes everyday n sometimes twice a day cos really alot!

aircon nt so bad cos only my ger's room is air conditioned at night

ros, but gymboree dun do bash on sundays , pls take note[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok muddy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mommies!

would like to check with you all if it is ok to bring my daughter to sub zero country next Feb? Thinking of going to Beijing and then to Harbin where the temperature can hit -20+!

Will it be too cold for her?? Dunno if she can take it or not... Need to make decision soon as the Air ticket on offer is until 30 Sep...

Are we being too garang to bring her to such cold places? dunno she knows how to tell us that she is cold or not by then...

Shivan: Having been in BJ during Dec & Feb where temperatures can be -15C, I'm a little worried about how kiddo would take it as this temperature is already considered harsh for some adults already. Guess if you want to, then you should get the thermal rompers for her (pack her like a Michelin baby), with heating pads to keep her warm as the winds in BJ can be quite bad. I thought my ears were dropping off when facing the winds at RenMin Square...

Muddy: If Beijing is bad, then Harbin will be worst! haha... I always wanted to attend the Ice sculpting festival in Harbin that's why thought of going next year in Feb because my Bro-in-law is posted to work in beijing and he can bring us around...

If really going, I'm going to whack all the winter stuff like ear muffs, scarfs, thermal wear, gloves in US when I'm there in a month's time...

shivan: get a good parka (down jacket) for yourself, wifey and kiddo. One that is water-proof, and has a good thick material as this would keep the harsh winds out. Moisturiser is important too as it's super dry.

Beijing would be fun to hang out in... if you want to take the risk, you can buy minimal stuff in US, then get your BIL to bring you to the Beijing Zoo Wholesale market to get the rest of your winter clothes. I got a winter wool coat there for RMB68 last time.

Shivan: Haerbin can be -40C some of the time. The experience was even the nasal mucus or urine can be crystalised coz too cold already. You wont hv tear as well. But of course the ice sculpting is great.

Well I guess Harbin is one country I'm never going to visit, I absolutely detest being cold, after my days as a poor undergrad with no central heating. -4 already like what, -40???? O_O

a good hat, vaseline and layers and layers of clothing, definitely...

Yvaine, glad u bring this topic up... I think i', overpaying very month!!! Range from 250 to 280!!! Last mth was 270... Airon on for 2 rms from 9-5/6am and air pot.. So wat else consume zoo much electricity?? Flat screen tv?? Should I start to take my own reading and submit to pub?!?

Hey mummies! Sooo busy at work though I've tendered. Really wanna clear all my leaves at one short to rest and spend time with Kayleia.

Eon/leelee/bubbly - thanks!!! Actually been contemplating to leave since preggy but procrasinate till now!

leelee - no leh, so sad. No HLE letter in sight. Guess really have to wait till Dec. Have you been looking around at IDs and stuff?

bubbly - I'm also in industrial area, in changi buisness park for almost 3 years, dying to move to central location. Procrasinate for almost a year till I start looking for a job. Where are you working at?

muddy - i'll be on leave for a week next week from Tues. if you wanna hang out let me know.

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

rainbow: i think yours should be correct bah. cause i only switch on the aircon for one room 11/12 hours daily and my bill is $100+ to $200+ .. so if you switch on daily for 2 rooms, then should be that price le. aircon and fridge have high electricity consumption.

melissa: me too! contemplating before pregnancy, then realised pregnant cant leave so keep delaying and delaying...


Good morning mummies..

Melissa: no leh.. U start looking ard already? we have one ID recomnmended by my hub's ex colleague so maybe considered him.. I recently saw one of our friend's hse also not bad and its done by contractor.. so far only these 2..u bought magazines?

