(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

good morning mummies! it's a wet wet morning..

Melissa: i'm working in Tai Seng.. hahaha.. last job in Tractor Rd.. destined factory gal.. my dad always say I shouldn't complain coz I was the one wanted to be in the industry :-D Normally so ya, after tendered then suddenly everything like not enough time to do everything.. taking leaves too.. hehehe..

Shivan: hats off.. must really put alot into considerations before bringing her to beijing or harbin manz! lucky baby get to go so many far places..


Morning Mummies!

eon - ya lor, I delay and complain everyday and finally got my butt up and did it. hehe. Jia you ok? hope you find a new job soon too.

leelee - I only went to see one at NorthWest Interior. But We are currently trying to get a quote from my sis-in-law's contractor too. Yup I bought some magazines, squarerooms, but I cannot visualise cos I dunno how the house look like.

bubbly - oh icic! taiseng area always got alot of warehouse sales. Ya, I tot tendered, should be more relax, instead got more stuffs to do. Got to meet with my HR to discuss the rest of my leaves and clear them.

melissa: Would tinker you about the meet-up! Helper was playing tea-party with Liz this morning, so cute to see the two of them seeing on the playmat 'drinking' from the tea-cups!

Did you push HDB for the HLE?

bubbly: as long as manager is good then working which industries doesnt matter.. as long as u are happy is that matter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa: ya man.. with the floor plan is kinda difficult to imagine.. hub asked me dun buy magazines cuz HDB will give us... haha... but i so tempted to buy!!

muddy: can push HDB for the HLE?

Leelee: If you know who is the officer handling your case, you can go bug the officer.

I think it's good to start with 1 or 2 magazines to get some idea. If HDB gives magazines, then it's a bonus.

muddy: oh, im not too sure though.. i thought we do not have a specific officer and have the idea that they will not entertain us.. I will try and see if i can bug on anyone! hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddy - haha Liz is damn cute! I've got bad visualization. So even with the floor plan its hard for me too. I need to see the real thing. I didn't call HDB for the HLE yet, I hope they should be sending me soon.

Are you on leave next week too? Was thinking of bring Kayleia to a play gym, have not brought her to one before. Was thinking if Liz would wanna go too?

leelee - HDB will give us mags? I didn't know..my sis in law gave me her old mags but till now I dun really have time to flip thru them. But I've slightly got an idea of wat I wan. how abt you?

Any mummies on leave next week and wanna bring little ones to play gym?

Melissa: Sure, my leave starts next tues (but I've something on on Tues). The playgym would be good.

Hmmm, then maybe the magazines would help with your visualisation. I used the floor plan previously to ensure that what I wanted can fit in (eg. to ensure my 3m long sofa fits into the space)

talking abt working in industrial area, my new job is a huge culture shock for me! used to work in cbd area and then in orchard.. had posh pantry and super nice toilets... now i'm in a factory-kind of building in super ulu area with toilets that only have 1 sitting kind, the rest all squat (wahahha i totally not used to squatting!).. and no food choices to eat!

lucky i work half day only, if full day i think i will go crazy.. haha

and i had young happening colleagues to hang out with.. now i think i'm the youngest-looking person in this building and probably the most well-dressed too... maybe i'm over-dressed for a factory setting but can't help it, to me going work means must wear work clothes hahaha

i guess no one is working in ulu aljunied/macpherson area hor...


wah u v garang... if its my hub he sure say no... too troublesome to bring so many things for baby to such an extreme cold place.

but yes, as it will be v dry.. prepare to coat ur bb's face and lips with vaseline...and i think u hv to wrap her up so much tat she may not be able to move her limbs much.. so u hv to consider if tat will make her super cranky..

i know my friend's kid (they are based in states) hates winter cos she cannot move her arms and legs when her parents wrap her up in multiple layers... so she hated going out..

oshgosh: I totally understand how you feel about working in such an environment. I'm currently working in a JTC flatted factory environment, with toilets like what you described where I used to pump milk for 2 months in these. Thank goodness Liz didn't complain about the milk!

LeeLee: true.. most impt is happy.. currently looking for happiness.. hahaha...

oshgosh: errr... I'm just a street away from aljunied/macpherson.. hahaha.. and you are so rite about dressing up.. guilty as charged, I have been slacking for a while now, except if I know there's appointment with client that day.. :p

muddypaws: hahaha.. me too, in JTC.. and I pumped in the exec toilet.. luckily zaizai didn't mind.. hahaha..

melissa: I heard my hubs mentioned that HDB will give mags.. not sure if its for real.. I wanted zen look but my hub says now not in already.. haha... how abt u? any ideas? i wish im on leave too.. I cant cuz i got testing to do at work...

muddy: i also cannot visualize with a floor plan.. difficult la.. hehe.. pump milk in the toilets? no meeting rooms?

oshgosh: u seriously dun look like ur age la.. yr colleagues must be surprised u are a young mummy with 2 bubs..

leelee/melissa: Hubs and I got most of our furniture from this furniture shop in JB where prices are half that quoted in Singapore. Delivery charge/GST were both factored into the pricing, so it was good.

Haha, to be honest, my hubby did most of the designing. I simply did the coordination. We read magazines or went to furniture shops to get ideas of what we wanted in the house.

Have meeting room, but no blinds. So safest bet was the toilet.

rainbow> usually they don't come to read the meter every month...can consider submitting own readings online if you don't want to pay estimated amounts every other month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mel and leelee> SO EXCITING NEW HOUSE!! don't forget your appliances and fittings as well...should consider using LED lights, even though they are more expensive, they last forever and hv very low electrical consumption.

do take your time to decide on your layout...my place was quite a rush job, between the loanshark, the PRC tenants, the visiting in-laws and the baby (just gave birth to my #1 that time), it was madness lah. now have to live with it forever and ever....:p

Baby Bash update> Now we hv more in favour of 4 Dec (7 pax) vs. 20 Nov (6 pax), with 6 ppl saying OK to either date. I made some enquiries yesterday, but it was for the 20th.

Can I get some input from the ppl who are OK with both dates? Do you have a preference?


muddy: i supposed they do delivery to singapore ya? are the furnitures in good condition?

Roz: LED lights! another idea. heheh.. Btw thanks for the collation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm fine with both dates..

leelee: We have been using the furniture for the last 3 years, so far so good. All brand new ones. Yes, the delivery would be to Singapore, and they would do the assembly too. Eg. We got a bedroom set (wardrobe (sliding door kind) + queen storage bed frame + dresser + 2 side tables) for about RM1899, a King Koil chiropractic series queen mattress for RM1089, 3m long L-shaped goose-feather sofa+1 seater for RM2999.

Leelee - I'm looking at cosy yet simple designs, cos the 4 room quite small, so I wanna have less furniture as possible. I can send over some pics.

muddy - sounds not bad! But my rooms are quite small so I think we're gonna do built in wardrobes. Don't know if the room can fit a king size bed. I like your place, so big and spacious.

Roz - yupyup! Btw, wat's LED lights? I'm not so sure abt lightings. Gonna leave it to my hubs! haha

melissa: I think you can consider getting furniture that doubles up as storage options.

I don't think the room can fit a king size bed (have to consider the lift and wide of the gate too).

Haha, we love the space too. Got it from the resale market at a super good price.

muddy: wow the goose feather sounds very comfy.. very cheap deals!! maybe can ask hubs to consider?

Melissa: if u wan less furniture, u can consider 'minimialist' theme.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddy/melissa: talk about bed.. i think ours can only fit queen size bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lee Lee/Melissa: This is the shop we went to. You must be super thick-skinned and bargain 50% off the price to start the bargaining going.


The goose feather sofa is on Photo 14 under the 'Photo' section.

I got a coffee table with 4 storage stools for about RM500, where the stools are used to put liz' toys now.

Hi mommies,

Long time no "see"!

Dropping in cos I saw there's a bday bash for our babies!

Roz, is it too late to join in now? I can make it if it's on 04Dec only though. It's ok if there's no more slots. pls let me know, thks!

I'm also in the midst of getting my new (resale) flat n going for the HDB appt next Mon.

Melissa/Leelee, I got my HLE approval quite fast leh... though I ended up taking bank loan instead.

I'm also looking ard for reno contractor (not ID) for some v v minor reno cos my new place is in a move-in condition.

any reno contractor to intro?


Any mommies here still bfg?

My boy is turning 10mths soon n he's still on tbm.

I tried giving him Nan pro and Similac n he rejected both... he'll gag n puke the moment he taste the fm.

lucky now my supply still more than enough for him but I wan to stop bfg leh. Also, I dunno how to stop with my current supply...

Stefie, wah u v gd life leh... I keep reading abt ur overseas trips. envy to the max lah!

electricity bills:

I want to faint when I see how much most of u're paying cos I'm paying $400+ per mth n I'm staying in a 5rm flat!

But we on 2 aircons every night from 7pm-7am n my maid cooks daily + my chest freezer for storing ebm... dunno is it due to all these but my bill is really exp lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

LED lights..light emitting diodes. They cost like $100 per downlight...v costly but considering that they nvr go out, v cost effective [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my hubby keep bugging us to change but v siong lor

Yurieve> no, not too late to join ^.^ nothing is fixed yet...but it really looks like the date is changed to 4 Dec!

Im still nursing my son but he's been drinking mamil since about 6 months. But my supply dwindling...he's starting to bite! Owwiieeeee

Roz, great! pls keep me updated... I seldom log in here cos too bz at work nowadays.

Can add me in FB, [email protected], thks lots!

U're better lah cos at least ur boy accepts FM... maybe I shd try mamil too... but v siong to keep buying FM then end up throw away. I do exclusive pumping so no issues wz biting though, heh heh ;p


my gal is still on tbm. if u're doing exclusive pumping is easier to wean. if bb can't accept the fm taste can start with mixing ebm and fm and slowly increasing the proportion of fm.

u can request for samples from the different milk companies to try then dun need to keep buying.

to stop supply, stretch pumping hrs till supply slowly dwindles off then stop pumping totally.

grumpus, how to mix ebm n fm? U mean mix in one feed?? Cannot right??

I'm now pumping 3 times a day, wz max interval of 8-9hrs, by then i'll b v engorged liao. Tats y i cant imagine dragging the interval even longer cos sure will b v v uncomfy n I think may result in serious engorgement...


Yup mix ebm n fm in one feed. Not recommended but it's what pd suggest when bb reject the taste of fm.

I know several mums who've done tat successfully.

Instead of dragging the hrs, can also pump less at each pump so tat milk production slows down then when u're producing less, cut down to 2 pumps.

There will be some engorgement when u start cutting down n weaning off but if u do it gradually it shd be manageable.

Hi mummies who have brought their babies on holiday, i would like to check, if im bringing my stroller do i hv to check-in or can i bring it onboard the plane

michelle> I will push stroller all the way to the gate till boarding. they will fold it up and stow it away, and it should be waiting for you when you get off the plane as well.

since we are on the topic, mummies going HK or who have been, should I bring a stroller for my kids?

Roz: I'm planning to just bring the baby Bjorn as some parts of HK ain't exactly baby-friendly (ie. no ramps). Hubs, of course, is considering the stroller (just in case).

Michelle: My stroller has a travelling bag, so I can check it in.

Muddy> that's what they said...but in case the kids fall asleep during or something? Maybe will get a cheap lightweight umbrella stroller..

Roz: Think we would likely bring along the stroller. If don't put baby, we can use it to put diaper bag and shopping bags! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My advise is no stroller to HK. Many of the mtr stations hv stairs only, not even escalators. So u'll be folding n carrying yr stroller quite a bit. If going Disneyland, u can always rent one for the day.

Hi afternoon. Read about the house and furntiures from the post. I also just got my new house key, i am buying resale flat, so currently doing some reno... i also bought my furnitures from msia... I bought from Sutera mall under the name Cellini...i bought 2 bed frames (queen & king size)(1 with mattress, 1 w/o), 1 L shape fabrie sofa, 1 dinning tables with 6 chairs, total RM$15k, free a sandbag sofa (worth RM$400), dont know is it worth...

I read about mummies giving babies pasta,croissant, crepes and hotcake, my question can baby digest? My girl only have 2 bottom tooth, i am not sure can i introduce these food to her? Currently only giving her mashed potatoes and different kind of porridge...

c@ndy> pasta, breads...these are soft foods..they will mash with their gums. my boy also only has 2 bottom teeth. it's good to start introducing textured foods so that they will be less picky eaters.

candy: PD recommends that we introduce foods with different textures to the baby so that kiddo would not be fussy. I'm the one who gives kiddo hotcake, crepes, croissant, nutella bread, pasta, raisins etc.

muddy: u are back to ur office fast!! F1 :p

Btw, nice meeting u and the rest of the mummies just now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

candy: yeaps.. u can slowly introduce.. one at a time..

Leelee: Yup, it was a good gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Liz is waiting for Jovan!

Muddy: alrighty, i will try my best.. Liz, please wait for Jovan.. the 14month boy is not suitable for u.. Aunty lee lee buy u some eggs and legos okies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LeeLee: Oh gosh, I almost burst out laughing when reading your post! Ok, must tell Liz that the 14month old boy is too old for her, she must hang out with boys her age. Yes, more masak masak toys would be nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, i remembered reading at this post that some of your babies have seen Paediatric Dermatologist before. Can you all recommend a gd Paediatric Dermatologst? My girl has been having severe nappy rash for about 2 mths and cnt seem to recover thou we change her n applied doc's cream v often.

Hello mommies

Anyone can advice how I can make whitebait powder? Is it using fresh whitebait or salted whitebait? Absolutely clueless...

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

xue: try changing the brand of diaper, use diaper cloth more often instead of diaper, change the brand of bottom balm/cream. trial and error.. i realised that chey will have nappy rash whenever we use avent bottom balm but the moment we switched to palmer's cocoa butter baby balm.. the rash clear up almost immediately.

littlemay: i used those salted whitebait. wash a few rounds, fry/bake dry then grind into powder.

