(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Xue: Have you used Desitin nappy cream (the purple one)? Liz used to have nappy rash, so we used the purple one (instead of the blue one), and of course, change diapers more often. We started to wash her butt after she poos as we found that the wetwipes aggravates the rash too (but once the rash is gone, you can continue to use the wipes).


Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just back from Jakarta, had very good trip. Thanks to Cindy, her hubby and little Clarice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw Alexis had contisipation when we were there, force until cold sweat again. Heng managed to poo out. Next day Cindy's hubby made Avocado puree, wow effective, next day alot of poo and mushy. We bought 5 big ones (1.5Kg) back to SIN, hubby kiasu mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mommies who babies are constipated can try Avocado.

Catching up with my work, will be right back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have a good day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies..

Xue: yeaps.. i also use the purple destini.. it helps jovan too.. air for 5-10 mins if u can after each diaper change..

deon: your "huat kuey" so popular.. hehe.. all the mommies want the recipes.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddy: its monday!!! finally... cant wait to countdown.. another 6-7 hours to go...

Stefie: welcome back!! u have been missed..

leelee: Yup, tick-tock tick-tock... counting down! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies, I just noticed something over the weekend. I see babies (10 months, 14months)quietly lying down while their caregivers change their diapers, I see babies quietly lying down while they drink their milk... Liz is totally different. She refuses to lie down to change diaper, she would want to stand for clothes or diapers to be changed. She wants to do a million things during milk feeds, so she wants to hold her toy in one hand, attempt to crawl while i hold her bottle to her mouth, then stand without support while I continue to hold the bottle to her mouth, then roll over etc etc (all within 1 feed!). Like yesterday, she climbed all the way up the stairs to my room just so that she can drink water from my water bottle at my side table. In class, she would crawl off to do her own stuff, pull classmate's hair etc... Hubs commented that she's very hyper, and now I'm reading up on hyperactivity/attention deficiency in babies. Kinda worried. Are your kids like that too?

Sorry to interrupt.

Oh, what a noisy zoo tickets.


May I know if any Mummy has 4 tickets on 23 Oct, Sunday, 11am that you are willing to exchange with me? I'll be most grateful for that. Or else I will just have to sell these 4 tickets and my kids won't get to watch the play. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm willing to meet you anywhere to do the exchange. THANK YOU!

Please PM me for my hp.

Xue> as suggested, maybe it's the diaper. or even the detergent. Use cotton wool + water instead of wipes. I prefer Vaseline and A&D ointment to Desitin, heard Sudocrem from Mothercare is also very good.

Muddy> my boy also doesn't like to lie down when changing diapers. Have to give him something to hold on to/chew on.

But my girl was a bit like that, very kaypoh and curious. At first I thought it was just my mum 'complaining', but when her preschool teacher said the same, then oh-oh. Lately she's been 'better'..I think preschool really keeps her quite occupied and lets her release 'steam'.

I think some kids are just innately curious about everything, and we shouldn't be so quick to worry. That said, it gets really tiring, and we have to learn to manage it better. Like I notice my girl would get super hyper if she doesn't nap, so I have to force her to go take one. We read books together. I try to minimise her TV time, or if she is playing, then she should not be watching TV. I used to let her eat breakfast while watching TV but noticed that she would eat really slowly, so I stopped that and now we eat most meals at the dinner table.

Roz: After hearing you, I'm more relieved now. Yup, Liz is kaypoh and curious. It's frustrating at class cos I've to run after her all the time, and I felt bad about her disturbing the other kids. But noticed that she likes to sit by the teacher when the teacher talks... (haha, trying to brown nose the teacher!). Oh yes, the TV... we have banned the TV as she was waking up too often at night.

muddy: not too worry... Seriously jovan is like that.. U are so right, that day my hubs just mentioned about HA on saturday.. he is worried too.. But like Roz mentioned, they are very curious about the surroundings.. Jovan flips, stand, turns sidesway, crawl when changing diapers and drinking milk.. I will let him play with empty boxes, remote controls, wet tissues or sing songs to him.. anything that can keep him occupy..

LeeLee: Jovan was so well-behaved on Sat! I can't believe that he's like that too.

Roz: I can't imagine the power if Hurricane Adam and Hurricane Liz meet........... Ka-Boom!

hi mummies ^_^

stefie, u're missed! hahaa no visitors for a long time liao haiz...

thanks so much for visiting, much appreciated by me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Clarice also has her little visitor, so cute! ^_^

hope the avocado helps to clear most of the poo in Alexis system then can soon soon heng heng today (familiar hor) haha!!

Cindy, wow you made me paisay leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We really aunty hoh, shop in supermarket ha!!! ha!!! Thanks for the good lobangs of good and cheap stuff. I only spent S$120, during my 4 days stay. Ha!!! ha!!! I missed that bihon goreng & Es Teh Tewa at the cafe liao. That is so nice and cheap[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks again, Mr & Mrs Foo & Ms Foo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope we are invited to the wedding on 23 Nov hoh, then around play time for both mommies and babies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies! Just came back from lunch, super full.. and thought of tempting Stefie..

I had bak kut teh and then teh halia for lunch! Though I prefer non-pepper soup base.. but this kind of weather, it was nice to have hot soup.. :p But who knows, you are talking about food, again.. es teh tewa, what's that?

Xue: while you are changing the creams or giving disposable diaper a miss.. do not use doc's cream too often if they are steroid.. max 7 days..

muddypaws: not to worry, you and hubby are not alone.. I think I've asked a 1000 times, if zaizai is hyper, coz he can never sit still for a while.. always on the move until the very last bit of battery wear off, then concussed.. we give him everything to keep him busy when we change diaper and put on clothes for him too.. hahaha.. and in class, he'll keep crawling to the teacher's teaching material and sabo them..

LeeLee: maybe Jovan knows he was watched by many people that day, that he was so guai when you changed his diaper.. :)

cindy: will you be back anytime soon? we shall hold a gathering too..

hi all mummies, tks for kind advices. I've tried changing creams and using the purple desitin. Changed diaper brands from Pampers to Goon and to Mamy Poko now. All failed. so im quite devastated although bb seems fine but the nappy rash is still there and very red at times. The only thing i've not tried is using the cloth diaper. Cos my mom was saying that if we use cloth diaper must use the diaper cover so will not leak out onto the Bed. So if we use diaper cover wouldnt it be very warm to the butt too?

Any one using cloth diaper now? any advices?

Roz: i heard of A&D ointment too! isit good? where to buy?

By the way, i've also tried using cotton and water to clean her instead of wet wipes. Cos yes.. wet wipes does aggrevate the nappy rash! BUt despite that.. still nappy rash is clinging on to my baby butt! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

muddy: hahaa.. well behaved in front of the future MIL ma.. must give respect [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly: yah man.. i think so hor.. haha.. shy to move ard and flip.. scared to let pple see his previous.. hhaha...

Xue: did u check with the PD why it still persists after u tried various methods?

hi Xue, have you tried moisturising your baby's bum? i know it sounds duh... but sometimes dryness can also cause severe irritation in the skin which we may overlook...

stefie - glad u had yet another gd trip! sounds like u had fun!

muddy - mine too, wouldn't allow a peaceful struggle-free nappy changing... my no.1 was also like that... both of them couldn't sit still for extended periods of time... i think most babies are inquisitive by nature and they like to explore... it's like an endless world of surprises for them just beyond the sofa.. or dinner table.. so don't worry too much ya!

and you're right about banning tv for now... there's at least some research that suggests the link between tv watching n hyperactivity in young children. so must be quite selective about what our little ones watch!

Leelee: i'm gg to c a PD dematologist at Gleneagles later. Hope it's gd one cos i googled for it.

Yvaine: yes i agree that dryness can cause the irritation. but she doesnt seem to itch leh.. oni the redness has persist. i've tried using sebamed lotion to moisturise it since im using it for her body too. But then... i dun dare to apply directly onto her private parts cos im not sure if its safe ...

Good Afternoon Mummies!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Food.... it's a love and hate relationship between food and me.... juz realised that i've gained 2 kg in the short span of 1 week. Think the culprit is the rice and the new ampang yong tau hu stall at the canteen.

I dun usually take rice for lunch cos it tends to make me drowsy, but as my lunch kaki is not ard last week, i tabao rice and eat in the office for 3 days, and the other 2 days i ate the new ampang yong tau hu (fried ones). Last night was at T3 with baby, and we were fooling ard with the weighing machine there, alas can't believe my eyes when i see the scale, no more rice for me during office hr liao!.... but the ampang yong tau hu is really nice leh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Diaper Changing:

Ever since her constipation episode, my gal will cry "murder" when we try to change her diaper, or clothes after shower. No choice, we on the tv and put on her favourite dvd to give us couple of precious minutes to secure the diaper. I'll always be perspiring after pong pong and changing her. *sweat*


why banned TV huh? TV will cause bb to wake up often at night huh? my bb also wakes up very often at night. We only let her watch the baby dvd.

Cindy, Stefie,

Both of your gals look so sweet together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Juz realise that my gal seems to be looking at other kids when we are out, or when she heard other kids' crying, she will be turning her head left and right trying to find the source of the cries, or make similar sound along with them. Perhaps she's longing for company to play with?

Xue: One thing I did was to change the diaper to a bigger size... and it helped too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine/Lee/Bubbly/Roz: You girls made me feel so much better. Was beginning to wonder if Liz is hyperactive or has ADHD. She's a smiley energizer bunny, and would continue to move furniture in her room in the dark till her battery goes completely flat.

whisp: I used to let Liz watch Baby DVD and Baby TV (on starhub), but noticed that she would wake up often at night, and sometimes screaming during her afternoon naps. Thought she might be over-stimulated and thanks to Yvaine who recommended that I read this book on the effects of TV on babies, I eventually banned her from TV and now she only wakes up once at night (or even none now).

Xue> I bought A&D online..a small tube on eBay, then a friend who went to the US picked up the big tub for me. I prefer it over desitin coz its petroleum jelly based..less messy. or you could try vaseline?

TV> My babysitter lets my boy watch TV a lot. Everytime I go there the TV is on...once I turned it off (no one was watching) and she was like "Eh why is it off??" then turned it back on and walked away. But it's her house, you know? I don't have THAT much say.

muddy> My boy is actually pretty 'guai', compared to his sister. She will be the one to 'unearth' all the toys from their boxes and he will spread them around the house. Still finding wooden blocks in the unlikeliest of spots...

Yvaine, thanks. Yes was a good trip[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whisp, both babies looks alike. 1 local thought they are twins[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now they don't actually play with each other. More of pulling each other hair. Ha!! ha!!!

Roz: Adam is so cute, and the photos you post of their destruction powers are so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yeah, it's amazing where the kids can hide stuff. My maid found Liz' block in the laundry basket!

stefie, haha no paiseh leh, u come all the way, fly many miles leh ^_^

i always like supermarket shopping, greedy me haha!! always see the food nia :p

bubbly, hmm i got no plans to be back until year end in mid-end dec, think will be too early now to make plans ba haha!! last yr go back too many times liao haha!! if there's a gathering when i'm back i'm ok to join hehe

the es teh is actually ice tea, jawanese tea haha...thats the indo spelling :p

whisp, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but difficult to get them both to look at camera at once, have to just take when the chance comes haha..btw they are more at home on the bed :p


My girl using cloth diaper. The traditional kind.

She also had a bad persistent rash when about 4mths old and I got no choice but to change to cloth to let her butt heal.

Base on my experience, cloth really better la. Just troublesome. But my girl is potty train so not as messy. As long as it's not poop, it's easy to clean. You can take this opportunity to potty train too.

And I will bring her to the basin to rinse with water instead of wipes. After that I just put prickly heat powder. The rash will dry up fast. And the at night, no choice la, will use disposables. But I cake her butt with very thick destine. The purple one. I tried many creams, destin purple still the best barrier protection. But must be thick hor else cannot last the night. And once wake up in the morning, use cloth. Oh ya, use baby oil remove desitin. Like that got maximum air time for butt and now no more rash.

Just consolidate your cloth diaper and machine wash at night. Use Purex baby detergent. Any stain will come off without even scrubbing.

Muddypaws - my elder gal was very active too, cant sit still for long.. i was thinking the same thing as you when my niece who is only 3mths older cld play wf her toy with a longer attention span but mine cant.. and at a gathering, someone i dun know also pointed out and asked if my gal is hyperactive! i started worrying, read about it.. and it seems that it is too early to diagnose and most often, its not.. its just the curiosity getting the better of them...also, if the kid can sit still thru a book you are engaging them with then shld b fine... both my girls are energizer babies and their butts are super 'sharp'... :p

Re : Birthday bash for babies

is the date set for 20 Nov already? is there any changes? briefly read that the date might have changed?

Roz - im bringing my stroller tho im gona ergo Chloe in it most times.. its my elder one that needs the stroller.. she will whine and fuss bout been tired after some walking so the stroller is to relieve us from carrying her... if not, like wat Muddypaws said.. its good for shopping bags and stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur #1 doesnt sit stroller?

Gc> i've had a few ppl (aunties, mainly) ask me that about my girl too zzz

Baby bash is on for 20 Nov, btw

No, my girl doesnt really sit in the stroller anymore...we bought a cheap umbrella stroller to bring along, just in case, though. At least can use at the airport ^.^


my gal who is 8mth old is still bogay (toothless), i didn't think too much about it, until my mil commented why bb not yet teething. now i'm wondering whether i've missed out anything in her diet (lack of calcium?) that causes her to be still bogay? do i need to raise the alarm and call the PD over this?

me gan cheong spider & blur sotong mummy...

Whisp> my cousin's girl is about 14 mths old, only one tooth and it's top left tooth some more. I think hving teeth come in later is not that bad, don't hv to worry about cleaning them. They can still eat soft foods and mash them with their gums..

I dont know what's the 'cut-off' time for not hving teeth but i've read some cases where they will x-ray to check if there are teeth in the gums..

thanks roz! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

may i noe what is considered soft food safe for bb to eat without teeth? i'm still grinding porridge and fruits before feeding them to bb. want to try giving her more texture food, but afraid that she can't digest.

You could give baby biscuits like the gerber stars or pigeon..steamed sticks of carrots, chunks of pumpkin, cooked pasta, my boy enjoyed feeding himsel linguine the other day during dinner. I also give him slices of apple that he feeds himself and also bread, strips of chicken.

Basically anything you can eat, they can eat, as long as its not hard or in very large pieces

Thanks eon eon for the info on whitebait.

All the problems that you mommies mentioned, I have.

My gal is super active. Hates being tied down. Hates it when we hold her down for diaper change. Will scream and shout and try to flip and roll. Very strong, now we need 2 persons to change her diaper.

While feeding her solids, she keeps turning her head to look around.

And she screams and shouts when we try to take thing away from her.

And now she is 9 mths old, she is still toothless!

Tks all! I shall try out cloth diaper n use prickly heat powder. Today went to see doc n he said I e used the steroid cream for too long. Luckily he said there's no obvious side effects of the steroid cream. N thankfully, I tried the prickly heat powder today n it seems to b recovering.

Tks Samantha for the cloth diaper advice! N I will also try your advise to cake the purple desitin.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

regarding activeness: chey is also like that during her diaper change, bath, etc. keeps turning, rolling, moving... nonstop! especially when she is on the bed, she can really move around the bed from one corner to another by means of rolling, backward crawl, pouncing..etc.

whisp & littlemay: dont have to worry. chey has her first tooth at 8th month and by 9th month, she has already got 2 teeth. recently she is fussy and on food strike plus she is constantly gnawing her upper lip and scrunching up her face, i think the 3rd tooth is cutting through soon. if going by the older folks theory, its 7th month sit, 8th month crawl and 9th month teething.

i have been feeding textured food to my girl even before she has teeth. just have to make sure she is chewing well with her gums, not too big piece and not too hard. try a little at a time.

Good Morning!

Mummies, thanks for all your assurance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was feeding bb some grapes last evening, her expression was so funny! The grapes were sweet with a slight tinge of sourness. Bb gave me a funny look (perhaps due to the jelly-like texture or sourness) when I put the tiny piece of grape into her mouth. After couple of sec, after she "figured" it out, she climbed eagerly to me for second helping...hehee

Can't wait to go home and think of what fruit to let her try tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies

sm updates of my gal

she is teething again n she is stl coughing...yest try to feed her she keep turning away n cry vy loud n stl vomit out sm phlegm...so heartpain...any cure for e cough??

Tomolo gg for e cruise le...hope she dun giv me so much trouble...

re: activeness

my gal aso cannt stay still...i aso worry is she hyper active or nt


can try mango, banana n golden kiwi 

PSH - is she coughing due to the phlegm? if so, then just hav to treat the phlegm.. thats wat the PD advised us.. cos recently when Chloe was sick, it was her phlegm causing the bad cough so she din have to take cough mixture.. phlegm is a tricky issue and takes longer to resolve.. u tried chinese med before? tat time i gave her phlegm med fr PD and also bao ying dan fr eu ren sheng.. will have to monitor the time gap as in 2 hrs apart before giving the chinese med.. meanwhile, let her drink more warm water, esp after every milk feed.. and more soupy food cos the phlegm will make it tough for them to chew and swallow.. hope lil cherlin gets well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sayang sayang to lil cherlin, speedy recovery. Maybe a little holiday, will take the bug away. Enjoy your cruise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good afternoon mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Teething - The slower the better cos really have to clean carefully. Heng Alexis loves her tooth brush, will take and bite. If not will have to have another "war" with her.

Food - with teeth or not, can try wholemeal breads, just take small small piece and put in their mouth, no problem. I also try fruits like watermelon, just mush abit and small piece. We even feed rice, just small small lump. We even fed not too sweet blueberry muffin. Just test water with abit can liao, see they like it or not. Do feed some water along the way. It will help them wash down the food[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Activeness - Alexis started to hate her car seat, will cry non-stop once I put her down in her car seat. Will cry for the whole trip (From Home-IFC and IFC - Home, 5 mins trip) Hope the phase will pass soon. If not very heartpain to see her cry.

Diaper changing is like having war with her. Few times her diapers kena leak cos she didn't let me put her diaper properly. Heng is only pee only. If poo, alamek sure more messy one.

PSH, I think is her drool lah, it will clear up. Try to feed some water. Have a nice trip[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy the nuahing time on cruise hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

god's child

i think its due to phlegm...tat time see PD, he didnt giv any med for phlegm so i thot of buying e pearl powder for her to try see it work or nt...i go eu ren sheng n e staff gt recommend bao yin dan to me...izzit gd?? do u see any effective?? my sis say e pearl powder works for her #1.


dun think its due to her drooling, yest nite when she vomit i saw gt phlegm in it...nw trying all way to make her drink more water


thks...hope tis holiday can take her bugs away...

Hey stefie, need your help since you so well travelled with Alexis... im bringing my girl to KL by plane ....haha, just want to take aeroplane, so we choose the shortest flight .... how much milk powder and water can we bring up for her ? coz im taking jetstar, so not sure if they provide water, etc ...... Thanks!

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

so funny! last night i dreamt that i was patting my girl to sleep and subconsciously i can feel my hand patting my monkey plush which i was hugging. hubby was awaken by my action and woke me up, asking me what was wrong. i couldnt gave him an answer then as i was still in a blurred state and dozed back to sleep. this morning he asked if i dreamt that i was patting our girl. lol!!! so hilarious thinking back... 职业病!!

whisp: thats a good start. can slowly intro more food to her liao.

psh: your girl has been coughing for quite a while liao hor. aiyoyo.. sayang sayang. hope she recovers soon.

morning mommies! mid week le.. looking forward to weekend.

Eoneon, i totally burst out laffing at you patting the monkey hahaha.... auto reaction huh hahaha...

stefie, do you know if we can bring thermos flask on board containing mash potato for full service airlines ?

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Athena, it depends on whether is it your girl feeding time. SIN-KUL is about 45 mins flight. Maybe by the time you reach your hotel will be 2 hrs later. So maybe just bring 2-3 feeds. At least when your girl hungry, can feed immediately. If not cranky baby super sian lor. I bring the following stuff on board the plane regardless of how long is my flight in my diaper bag (I bought Daiso zip-lock bag to put stuff in). Very kiasu, cos Airport-hotel will take sometimes or we may not check-in to hotel immediately, so we are always ready:-

Bag 1) Toys

Bag 2) Extra set of clothings/Bibs/ wash cloth/long sleeves top in case cold

Bag 3) Baby Bisuits/ small packet of Cereal + Avent Viva container/ small spoon/ Pigeon on the go feeding bowl+spoon/ Ikea clips to tie the biscuit bag or cereal

Bag 4) Diaper/ Diaper cream/ Wet wipes/Hand and mouth wet wipes/Changing mat

Bag 5) FM (3 portion)/ Playtex drops-in bottle/ 3 -4 teats/disposal inserts/extra plastic bags to put used teat

Thermo flask 1L. (So far the airport security is okay with it, I just tell them before hand is for baby’s use. But going USA maybe cannot)

We use Ergo carrier so easier to bring her around.

When out of hotel my diaper bag is as per the above also, cos we tends to go out whole day, so can feed along the way. Heavy diaper bag + 9.1Kg Alexis in carrier is no joke. Ha!! Ha!!!

Crystal, can bring. I brought full 1L thermo flash on board the plane. Just tell the airport security is for baby use. If on SQ, can bring empty thermo flask and request then to fill for you. I prefer to bring my own, cos they maybe busy with pre-take off stuff.

stefie, thanks for the info. i tink i shld pack like urs too hahaha... at least i have an idea now haha..

good to know that i can bring the flask onboard haha.. i will bring my own water haha...

Avent Via cups,

Anyone has spare to sell to me? It is always sold in a box of 6 cups which i think its too many for me cos I jus use to feed her cereal. Currently I have 1 only (free from dunno where) and i think its in quite a bad state liao (turning yellow!)....


hahaha, v funny!

while i dun think i do tat at night.. but there are nights when no 2 is staying over at my parents place and i still think i hear her crying... so i'll wake up and get up only to realise i must be dreaming and go back to sleep.. body too used to listening out to the slightest cry liao.


Any idea if the playtex drops-in can be used for the playtex ventaire bottles?

I booked my club med trip, going from 14 - 17 Oct, very excited! haha.. already thinking how to pack.. and what food to give no 2.. now she wants freshly cooked porridge, arghh.. tried giving her bottled food yesterday, refused to open mouth..

anyway, prob will just find bread / rice/ porridge at the buffet to give to her..

now just praying that everyone will be in good health then (after the recent cancellation of RWS due to leah's being hospitalised)..


Oshgosh, can. I tried. drops-n teats works the same as in ventaire bottles. Ventaire teats can works in drops-in too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy hoh. Can feed whatever is available. Good time to try new stuff for them also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hate to ask for water when the crews are all so busy.

