(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


maybe u shld bring to PD if u suspect its ear infection. maybe nt so good for a BB to haf tt ba.. jus be careful tt she dun do it behind ur back..


jc bb, woa... seems like its a norm for maids to eat milk powder behind our backs.

Powder very nice meh? Milo powder I still can understand, but milk powder? I ever tried eating Nespray powder before, whoa... immediately ejected out of my mouth.

Hi Jialing

does your baby has fever, diarrheoa and/or just recovered from cold? these are also symptons. Moving head back and forth without crying probably is insufficient to conclude.

my baby moves her head vigorously right and left just before she falls asleep at night, not sure if the same?


maybe they are curious, know its expensive and we buy the best for the bb?

my previous maid eats our organic vege whenever she cooks for herself, though it was meant for the kid.


How do you ferry Alexis to and fro IFC? Do you put her in the baby car seat? My baby can't sit yet so will I need a basket?

Is there any more versatile alternative coz I think she'll outgrow the basket soon.

Mummies who drive, any suggestion? Thanks!

Hi mummies, long time never log in , since I started working have very little time to log in cos after work rush to my mum's place to see Darius. By the time I come back home will be ard 9.30 - 10pm, bathe and do a bit of things already quite late.

Jia Hui, glad that you have made a decision. Actually recently I have been thinking of quitting, maybe get a part-time job or be a real estate agent so that I can spend more time with bb cos really bu she de. And stressed working for current boss now too. But current job's pay and bonus not bad so also cannot quit just like that , haiz..

Jialing, pl don't let your MIL do that. Don't say babies, even some adults may also not be able to take it if their stomachs are not strong.

Rachel, my baby also putting things into his mouth to suck, he treats his hands like drumstick! haha.

Btw mummies, I am bring Darius to see PD surgeon Dr S L Cheah at Geneagles on thurs regarding his lumps. Anyone has feedback on him?


Tks for ur help.. I still tot its skin center.. Tml i will call up yo check.. So heartpain to see tt red, rough patch. Am sure it is causing some itch n thus sometimes he very cranky..


Update us.. I hope its nothing very serious..

Jialing: my boi also shake his head left and right when he about to fall asleep or when he gets cranky. He also scratches his ears and pulls his hair .

Yugal: anyway have to be on our guard cos helper is always a helper. Cannot rely on 100% be it milk powder or other stuff... And like what u all say they appear completely norm in front of us thus we never suspect.

Rashes: my boi also has patches of red on his cheeks. He was on ebm and enfa previously. My pd say allergy to cows milk thus switched to karihome a goats milk formula... Seem a little better. Now monitoring. My boi likes to scratch his face and head... Hopefully the rash gets better.

Dbaby, Sharon, 2mimi, thanks! I have kept all the 'charms' used for bathing another cupboard so she wun be able to use them. Have to do this as she was feeding baby water behind my back previously although me n hb tn PD told her not to. Haiz.

2mimi, I read that some babies will turn their head left & right vigourously if they r too tired, and some when they are happy. Julien does it when he's sleeping too so just have to monitor. Good thing is that he does not have a fever, no diarrhea too.

Sharon, hope Darius will be fine.

bluehime: baby car seat

when we go out in the car, bb will be in her baby car seat back facing.

Jialing: oic, yup think is too tired too.

Bluehime, my gal has been in her car sear since a few weeks old. I use the maxi cosi car seat which is from birth onwards.

Saw the weblink on sofie the giraffe. Is it really so good? It doesn't look very nice to bite imo. Haha! But you moms are getting, please update me. The bulk purchase here is selling at $32.

Bluehime> coz bb can't sit upright yet, the infant carrier would be best. Initially we bought a convertible car seat from mothercare, supposed to be suitable for use from birth till toddler but when you fix it into the car it had to be tilted at an angle...anyway it was just too big when my boy was a newborn so we got a carrier instead.

Bluehime, we have been using the maxicosi car seat for my bb since birth too. It's reclined, facing the back and we had fitted a snuggler (from the brand summer) onto it so it's fitting for the bb.

Thanks 2mimi. Will monitor further tdy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My medela Pisa has been making a pissing sound around the breastshield/connector area. The sound doesn't seem to be coming from the tubing. Have any of you encountered smthg similar? Thinking of getting a new connector & breastshield to try.

car seat: do any of your bb hv problem sitting on car seat? whenever i put my boy on car seat, he will start to cry. no matter he is full or just diaper change or even awake. any solution? even we entertain him also no use.

2mini, Probably. During CNY period, we also caught her on cam feasting on our CNY goodies even though we set aside some in the kitchen just for her.

Its not we do not allow her to eat but we told her time and again just ask if there is anything she wants to eat.

jc bb, I am only on the topic of milk powder, yet to go on to other stuffs.

During her first few weeks here, my mother found money missing from her drawer. After questioning the maid, which she deny of cos, the money appeared again.

Scary huh? All these happened when all of us are around.

The more boundaries you set, the more they are curious.

I told my maid not to open my cupboard drawers. One day my mum caught her opening it while wiping, claiming she want to wipe the top of each drawer.

I dun see her this "hardworking" when wiping other drawers.

Hello all.. Me very sad and worried now. Yst brought my son to PD coz his pee got very odd strong smell. Initially I thot maybe I switched to Pampers and that's the smell but I went to buy back Mamy Poko on Mon night, still got the smell.

Anyway we had to do urine test at the poly lab. One part results came out and he has infection. :'(

PD ask to start on antibiotics. Before results came out she said unlikely to b anything since he dun have fever and still active. So she was surprised wif the result.

So now she ask me to monitor him, if got fever or if he is still active, monitor his input output. If any problems go str8 to KK.

She also said need to do further test, like ultrasound to see his kidney, and some other test. Sounds scary but she said it's std test. I really hope nothing wrong, pray pray. So worried now..alot of scary thots in my mind now.

First his eczema, cleared oredi now this. And his eczema seems to b coming back a little after I stopped the steroid creams.. Sigh...Makes me feel like I'm not doing my job as a mummy well...

yurieve-i pump twice in office at 10.30am and 4.30pm.. so i pump every 6hrs, 4 times a day.. before heading back to work, i calculated the timings and think tis is the best liao.. cos when i get home, i wana have time to care for the gers til their bedtime, just nice next pump at 10.30pm after settling them in bed.. u have fixed intervals to pump? if not, wont u experience blocked ducts and engorgement???

Sharon - hope lil Darius is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do update us...

Dbaby - must b a tough week for u, take care! with kids, we mummies reali cant afford to fall sick, very siong! sick also need to 'work'...

Re: maids and camera

i have one mobile camera at home, fr Singtel.. i place it in the living hall and informed the maid.. told her its there so that we will call in whenever we miss the kids.. at least it allows us to make sure she doesnt invite strangers to our place and she doesnt use the phone unnecessarily... so far the maids i had have been receptive cos we will at times call and ask to them to bring the baby/elder ger to the living hall for us to see..

Hi dear mummies!!!

Good morning! I'm like a zombie. Waking up at 7am every morning for work, reach home, look after kayleia. But her smile makes everything worthwhile!

Heehee, been a slient reader cause no time to reply at work. Miss you guys!

I also bought sophie from the bp caused of the mad raves here! Cannot resist!

Oh yah, the raves of the LG/parklon mat, I wanna get one too! From the bp, $268, wonder is there a cheaper bp? Mummies using, is it really good?

Oh btw, on flipping, my girl 4/1/2 mths still refused to flip and dun like to be on her tummy. She knows how to flip herself back when I put her on her tummy. Very naughty!

Dbaby - Is Rayshon having eczema?

I asked my pd, he said to give cereal at 5/1/2 mths..but I dunno how much or how should I start to give also..

Regarding night feeds, I don't give her feed unless she cries. Most of the time I give her last feed at 10plus. She just moves alot in the night so I just let her be.

jialing - I think better not let bb drink amulet in water cause so young now. Mine also moves head left and right when she's tired and about to go to sleep. I dunno why also..I just pat her when she does that.

Littlemay - is your carseat forward facing or backwards facing? I'm thinking of getting a new carseat cos the current one makes her body uncomfortable.

amelia j,

my elder girl hated being in her infant car seat, maybe it's the position or wat i dunno. sometimes entertaining works and at one pt i used to play nursery rhymes cd for her to listen.

after 6 mths old, i used to bribe her with snacks to munch on while in her seat.

once we switched her to fwd facing car seat at one yr old, she had absolutely no probs and loves being in her seat. my 2nd girl now sits in the same infant car seat and has less crying episodes. so i guess also individual bb bah...

re: carseats

At this age, they are supposed to be sitting in rearfacing carseats. They are the safest and usually installed in the back seat unless you can deactivate or have no passenger side airbag. The current recommendation is that you keep them in rear facing seats till age 2.

Yah my boy temds to fuss a bit when he's in the seat. I sit at the back with him while my girl sits in front on her booster (her princess chair, we call it). Sometimes will take him out to latch, then put back inside. Thinking of getting a toy or mirror to put in front of him to occupy and distract.

God's child

Ya, really cant afford to be sick.. Still haf to take care of them, wearing a mask.. Luckily recovered fast but still a bit weak weak though...


I dun knw. Cos i used the steriod cram for him, it recovers but keep comig back.. PD says cannot prolong use cos will thin the skin n i do noticed a obvious skin discolouration frm the usage. She gave me another cream but it doesnt work n its getting bad again. Jus called the clinic at Gleneagles to go down on tis fri. I hope its $$ well spent..


Dun say tt.. His face isnt ur fault le... Cos my boy also same, stop the cream, cum bk again. But if keep using no good le.. Did u noticed any skin 'lightening' frm the patch tt u applied the steriod cream?? My PD says no good to use steriod so i stopped n dun dare apply though nw it gets bad again.. Maybe i shld go see the PD at gleneagles n see wat he can offer then i update u on the results...

grumpus: so far, my boy cry n cry whenever on car seat. Last week, brought him to JB, he cried for 30mins then fall asleep i think too tired already. Finger cross that next time when we switch him to fwd facing, he will be fine .. sigh .. the crying part is very annoying n interupting when try to concentrate to drive

Thanks jc_bb, my friend gave me this phrase, ha!! ha!! I would like to share. Only when you are hungry, you know when/what to eat. My good intention friend is not hungry, so no need to eat. Wau lau, hear liao want to laugh. But this is really hit on, cos I am in better position to judge than my friend right. Now I close my 2 ears[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just bought sophie at $28, will update once I rec it.

Yugal, I saw your fb, your baby so cute. Giggle until like that. Thanks for taking the trouble to take video.

Maybe in their (Maids) home town, Milk powder is tonic and very ex. So when they see it here, they will take the bu lor. Like we see birdnest in Thailand, we will also eat alot, cos SIN is too ex for birdnest. The same theory lor.

Cindy, I will take photo and show you once I rec Sophie hoh. Can't wait for my (opps!!! Alexis's) sophie. Ha!! ha!!!

Thanks Crystal, will go and kpo with hubby this weekend.

2mimi, Rachel, Littlemay, ha!! ha!!! Sophie very cute one. Here is the link[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sophie is 50 years old this year[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] SO old liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will update here once I rec from that mommy who posted her lobang. I paid $28 as compared to $39.

Dbaby, so update us hoh, will jia you for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluehime, I bought Britax car seat (Pink colour), had trained Alexis since that day we brought her back from Hospital. Just that the car seat is too big then, so we bought Summer snuzzler to make it more comfortable for her.


Thanks Roz. The PD didnt say if it'd UTI, just say it's infection. I hope it's just minor infection and becoz bacteria entered his ureter when we r cleaning him and not some other internal problems. But I have always been ultra careful when cleaning him. I am the one who always remind my hubby oso but I caught him once, wipe his buttocks then wipe penis, I scolded him! I said always top down.

DBaby: yes there r some discoloration on some parts like his arms and tummy area. Not on his face and legs tho. I went to the Derm that Yvainne intro. He is starting to get it again on some parts of his body, more on the folds and tiny rash on his face. I also stopped using the steroid cream for most parts of his body.

Dbaby, poor mine. Take care. Now flu season leh.

Juliana, no worries okay. Things may not be as bad as you think. I guess that doc was telling you what they will do going forward. For what you know your boy infection will clear up after the course of antibiotic. Take care. Sayang sayang.

good morning mommies, today's the Day!!!!!!!!! I'm going to attempt to feed liz rice cereal later! Wish me luck!

Juliana: sounds like uti. Don't be too hard on yourself. My Friend's 4mth old son got uti last time too, and after antibiotics, he was ok.

Jialing: not advisable to let kiddo drink the 'holy water' cos the ink used to draw the talisman may contain harmful chemicals. If your mum/Mil insists, suggest bathing baby in pomegranate leaves instead?

Re: tummy time/flipping

Liz has started her flips. she turns but dunno what to do with her hand (which is trapped below), so she wriggled n whines till I rescue her... Then once rescued, she flips back again. She now realises that she has feet! Grabs on to her feet n tries to pull them towards her mouth! Haha!

re. fomula milk

mommies giving their babies fm, how much are u feeding your bb now? mine is drinking about 170ml but at times, he only have 4 feeds! which i think is not enough at all

Andrea, Alexis is drinking 150ml 5 feeds per day. Sometimes she drinks only 80-90ml only. As long as Andrew is gaining weight then no worries okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws: thanks I hope he will get better soon but so young have to take antibiotics. He definitely hates the taste, he will struggle and cry when I feed him.

Jiahui: good that u made yr decision on the jap co. I worked for jap co b4 and vowed never to join another jap co. Haha. My hb now in jap co but I've been wanting him to chg job for some time now, too bad he enjoys the work he is doing.

Andrea: my boy is drinking 120ml only, 6 feeds a day. He also at times cannot finish, at least 1-2 times a day cannot finish sometimes left with 60ml! He was feeding 7x prev but recently only 6x. I tried to up his milk to 140ml he cannot finish. So I stick to 120ml. I was worried also but PD said his weight is ok, he doubled his birth weight at 3m which is considered fast.

Stefie: how u managed to feed 5x and up the feed? She can last long at night is it? My boy day time 3-4 hrs, night 5-6hrs. Becoz I can't seem to up his feed, day time I dun let him go more than 4hrs without feed even if he is not crying for milk. If he is napping I will wake him up to feed. I scared he not drinking enuff. Got once his total only 400!

Juliana - don't worry, I'm sure after antibotics he will be fine. Cheer up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws - how do you feed liz rice cereal?

Andrea - mine only 5 feeds per day, average 120-130ml per 3.5-4hrly. Think yours is ok, 170 x 4 = 680ml quite alot!

Stefie - wah alexis also quite alot! Mine only max 140ml!

Btw, what's a baby's normal temperature if take by the ear? My boys temperature seems abit low like +/- 36. Last night I measured it below 36 even. And his skin feels abit cool eventho I dun on Aircon. Im supposed to monitor high temp but will too low also be a problem? I thot low temp means body is in shock or smthing.

Hi everyone, it's been a long time since i come into the forum. Now that my boy is in infant care, I have some time to myself before i go back to work next week. *yay*

Re: feed amount

I'm feeding my boy 6 feeds per day of 150ml x 3 and 120ml x 3.

Juliana - My boy's urine sometimes a bit strong too, but no odd smell. It's urine smell, like adult. I think baby's urine should be milder, so I"m gonna feed him a bit more water, hopefully it will be better.

Juliana, Melissa, I was feeding her 120ml every 4 hrly. Then when I put her in IFC, the teachers fed her 3 hrly and requested to up her feed to 150ml. So she has been sticking to it since 2 weeks ago. Some time she wil drinks only 80-90 ml. So see her mood one.

She has stopped her night feeds, can tahan from 9pm - 5-6am. So am so glad that she is sleeping much longer now. My hubby the happy one cos he does the night feeds, if 5-6am, I will be on duty cos I need to prepare her for IFC.

Juliana, Alexis ear temp is from 35.8 - 37.0, so your boy one is normal no worries[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boy is on his face. GP & PD agrees its Fungal Infection but else than the steriod cream, it doesnt help. I am hoping tt the Dermatologist Yvaine recommend can provide a alternative solution. It pains my heart to see the red patch on his face..


Tks ya.. Of cos will update u..

i also buy the giraffe liao... paid $32 cos opt for post... cant wait to receive it... hee....

hear the ugly maid stories n this morn asked my hubby to install a cctv at my mil place... really wonder what she doing at times ... also want to change my hse keys.. now we have spare key in the living room and she will use the key to go out to throw rubbish..

but who know... maybe during early morn when we are sleepin.. she may sneak out? hmm.. will change lock and then use the excuse of no more spare keys.... so if she wan to go out , she need to ask us for keys...

mummies.. If u think ur baby nt drinking enough, I think mine worst... Sometimes he take 3feeds only.. Cos he will sleep sleep.. Then so far max is 4feeds. The 3feeds are nt like he drink alot too.. 110-120ml only. A few times, he only drink 50-60ml.. Last nite, he woke up abt 8pm for his 3rd feed.. Then stayed awake for 2hrs plus.. I gave him another feed like 50ml before he goes to sleep at 12am. He was super cranky this few days. Cry like nobody business. Nt sure isit stomach nt feeling well. Abt 3-4days no poo liao. He likes to suck his hands nw too.. Very loud that kind. hungry suck.. feed already also suck. So nw I dunno whether is he hungry or nt hungry..

Thanks Mel. Hope so too but just that when the dr described it sounds scary. Ultrasound to chk kidneys and I think he has to do this test, have to insert smthing into his penis or more of his ureter to get direct urine sample, so poor thing!

Mel/Stefie/Andrea: do u feed yr babes water? I tried giving my boy water but he refused to drink only v rarely he will drink. I still try to force him, leave the bottle in his mouth and he will suck once awhile. Recently I spoon feed him but only managed to give him v little like 20-30ml at most

Rachel - I dun give my helper the house key either, unless it's her off day and there's a chance we won't be home to open door for her.

Have been considering the idea of cctv or webcam too. Will be going back to work next week, and my baby is in IFC, so really dunno what she will do the whole day at home without anyone around.

Pauline - my boy does the sucking of his hand too. Sometimes he will even push out the milk bottle after drinking only a bit just so he can suck on his hand. Dunno why he does that, so it's very frustrating to feed him. Once I have to resort to swaddle him just so his hands can't swipe the bottle away.


my gal so far can onli drink 120ml x 2 @ hm n 150ml x 3 @ IFC...but realli doubt my gal can drink 150ml lei...smtime she didnt even finish 120ml so hw to drink 150ml lei...


yr gal so guai can slp thur e nite...if my gal last feed is 9pm she will stl wake up ard midnite to drink den can slp till 6.30am...


sorry i missed your post ! thanks for your reply..at least now i know andrew is not drinking too little milk. recently he is going on milk strike. he only wants my mil to feed him milk.


my boy loves water, he will rather drink water than to drink his milk. each day he will down like 160ml of water on average. on certain days might be lesser.

Andrea - no worries, your boy is drinking fine. I also worry my girl not drinking enough so during her milk strikes, I'll keep forcing her even though she doesn't wan to drink.

Stefie - mine only max 140ml, her stomach cannot take more than that. Your is 150ml after the scoops or 150ml of water plus 5 scoops of fm?

Dbaby - I think dermalogist should be able to provide a solution. Don't worry ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline - maybe he's going through a milkstrike. Mine went through that twice. Very pressuring!

Juliana - yup I feed my girl with water ever since she's on FM completely. I feed her about 10-15ml in btw her feed. Now I'm not sure how much my mil gives her also.



i tink my gal aso prefer water den milk...everytime feed her milk gt to force it into her mouth n suck vy slow...but water she suck vy fast

