(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


my elder girl totally skipped the flipping phase, she went from lying flat on her back to sitting up. she hated being on her tummy.


it's possible to get the teething symptoms already at 4mths. low grade fever, itchy/painful gums, cranky, drooling etc. but the symptoms will come on and off for wks/mths before the actual tooth cuts through.

my alexis had teething symptoms from 3+ mths, but her first tooth only cut at 6 mths.

but, if u ask PD, they will say this is not considered teething yet. to us mummies, once they get cranky from itchy gums is teething already :p


yugal, your maid ate the milk powder?!?! i think that's really weird (not to mention gross)... lol! dun think they taste real good either! maybe her mouth was itchy. :p

i also brought my gal to a condo pool recently. not public one but i heard condo pool might be more dirty than public pool, so... *shrug* she enjoyed it immensely and i would do it again soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, not necessary for a bag with insulation. u can get one specially for the bottle itself. i find it useful only when i'm going out near bb's milk time so i'll prepare a bottle and put it into the insulated bag.

jiahui, i think it's really up to u. for me, i wouldn't think of looking for a new job now 'cos i want to be home soon as possible to see my gal and my current workplace is quite pro-family. maybe when she's older then i'll find something else. it really depends on what you're looking for. i agree with stefie, putting in IFC is just what some have to do 'cos no other help available. it doesn't mean you're a good or bad mummy just cos u have to do certain things to ensure the best care for your child.

yugal, i am also always checking out the nursing rooms of shopping centres. i also like Ion's nursing room, but Nex Mall, Vivocity, and OG (Bugis) all have pretty good ones too, and they also provide hot and cold water.

welcome back, muddypaws! sounds like a really fun trip in HCM!

crystal, i dun think u need to do anything for ethan, but maybe u would like to prop him up on his arms so he doesn't get angry so fast. sometimes i do that for my gal even though she already knows how to prop herself up. it's just she get kancheong and will wriggle and get cranky when she realises she can't move. lol!

2mimi, i dismantle my pool everytime after use. the water i'll use to flush the toilet/clean the toilet floor. my bb goes in naked too. hehe... usually after her bath. it takes about 10mins to set up the first time, after that it's relatively easy. maybe about 5mins? filling it with water will take a while though, about 15 - 20mins but that's cos i put the water on low so that it'll be hot enuf.

grumpus, thanks for sharing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am getting sophie for Alexis liao. She keep sucking her thumb thumb some more.

Thanks dewdew, your kind words really make me feel better. Thanks again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks again Cindy, Crystal, Roz.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw dewdew, your SK house near Rivervale plza right? The FM from the chinese Medical hall is cheap. So next time you can get from there. Nan pro is selling at 30.80 for stage 1.

roz, diaper bag itself is heavy, come to think of it, very true!

its jus myself wanting it i guess hehe

crystal, ya better be good girl, drink loads of water, most impt le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i got the organizer, but cant use in my current bags, coz my bags either too small or too narrow for it haha...

jiahui, good that yr tots are sorted out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feeling relaxed means u're comfortable with yr decision le ^_^

stefie, haha the giraffe not i buy, was given by my friend for full mth :p

think that time got one mummy post selling at $28 n she buy in bulk or smtg.. can get from her coz retails at 30plus...

i nv take her temp, just tot its feverish by feeling hehe

maybe i whole day carry her i feel so hot and pek chek haiz!

omg now i so feel like buying again LOL!

ytd i went to get the exersaucer liao, now i tell hub i want to buy bag, jialat!

dewdew, its good to have timing for baby's milk..i duno when is her milk time, and i duno how to 'implement' fixed time haiz..

i actually wanted the 'diaper bag 'bag for myself more than to use it for diaper bag purpose, haiz!!

Cindy, buy, just buy as long as it makes you happy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I 'poison' hoh.

My colleague sitting next to me also everytime 'poison' me with his Mini cooper S, make me drool leh. ha!!! ha!!!

So I also 'poison' you with your shopping[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the email[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, yep my new place is just opposite Rivervale Plaza. thanks for the info, i went to the plaza to take a look the other day, many things! lol!

Ciindy> yeah i know what you mean..lol. Some diaper bags are really nice, though!

Btw I saw that mummy post abt the giraffe but I don't see her around the forums, reliable or not? Coz I thot abt buying one as well...

my bb now puts almost anything he can reach into his mouth... his napkins, bolster, his sleeves, even now his cloth book which i attach to his rocker... is it time to buy the teether? the giraffe teether good?

suddenly i miss my bb so much.. this morn went to see him before i go to work.. my mil was feeding him and bb start to reject feed once he saw/heard me at the door... my mil said bb must be thinking i am goin to latch him so he refuse the bottle.. haha.... so we bring him to change diapers and then continue his feed... but still he refuse drinking... so i have no choice but to leave first hoping he will finish up his milk ....

dewdew, you are the most welcome, your house good location leh, 24 hrs NTUC, 2 food courts, medicial hall and wet market. Just in case you missed my much earlier post, Welcome to Sengkang[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The town of lots of pregnant women. Ha!! ha!!!

Roz, I just email her, Retail price for Sophie is $39.90. I will wait for her to get back to me and update here.

Rachel, give yourself and baby more time. He will drink up if he is hungry, now babies only have basic needs like milk, diaper change and sleep. It will be more difficult for the mommy than the baby. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, i will bite the bullet n confront hub LOL!

the bag is calling me haha!!

roz, yalor.. the allerhand bags are making my hubby poor haha!

i got the quick fix pouch, n now the diaper bag is calling out to me hehe..

ya i see her post also not much, but i guess should be ok..i'm super online buyer :p

rachel, my girl same.. when she sees me she will reject the bottle zzzz


your elder gal so strong ah.. love to do sit up. heehee....


yap..I'm feeling relax now. Means i'm happy with my decision.

Now I felt like going out to do some shopping for office wear or facial.

Think it's been 3 yrs i haven't gone for facial.

Also time for me to prepare myself back to workforce looking good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for your advice.

Congrate upon to your new love nest.

We have another Sengkang mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oops, i did miss your post, stefie! hahaha.. THANKS!

rachel, my gal also puts anything and everything into her mouth, including my hair when she grabs a fistful of it! lol!

stefie, haha so fast u email :p

u faster hand n legs hehe!

jiahui, yr indecisiveness shows liao! :p

if u prefer the new job u will accept without asking.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

since u bother to ask means u 'she bu de' the old one hehe..

go do wat u want b4 u work ba..or since u have time now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, i cant tahan the dropping of hair and my girl's pulling, making me lose even more hair! then i went to cut!

i also want to 'welcome to SK' hahahha!!

Hello mommies,

Been back to work for 1wk+ n so far so gd...

Feel better pumping in ofc now cos I've upgraded to pump in the ofc storeroom n dun need to pump in toilet anymore! so happy cos I really dread pumping in the toilet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]\

yugal, wat was the reason ur maid gave when she took ur baby's milk powder? cos she's just curious how it taste or wat? maids sometimes may look normal to us but u really wont know wat kind of weird things they do behind our back...

crystal, I think u can just let Ethan explore on his own. eventually, he'll learn how to move... some babies will learn to do leopard crawl 1st before proceeding to crawl on all fours. Some babies will skip the crawling process altogether too.

Stefie, hope Alexis is feeling better. My 2 boys are also down with flu/cough. Its always my #1 falling sick 1st cos his classmates always turn up in school even though they're down wz bad flu/cough... then #1 will pass the virus to #2 n both of them will be down.

I'm contemplating if I shd let #1 stop school for now n resume only next yr when #2 is at least 1yr old cos #2 has been down wz flu twice so far alrdy! dunno if I shd do something so drastic.

Roz, sure will update.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, no lah. I see sophie so cute, I also want to bit[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!!! ha!!! Maybe I will snatch from Alexis... May I should get 2.... Ha!!! ha!!!

Hope that I will use 'welcome to Sengkang' to you soon hoh. Near my house even better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So I can see your Clarice, see her pics on FB, I buay tahan want to kiss her leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!!! ha!!! Me bian tia mommy.

Eve, thanks, I guess is the flu season lah. 4 classmates are down at home in Alexis class. I guess it is parts and parcel of putting our babies in CC or IFC bah. See whether what you are comfortable with. If your no. 1 is enjoying, then have to give and take. Even bring them out will also kena virus leh, so have to build up their body system.

Hi mummies...

Re: Sophie giraffe

my sis bought one for her boy but he din reali like it.. he prefers his 'drumstick' hand.. its only merit i find is that is is very touch sensitive.. bb's tiny squeeze will make the giraffe squeak.. my lil chloe is also putting everything into her mouth now! so i bought those rings to attach to her rocker and also let her hold onto a loose one on each hand to bite..

Yurieve - good for u, gota a room to pump! im still pumping in the toilet , but lucky thing is its the executive toilet and i got to hold the key to use it solely... but still, i prefer a room than a toilet, no fun sitting on the toilet seat to moo..

Re: diapers

anyone stocking up diapers? the ones my bb is using are nepia and pampers, both made in japan.. so i went to ntuc over wkend and stocked up bout 14 packs... wf the nuclear thingie, i wonder if the stock will cease for a while before they get another overseas manufacturer to do it...

yugal, ur maid just nailed it man. Of all, its milk powder.

This is e reason why i am so paranoid about helper, and grind my teeth and takes care of my 2 myself alone at home.


My no2 also just slide sideways, but guess maybe 2nd time round so wasnt that concern,since her neck is actually able to hold up and she can do "crunches" on days. Funny lil fella.

Muddypaws, sounds like you had a lot of fun.

Man if only i can be like you, but being sahm for so long,i cant seem to leave my daughters.

My no1 never drools, never had e teething stage, and not much fussing or whatsoever.

No2,drools and keep wanting to put things into her mouth!

cindy, i can't stand the dropping of hair too, and am planning to go cut my hair short tmrw. lol! my mum said good, 'cos she's sweeping up my hair everyday and said it seems too much to be normal. :p after cutting my hair, i'm going to go bee choo for hair treatment. i've heard good reviews so will give it a try. :p

stefie, hahhahahhaha!!!! i can just picture, u and alexis holding a sophie each. hahahahha... that is just so cute!

yurieve, it's the flu season and everyone's dropping like flies with the flu bug making its rounds. take good care! maybe can let your #1 have a vit c tablet everyday?

thanks jiahui! Now am just waiting to do reno and move in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, join the SK group, quick! hahhaha...


whr did u gt yr gal swim suit?? i go kiddy palace m tom & stef n look but dun kw which one suits my gal


wat shld i look out whether my gal is teething or nt...she drools, like to suck her fingers or hand but no fever...wat else nd to take note??

stefie, haha! if u really get 2, will be funny to take a pic of mummy n daughter biting! :p

haiz clarice getting cranky these days, not cute :p

dewdew, i cant bear to cut all short, now its just slightly below my shoulders, hope the dropping will stop soon..

my head also super itchy, maybe my scratching makes it worst [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also want to join leh, but i failed 3 BTO liao, sian! nevertheless, i will still prefer to stay ard HG/SK area! hehe

PSH, when i was at SIN, i look ard, seems like mothercare sells smaller size (less than 1yr) swimwear only..

otherwise can consider the thermal swimsuit..the size quite adjustable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, my gal's swimsuit is from mothercare, M size. too big but nevermind lah, she can wear for longer. lol!

cindy, my scalp also itchy!! so i used silkpro, green colour for itchy scalp. it helps lessen so at least i dun scratch it anymore. the hairfall is still bad though, so must do something drastic liao. :p

i saw amazon selling the giraffe at usd18 but need to acct for shipping... nvr buy fr amazon before n wonder whether cheaper to buy online... but i v keen in the giraffe... went to the website n they hav so many interesting toys... wish to buy them all.... haha

Roz, she replied liao. I will monitor and let you know when i rec the giraffe.

dewdew, cindy, ha!! ha!! Me this mommy siao siao one, hope Alexis not like me, hee!!! hee!!!

stefie, lol monitor! Thx thx!

PSH> when we first took our girl to the pool, we just put her in swim diapers and a tshirt. Important must have a nice, big, warm dry towel! Unless you go to the pool very often, not like us.

I went to get my hair cut shortshort too coz couldn't stand seeing all the long strands of hair all over the house! Got my girl's hair cut as well, think the auntie did a good job on her.

dewdew, i wanted to get those itchy scalp shampoo also, bt i scared the chemicals will make my hair fall worst? haiz maybe i think too much..

PSH, u're welcome..enjoy hunting for swimwear! hehe

stefie, no need la, jus buy 1 then one of u bite head another leg :p good enough for pic hehe!!


Ya ..i admit at point of time,I'm always hesitate or indicisive. heehee.

For the BTO, how come failed 3 times?

I tot the HDB got give priority to the family or first timer, something like that.

Re: baby swimming.

I forgot that i bought the Hwa Xia package for my no 1 last year.

But due to her long battling with her flu, we stopped bringing her. Until we forgotten.

Now I flip my wallet and found the membership card.

Already expired in Feb.

Not sure the balance of the package got forfeited or not after renew.

If still can use after renewal, I hope i can use it for my no 2.

Yurieve/ Dewdew, thanks for info on the "crawl" I'll let Ethan explore and see how things go.

Stefie, u so fast buy the giraffe Liao? Alamak u let alexis try update me if it's good oki?

Mummies looking for swimwear I saw some very pretty bikini style swim wear at cotton on kids just now at united sq. More for gals so cute polka dotted ones!

Cindy, buy buy I also just ordEred from gap and also bought some stuff from cotton on just now when I went out for lunch. Spread "poison" to u hhahah.

Stefie, I bought a big playmat from hwa xia last weekend very colourful and it's light wt it's not the Lg one but I tink it's pretty good. Ethan has fun flipping around on it. Big enough for adults to lie on.

jiahui, my bto i failed always coz my Q number very big, no chance to choose hse haiz!

no luck i guess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

crystal, i got the giraffe liao, until now my girl duno how to hold zzz need more time i guess..

i tonight try again, ytd failed haha!

i alwaya kana poison one haha!no wonder pocket thinner n thinner :p

wah Stefie, looks like u really dependent on IFC alot leh..but u gt to monitor Alexis' health being, cos my fren's son was in IFC for 3 mths n sick 5/6 times and even hospitalised, so in the she pull her son out n under nanny's care, no sick n happy boy now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal was in IFC at 8 mths old n age adapt very fast! So I think my son will be like his sister too at 10 mths old into IFC[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mummy, buy Dentinox teething gel to standby if babies teeth pop out, my gal start to bite, cranky n drool on 5 mths onwards but her 1st pearly came out at 10 mths only

Cindy, you really very creative leh. I will find chance to take pic with Alexis, me and Sophie. Ha!! Ha!!!

Crystal, sure will update you once alexis or me try, ha!!! Ha!!! Sophie very cute, if last time have, I sure will be super happy baby, biting Sophie. Ha!! Ha!!! My siaoness come back again.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am thinking of getting the mat too, how much you paid at the hwa xia? I seems like alot of things to buy, sophie, the mat, the pool what's next. Ha!!!! Ha!!!! Really alot of 'poison' hoh, too much temptations here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy dun give up on the bto oki will get in time to come. U update me on the giraffe also la hahha. I xin yang yang hahha better gather updates first heee.

Stefie, I bouht the m siZe one it's 78. The s size one is 58 and the l size one is 88. But I find m reallie very big already hahaha take up a lot of space hahah.

Actually I'm v bz at work now... but I think I'm addicted to forum. Keep finding chance to come online, LOL!

god's child, how many times are u pumping in ofc now? I'm pumping once during lunchtime n another time ard 4pm... I sooooo want to go out for lunch wz my colleagues but pumping alone takes at least 20-25mins n still must wash, etc. end up only left wz less than half an hr for lunch. so I've been asking my colleagues to tabao lunch for me everyday. Even pumping at 4pm is also a chop chop affair cos I'll only pump for 15mins max n stop even if there's still milk flowing out...

Back to work again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My Maid

I dunno why of all things she wana eat all of our supplement powder, especially my baby's.

Caught her on two occasions through my "hidden" cam.

I am more furious about her dishonesty than finding out why the hell would she want to eat our milk powder.

We were already wondering why our milk powder supply going down very fast, never ever occur to us my maid was the one happily helping herself to it.

Just guessing maybe she wants to have a share of the good stuffs everyone is having.

After the showdown talk with her, she must be wondering how we all came to know about it even though we never reveal anything.

From so many horror stories I heard from my friends, I will say we can never judge a maid by her daily behaviour.

It is what goes on when no one is around that will reveal her true character.

Regarding Sophie,

I received Sohpie as one of my baby's full month present. It is currently her favourite toy, and she always smile whenever I put it in front of her.

I've got a video on this will post it on FB. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, i read b4 that babies build immunity by getting sick, so dun worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, omg! i cant imagine the pic, sure funny! haha!!

crystal, BTO quite hopeless liao esp now with baby in tow, i dun think want to wait so long - coz BTO normally long waiting time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

might settle for resale, but HG (my preferred area) mostly old houses T_T

haha must wait till she can hold herself, i getting busy holding for her now leh haha :p

yugal, my aunt many yrs ago also caught the maid drinking baby's milk...she feed baby abit n drink the rest..then say baby finished..

my aunt found out only when talking to her, saw her tongue whitish..

yugal, ya haha! coz it happened when we all went to grandma's place many yrs ago, the maid and baby were alone in the room, so cant get rid of the evidence hehe...

according to my aunt, she noticed it few times when at home, just that duno how to ask the maid (coz indo maid)..only when at my grandma's then my grandma was able to speak in malay to her..haiz



Agree if no reliable help, eg grandparents , camera..etc its better to be in IFC than leave alone with maid. Say what people like, maid is really "scary" if not monitored.

baby neck float

sounds like a good idea, I think I will get one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


any parent can please post a photo or link to it? doubt my bb is teething but she is putting everything into her mouth, so sounds like this is a good option.

agree, so many interesting things to buy :p

sofie giraffe:

my gal had it at 4 mths n she loves it, chew it to max! hee...will buy for my boy

cannot tahan liao.. must buy the giraffe toy... haha... any gd lobang?

also bought 2 cloth books online.. waiting for it to arrive...

next to buy.. flash cards... wonder which one gd...


Jiahui: way to go gal! Yr sacrifices are worth it. I also tot of changing jobs since mkt picking up, I agree that distance, time, salary and job scope makes us more skeptical to foray into the unknown. ESP with bb(ies) me tot toy of switching jobs as my position is somewhat fixed and pay increment slow . However the upside to my job is familiarity and good co workers. I am still learning my ropes as a new mum. I wouldnt want to have to cope with 'starting all over again' in my job... Thus totally respect yr decision. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

IFC : stefie

Agree with Roz ; just nod nod and brush it off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes there is only so much we can do... Who doesn't want the best for their kid??? As u have already weighed in the pros and cons. It is not too bad afterall. Watever decision we make surely pple got something to say... Be it with maid at home, with in laws or nanny... There is no hard and fast rules so u are doing good...There is no perfect solution we only live with eat we choose...

Parklon mat/ Sophie the giraffe

I wanna get !!wanna get!! tooo can kind soul Pm me the details??? I saw under BP parklon selling for 180 for medium size same price as expo but no winnie the pooh one... BP also has Sophie but selling at 30plus too not tat cheap...

Yugal: maid and milk powder

My helper (at my mum's place) also drink my mum anlene milk powder (for osteoporosis )!!! The previous one also Filipino also drink her anlene!!! I wonder why they like to take milk powder???

Hey mummies & daddies

Been MIA for a week or so cos my #1 was down with Viral

infection with vomiting & fever, then following morning, #2 had a slight fever(dun knw catch virus frm #1 or frm jab the day before) then myself - suspected food poisoning.. Alamak.. Been a crazy week.

This week, started #1 on playgroup for 2 hours.. Seems like still nt long enuf cos #1 seems to enjoy it & i dun haf enuf time in between to relax.. Hahahh =)

Stefie - Tks for the link on CDC. All the timings dun falls or complement with my #1 playgroup timing.. Arrgghhh.. And i can leave my grandma alone with 2 of them. I think she will go crazy.. So both me & HB decide to go for a intensive driving lessons start of 2012.. No choice, jus had to take Advanced Theory again then..

Oh yes, i need help.. I remembered a mummy saying tt she bring BB to a dermatologist for skin prb.. My boy's Fungal Infection doesnt go away. And PD forbid me to use the 'steriod' cream anymore cos will 'thin' the skin & also some discolouration of skin. She given me a cream - Physiogel but nt helping.. If can see frm my FB, his face getting bad again.. Pls help!!!

Maid Issues

I see liao, really scared!! But at times, i really feel so tired tt i really want to wash my hands clean frm all the carrying, feeding etc.. Housework nt so bad but taking care of my boy really a toll on me!!

Thinking back, if i still working, i will still be the only person waking up for nite feeds!! =(


Who is givig cereal aldy?? My boy still drinking 130ml every 2-3hrly, occassional 4hrly. He is 4M2W & 7kg nw.. Hw shld we give??

Anyone tried the 'water' feeding instead of offering milk when BB wakes up at nite??


Hi mummies & daddies,

My boy has beenshaking his head vigorously back & forth these couple of days, wondering if any of your's do the same?

Have tried to research online n this seems common for older babies from 6-10 months but there are some posts that say it may be an ear infection. As he seems to feel warmer than usual (temp still ard 36.2) and his appetite has decreased today, am not sure if it's an infection.

A little concerned now & my mil wanted him to drink water with burnt amulet in it. I refuse to budge and said no. I'm ok to bathe him in it but not to drink as he is so young. Hope she's not offended. Better let my hb know when he's bk from trip.

