(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hello mommies.

Its a moody day for me today.

Later need to go for post natal chkup, will be asking gynae for medicine for boosting milk supply.

Cant stand my mom!! She really gets on my nerves even though i know she has gd intentions. She's v pro-bf n hv been giving me pressure when she keep asking y i dun latch bb on. Cos she always hear frm her frds how easy their daughters/daughter in laws do it. Argh... Then its also the cl issue which she's v pushy abt. I think i'm breaking down again. Feel like crying as i'm typing...

I'm really sick n tired of this confinement n i still hv to tong till end of the mth.

Crystal, the marks arent painful for me. Btw, i wore the binder for 1mth b4 i chuck it aside.

Shivering after epidual

Its uncontrollable shivering n u'll continue to shiver even if multiple blankets on. The shivering will go away abt 2-4hrs later.


yurieve, does ur mom live with u? or can u take a break from her? like if she doesnt get ur huby to take her out or soemthing? its additional stress to u and its not easy... i noe cos my mom is also like that hahaha. i got a cl so that i got excuse not to let her come during this month cos i noe i will go mad if she does.

hello mummies,

just an update on muddypaw's recommendation on colic medicine. i went to buy dentinox y'day at guardian and administered 1 dose to Gwen when she was fussing during one of her night feeds. it really work wonders!

1 dosage of 2.5ml (which she didn't finish) and she let out 4 loud farts and after that was able to sleep with some carrying and patting. before that she just wanted me to walk up and down the dark living room while her eyes were opened big big and looking here and there, crying when i attempt to sit down and pat her to sleep.

eon, i think all the others' suggestion of c-section is good. will save u the pain and cost of attempting natural birth with no guarantee that it might work.

yurieve, i hear u. my mum again brought up the subject of me going totally FM instead of attempting BF. she said again my supply not enuf, but at least i'm attempting, right? i just ignored her this time. next time she says again she'll really get it from me.

joyfulbliss, blankets won't work when u're shivering from epidural 'cos it's not due to cold. i had blankets piled on me but i was still shivering til muscles almost in spasm and pain for 1.5hrs. it will go away eventually, different ppl react differently.

No problem, hope it works for you. My cl said tht those with sensitive skin when doing the massage wrapping can also tell them to put it on first before wrapping.

My tummy also looks like 3-4mths pregnant. What's more it's saggy.

This is my #2, I should be more experience, but sometimes the cl handles baby different from what I had done before, makes me question myself. Also I didn't manage to latch on my #1. So breastfeeding is a new journey as well. Bear with me as I ask questions along the way...


Sorry to interrupt. I've 4 brand new bottles of GNC Fenugreeks, letting go at 20 each. self collect at hougang mrt. Interested, pls PM me. Thks.

crystal: happy birthday to u.. ur FB doesn't take public post, so, wish you here..

joyfulbliss: not everyone will shiver after epi, but it's good to learn more of the symptoms and be prepared, I didn't have any..

EonEon: waiting for your update.. :)

Re: binder

I have been wearing the binder since the c-sect, have not lived without it except for going toilet and bathing.. my tummy has sunk down alot, don't look preggy, but if you look inside, a little flabby :-( I promised hb I will do my best after confinement to get back in tone and shape.. so, let's jiayou together..

stefie: Can I ask if you brought bb to see PD with hb this morning at Novena Medical? I thought I heard your name, but I can't be sure, paiseh later recognise wrong person..

re: update on zaizai

Zaizai was 3.33kg at birth, lose to 2.995kg upon discharge a week later due to few days of phototherapy.. like dewdew, I found the motivation this morning to keep up with moo-moo-ing as he is 3.21kg now! gained 215g in just 3 days.. feeding him and pumping diligently really works.. let's jiayou together mummies.. ;-)

klitz, maybe coz when i massage myself and it hurts, i tend to slow down...then when get hubby to massage, not much use...haiz...end up i always pump just to relieve the pain, but the lumps still can be felt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tenq, thanks, my baby always choke and vomit when the breast too full...so scared everytime she gag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

then have to pump until wun leak then i can feed her properly haiz...end up like feeding middle milk only..zz

yurieve, i normally only pump 100ml and keep, the excess i throw :p

my freezer is so full of items (coz staying with MIL), not very hygienic to keep BM in the freezer, so i just store in bottles in the fridge..so meaning every 2 days -48hrs- if not fed have to throw..

since i'm home most of the time, i prefer to latch coz i scared if nipple confusion..headache T_T

whenever i btl feed, i realise shes drinking only 60ml for a 12day old baby...maybe shes not a milk monster haha...

crystal, i can imagine if i freeze the BM, wa sure stink of meat! zzz

think i will only start the storing and pumping routine when i get back to JKT hehe...then i can control my own fridge :p

bubbly, thanks!

waahh ur zai zai has put on a good weight too hehee very motivating hor.

ya same for me the binder stays on thruout but ya tummy flabby okie la maybe not like preggi but more like flabby.. dunno how to lose it.. sianzz..

cindy hahahhaa... BM that stinks of meat hahaha new created taste arh...

how many hours interval does ur bb feed? i feed ethan every 2 hours btl feed of 60ml in the day at night he will drink 100ml every 3 hours

i weighed ethan bot a week ago also. he put on 300gm then to 3.9kg .. so bfing him after a while wil be very arm suan hahaha... i tink i building muscles on my arms liao ahha no more bye bye sleeves arm ahhaha

mommies, i have query. how long should the bleeding from the bellybutton of bb last? ethan seems to have slight bleeding everyday since his umbilical cord fell off. been bot 4-5 days since liao.

crystal, talking abt flabby tummy, i also have leh...i walk can feel the flab/fats moving T_T yucks haha

ya lor i think meat got bacteria leh...dun wan to contaminate BM esp if my baby has a chance of drinking it T_T

my baby mainly latching on demand, but the 4 times or so when she was btl fed, the max she drink 60ml for the last 2 btl feed session...mostly abt 2hrs between feeds...

night feed cant count coz i latch on haha..baby now slps on my bed beside me, much more convenient hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, my baby also have bleeding from bellybutton!

7 days and counting haha...MIL says its normal leh, so i still using the alcohol swabs to clean it once awhile when i see too much blood clots :p

Thanks mummies for answering my question on shivering aft epidural. Gosh, it's scary to know that shivering can take place for so long and blankets may not help. But at least now I am mentally prepared.

ya, Aiko... so scare she hungry also and she will scream till face so red. I will increase her intake to 100ml le.

rainbow, baby intake v big right. lol...

thanks crystal.. cos sometimes dont knw if she jus want to suck something for comfort or really hungry. jus done with feeding and yet she still looking for milk.

Dbaby, ya, i can understand how tired it can be to bf. but my supply still low to pump and bottle although sometimes i do feel the milk coming and i pump out. thanks for ur encouragement! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, happy for u! do rest more and dont sit for too long at pc ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew... ya, at first few 3-4 days, baby also taking ard 30-40ml i also think its impossible. lol... ya, its a learning curve we still hav lots to learn. my CL leaving on fri le. really hope i can pacify her on my own le.

eoneon, debbie, joyfulbliss, do join in to chit chat oh, cos it will be overnight tat u realise u will start latching, pumping and etc. hehehe!

Debbie, ur gynae really v nice! my nxt one will sure change gynae :p

any mummies know tat the 6wks after the 2wks gynae checkup is to do papsmear?

rainbow, different baby different ba. mine dropped at day7. think it can take up to 3wks?

crystal: seems like muscular arms are the trend for mummies.. hehehe.. now I know why most of my mummy frens have big arms.. :)

re: umbilical cord

Zaizai's cord dropped off on the day he was discharged from hospital, when he was 7 days old. This morning, when we went to see the replacement PD (our PD went on 2 weeks vacation), his piece of instructions to parents for NB includes "cord usually drops off at the end of 2nd week". Thus, not to worry. As for bleeding cord, I noticed dried blood on zaizai, PD prescribed a powder to put on twice daily, he says it's normal and will dry up soon..

crystal, no she doesnt stay wz me. I think i'll really go crazy if she does. I alrdy feel myself slipping into depression cos i kept on feeling emo n want to cry. New cl is here but the sight of her makes me pek chek. Cos of the previous 2 lousy cl, i just feel tat this cl is also another calefare who wont last. I know i shd be fair to her cos its only her 1st day but i just hate cls now.

My bb's umbilical cord drop off liao but there's no bleeding leh...

Dewdew, i alrdy quarrelled wz my mom, simply cant stand her. I feel tat she's the one pushing me into depression wz her persistant ways even though she's got gd intentions.

Cindy, wow ur supply really gd leh but a abit sayang to throw the excess bm leh... Can use to bathe baby or urself. some ppl use it to wash their feet too.

Rainbow, my bb's umbilical cord on the 11th day

cindy, i see i see bb zzz with u okie it does make bfing easier i agree esp if u latch on demand. but its tiring for u i'm sure.

bubbly, ya we going to get muscular arms soon haha.. can u give me the name of the powder for applying on belly button? i try to get it?

OOo thanks for the info on the bellybutton at least i feel better now.. not soo worried liao cos its like everytime clea it it bleeds or some kind of dried blood so quite scary .

yurieve, i noe its not easy but do u tink u can at least give the new cl a try? give her and urself a break at least u give it a try rite?

Cherrry, ya my gynae so nice till me and hubby very touched by him being so attentive and assuring. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how come if you have second baby will change gynae leh? Dr Woody not good enough?

Mummies! I just went for checkup. Approaching 39 weeks. But tomorrow I will be inducing. The previous spurts of water is suspected to be small leak fr waterbag as my water level inside dropped a bit. Still healthy level though. Gynae said sometimes water can spurt out but the hole seal up again. But to prevent risk of baby infection, can induce. My baby's cord is around the neck. So my gynae ask me if want to induce soon since baby fully formed and less risky now then at 40weeks. Thankfully gynae say baby should be still ok despite cord around neck as his heartbeat is regular and baby is active. Just need monitor for 1 more day. I suspect baby not engaged as cord is restricting him from doing so. Wish me luck on inducing tomorrow morning!! Hope all goes well!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Shivering after Epi is administered

For me, it helps a bit if a calm myself down and take deep breaths. Another thing that helps is a hot waterbottle or pack which you can hold in your hands or chest.

Re: bills at Glen e

Cheryl, you were asking abt the bills? I was staying 1 bedder, natural birth with epi, costs me $3K after medisave (inc. doc's fee). I think before that is abt $6K if my hubby didn't tell me wrongly.

Re: umbilical cord

my bb's umbilical cord dropped off on the 7th day too. Before that it had some slight bleeding, and even some smell. But after it drop off, the smell is gone but now changed to yellowish discharge - not a lot, but enough for me to notice the stain on his shirt when i change him. Anyone knows whether this is normal? I called the hospital's nursery ward and they advise me to just keep using the alcohol swap twice a day.

re: umbilical cord

my baby's one dropped off at 7days, but she also has bleeding at the belly button. i've decided to let the blood clot there so as to prevent further bleeding. will clean with water and alcohol swab but won't totally clean off.

lyn55, yellowish discharge could mean some kind of infection. i suggest u call the PD to ask if need to bring baby down to see him.

debbie, congrats! seeing baby soon!! jia you!

mummies trying to increase bm supply, my fren (who had so much supply that the whole freezer was filled with it) said to pump regularly and to pump at least half hour to an hour each time. this will tell your breasts that they need to "manufacture" more milk and the supply will increase. also, drink green papaya and fish soup and take fenugreek. and drink more liquid.


So hw much does your bill come up for e-csec?


Tks for the bill breakdown...

Long story..

I hv been admitted to glenE since last tuesday.

No 1bedder was available so i was @ 2bedder fm tue to sat afternoon.

Then i was trsf to 1bedder on sat afternoon. I was admitted due to sky high blood pressure during my gynae visit on wk37+ gg wk38.

The plan was to admit me to stablise my BP n monitor my baby growth cos she's been only 2.3-2.4kg for past 2weeks. N then decide on delivery date n method when i rch wk39 (tis wk).

Though my hubby tells me not to worry abt the charges! I guess it can easily go over $10k even if aft medisave. This pregnancy hasnt been easy fm e start. I started seeing gynae weekly since wk4 til 2nd trimester. N throwing up til 7th mth pregnant! Experience all e pregnancy symptons. N now finally towards the end, i hv BP issues! Cant help but to worry.

But at least, now im v well taken care @ glenE. The nurses were v attentive n friendly. N i feels like staying @ hotel with room service! Surperb! So now just wanna see hw the delivery bills will differ between different delivery methods.

Mayb i can ask hub to go cashier to enquire abt my bill til to date??

crystal, ok... I've been trying to tell myself to be zen n gv her a try. Zen zen zen.

Debbie, wish u hv a smooth delivery tmr. Do update us once u pop. Jiayou...

I'm waiting at woody's clinic now... Loooong queue.

Seeing all the preggy mommies make me miss my preggy tummy too.

cheryl, i see hahah sorry i sotong jut tell u but i ddint give u the amt hahah

mine after medisave i need to pay 7k. but this amt may fluctuate depending on how much ur gynae charges u, how much the anasthetist and how much the pd charge u. my gynae alone is 2900 already. so its consiered the high side.

bubbly, thanks.


Does yr babies sleep in air con room during the day as well? My baby perspire like nobodies business and the cl said maybe it's good to let him sleep in air con during the day otherwise he wouldn't sleep for long.

But I scare this will become a habit.

Eon Eon,

Were u at TMC this morning to see Dr Ben..wearing a blue dress?

Hi Gals, What's CTG scan consist like? How is it like actually? Me doing it next week..can please advice?

Debbie, congrats! You'll be holding your LO in your arms very soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess you'll be too excited to sleep tonight but try hard cos you need ample rest for strength tomorrow!

Joycec, mine he also perspire like rain wat we do is we turn on the fan but blow indirectly at him it cools him down enough. Or during the day dun sleep in the cot sleep in the rocker. Mine will sleep on bed, rocker or cot in the day depending on weather.

Thanks mummies! But right now my hubby is thinking if i should just opt for c-section tomorrow as he's scared the cord around the neck would pose as a difficult for baby to come out and he don't want me to experience double pain of inducing and then emergency c-section. In a dilemma now..

joyfulbliss, i think tonight i cannot sleep liao.. So scared...

Wondering about how is EonEon's check-up now..

dbaby- hav u brot ur bb for jaundice chk? I jus went n it creeped up abit fr 172 to 181 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] doc say no worries cos stil ok..but if next wk stil nt below 100,nid to do blood test n chk on liver. I asked if i shld stop bf n he said tho there's a certain factor in bm prolongin the jaundice,bm is stil gd for bb. Im vy demoralised nw n wished i din have the supply ,then my poor bb wont have been yellowish for sooo long. Am gona feed her fm from nw n dumpin the bm.. Very sad...

Debbie! so its ur turn tmr! so excited for u le!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm.. i also abt to ask u, if cord ard bb, would it be difficult to go thru birth canal? u prob ask ur gynae the chances of inducing to natural birth?

regarding epidural shivering. Me is super timid. once i reach and step in the delivery ward, see the bed, i alrdy shiver like mad! hahaa.. and of cos after epi is done, i still keep on shivering dont knw its due to wat effect.

my girl also sweat alot. i even got a shock from it. haa.. sometimes she needs to be carried to sleep and she's really sweating. i will on air con for awhile and put her back to cot. sometimes she will cry from sleep, and when i move her body, can feel tat its v hot on the mattress, i also on the aircon to hope she can sleep better... dont knw we think baby are too hot or they r actually ok. haa!

cherrry, but i am super scared now!!! I totally admire you and other mummies who have gone pass that giving birth stage!!

Ya i was also thinking that baby difficult to go through birth canal, that's why now my hubby is thinking if i should just opt for c-section tmr cos he don't want me and baby to be at any risk and he don't want me to go through double pain in case induction fail.. I super scared of epidural now.. I'm also timid!! Gynae can only tell me the chances of successful induction depending on how fast i dilate or whether baby becomes engaged upon induction. So it's really difficult to say.. I'm now gearing towards 70% elective c-section and 30% try induce..

oh btw, babies sweat a lot easily. But it's really normal cos body just regulating body temperature. And i observed that babies sleep very well in air con that's not too cold.

Debbie, I would be scared too but it is something we have to go through. Talk to hubby till you fall asleep. Bet he is super excited as well. Check hospital bag has everything you need ok? Everything will be fine. Jia you! Looking forward to pics of your baby!

Hi Debbie!

Feeling very excited for u! Ehhh u have the same EDD as me, now I am left alone still waiting!!!

Do update us on your birth story!


So excited for u.. Tml is the DAY !!

Perhaps u can check with gynae the success rate of inducing in ur case, as well as the danger n risk. Then maybe frm there u can make a better decision.. Ur HB also rite cos no use going thru 2 pain - induce & c-sect... Jia you!!


My nxt appt for BB is tis fri.. Will see hw but i'm still givin BM cos its better.. Dun throw away, BM jaundice though take longer to recover, it has more nutrients.. But i'm givong EBM nw cos am stopping my supply due to going crazy frm all the lack of sleep.

Pls dun be upset!! Good supply is good if u intend to BF.. Some mummies with low ss wld kill to haf the BM u throwing away lo... Everything will be fine...


No prb.. Jus need to cheer one another.. BF is a tedious & long process.. Jia you! Jia you! I am givin it up cos i need to be HAPPY mummy instead of EDGY mummy frm not enuf slp... Take more fish, fluids, will help in the ss...


Jia you... If tis CL still CMI, jus dun wan her n tell ur mum u had enuf of CLs.. Sometimes jus haf to make ur stand firm n clear... Happy birthday!!!

Air Con

So far daytime i put my boy in cot or yao lan.. No air con though. But at nite will on air con cos mummy wan slp air con.. But for past few nites non air con cos of BB stuffy nose n i wan him more comfy.. Cos can hear him making wheezing noise in air con... Dun feel him sweating a lot la, still OK..

Milk intake

My boy is 26 days old nw, 3.6kg.. Drinking 80ml per 3 hr.. If he nvr slp after feed, will be 2 hr interval like tt.. Nw btl feeding him so he sort of having a more established timing & routine for his feed.. Last time latching on, i really can cry.. So eractic..

Debbie, I see.. Did he mention abt hw ripe ur cervix is now? Don't worry abt epi. I'm more scare of epi than labour initially. End up, at the ward, I'm more afraid of the delivery than epi. Haa! I think prob c sec will be the choice if baby is not engage and u r not dilated yet. Cos due to the cord to consider too. Think thru abt it and see wats more comfy for u ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Subject: How to boast milk supply

My baby is currently 1 week one but my milk supply is so low... only 30ml both side when I pump. I have latched on every 2 to 3 hours but dun seems to help. Anyone can give me any advice to increase milk supply??? I feel abit demoralised now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Currently I have some lumps that under my armpits.. is it due to block milk ducts? Do anyone has the experience...

Crystal: the cord powder packaging says it is antiseptic or something, so I guess it helps to prevent any infection. Anyway I don't just clean twice a day, every time I change diapers I will wipe with the alcohol swab and sprinkle the cord powder. Alcohol swab dries very quickly so it won't cause the cord to be wet. Even after cord drops off I continue till the cord appears to be clean.

aiko, can i get the powder from you if u no longer need it? i would like to let ethan try..

the alcohol swab i use doesnt seem to work cos it dries out very fast.

Joyfulbliss, Evie, thanks! Was so busy doing all the last minute packing and cleaning some stuff. It'll also be your turn soon too. Now i'm really wondering how is EonEon..

cherry, Oh i forgot to ask about my cervix softening or anything. Maybe not very ripe yet. Only know that i'm not dilated *faints* Probably mean longer labour if i induce. Will think through. Admire you can have a fast natural labour! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou in moo-ing career k! Keep up the good work!

Dbaby, yup, will check with gynae and make a firm decision tonight. Because if elective c-section, must inform them so they can book the op theatre and stuff. The thing is my mum and my MIL prefer me to induce and try natural first, worst case then emergency c-section. Aiya got a lot of contradicting views from my family and hubby.

yurieve, i hope i dun regret throwing away then later not enough for feeds when her appetite increase..

maybe able to pump more coz i only pump once a day - normally b4 i slp to prevent leaks at night when i wake for feed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, ya its really tiring...esp now with baby beside, i tend to lose slp coz whenever she makes small noises i'm also easily awaken [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, my PD from gleneagles leh, though i delivered at mt e..not sure y i get assigned a PD from another hospital :p

debbie, i delivered natural also with cord ard baby's neck...

my gynae quite against c sec, keep asking me to do natural, so i gave in and decided to trust her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my water broke and i took 16hrs to reach full dialation! haha

imagine the agony i spent in the labour room :p


is anyone taking franugreek to boost breast milk? do u know where to buy? what brand is good?

think i really need to boost it up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my baby was so grouchy the whole afternoon cause of low supply, had to resort to formula milk to settle him.

