(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Yo!! God's child ..

Glad to meet u here..our 2 kids will be friends from same thread[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How's ur girl taking it after new bb being born?



Jia you!!!!!

re bb sweating,

OMG, I am still wrapping my gal like a dumpling during day n night. If she kick off her blanket, my mum will ask me to put back, say she will feel cold. However, I realise my gal seems to sleep longer during the day when the weather is so hot, during the night when i switch on aircon, she seems to wake up more often. However, there is a few times when i feed her, i realise her body is so hot, make me worry whether she is having a fever, but later i realise it is becos of the swaddling n blanket.

Mummies who have popped before, do you girls get to eat during delivery?? They won't allow u to eat if got epidural right? Was so hungry and thirsty and my gynae told nurse that I can eat lunch later and drink water. I drank Milo cos too hungry liao. But wondering if later I end up putting epi will start puking or not. I heard if need do emergency c-sect also cannot eat or drink for 5 hours issit?

Oh another question, if get to eat lunch means must go poo poo using enema again? I really don't want to end up poo-ing on the hospital bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very paiseh

debbie, yes they wont allow u even water.. so its better for u to eat something beofre u get epidural. but u can ask for cotton pad to wet ur lips but they will actually hook u on glucose drip so u wont actually be hungry hungry

debbie, like crystal said, eat before epidural is administered. u need the energy to last u until next day. no water will be given though. try to empty your bowels & bladder before epidural to avoid any of the pee/poo on bed, but even if u do, it's usual lah, no need to paiseh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you!

mangogal: thanks for the encouragement!

god's child: for NB, PD says dangerous level is above 20.. as my zaizai is G6PD deficient, he is under very close monitoring to ensure the jaundice level is not creeping.. so, yours is not that bad.. :) just keep pumping to ensure the supply continuous until you feel more "fang xin"..

re: NB waking up at nite

PD says it is normal for NB to sleep more in the day, and alert in the nite.. they nd some time to adjust.. so, don't worry mummies..

re: BB sweating

Zaizai loves to hot hot hot.. :-( He likes it when the dad sunbathe him, with smiling face.. and he likes it being swaddled in hot days! and sneeze and shiver when there's glimpse of wind! duhz! so, he is perspiring most of the time, only "comfortable" right after bath I think.. even bathing, I need to use warmer water than usual.. sigh.. guess we all have different preference baby..

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, think just wait for the water to break, best 'sign' i think hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

debbie, jiayou! just concentrate on the delivery hehe

i was still able to take in fluids after epidural was administered, just no food...or maybe coz noone was there to monitor me except hubby, i ask him bring me water LOL! :p

dec mum - baby sweating - i thought swaddling is good, i always try to swaddle her but MIL and hubby always say she hot, wan to stretch etc then take out the swaddle, make me so angry, now i dun swaddle her anymore...

worst is night when on air con, my girl sneeze so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] we opposite leh!

eon>> will wait till 19 nov if still no action, will induce on 19 nite.. sigh... m now worried if induction unsuccessful will hv to go thru c-sec.. he is big for 39+ weeks, as of today +/- 3.5kg..

btw, when is ur edd and how long will u b waiting before u go ahead with induction...


I remember during my D-day, my gynae ask me not to eat or drink anything from 12 midnight the day be4. Even during the induce period, my gynae ask me not to eat anything leh, probably he already got a feeling i will end up emger c-sect.


c-sect is not scary, in fact, i find natural birth more painful. Mine is with GA, I don't have any side effect after I regain conscious leh. Only very sleepy, which everyone told me is very normal.

hi ladies

did anyone experience swollen feet after delivery? my feet suddenly swollen up, looks very scary[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] not sure what to do to reduce it.

Rena-halo! So far cel has been taking vy well to her lil sista.. Been helping me wf her meimei n she simply adores her.. All the best to ur delivery tis week!

Bubbly7-well I find it funny tat the polyclinic doc says must go below 100 then can discharge the follow up which means 5.9.. I thot that was reali low...the pd I saw din mention bout the level to drop to tho,will ask at the next check..hopefully the next chk is gona b the last chk... Thanks for ur replies!

By the way, any of the mummies who pop still experience back aches. Mine is from 1st trimester until now still 'suan' leh. I wonder is it won't recover already?


no, i havent ask for epi yet. Cos for my case, after 4 hr of waiting, only dilate 1cm, still no contraction yet. But from what i know if already on epi during induction, cannot ask for ga for the emgergy c-sect already.

oic, thanks dec_mum.. so better not ask for epi too early just in case.. coz m tinking if i need to go for emergency c-sect, i'll opt for GA too.. i cant imagine if m behind the screen while they deliver the bb.. m such a coward, not a brave mummy!!! *sob*

Mangogal, can u post the Chinese character for the tong Cao that u reco? My dh can't find he went to ztp and Fu hua both say dun have. Issit those traditional medical hall then have?

Ok there was a miscommunication between nurses and I ended up being given a normal full meal when I'm not supposed to eat a full meal. Gynae wanted me to eat a bit only. When my gynae saw me eating it was too late le cos I finished eating. Then now he burst my waterbag it was like ouch! Feeling more intense contractions. I scared to take epi now as I ate my meal!! Don't want end up puking like crazy!

Hi Mummies,

I'm from July'10 mummy & going to stop breastfeeding soon. I have 3 boxes of blue egg storing bag to let go. Each box selling @ $9.50 including postage. All to go @ $27 including postage.

Interested parties, kindly PM me.



Mango, I also want to boost my milk. Hee.. Do u have the picture of it? Cos my mum go medicAl hall but they say don't hav eh.. :p

Debbie, Jia you. So exiting to hear live from u now. Hee!

Debbie, not nec u ate u will throw up everyone's reaction is diff. If u can REN u REN for a while then ask for epi? They will make u clear ur bowels anyways so may not have much food left.

Bloom May: I went through emergency c-sect with epidural. Actually epidural isn't really scary, cause we cant see how its administrated and the process is very fast, less than 5mins and its done. The pain relief is very good. I didnt have any side effect from epi, no vomiting, shivering etc. The good part about epidural vs GA is, can see bb immediately after bb is out.

Debbie: Don't worry about paiseh. I think those nurses are already very used to it. If you just ren if you can take the pain, otherwise opt for epi, don't think too much about puking. I didnt puke after epi. JIA YOU!

Crystal: How much is your hospital bill before medisave? Im just curious cause we both went through almost the same thing (natural with epi, then emergency c-sect, 4Days single room stay) but different hospital. So wondering how much the dfferences in cost.

Mango: Wow, 150-200ml per pump? I am only able to pump 60ml so far! I bought Milk Trays from Mt A pharmacy to freeze the EBM into milk sticks of 1oz each (to be stored into ziplck bags for feeding). At least a controlled amount is defrosted for feeding with minimal wastage.

dec mum: My lower back aches. Not sure if it's from the epi or pregnancy. So now, I can't sit on hard surfaces for too long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

happyhippo: I got swollen feet after delivery. Doc says it's normal due to water retention. I got some meds to ease the swelling.

RE: Swaddling

Liz hates to be swaddled, so we gave that up the moment she was discharged. She sweats a lot too, and we normally let her sleep with the fan (though on hot days, she gets to take her nap in the living room with the AC on). She tends to kick off the blankie and has learnt to take off the mittens and booties herself already! Think she takes after my hubby, who is afraid of heat.

muddypaws, how much did u pay for the milk trays? i just started freezing mine and i relise that my container keeps up to 180ml hahah dun tink ethan will be able to finish 180ml at one feed haha...

ethan, mine after medisave is bot 7k.

i'm only freezing about 100ml per packet each time, same thing, fear of wastage!

mango - wow 200ml! successful bf-ing career! is it dong1 cao3 or tong1 cao3? i shall go buy n try too..

dbaby - nop i'm not taking any meds to stop supply... i wanna boost my supply!! plan to BF for as lon as i have milk... the last time my milk supply went down when i went back to work, lasted til 10months then no more milk liao... but thankfully met my target of total BF-ing for the first 6 months... hope to do the same for this one, and up to 1 yr old if i have milk..

Crystal: The trays come in sets of 2. Paid about $40 for it (after Mt A Ladies' Card discount). The milk sticks are better to prevent wastage. Told myself that even if I stop BF-ing next time, i can use the milk trays to store liz' semi-solid foods or juices [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw is it just my baby or a universal trend... first week my little kaelyn sleeps thru her naps... by second week i think she's learnt to manja and cry to be cuddled n carried... now third week seems to be more so, wants to be carried... i put her down, short while she'll turn on her siren.

besides, yhis little one of mine has very powerful lungs and she can really scream. sometimes she suddenly cries/screams so loud with no warning i tot something happened! then realised nop, it's just one of her usual episodes... peeing, pooing, or hungry... or need to burp...

anyone else's little one also like that??

Yvaine: Same here... Liz is more bright-eyed, bushy tail during the day now, and require more coaxing (eg. patting, carrying etc) to sleep. So now, maid and I are taking turns to ja-ga her during the day.

Mommies: just to check... do your kiddos like to bath? Liz cries during bath-time. Sometimes, she gets so upset that she pees during the bath... and we haven't even started putting her in the bathtub yet. We are still doing sponge-baths! Hubby jokes about how he can forget about Liz being the next Tao Li and getting $200k for winning the Asian Games swimming event...

muddy - i think kiddos nowadays learn really fast... hahah... i sure hope to put my two little ones into some sort of routine soon. now it's still quite choatic and by the time they sleep it's close to 12am! tiring...

and yes, laelyn also cries sometimes whn bathing... same thing, she'll cry until she pees, or pees when out of the bath and on the bed...

btw i just tried turning on the aircon and kaelyn seems to be sleeping better... maybe it's the heat also... hmmm...

hi mummies! Some live update lol. I just had happidural. Was too timid liao as they told me after drip, will be more painful contractions so I just decided to go with epi as I was stuck at 1.5cm for the past 4 hours!! Waiting for 9pm VE. I'm a timid mummy! My induction is causing me to have a long labour. I'm not allowed a second enema so I'm prepared to poo poo later. Oh wells. Nurse say nvm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, mine also like that! Ash dun cry, she scream! Haha at first we were so shock at her sudden outburst but now we are so used to it. They are not call tiger for nothing ;p

Muddypaw, Ash love bathing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she seems to enjoy it but last time Kaeden hated it. After sometime, he started enjoying also.

Hi mummies...I've scheduled my csect on 16 Dec..(on my bdae) 2 more days to go...now 39weeks and not dilated at all..bb's big..3.55kg liao..doc say i might not be able to natural deliver even if induce cos of my size..so i think think better go csect straight away.

just that now pondering whether csect with ga or csect with epi...hmm...most prob csect with ga la..scared epi will have side effect on me..like rashes..vomit..shivering..=(

btw..mummies whom went thru csect with ga..the tube to empty the urine..is it inserted after we knock out? or before huh?? hopefully is after.. if not might be uncomfortable feeling leh...=(

Afternoon mummies, been a long time since i got a chance to log in and type anything. Was telling hubby that by the end of this month I won't even know that Dec came and went.

Coming to the end of the 3rd week already. Baby Wee seems to be growing well. His feeds often seem like he's gulping the milk. Nowadays even though it breast milk I still make the effort to burp him for at least 10 mins or till i hear the burp. If not half way while patting him to sleep will have about a tablespoon or more of milk come out from his mouth. Anyone has this issue as well? ITs normal right? ITs not like he's vomitting.

In the afternoons, i find that Baby Wee takes longer to pacify to sleep. I sleep in an aircon room as well. I checked with the PD on what temp the room should be and she said 24-26 is fine. Baby Wee seems to favor 26. Often if he gets up at night, i find that carrying him and walking out of the aircon room to the other room with a warmer temp seems to comfort him especially if he is crying. Its also easier to pat him to sleep there. So temperature is an important aspect of baby's comfort.

mango, i staying with ILs, the freezer too full of meats haha so i dun wan to freeze BM...only put in fridge, then tot since only can store 2 days no point to keep excess since i latch most of the time...

muddypaws, the milktrays seems useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw my girl also cries even b4 shes put into the bath haha

once she poo-ed in the bathtub T_T

btw my baby baths once a day in the tub and one sponge bath at night b4 she slps..is it too much? T_T

when she slps at night, she sneezes alot..not sure if its due to her many baths or due to the air con [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

debbie, dun think so much abt poo..my time after enema and delivery abt 9hrs haha

Mangogal thanks fOr the image. I'll ask dh to go and look for this again.

Shirley, if u opt for c - sect with ga ur dh won't be able to be with u.

Muddypaws, thanks for the link on the milk tray. I'll look for it.


I dun have issues with Ethan sleeping hahha I have prob with gettig him to wake up. Yest and today he's been sleeping pa's his feeding time. Literally got to tickle or disturb him awake to feed him.

yvaine, im jus about to ask the same thing! its exactly the same as mine! i always jump with a huge shock of her scream! this afternoon, she scream to hit the limit tat like bursting out of her lungs which i nvr hear before. if its normal cry still okay, but now she screams from her sleep. and now higher level of scream. same partern as urs for the 1st to 3rd week. i thought is colic. went to polyclinic doc, she gave me rubbish replies. anyway, i jus went ahead to buy the medicine dewdew mention. fed her with FM in the noon. still gotta observe if it works. i really dont knw wats wrong with her. she seems v pek-chek with everything. wat's wrong? i'm so worried now as my CL be leaving this friday le. i dont knw how to pacify and calm her.

Debbie! hahaa.. me also same, so timid tat i jus go ahead with epi before experience the real pain. jia you!!

thanks mangogal, will send it to my mum :p

milo, so is their scream normal? but scream till whole face red and like she's feeling super painful to scream till like tat leh.

Jiayou debbie!

Nipple puller,

Any mummies using this or know where i can get it from? I think my bb is rejecting my left breast cos its slightly flatter so she has difficulty latching on. I heard can get this to pull the nipple out?


Also how long can we keep warmed up ebm for?

Cos sometimes when bb cries i think she's hungry so warm

up milk, in the end she doesnt want. So heartpain to throw.

For mummies giving ebm at nite, wont ur bb scream their

lungs out cos it takes some time to warm? I dunno if i shld give fm at nite instead, also hoping bb will be fuller and sleep longer...

Hi crystal..ya..i know..if i op csect with ga then hubby wait outside..we both dont mind..btw..do u know for ga..how many hrs then i will wake up after the op? hope not very long...cant wait to see bb!

do mummies here bring along ur own breast pump to the hospital? will the nurse teach us how to use?? cos if have to bring then i better go sterilize now..=)

Cherry, u poor thing Must b scary hear bb scream till face red. Onli time Ethan screams is when he is wet other then that he doesn't.

Mummies the Chinese name for the herb mangogal mention is 通草. I shall try to look for it tomorrow.

Shirley, mine was c sect with epi I was quite knock out hahaha . But according to myfrene that did c-sect with ga it takes an hour. I did not bring pump to hospital I loan from them. No need to worry bot sterilising. I started pumping since the next day morning cos I wanted to stimulate as soon as possible. I tink it does work.


Hi all,

Seems like everyone been busy with the lil ONE.

My days are packed too. Pumping,bf,play with my older one,make her sleep, then pump.

Milk supply kick in, have to pump every 4hrly or so.

And now the fridge is packed with EBM. And the lil one is drinking between 60ml to 80ml now.

I dont eat anything in particular,but i do find my latching on often helps to boost my bm supply. At day 6 am pumping 100-120 per breast. So about 200-240ml total both breast now if i dont latch on for 4hrs and pump.So latch and pump,latch and pump if possible and drink a lot of fluid.

Good luck debbie, have a safe delivery.

Shirley, i brought my breastpump to the hospital, and the tmc nurse came in to teach me the diff method to stimulate the breast first then pump. They are actually very helpful even though this is my 2nd one.

Oshgosh, i rem my 1st one will scream like nobody business,but luckily i bought avent warmer,so it can act warmed the milk up in 3mins.

My 2nd one so far will just make noises so not that bad. And usually i do make record on her feeding, so before she cry, i actually bring the the milk out from the fridge like 10mins before the expected next feed and let it thawed,so by the time she asked for milk, it wont take too long to warm.

