(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

I just came back from gynae. She said she thinks my baby will come out after EDD! This is different from what my previous gynae told me and not something that I want. I want baby to come out asap. She said water still enough for baby. Sigh.


cindy, u wan to consider letting bb sleep in a cot or soemthing at nite? if not how will u get enough sleep?

u are amazing u onli pump once a day???? i pump every 2 hours hahaha... its crazy i'm like constantly pumping haha.. but i'm quite happie now ss has gone up to 110ml per pump so i have some spare now. quite happie.

debbie, end of day u shld be the one making the decision cos u are the one going thru it.

crystal, first 2 days after i came back from hospital, baby was in cot, every half hr she wakes either for feed or to make noise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i cant tahan then decide to co-slp with her...realise she sleeps better so i let it be..haiz

trying to dong for this mth see how zombiefied i become haha!

since i pump n throw, i find not worth to keep pumping, so i just pump once a day b4 i slp just to prevent leakage when i feed at night haha!

Cindy, woah your gynae like mine, very pro-natural. If now I tell him I want do elective c-section, he sure ask me why de. 16 hours actually quite usual for induction and first time mummies. Dunno how long I will take sia. You're my inspiration! Cos I scared the cord restrict baby from coming out. Was your baby engaged despite the cord around neck?

Joyfulbliss, I can feel your anxiousness for baby to come out. Baby still high up so gynae say likely to be after EDD then come out issit? You can choose to induce on your EDD to avoid the poo poo thing?

joyfulbliss: don't mean to scare u but when I had the epidural, I didn't have shivering spells. Instead, I puked non-stop, from contractions till hours after I was wheeled into my recovery room..... So imagine 'pushing' baby out and puking at the same time!

god'schild: y dun u alternate bm n fm instead of stopping altogether? My PD dun really encourage to stop bf. If alternate stil high, then try 2 times fm 1 time bm? Shld really go on if have supply...

seems like many of us are busy with the new babies now, and some of us having to manage 2 or more... me too! no.1 is still very sweet to meimei thank God, but she also needs to spend time with me so i've got myhands full.

also seems like many of us have 'barracuda' feeding babies who chomp down on their mommies!!! hahaha...

BF-ing - Dbaby hope you'll be able to switch over quickly and with minimal pain n engorgement..

i have to say that i had my fair share of blocked ducts and engorgement woes for my first child, and 1 episode of mastitis too... looking back, the initial stage was really a steep learning curve n stressful n painful too! i recall nights whereby i was up at 3am trying to clear painful blocked ducts either through pumping or hot baths or just trying to squeeze out themilk manually... but thankfully my no.1 was a gentle and efficient feeder and as i look back it has been a very rewarding and beautiful experience. it has been an enjoyable time especially when you're able to get past the blocked ducts in the initial phase. the bonding is such a wonderful experience! so mommies, do hang in there, it'll pay off! i'm now enjoying BF-ing my no.2 also, i think like a friend of mine said before, for second child, she had less problems of blocked ducts etc. i'm keeping my fingers crossed!

stefie - yay about the milk tha's come in!!! you have a wonderful n supportive hubby, that's great! happy for you ;) jiayou!!!

Eon - we're all waiting n will be cheering for you! ;)

Debbie tomoro is THE day! we await your good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lyn - it's normal re: the umbilical cord. i haven't been using any alcohol swabs. just let it dry on its own. it also dropped off on the 7th day, and also some yellowish discharge. 1-2 days it'll dry off don't worry.

crystal wow your litle one becoming not so litle liao hor! 3.9kg is a fair bit of wt gain, well done mommy!

re: epidural - i didn't have problems with puking or shivering, but i did develop slight itch across the tummy and lower back for about a day. it resolved on its own n i didn't take any meds for it.

oh Debbie, can u post the link for the updates again? i tried a few times n just couldn't update for some reasons...

Yvaine, Dew Dew, Thanks. I will monitor and continue using the swab. Anyway, seeing Pd tomorrow afternoon to chk on bb after his jaudice hospital stay last week. Will ask the PD.

Re: Fenugrek

I'm taking it, brand is guardian pharmacy. The nurse at Glen E ask my hubby to get for me since I have low milk supply. Did see some improvement (from a few drops literally to now about 10ml per pump session). But it could also be becoz of the regular pump and massage i did as my baby refused to latch on - he rejects my nipples coz a bit too big. He is lazy to open his mouth and it's only rare occasion he will do so and suckle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yoho mummies: hows everyone today? was out the whole day with hubby. went for gynae appointment, then to bukit indah jusco to eat and do pedicure, then to sembawang shopping centre to walk around and followed by dinner. strangely, not too tired physically.

verdict of the checkup, cervix is still high and baby not yet engaged.

woolsley: hope your gal will recover soon. you have to take care too.

debbie: i see. yes, agree he is a good gynae. caring enough to keep checking on you.

esquare: im a scaredy cat! im afraid of csection and the wound. paiseh, really very useless!

evie: you still have another 1+ weeks. jia you!

bloom may: i experience a lot of hardening only. no pain/contractions.

if you have not reach 40 weeks, just follow what the doctor says as force induction may result in high failure rate.

amuro: i have suggested induction twice liao but both gynaes, my own gynae and the stand-in gynae, told me high chance of failure and will result in csection.

crystal: im scare of csection. i rather go through natural birth then csection. hehe

tantan: i suggested inducing to gynae but gynae said high chance will fail due to my high cervix. so unless my cervix lower, induction will lead to csection.

yurieve: gosh, can you tell your mum not to keep comparing? everyone's body function differently so cant compare de. dont think about it ok. jia you!

dewdew: im super scare towards csection leh. dont know why. the phobia is there. it will be a last resort.

crystal: happy birthday!!! enjoy it with your little Ethan ^_^

bubbly: no improvement on my cervix and baby is not engage. faint sia...

congrats on zaizai's weight gain. jia you!

cherrry: sure, will join in the chat more often ^_^

debbie: jia you! all the best for your induction tomorrow. wishing you a smooth delivery.

cheryl: sayang sayang. dont think too much about the bill as it will cause you to have undue worries and contribute to the blood pressure. just take care and rest more ok. jia you and all the best.

crystal: wow! your bill is expensive leh. hope i wont run into such high bill.

ethan: yes, i was at tmc today.. wearing a blue dress.. you were there? what were you wearing?

ctg is very simple. you just have to lie down and the nurse will strap a monitoring belt around your tum tum. then they will draft out baby's heartbeat, movements and if there is any contraction. i have done that 4 times liao. wahaha..

debbie: did your gynae mention the possibility of the cord hindering your natural birth process?

yvaine: thanks thanks.. i will still have to wait and monitor baby's movement now. but gynae said he will only give me until 41 weeks. if princess still doesnt want to come out then will need to induce and csection if induction failed.

mummies: thanks for your concern. im so touched. today was actually feeling very emo but now im feeling better cause of all your concern.

debbie, my water broke...considered induced?

mine 1st 1 to 2cm dialation took almost forever..i dun remember the timing haha

my baby was not engaged, only engaged during the labour process..think thats y i took so long to deliver :p but once she got engaged, 5 pushes and she's out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, Cheyenne too comfortable in yr tummy liao..

my baby was only engaged in the labour room itself, so dun worry if shes not yet engaged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy: haha, i think so too loh. i have lumps and lumps of fats for her to rest on mah. oh, both gynaes are more worried about the cervix rather than then the not engaging cause they said baby will usually engage by themselves during labour if they havent already engage previously.

eoneon, i duno abt the cervix, coz my gynae will just tell me if its 'ready' or not only, not sure abt high...

if high, induce will be dangerous ma? then might as well just go for c sec?

sorry i dun mean to KPO, but like double pain leh..

Muddypaws, yes I read about your puking after epi. I am quite scared that will happen but like you, I will try to be brave and keep pushing even if I feel sucky. It's really tough being a mum!

thank u for clearing doubts on induction.. wa, after hearing induction could b much painful, i scared liao.. tinking twice shd i go ahead.. gng for my weekly checkup tmr, so worried now if they ask if i want to b induced.. sigh

my edd is 19 Dec...

Dbaby - so sorry, i was online on FB but actually not at my desk... bedtime is wartime! hahaha... not much engorgement now... i pump 1-2 times a day, good enough. i actually hope to have more milk!! storing for rainy days, heheh.. sounds like your problem is improving, that's good ;)


Its ok.. My right side like getting better but left side still a bit sore.. Hopefully can get better... Nw dun intend to pump out cos scare stimulate. Will jus use hand to express a bit by pressing on the lumps only.. Seems to work..

Btw u gt eat any med to stop milk ss?? Cos if so, BM cannot be given to BB le..

Crystal: I am staying near tanjong pagar, u able to come over or if u wan maybe I mail the cord powder over to u? Very small bottle only. But only need to sprinkle a bit each time.


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Aiko, u are near to me. I stay at Tiong bahru I can ask my hubby to pick up. Now is still confinement time for me can't go out.

Eoneon, so ur handsome gynae say wait till 41 weeks arh. Okie okie hopefully will be fine for u and u can do natural as well. C - sect is quite slOw recovery I tink. Pray hard for u.

O ya itching from epidural I had that too I itch like mad that is also a possible side effect depending on people.

Yvaine, hahhah ya my LO is not that little anymore haha. ButI'm quite happie at least my bm, ebm and fm is working hahhah.

Eoneon, thanks for the wishes. Ya my bill Is not cheap but o well e c-sect cannot predict lo and plus 1 bedder more ex ba. but the care was immaculate and the stay was vey enjoyable hahha at least it's money well spent la hahha.

Yvaine, hahhah ya my LO is not that little anymore haha. ButI'm quite happie at least my bm, ebm and fm is working hahhah.

Eoneon, thanks for the wishes. Ya my bill Is not cheap but o well e c-sect cannot predict lo and plus 1 bedder more ex ba. but the care was immaculate and the stay was vey enjoyable hahha at least it's money well spent la hahha.

dbaby/bubbly7 - thks for the advice.brot bb to tmc ytd cos was sooo down,wanted another opinion.pd said the liver test is a protocol so can juz do for peace of mind. The level is 10.6 which she tinks is fine,wont affect the brain n if she is stil pooing n peeing well,then no nid to worry. She said can take 2mths for bm jaund to go away.but i cant tahan the heartpain... Am givin fm nw n freezin the bm til shes all clear..

god'schild: My zaizai's jaundice was at 9-ish, but needed close monitoring coz of the G6PD defiency.. I asked TMC to alternate BM and FM for 1 day.. then back to fully BM.. now we are on fully BM since discharged, he is doing fine.. you are right, as long as they keep pooing and peeing, then don't have to worry.. :) Did your PD ask you to sun your bb? Ours need sunbathing in the morning and late afternoon, works so far.. he enjoyed the heat from the sun (probably too much phototherapy in his first few days of life).. our PD says jaundice takes 2-3 weeks to go away, and even avoiding ginger is nonsense, not sure how true is it though..

Can fully understand your heartpain, we all encourage and support each other k... keep up the moo-moo career..

Morning Eon Eon,

I was wearing white pants and a white top with blue stripe..was actually sitting beside ur hub..i happened to hear a nurse saying "still havent come out?!"...heeheee and i guess should be u la..but dunno how to go up to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is it too late to do CTG scan at 39 weeks??

halo mummies, finally today can sit dwn n do a long post...heh

Hiaz..past few days #1 was sick and turn into whining monster, nt my sweetie pie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And she stick to my hb like a leech! Keep wanting him to carry her almost 24/7, nite mare for him! He was very frustrated and didnt spend time with #2, only yest we brought #2 to see pd for jaundice review..finally he gt some time for #2. Cos I hv to rest, pump n cant carry her too long plus need to bf my #2

But I also try to pacify her, and she is better yest n gng back to childcare, hiaz...really nt easy esp 2 kids to take care!

I read the post here on/off....

Eoneon: Hey gal, since u are bein monitor closely, relax n u and ur gal will be fine, but if urgent situation forsees..c section will be last resort, we are all here rooting for you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BFING Problem:

MY CL Recommend this chinese herb: TONG1 CAO3

Can buy in any medical hall, $1 amt one packet, put this herb in small quantity each time brew soup to boost milk supply and clear the block ducts, thks to my CL recommend this herb, my engorgement relieve very fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So all mummies here please buy this TONG1 CAO3 herb to boost supply, super effective with green papaya soup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby & Andrea: If u all make the right decision , go for it cos we only live once n definitely more fulfilling to spend more quality time with the kids!

Yvaine: Ya if we can still bf #2, we will go for it, my engorgement problems also took quite fast to resolve, easier than #1, 1st 2 days I use cabbage to relieve, then I find my breasts softer, so been latching and pumping, plus the soup I hv been drinking

This time supply seems more too, can pump out up to 160ml to 200ml once every 4 to 5 hours[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope my supply can maintain n now it is been one week, time flies!

My bf schedule:

I latch on day time till night around 8 plus...then my boy go to zzz...I will pump out 3 times from nite till morning, once every 4 to 5 hours interval, nite he will be on bottle of EBM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy: Why u throw away the access BM? Very precious wor! Relax and dun be too stress ok?

Stefie, So happy for ur golden drop of colostrum!! Now alomst one week liao, hope ur moo moo career has been smooth sailing...can ask ur hb buy this TONG1 CAO3 to add in ur papaya soup[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie, I pray for smooth delivery for u today! Jiayou[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joyfulbliis, I use epidural twice liao, I didnt hv shivering side effect at all, think it varies to individual mummy

I only hv mild nausea, mild fever and slight itching at the back

Hope ur side effect will nt be too serious[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Saw ur FB photos and so happy for u that zaizai is hm sweet hm with you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope everything goes well at hm[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yurieve, oh dear...hope u wont fall into post natal gal..and pray hard ur 3rd CL is good!! take care n update us

Rainbow, cord shld drop off within 2 weeks, so dun worry, if u unsure can cal pd to check?

I thot u at ur mum place and she is doing confinement for u? How come ur MIL bring so many guests to ur mum hse? Did she ask u n ur mum for permission?

Klitz...gal, I sympathise u but just hang on as 25th u are free to bond wif ur gal liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal & Muddypaws , wah gald ur bb gain good weight!

Yest went to bring my 32 see pd, he gain 200gram after a week too, so happy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB vomit milk: I bought anti colic drop to prevent..just incase

Dbaby, how is ur #2 chkup at KK? Why he vomit so much milk ah? Hopefully now stop liao, u take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happyhippo, can try to buy the TONG1 CAO3 herb to boost milk supply...did u make green papaya fish bone soup? Dun be too stress...milk is demand and supply...drink alot of fluid too, jiayou[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry, my pap smear is also 6 weeks or 7 weeks later, hope all lochia will clear soon!

Hi mummies, I'm at the temporary delivery room now. All the delivery suites are full so I am now in this small room waiting. Will be transferred to bigger delivery room if got space. Today is a busy day for Mt A. Just inserted the pill to induce. My gynae said I was 0.5cm dialated before that. Now just waiting and monitoring. Didn't know the tablet to induce costs $80 haha. Waiting for contractions now. Wish me luck everyone and thanks mummies for all the well wishes and prayers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, I'm using iPhone now so a bit difficult to search for the link to our spreadsheet. Will post here if I can get hold of my hubby's laptop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies: hope everyone has a great day ahead. no headache, no whatsoever issues with anyone. just a happy day with baby or waiting for the arrival of baby.

cindy: not kpo lah. oh, from my understanding, if cervix very high, means its not ready for birth. usually it will lower, then ripen or soften de. for my case, it didnt even reach the first stage of lowering loh. so natural birth will post a problem cause may need hours and hours of long labour provided baby is not in distressed.

bloom may: keep us posted after your checkup. dont be scare, if my gynae tells me i can be induced without any problem, i will be happy liao. but im not hearing that. what im hearing is im overdue and if i want natural must induce to try out else will be csection. so it doesnt seem like an option to me at all.

crystal: yes, 41 week deadline is end of this week loh. so i only have a few days to pray hard for the cervix to lower and soften. yes loh. csection is hard to recover and im sure the pain is not something i can tolerate de. im a super scaredy cat. my princess will be so ashamed of me.. boo hoo...

$7k after medisave still sounds super expensive to me leh. wah piangz! giving birth in singapore really not cheap. the government should chip in more mah. still dare to encourage people to give birth to more despite such high medical fee to start with. oops! me lamenting again.

ethan: so thats you! i was thinking if that lady was you after you asked me that question last night. hehe... aiyoyo.. just come up to me loh. i wont bite! wahaha.. you are a pretty mummy leh. and you didnt put on any weight only your tummy loh. fainted! did you see how bloated i was? both M Tan's and Ben Tham's nurses are always "monitoring" for me. each time they see me, they will say the same phrase! wahaha...

for ctg scan, not compulsory de. usually they order ctg to monitor baby's heartbeats, contractions and movements.

mangogal: great to hear that your gal has recovered le. gosh, i think she must have undergone a trying period now as well as you and hubby. take care and rest as much as possible.

yes, csection will be the last resort loh. anyway gynae wont let me cross the 41 weeks mark de. so before i turn 41 weeks, he will action liao. just a few days shy of 41 weeks.

wow! your boy gained 200g within the first week. thats good leh! i thought first week baby's weight will drop de?

debbie: all the best! jia you jia you jia you! since you were already 0.5cm dilated prior to the insertion of the pill, should be quite fast liao. i think december is really a busy month. yesterday tmc was also super busy. high human traffic. haha..

Debbie, wah good, u are alrdy 0.5cm dilate liao so inducible!

Eoneon, ya cos his feed is very frequent, so drink more so put on liao, he lost weight when discharge, so yest he put on again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gal, so when is ur next chkup? If u are out, do buy the herb to boost milk supply, any medical hall will do[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiayou, n wait for ur good news and big day!

YaLo past few days were sooo taxing! She has fully receovered and back to her cheeky self, she loves didi and went to sayang him, so sweet of her[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haa..today so relax now n finally can plan my boy 1mth old celebration, looking fwd to my post natal massage next week, bk my hairstylist to do hair rebonding 1 day before 1st mth,haha...!!

mangogal: thanks! indeed things are better at home.. ever since zaizai was detained, I didn't mind the sleepless nites, though sometimes difficult, dozing off when I am latching him.. hahaha.. but I rather sleepless nites than having him in the hospital.. ;-) great that your gal is better now.. :)

Debbie: hope contractions come fast and furious for you.. have a smooth delivery ahead..

EonEon: c-sect is not that scary.. hehehe.. if you don't want to "witness" the process, you can opt for GA.. but then, it's best to bond with baby once they are born.. for me, the wound is not that painful, only occasional.. and it does not hinder me from holding and latching zaizai.. so, even if you land in c-sect, think positive k! you can do it!

yvaine: the spreadsheet link is here, looks like many mommies have not got the opportunity to update yet: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AhojVeZdKualdGg5b3ZJaXkwQ25HanRTZnRfUkpTT2c&hl=en&single=true&gid=0&output=html

re: nite feeding

Now that hubby started working again, poor him didn't get much sleep when zaizai wakes up every hour or so for milk.. so we decided to feed bottle EBM at nite, just like most mommies here do, and pump.. latching only daytime.. hopefully daddy can get to sleep better..

mangogal: i see... my next checkup is friday. dr ben super busy these couple of days catching up with his patients. thanks thanks.. really must pray hard my cervix will lower and soften at least a bit. then at least spells chance of possible natural birth else......

so sweet of her.. must take more loving photos of her doing that. hehe

wow! book the catering, etc already? even hairstylist also book liao. steady lah you!

debbie, jia yew jia yew..

eoneon, okie okie couple more days u will see cheyenne. dont worry.

mangogal, thanks for teh reco. i asked hubby to buy the tong cao for me. hope e can find. my ss is increasing but i wan more. i finally start to have excess to freeze liao today very happie.

Bubbly, ya i understand how u feel assured ur healthy zai zai at hm mah..dun worry, his jaundice will drop soon, u jiayou great job mummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eoneon, haa nw free mah...so plan day by day lor...i also rest n nuahing most of day...

Crystal wow freeze milk liao, good!!

mine nt yet..cos i want to latch more often to hv more supply cos latching stimulate more mlik too..hopefully can start freeze BM by 3rd week[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal, this is my beginning of 3rd week so quite happie that i got some progress liao.. i need to have BM freezed for storage cos i need to travel soon after maternity leave.. so must make sure ethan has milk hahaha... got to plan ahead. i express every 2-3 hours le.. i tink it helps too.

how long does ur babies sleep in a day? i find that ethan sleep very long every day hahah is this normal? he wakes only for feed every 2 hours and then sleep again haha

crystal: yes, few days more. thats the ultimatum from gynae. haha...

mangogal: good to be able to rest and nuah during confinement. from what i hear from this thread, seems like that is a luxury leh. i foresee i wont have this luxury since mum is doing confinement for me and she is taking care of my brother's daughter at the same time. so its more to her cooking for me nia. hehe.. rest i will have to do myself. i also will feel bad for making her help out with the taking care part. but well, i need to learn on the job mah. so take it as a training bah.

crystal: ulcer sometimes also means you are lacking in some nutrients such as vitamin b12 and zinc, rest and are under stress.

eoneon, dun worry u have us here to "help" u if u have any probs/queries need to ask anything just holler and tell us okie? we try to help u

Bubbly7-the pd say no need to sun,just give 2 feeds of fm in place of bm a day..but I'm nt taking chances so it's full fm nw.. The full mth is tis sun but no mood also.. My neighbor's boy had bm jaun for 2mths n he did the liver function test too,the mother was more persistent than me in bf,she din give fm at all.. Tat I reali can't,ytd when the doc say the level din drop I aldy cry till my eyes swell.. Ur zaizai is good! At 9ish reading only.. Btw did ur pd mention watt is the supposed normal reading we r trying to achieve?

Hi Hi Eon Eon,

Thanks thanks...i also looks great! I didnt realise it's u until u walked into Dr Ben's room and prior to the conversation that the nurse spoke...heehee..and when u out, i heard nurse call u go up level 2..so i thought u going to deliver soon, so dun wanna bother u..

My bb also not engage yet. She seems happily inside but she's about 3.25kg now. Dr ben say dun go beyond 3.5kg...if not need to induce. I forget to ask him..if not engage, can still induce?? any idea?

hi wasabe, the rashes ard the neck cld be due to milk. make sure u place a hanky below bb's chin when bottlefeeding to catch all stray drps of milk, and to wipe bb's neck after feeding. if bb vomit's milk & kena the clothes, do change them. hv to keep the area dry & clean. if it's spreading badly then bring to pd to get medicated cream to apply.

eon, c-sect not that scary. dun worry, many of us also been thru' it. the pain is only for the initial few days, same as natural, juz at a different location. if really need to go c-sect, dun worry, k?

debbie, jia you!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal, thks for yr recommendation for tong cao. i shall go get some. need to boost my ss too.

eoneon, o ya lack of zzzzz.. hahaha... that is something i need too hee.. i shall go and nap later after lunch hahha

dewdew, agree la actually c-sect the pain is in another place.. but i do have difficulty carrying ethan for long le.. i will feel dull ache still

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crystal: okok, sure will shout for help when in need.

ethan: i see i see. its me lah. the infamous overdue mummy loh. keke.

oh yes, dr ben is quite caution with big baby de. he doesnt want us to go through difficult birth unnecessary.

no wor, i went to level 2 for my ctg loh. then after ctg back to dr ben's for consultation loh.

baby not engage can still induce, no worries. its the cervix that is making things difficult. so if it has already lowered/ripened, then no problem liao.

dewdew: thanks, felt much better after hearing all the assurance from mummies here liao. hehe

