(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

mummies, i am starting to wonder if i need to bring ash to the pd. she is still pooing once a day nia and dunno why always only at night. my CL kept insisting its normal but i feel otherwise leh. pee is normal though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wa i'm panda liao due to latching on demand... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

last few days been catching up on slp in the noon when baby slps...otherwise at night i cant slp coz i keep awake to wait for her feeding time..think i gg to concuss soon T_T

milk monster:

seems that my baby not really taking in alot haha...

fed her EBM on occassions when i was not available, the maximum she takes only 60ml T_T


i feed baby on 1 breast, other always have to pump out coz get too hard and pain...not sure how to solve this?

sometimes the flow also too much for baby to take, she will gag and cough, wat to do??

stefie, cpngrats on yr golden drop ^_^

latch baby on more often, will be able to stimulate ss better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon, since yr EDD reached liao maybe doc will ask to induce u?

or u will let Cheyenne choose her own date? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

klitz, u can look forward to a good xmas then! haha.

milo, is ash on formula milk or breastmilk? mine is on breastmilk exclusively and poos 5-6 times a day but my CL says it will gradually reduce after full month. She also says if on FM then 1-2 times is normal.

Hi Mummies

I am from Jan Mummies. Congrats to all who has juz give

Want to ask if anyone has given birth at GlenE? Wat is your bill like for "Normal delivery with Epidural (B4 and aft Medisave)?

cindy, first two weeks my breast also like that. Always hard and leaking. There was once i fed my bb until she vomit through her mouth and nose!! I was shocked. Then mid of third week my breast suddenly perpetually soft. I was even worried that my milk supplied has dminished! Then my friend told me it's normal, the body will eventually work out how much milk to supply depending on bb's demand. Meanwhile just have to pump and becareful bah.

tenq, i wake up at night with pain boobs leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] middle of the night have to pump the 'excess', but i throw... coz baby was slping, cant empty my breast...

i also hope this 'problem' will end soon..coz the leaking always spoiling my clothes sometimes get frustrated to bf esp when outside when i go down to PD/hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, meanwhile have to becareful of? engorgement? sounds scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tenq, she is mostly on fm and partial bm. feel tat CL dun really like to feed bm so i pump and freeze instead. thks for the assurance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i feel better now.

cindy, my breast also feel so painful in the middle of the night. even more painful than my csect wound sia. so no matter how tired still gotta wake up n pump. feel like giving up bf also :p

milo, yr CL super one kind leh zzz

yr baby, u decide what Ash feeds on lor...

whether or not she likes to feed bm, she has to coz shes employed by you! :p sorry i'm mean..baby is mine so i decide, thats my thinking la...

haha the pain is killing me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but abit 'wasted' to give up coz i havent even completed 2 weeks :p

i scared wil kana some infection, coz the LC also commented in hospital that my nipple 'look sore' haiz

Debbie, yes must jia you together. I don't have the 'feeling' that I'm going to pop this coming week but I've packed my bag and hoping that my instinct is wrong.

Raspy, thanks for the encouragement. I've just started my leave so will try to rest and not worry too much. Yes, I've learnt so much from the mummies who have popped - both the joyful things and their frustration. How fast time flies, one month ago we were all sharing about glucose tests, strep b and VE, now it's onto the next stage for so many mummies!

TengQ, I guess baby is trying to train me to be patient! I will try my best to make use of time before she arrives to learn how to cope.

Just decorated the nursery just now, waiting for baby to come and see her room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah! I finally managed to pump out abt 5ml today fr both breast. Not much but still an improvement. I think I've been doing too little prev. Now my boobs feel more swollen so I guess that's good. My fren told me to religiously pump every 2 hrs for 15mins each breast. So will do that. Now I decided if he can't latch on it's ok I concentrate on pumping. Atvleast he still get my milk.

Saw a post someone asked abt SS if pump only. My fren told me she didn't latch on, exclusive pump, she did for 8 months. So I think shdnt affect too much bah.

Stefie: Congrats!! Let's continue to Jia you!!

Eon/Debbie/joyfulbliss: don't worry. Enjoy yr time now first, in

no time yr LO will be out.

milo, tink u better bring ur bb to PD soon. cos tt time, my parents was thinking veri long how come my pee so little. but din know tt my urinary tract wasnt formed properly. in the end, cos they found out late, my kidney was infected and i had to cut part of my kidney to save my life. so better to play safe and go down early. i just read mrs wong book, NB supposed to have 6-8nappies a day. so far my BB will poo 2-3 times a day at least.

cindy, initial first few days ur breast will be engorged.. just massage and pump at the same time. press down hard and rub, the more painful it is means u're doing the right thing. rubbing will clear the ducts, after the milk stablize u wun have the rock hard breast le.

Cindy, even now at night I will wake up every 3-4 hrs coz breasts are full and hard. So will either pump or feed. But it's not to the extend of pain. Oh I meant becareful when feeding now, in case bb choke or vomit.

Juliana, with persistence the 15ml will eventually increase. Jia you!

klitz: tat's great! U can enjoy xmas n NY in peace! Goodness, can imagine the stream of visitors u have. U must be careful not to climb up n down too much ya... Like a mummy say, can create a mini pantry at ur level instead?

EonEon: true also, i agree we'll be worried abt the bb inside. Jiayou ya, do update us!

Re: 1st outing with newborn

Gosh, coz hb has a meeting tmr morning, i'll ve to bring zaizai to PD myself with helper. Now we r trying to figure the stroller out, hahaha... Wish me luck not to make a scene outside! Can't imagine kelam kabut gabra coz bb crying in public... Malu sia...

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt..

I have extra set of Pigeon warmer to sell @ $20 (cash & carry) @ Serangoon north area

& extra set of Cooler bag to sell @ $20 (cash & carry) @ Serangoon north area

dewdew: i hope to give birth to my princess soon. imagine 40 weeks liao still waiting. super sianz and worrying.

debbie: oh, lets update together tomorrow bah. i hope i can hear good news from dr ben tomorrow. hope he will say my cervix has lower liao.. ripen liao.. etc.

not easy to sleep. has been losing sleep so much recently. tired but cant sleep, coupled with nightmares.

klitz: omg! i cant believe your mil actually threatened you!! she is too much!! gosh, no wonder you will sink into depression. hope your little princess and you can persevere together. dont get tired out by her constant disturbance.

joyful: its getting depressing right? for me even worse cause princess not out though 40 weeks liao. keep worrying about the poo poo issue.

crystal: yes, dr ben will be back tomorrow. they tried hard to squeeze a slot for me tomorrow cause im on alternate day consultation liao. tomorrow sure very pack with people and he definitely have to chop chop with the consultation. dr m tan was telling me there is nothing we can do to see if baby poo within the tummy except monitoring of movement so that got me super panicky. and my princess is definitely a fan of dr ben liao. wahaha..

raspy & tenq: i cant afford to rest too many days as 40 weeks liao. wahaha..

cindy: i am not inducible as my cervix is still high up. else i would have asked to be induced liao. in fact i asked for induction twice liao but due to the cervix was turn down as highly possible will end up with emergency csection.

juliana: cant enjoy cause too much worrying.

bubbly: its getting very worrying loh. thats why im losing sleep over this and getting nightmares. very tensed up and ended up with sore shoulders cause i was so tensed up and didnt realised my shoulders were locked in a very tight position. keep reminding myself to relax my shoulders else when baby is out, my arms will be too weak and sore to carry her liao.

you can de. at least you have a helper to go along with you. jia you!

Crystal, ya i keep scared is waterbag got leakage or something but my pad didn't get significantly wet and no cramps/contractions so my gynae thinks it may be just me mistaking the spurts as waterbag water. Aiyo the waiting game is so full of such unsure stuff. Tmr seeing my gynae le. Very touched by my gynae, he keep calling me to follow-up on my status and ask me if i'm ok

Eoneon, joyfulbliss, jiayou!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly, don't worry you got your helper with you so don't need scared malu in public ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, i think if you still worried about Ash, just go bring Ash to PD k? Anyway i heard Friso FM won't cause so much constipation problem compared to other brands.

Eon, yours 40 weeks already, tomorrow your gynae might tell you about inducing. I really think you might be induced soon so be mentally prepared when you go. Hard not to worry right? Let's jia you and think positively together. On the aircon if you can't sleep, it works for me. Try to sleep much later to exhaust your energy so that you can sleep longer.

debbie: your gynae is so nice. who is he/she? you contact your gynae directly on his/her mobile?

debbie and joyful, lets jia you together ^_^

joyful: inducing has always been on my list but cant due to high cervix. unless my cervix has lowered or ripen else cant induce cause will result in failure.

i on the aircon every night de. cant sleep without my trusty aircon. haha... too warm to sleep with just fan le.

My gal having serious block nose during nite time. Can't on the air con and fan at all.. So we got no choice, need to let her sleep on the day bed in the living room alone during nite time. My sis will stay in the guest room with the door openjust in case baby crying..

Went to see PD last Wednesday and was told that this common for newborn baby. Had spray the medi since last Wednesday till now. But seems like doesn't help at all. kinda heart pain when let her sleep at living room alone.. Cried last nite, blame myself drink and eat too much cold stuff during pregnancy..

crystal, klitz, yah i know my mom has gd intentions for insisting on getting the 3rd cl but after 2 lousy ones, i'm really not hopeful the next one will be gd. My confinement this time is really messed up.

Cindy, u seem to hv v gd ss. But y do u throw away the bm tat u pump out at night?? Can keep in fridge or freezer mah... Breastmilk is so precious n i treasure every single drop cos my supply is still not gd.

Really envy those wz gd ss... Even though i'm pumping enough for my bb to be on tbf now but i'm still trying to increase my supply. Cos bb will start to drink more eventually n i hope i can catch up wz his demand.

Btw, how long can we store ebm in fridge huh? Is it 24hrs or 48hrs?

Eoneon, he is Dr Poon King Fu. Super caring. He never give me his mobile number so what I do is after clinic hours I call emergency line and he call my mobile back less than 5mins later and he will call me at my mobile again with his blocked hp number after a few hours to follow-up. So sweet of him! Mummies who are not satisfied with their current gynae and want to change gynae for next baby, can try my gynae. Haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am now out with hubby for supper. This is one of the advantages of not popping yet, can get to enjoy food and eat without needing to find excuses.

Woosley, it's common for newborn to get flu de. Don't blame yourself for drinking cold drinks during pregnancy. I don't think it has anything to do with drinking cold drinks. Anyway your baby can recover fast cos it is easy to feed them medicine now as they are young.

Eon eon,

Worse come to worse, why dun c section? To play safe coz after 40 week chances is rather high for the poo poo thing ..

I am looking for ward now .. Friday is the day!!

m also waiting for bb to be due.. now 39 weeks.. for those still waiting, do u encounter "hard tummy" + painful contractions often? i've been experiencing that for the past few days..

e-square>> jab to mature bb lung is not that bad, stings abit but will go off quickly..


Thanks for the advice on e medela tubings!

bloom_may, Debbie, Eon Eon, joyfulbliss,

I am in my 38weeks plus now, went to see gynea last Fri but still no signs of popping..VE check oso shows no signs.


I do have tummy hardening sometimes but no pain..

evie, oh i do experience pain at the lower part of the tummy, tat cause me to worry too... sigh

had VE last thurs, but still no sign.. i had asked for induction but doc n hb tink we shd wait till next week to see how.. i cant wait!!

btw, any diff in induction and natural labour pain??

Bloom may, I do experience a lot of tummy hardening but they are not painful. So it's just BH. Sometimes I feel menstrual-like cramps but quite mild. If you got pain that occurs at regular intervals of maybe 5-10 mins, do call your gynae to inform him/her k? May be contractions. Induction is said to be more painful than normal natural way as it's usually a longer process. If u are going to be induced but ur baby is not fully engaged or your cervix not ripe yet, may end up a longgg labour or end up emergency c-sect.

Mummies, I have some queries. For those who breastfeed their babies, how long is the duration between each feed? Also does yr babies sleep a lot in between each feed? Mine doesn't seem to be sleeping a lot leh.

hi mummies & mtbs

I'm a nov mummy and jus had my full mth done.. got two deco to sell.. one says baby and the other says it's a girl.. each is 4.3m long..

I bought for $35 in total.. letting go at $20.. pm me if u r interested..

cheers and congrats!!

Hi, joycec,

I breastfeed my babe 15mins each side. If she fall asleeps after 1 side,usually she ll wake 2hrs later to feed.

If she drinks both side 15,15,she ll sleep for 3hrs.

My milk supply has kick in after lacthing on often,and maybe cos 2nd time mom i am not as kan chiong as previously and with my 1st one i had a long bf journey with her so knows what to do.

I latch from morning onwards ,all the way till dinner time. By 9plus my babe will take ebm every 3hrlys till 5plus .

I ll pump at 12am,and the 5am when she wakes up or 7am depending on how hard my breast became.

Eon2,i do suggest if nothing happen you might want to just induce, it might be a longer process but at least you wont need to worry much.


Induction is usually more painful,unless you take ephidural before that.

And it depends on individual too,some ppl will dilate faster some wont.

My 2nd one maybe because i have already dilated 3cm for days before i went for induction,from active labour till giving birth it was only 3hrs comapred to my 1st one,natural contraction but has to be induce as took darn long to dilate,and it was 20hours !

Woosley, it doesn't make sense if u blame yrself lei.. I've been taking cold drinks throughout my preg and bb is fine.. Pd says nb tends to lose heat and my bb was always put under e warmer when i send him back to e nursery. Than when home, no fan blowing him and make sure he's covered probably in e night.. So nb having running nose or block is common... Bb will be in pink health soon, dun worry

Glad to hear tt it's common for bb to have flu. Heard my bb cough a feW times. Could be bcoz I let her sleep in aircon the night before. Was worried also.

Joycec, used to feed abt 20min (bb drank 40ml ebm) total then now slowly increased to 40min (80ml). She sleeps 5 min into latching. I will get the CL to wake her up half way. CL did tell me every bbs is different... So maybe some bbs don't sleep while latched on. That's good leh, coz mine seem to be addicted to sucking in order to fall asleep.

I wonder how the milk flow works. Does it mean tt everytime bb increase intake of milk she will also take longer time when latching? Like tt quite tiring leh. Bottlefeeding same amt only takes 15min.

Debbie, ur gynae sounds really nice and professional u shld be in good hands then, just monitor and see howthings go.

Eoneon, will u consider c-sect? Might save u the pain from inducing.

Mummies that did c-sect do u all remove ur binder when u sleep? I didn't and I end up now with a chafed line across my tummy Soo painful. Now can't wear binder at all. Y am I Soo silly.

Cindy, y do u throw away ur ebm? Can keep it's Soo precious I keep every drop hahah.

Yurieve, sigh can understand ur lack of faith since u had two bad experiences this confinement. Nvm la if u reallie can manage then u do without another one la just ignore wat ur mum say I noe it's not easy but confinement won't last forever it wil pass and things will get better.


Not sure leh. My baby didn't really sleep much in the day. He latches average abt 40min. Each pump ranges from 80ml to 120ml. I guess tht is how much he is drinking. Imagine, I latch him on abt 40mins, in between he falls asleep and I try to wake him up by burping. He will unlatch himself at times and start to cry as if I removed his milk supply. Thereafter ard 30-40 mins later, he cries for milk again.

So now I resort to pumping it out. Cos simply too tired, dun wish to tire myself out and affect the milk supply leh.

If u girls feed formula, do u wait till 3hrs later for the next feed?


I missed the post abt milk intake tabulation, can mummies here help to post the 'formula' to tabulate it again? Thanks!

TenQ, yes i didnt even tink of loosening it when i sleep. sighh.. now i have to wait til the chafed area heals before i can wear my binder back.. sighh..

crystal, i'm giving it one last try wz the 3rd cl. She's coming today. Told my mom i dun wan any more cls if this one still cannot mke it.

I sleep wz the binder on n there's marks on my tummy but i leave it alone n contd wearing the binder.

yurieve, yes give it a last try and see how. hopefully this cl can help u. btw when is the ur confinement ending?

does the marks hurt? mine hurts so i cant bend properly or sit as well.

hi joycec,

i don't wait for 3 hrs later for the next feed. feed when baby demands for milk. saw on kkh's tv channel that baby will have growth spurt at 1 wk, 6 wks, 3 months and 6 months if I don't remember wrongly.


it will be soon before u will be carrying your baby. enjoy the moment. if not, then u might wanna consider inducing or c-sect. inducing doesnt' mean ur cervix will have to be soft. mine wasn't but i had to induce my #1 cos he wasn't growing. the moment that he hits wk 37, we induced him out. took very long but still can be done.


a few more days to receiving your bundle of joy. hope ur bp is lowered.

evie, debbie joyfulblis and bloom, try to get more time to rest. jia you!

woolsey, hope ur gal will be fine soon. i'm hoping that my gal doesn't get a cough. my mil's coughing badly and she doesn't want to see a doc. my son's also coughing but he knows how to cover his mouth when he coughs. now i have problem with mil too cos i prevented her from carrying my girl as she was coughing without covering her mouth. she said she's not going to kiss her and i said it doesn't mean not kissing her will not spread to her. think i'm too blunt. hurt her feelings as i was worried that she'll pass the germs to her.

milo, think u better bring her to see a doc. could be she's absorbing all ur breastmilk that there's no output or there could be other concerns. at least after seeing the doc, can rest assured that ur girl is alright.


see a lactation consultant if you need to. my nipples were very sore cos there was 1 day my girl kept latching on almost every hr. when i saw the lc, she commented that i had cracked nipples and this will lead to mastitis. true enough, that night, i had it. had to be on antibiotics for 10 days which will also affect milk supply. can still pump and feed baby but cannot latch on.

stefie and juliana, jia you! think ur milk supply's coming in slowly.

crystal, i'm giving it one last try wz the 3rd cl. She's coming today. Told my mom i dun wan any more cls if this one still cannot mke it.

I sleep wz the binder on n there's marks on my tummy but i leave it alone n contd wearing the binder.

Regarding binder, it is the one for csection wound? At hospital, I didn't take out but at home I loosen it when I sleep. Only tighten when I walk coz it helps. My gynae told me so.

Btw, how long do we need to leave it on? That one I didn't ask him.

Mummies who went for csection, how soon did yr tummy start to go down? My milk SS not alot yet so my tummy still seems big. Any tips on how to reduce my tummy? I dun think I can start my massage so soon.

My LO is a night owl. Day time he can sleep for hrs but night time he wakes up very often. :-(

Juliana, yes its the one for the c-sect wound.

i am also not sure how long we need to wear it for. my gynae didnt tell me.

i also have a tummy still.. like 3-4 months preggie le... dunno how to get rid of it.

my gf told me no pt doing massage cos the lady cant massage our tummy due to the wound anyways and all she will do is use our binder to bind it again. quite useless.

Mummies, can I ask those who took epidural, is it possible to wear a jacket after it has been administered? Cos I read that some of you shivered so I want to know if I can wear a jacket.

Also, is there another type of binder for slimming not c-section? Cos now I still have time to go buy. Any recommendations?

joyfulbliss, i heard that if got shivering after epidural is administered, no matter how many blankets you are covered with, the shivering still seems to go on. I think you can request for blankets if scared cold [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yurieve, hope your third CL is ok this time.


Not sure if u want to give it a try. Do u hav drapolean at home? It's the nappy rash cream, might help with yr chafing marks. I tried it near my bottom as I had chafing marks and it helped to relieve the pain.

Thanks mummies, guess tht the little one seems to like to sleep while latching on. Maybe tomolor I get my cl to pass the baby to me for latching on again. Many trials and tribulations when it comes to breastfeeding. Nevermind, I hav how much milk, he shall drink that much. It's precious gold

