(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


Yes you are able to get immediately..so dun worry..

High blood..

I realise it's the medication that causes the giddy and black out spells.. My doc is traveling the replacement charges 120 for just 10min consultation!!

I have to continue taking the medication but should not go out..

Lately feeling so upset coz of the body changes I am having, I am not able to take good care of my kids.. Make me so sad.. At night can't sleep well coz bb kicking inwards and very painful, plus piles ,plus my hip bones pain due to bone pressing on nerve.. Plus numbness during sleep at night. so uncomfortable .. My hands and legs .. Haiz.. This no3.. Make mummy suffer so so much ..

mommies: just a quick update... Hubby has posted Liz' photos on FB already, so u can go check out liz' photos. I've gotten liz to latch on wo a LC, hopefully she's full with d first feed.


oh dear, dont be sad *hugs* guess you guai guai stay at home and rest ya! can have good food after confinement still! can meet with our babies though more troublesome i can forsee!

esquare, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe yr last sentence make me laugh instead 'make mummy suffer so so much' :p

regarding the aches, i only started feeling worst maybe 2-3 weeks ago...then just started last week, started the difficulty in getting out of bed T_T

muddypaws, so nice of yr hubby to update us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'll go check out Liz's pics soon ^_^

so excited to see her, congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yr moomoo career taking off liao, hehe

esquare, u sound so xin ku... take care wo.. we can always high tea some time later... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if the med makes u drowsy den safer not to go out, rest at home better... my baby also.. cos she nvr turn, so she always kick the V area.. very pain... den feels like her legs gg to kick out sometimes...

bubbly, i'm making full use of my last available day... haha... nurse called me at 9am ask mi to rush down to see the anathesist by 10am. after which we did the admission procedures and took blood samples, finished at about 12pm. den went over to a relative's house for lunch den went back to my mum's place around 2. den shopped at NEX till now den come back... hehe...

Wah... this time my turn to complain my MIL lor... tml i gg for c-sect liao.. till now she still havent bought any confinement herbs.. even the stuff to cook red dates tea also havent buy lor!!! wah lau... den just now i went to fu hua at nex with my mum to buy... buay tahan my MIL

muddypaws, congrats on the birth of ur lil daughter.

milo, i think its ok to leave ur BB with the CL. tt's the purpose of hiring one. if u're latching ur BB, she'll bond with you naturally. TT's y mother's bonding through BF is the strongest and can never be replaced. even by the father.. Rest well so that u can walk a longer path down.

Wah... so fast u gals talking abt contraception liao le!!! i still havent tot of tt yet... but my hubby sure say withdrawal method very safe one la. i dun think i'll take pills, they say one of the side effect is will put on weight lei... haha...

klitz: whoa, really fully utilise ur last freedom day to max.. Din know thr's procedure the day bef csect... Jiayou ya, tmr evening, bb wil be in ur arms liao... Ur mil do confinement for u?

ya... keep feeling i'll be deprived during ML.. haha.. cos ar.. i stay landed property ma... if i dun drive, there's practically no where that i can go to. except an econ minimart at the main road... so pathetic...

ohz. actually dey gave me an option to go this morn or ward in tml morn and do the blood test. but i chose this morn. den tml morn i still can go eat gd breakfast and lunch before i go hosp at around 4pm. hehe...

yup... looking forward to seeing her tml.. hopefully i wun zonk out or faint during the whole procedure... lol

Nah... she's not doing confinment for mi. i got a CL to do for mi. but she's supposed to buy the confinement food and stuff... till now nothing is bought lor...

And u know the most hurting thing? normally, my parents know i go chk up.. when they call, they'll ask how is the chk up. how is the baby? my MIL called my hubby twice during the last visit. (she nvr call before) den asked my hubby...


WTH!!! i wanted normal delivery lei... so if its normal delivery, u think i can plan and control like gg to the toilet and shit????

she doesnt even know which month pregnancy i'm in throughout the whole pregnancy lor.. den she can yayapapaya in front of everyone... i'm the best MIL... WTH!!!!

klitz: no wonder u keep going over to ur mom's place.. it's more convenient over here.. hehehe.. enjoy all the good good tmr morning, nd to fast for 6 hrs before tat rite?

so, now, have u got all the confinement stuffs? maybe ask hb to hint ur MIL.. hehehe..

MIL and mom really very diff hoh.. my mom also will call each time from KL, ask how's bb doing, etc..

tmr onwards, ur MIL can't see u liao, all she could see maybe grand-daughter only.. kekeke.. sorry ah.. just kidding... not to add fuel onto the fire..

yurieve: thats good. eat more eat more.

milo: your confinement lady is so nice. she really is there to help you all out. some will find a lot of excuses to refrain from doing a lot of things.

muddypaws: congrats on the birth of princess Liz. funny! you said the photos are on facebook, i cant find ley. hmm... whats wrong with my facebook?

crystal: really touched loh. haha.. today super emo leh. keke

andrea: great! baby engaged liao. your baby is the same weight as mine but mine is as of 38 weeks.

esquare: sayang sayang. soon you will be able to see your labour of hardwork and suffering le.

muddypaws: wow! wonderful, congrats on your moo moo career.

klitz: cool down.. no point getting all work up over someone like her. enjoy your last few moments with your girl before she comes out to meet the world tomorrow.

ya... so much more convenient at my mum's place.. plus i dun nid to climb up and down the stairs.. hehe...

nah.. i onli got the red dates tea stuff... the rest, will get my hubby to tell her to buy.. if not, i told my hubby le.. worst scenario.. my mum buy, he come over and pick it up.

ya lor.. i tink MIL and mum is totally diff.. hmmm... i dun tink she'll be so over with the grand daughter too... ohz.. i forgot to add, why she so anxious to know when i deliver. cos she want to book air tix to go hols in eygpt.. tt's my MIL... gd rite?

klitz, if you got time to read this, can i ask, during your confinement you will be still climbing stairs mah? I stay in landed with my PILs too and my room is on the third floor. My mum told me to stay at the third floor and don't even need go down stairs to first floor for meals, ask the CL to bring up the food to me. But i scared my PIL may think i so disrespectful keep staying on third level during confinement.

muddypaws, congrats!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, don't be jealous by the CL spending more time with the baby k? At first when i was advised to get CL i also thought of this bonding issue and don't want baby to bond with CL. But then after much thinking, the CL is gonna be with you and the baby for 28 days only.. After that, baby is all yours and you can bond with Ash as much as you want. It's back to square one for us when our CL go back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope you're doing well and your wound healing well! Must rest hor!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

debbie, i'm staying on the third floor too... i'm gg to climb up and stay in the room throughout. i think PIL should understand la... not easy to climb up and down the stairs with our wound wo.

i've got everything placed in my room le, and baby's room is just next door. so i'm gg to stay on the third floor.

but on the safe side, get ur hubby to let ur PIL know tt its taxing for u to climb the stairs so u're staying upstairs most of the time.

for mi, an aunt already helped me tell my PIL to either let me shift to a room at the 1st floor stay upstairs throughout...

klitz, okay. Maybe i can also get my CL to nicely inform my PIL that it's not advisable for me to climb up and down unnecessarily, especially for first two weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Climbing 3 storeys is seriously no joke for a person who just gave birth right! Even now sometimes i can go to my room and start panting. Very unfit lol

hello mummies!

just came home from jalan jalan in vivo and chinatown.

congrats muddypaws and welcome Liz!!!

klitz and debbie, u both staying landed property must try not to climb up and down the stairs. rest in bed whenever u can ok?

klitz, your MIL also ah, leave everything to last minute. lucky she's not doing your confinement for u else u might not even get food to eat. tsk tsk... like that also call herself best MIL... champion!

esquare, baby make u suffer now, but will love u more. lol... think of it this way!

Cindy, Crystal, Mango, Dew, Eon, Debbie & Klitz,

Thanks for the assurance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] felt alittle emo that CL dun wan my help. Hearing Ash cry, I cant slp too yet cant help as well. Maybe cos Kaeden was taken care by me right from the start so easier for me to estabilish certain habits. Hope its still in time for me to correct them after CL leave. Jiemei, thanks for hearing me rant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, out of the topic for a while ya .. i need to know what brand of car seat that you recommended?? hopefully not too expensive type la ... thanks

Hi mummies,

back from seeing the gynae. Told her about the brown discharge last wk. She did ve n told me that I'm 3 cm dilated n baby's very low. Can give birth any day. Am told that I can choose a day to break water bag n deliver or I can wait for the contractions to intensify. Still indecisive abt it.

mommies: Now that I've some time, i can do my birth story...

Sunday 1130pm - Checked into hospital. Hooked onto CTG to monitor Liz' heartbeat and my contractions. Liz kicked the doppler so frequently, machine registered that she has erratic heartbeat causin nurses to panic.

0030am - Inserted pill for induction. Caused bad BH but no effect on dilation

430am - They cleared my bowels.

830am - Gynae came to burst my water bag and put drip. Contractions came on fast... I went from 3cm to 7cm within an hour, and was still using gas.... but the pain was very very bad, and I gave up. Begged for epi at about 10plus. Got epi done and lost feeling of my lower body...

1230pm - told to push, but no feeling of lower body. Got baby out within 4 contractions, but tore myself quite badly down there (plus baby's head was quite big). At the last push, liz' heartbeat dropped so gynae had to use vaccum to get her out.

1253pm - Liz came out at 2.95kg! Hubby cut umbilical cord and I got cleaned up. Gynae commented that Liz' umbilical cord was knotted (tahnk god it didn't affect her absorption while in my tummy). Puked my guts out for a very long time because of the side effect of the epi.

Liz was looking around within minutes of her birth, and i got her to latch on for 1hour just now. PD did a check on her and gave she's very alert.

Have just cleared off 2 batches of visitors and is preparing to get some rest.

The photos of Liz can be seen in my FB from my profile under 'Photos'.

To all mommies who popped today, congratulations! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all I was requested to be induced today, and my baby was out by 4pm

Update my birth story another day. But I really take my hat off those mothers who go thru without epi !

Dr woody cfm that i need to delivery on 1st dec. I realise i am so timid.. Being crying non stop like tap spoilt after i heard this news.. Alemak, so fast... I scare i cant take it. Now i am still considering whether to go for induce with epi or c-sect with ga. I scare if induce fail, then i need to do c-sect with epi, seeing the doc cutting my stomach, i doubt i can take it. I rather don't view the process... But i understand that if i do induce, the recovery will be faster... Really dunno what to decide now...

haha.. eon, i only bought household products today cos ran out of some stuff.

milo, anytime u need to rant, just come in here. we're here for u!

muddypaws, wow i didn't know effects from epidural is so bad... btw, are u alena chan on FB? i cannot see Liz photos... :p

congrats athena!

tantan, wow, 3cm dilated! my fren was also 3cm dilated since 2 weeks back... she's still waiting for her boy to come out. latest this thursday induce.

wah Dew, so happening ur shopping trip,hee...

Muddypaws, thsk for ur story! Ya I been browsing all ur FB photos, no Liz chubby face leh...

Congrats Athena!

Dec Mum, try for induce cos ur bb is small, so easy ot push n recovery is faster =)

Milo, dun worry Ash will know u cos gt mummy smell oki?

Try to latch her on to enhance the close bonding[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats to tratties, muddypaws n athena!

Muddypaws, glad tat ur moomoo career is starting off well for u! Thks for sharing ur birth story but a pity i cant view pics of princess liz cos i'm not on ur fb.

Athena, tats so sudden! Do share ur birth story with us when u can! Take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec mum, u wont be able to see wat dr woody is doing if u choose csect. There'll be a piece of cloth hanging in front of u so u cant see the process. So u cfm delivering on 1dec now? Wat time u supposed to admit into tmc?

Wow, today seems like another hot date to pop! I think we've 5 new babies today so far!

Wonder how's rainbow now...

How i wish someone can use something to knock me out cos i simply cant sleep... Too excited n nervous! Gosh, gonna be a sleepness night for sure!

Whereas my hubby is alrdy in his lala land, happily snoring away now...

dec mum,

c sect w epi u can't see anything one, dun be afraid.. there will be a sheet separating you from everything that is going on. The only thing u can see is your hubby who will most probably be sitting right next to you and the anesthetician.

Ask ur gynae the chances of natural delivery through induction. i think they usually can give u a %. Mine told me i abt 30% chance of natural delivery the last time, so i opted for c-sect w epi cos i didnt want to suffer twice (labour pain + emergency c sect).

Really up to u.. talk it over w ur hubby.

Congrats muddypaws, yvaine, tratties, athena... and who else i missed out?

Wow, seems like there are mummies popping everyday, very exciting.

i'm counting down to seeing my LO next week too... but like some other second/third time mummies, i'm worried how my no 1 will react and how i can separate my time between the 2. Already, my no 1 has been acting up in front of me these few days.. asking me to bao bao whenever she sees me and crying when i dun give way to her, or if i happen to walk away from wherever she is, sigh..

very worried she's going to be so so upset when mei mei is here.. and i also know i'm going to be miss her so much when i'm in hospital..

Abt driving:

mummies, when do u stop driving? I'm in wk 37 now and i'm wondering if i should continue to drive or start taking cab...

i feel totally fine to drive, but ppl have been telling me i shouldn't be driving already..

in fact, i was planning to drive till the day b4 i give birth (which is nxt Mon) cos i have another checkup to go b4 my c sect.. but now i'm not so sure if thats advisable..


muddypaws, rainbow, tratties, yvaine n athena are the 5 mommies who popped today.

I totally understand wat u meant cos tt was exactly how i felt too.

Oshgosh, ya at nite my gal only wants me to pat her to sleep cos she keep callin me mummy sweetly, melt my heart so i pat her to sleep everynite...hiaz. wonder how hb to cope when I am in hospital for 2 nites? :p

Oshgosh_baby and yurieve,

Oh, can't see what is going on, but can hear right? Still a bit scary to me...


Yar, cfm on 1st dec. Need to admit tmc at 8.30am. What abt you? What time you admitting on 30 nov?

Hey Mummies,

How is everyone doing? Just come in to say hi with the limited free time I have in between feeds.

I have to say it is a steep learning curve for us first time parents, tiring but worth it. I also have to give it to my mum whom helped out tirelessly in order for us to have sufficient rest.

mango, i cant add u leh... Dunno is it cos i'm using my lao ya hp to surf the net...

Dec mum, i dun rmbr hearing dr woody cutting me up too. In fact i didnt know he had cut me up until they start pushing my tummy frm the top to get bb out. U wont feel any pain but will feel some pressure when they do tat.

My hubby was beside me talking to me to distract me during the opt n the nurses n doc will also be talking among themselves. Its really not tat scary.

Dr woody asked me to reach tmc by 7am tmr n csect by 8am tmr.


I personally prefer pills leh, find it great, maybe i dun feel that i kana any side effects. In result, my skin is better, less oily. menstural cycle more reqular. Regretted not continuing the pills that time if not will not have this accident liao..

Athena and Muddypaws, congrats!

Btw Muddypaws, your gal latch on for 1 hr? Wow..

TenQ and DBaby, thanks for the encouragment, now pumping milk is more smooth and my left side is pumping more milk, slowly each pump is about 60-70ml. However my boy is very demanding, wants to feed whenever he likes it, so hard to establish a fixed timing...and when he gets hungry and cries, I can't latch him on at all, and even if I do, its only for about a few minutes, so its not enough for him and the CL got to follow up with the bottle. how to get him to latch longer huh? its becoming a habit leh...

I may have to rely on bottle feed...

oshgosh : me too. i'm 38weeks and am still driving. but if i'm goin to town like bugis or orchard, i'll take cab. i feel fine driving just that my tummy is sitting on my lap. so abit uncomfy. but i dun think people would encourage us mummies to drive at these time cus we're about to deliver. maybe short distance ok loh. long distance may be too tiring..

Good morning mummies...

Tot it's daylight le.. Only 12plus am!

Had a tough labour.. Was telling myself i dun wan hv 2nd kids lei.. On drip for 10hrs and bb still high not dilating enough, in e end went for emer c-sec ;(

Will update my birth story soon..


Rainbow, mayb u can try massaging first? Or ask the lc there?

Dewdew, wow!!! U also shopped a great deal... Yup. I'm only gg to climb up the stairs once and I'll stay upstairs throughout... At least till I recover or if I need to go hospital or wat.

Dec mum, I've a fren who went through both Ga and epi c-sect. She told me that epi c-sect is less painful compared to Ga when u wake up and the anesthetic wears off. Mayb u can consider epi? Since the other mummies also advised tt u can't feel pain, the most close eyes dream of ur baby. Tt's wat I'll do tml, keep my brain occupied thinking of my bb. How chubby, tall, fair or not etc...

