(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hi mommies,

Just got back after seeing dr woody. Waited a long time cos it was so crowded today. Tried to walk walk while waiting but cant make it after only half an hr, legs were aching badly!

Anyway, i've cfmd my csect date on 30nov which will be my 37w1d. actually wanted 28nov which is tmr but dr woody said better not cos abit too early so we settled for 30nov. Dr woody gave me a jab to mature bb lungs just in case. He said just kiasu abit n jab. Wah, the jab was VERY pain n i couldnt walk properly after tat. He saw tat i was in pain n jokingly offered me sweet, scared i faint cos of the pain... Haaahaa, seems like he's in a gd mood today.

Now its counting down 3 more days! So excited even though this is my 2nd time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, saw tat milo, yuening, lovebyte n crystal have popped, congrats!


Hiya Mummies,

Hope everyone is doing fine.

Until last night then I am able to upload some photos and a short video clip of our Baby Kaelynn. In less than 24 hours after discharged, Kaelynn was readmitted again due to higher level of Jaundice and has to undergo 12 hours of heartbreaking phototherapy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My wife and I did not get to sleep or rest much until we are finally back home yesterday afternoon, totally shag out.

just had a very late lunch of subway sandwich cos took so long to put my gal down for her nap!

hmm, dunno how i'm going to get coconuts to drink this week, hub and my parents all out of town, sian...

just now i went cold storage to get some groceries, less than half hour of walking and i kenna backache already, so lousy.

strange that Dr Woody dun do VE? my gynae has been doing VE for me at every checkup since 35 weeks... but not pain at all, the secret is just to relax and not think about it. i usually chat to her during the process so i dun feel any pain.. and i also think she is v gentle cos like pap smear, i also dun feel pain.

the reason she does VE is just to check if my cervix open or not.. and whether baby is lower.. so far, cervix remains close and baby's head still v high.

C-sect w epi:

Shirley, i didnt feel anything at all during my c sect... i made sure i was completely numb before they started.. i didnt even know they cut me, although doc did warn me tat i will feel slight pressure when they press against my tummy to pull bb out, but i didnt feel anything.

the only discomfort is when during the sewing up cos it takes quite long, i felt dizzy and nausea.. had to control myself from puking..

this time round, my gynae says will give me something to prevent the nausea.

I went my my gynae appt just now, Alexis weight is 3.06Kg which is 0.04Kg lighter, I think his machine siao siao one. He said everything is okay, Alexis will pop any time. Still have to wait. I am starting my ML from 29 Nov 2010 onwards till back to office on 21 March 2011. Belly getting so big, can't even walk much and cannot even sit down, cos my belly would be resting on my thighs. And I do feel Alexis very low pressing on my my lower part of my belly.

rainbow, don't get upset lah. Your hubby is trying to be safe than to be sorry. Just bear with it. Enjoy your makan before tomorrow's popping okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At least your have date, me still KIV[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kayden's MTB, yes my EDD is 08 Dec, so i guess by then if haven't pop would be induced liao. I think Dr WOody today not good mood. I asked him can start my ML,he just said it is up to you, your own comfort. He didn't ask me whether want to take MC like usual. And I told him about my lower belly very naggy feeling, he just tell me what to do, pregnant is like that one. Ha!!! ha!! Today like buay song mood. Just everything chop chop one. So don't take his words seriously today.

Muddypaws, congrats, at least have a date for Liz to pop.

Debbie, congrats on your baby's growth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just eat since baby is absorbing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirley, no worries on inducing. That was what I heard about induced also. Plus Dr Woody is more pro natural, so induce is unless baby not growing well, or over EDD. If not, he will not do it for me.

Yeast infection is quite common, cos our hormones level ki siao, so caused inbalance to the v area. No worries, just insert one pills will clear up the infection[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take it easy okay, whatever will be will be, don't worry too much. Just keep your options open, if really necessary then C-section, cos the next pregnancy would also be C-section. You are thinking too much, whatever thing, be positive, things will turn out soon soon heng heng one. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Juliana, your EDD same as me right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 8-Dec. Don't worry about Dr WOody, he is good gynae, even he is man of few words[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So you would follow up your appt with him from next week onwards? Some gynae do practice putting anti-biotics once mommy check-in to delivery wards, whether the strep-B test -ve or +ve. So I think Dr Ang does that to all his mommies also.

Yurieve, I was at Dr Woody's also at SK today, he like not very good mood leh, I am no. 103. You lucky lah, me and Kayden's MTB kena buay song attitude from him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec Mum would be having the same date to pop as you, wow, Dr Woody would be busy that day liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do eat all you want before your C-section and congrats[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oshgosh_baby, I think Dr Woody depends on "show" and waterbag break if mommy need to pop. So I am waiting for both then I know I am in labour. Cos I don't even know how contractions feels like. So if it is time, I would be gong gong one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yugal, no worries lah. After the 6th days the level would be stablised liao. That therapy is for Kaelynn own good. Don't worry too much She will be back really soon.

stefie, i think u'll hv left by the time i reach the clinic. He was alrdy seeing 108 when i reached to take q number. I was 136...

I thought he was in gd mood leh cos i was waiting near the door n could hear him happily saying hi to each mommy who went in... He also used to tell me 'what to do, pregnant is like tat' when i complain abt my aches n pain. I guess there's really not much he can do cos we cant take alot of medication now.

Dec mum also csect on 30nov?? Mine will be early in the morning at 8am. Dr woody so nice, he used his hp to call tmc to book operating theatre on the spot when we cfmd csect on 30nov. So chop chop... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies

my gynae did a VE today, he said will hv some bleeding after that. any idea how long the bleeding will last? coz i still getting little bit since this early morn.

my scan this morn also show baby in posterior postion. any idea how to make baby move to anterior position?

thks !

Debbie..why were u inserted 3 times for the pills?? Is it for induce or the infection?? I also think it's the hormones..always feel like crying for no reason..very moody..

Stephie.. Doc advice me to induce cos my edd is 20 dec but now bb is too big to wait for edd..@36 weeks he's weighing at 3.1 kg..I'm very small size so doc say if bb exceed 3.5kg then very tough for me to deliver...

Now so confused don't know how leh..

Yurieve, dec mum one is induce bah. Mine still kiv. Ha! Ha! Anyway his ultrascan printout also see nothing! Ha! Ha! Just some black and white round stuff[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirley trust your gynae. If before week 38, gynae will inject lung booster to strengthen your baby's lung. 3.1 kg is good weight. The earlier your gynae induced the better would be for you. Imagine carry a 3.5 kg baby some more you are small size would be very heavy for you. Your gynae know what to do trust your gynae okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: such a wonderful thing your hb did! hehehe...

Shirley: same here, gynae wants to induce coz my zaizai is claimed to be too big for me.. now waiting for next gynae appt on Tue to see progress.. hb refused to let me induce, still psycho-ing me to c-sect.. will see wat gynae say next.. coz she never hinted on c-sect...


Ya, super angry lo.. His sleeping habit nt very good n very diff to wake him up one.. Actually last time with my gal, nt so bad cos she sleep thru very fast. Only wake up for 1 feed at nite after the last feed at 12am. And tt time only 1 kid so very muj diff.. Nw with my gak, i need to work my pumping & rest time arnd her..

HB works frm hm but doing cust support so most of the times need to reply cust calls. If nt he will need to go dwn cust plc to do testing etc.. Sometimes also work late. But if his appt after lunch, he make sure he bath her first & evening also bath her again.. As for feeding & makin her sleep, only i can handle my gal.


Perhaps u can give me the contacts then.. I will decide hw it is. Perhaps for CNY cleaning?!? Hahah.. Actually i jus need to manage til confinement over then i will be better. Cos can go out, haf a breather & do watever hse chores at my freedom.. Plus nw i see grandma cook & bath BB plus doing laundry like so tired. Think else than the hongbao, i will bring her a sumptuous meal & shopping tis time.. Cos doubt be able to bring her overseas tis time with a BB & Tod..


Dun be upset. My boy also same thing.. My No.1 also same jaundice prb. Boy also readmitted to KKH for 1 day phototheraphy after discharged with me on 2nd day. Nw still need go bk polyclinic on mon to recfm if jaundice no longer goin up as last test on fri still nt good.. Hopefully mon wont tell us tt he need to readmit again..

E Square

Cutting for Goon really smaller?!? Cos my boy wearing Drypers NB and also loose.. Think too small liao so very diff ti wear too.. Didnt expect him to be smaller than no.1...

Mummies goin to be induce/c-sect soon

Good luck & pray tt will be a smooth delivery.. Very fast can see BB.. Congrats on all the good weight!! So excited tt 1 by 1 we r lining up to POP!!

Shirley, all my pills is for yeast infection. Apparently first time I got yeast infection months ago, my gynae put the pill in my V 2 times until the infection really go away. Then today I realise got infection again so he put another pill in. Yup.

happyhippo: Liz was also in the posterior position originally. Based on some literature that Ive read, i went on all fours and rock back and forth, also sat such that my butt was higher than my hips (make sure you don't slouch). Now Liz is in an ok position. Also keep talking to kiddo to change position.

The bleeding after VE shouldn't last too long, and shouldn't be too much. If it continues till tomorrow, you might want to call your gynae to check.

Shirley: Guess the gynae is worried about possible tearing if your baby is too big.

Bubbly: Did your gynae explain to you and hubby about the risk of inducing/c-sect? How's your helper?

hi joyfulbliss,

can i check if u, u buy the goon diapers, did they restrict to the number of packs one person can buy? i see from today's papers, they say one pack per person, from 3pm onwards ??? limited to 150 packs ... kindly advise as i do not wish to make a trip down and can't buy. thanks

stefie, hahahaha... V true lor. Dr woody's scan printout always look te same, just 1 round circle everytime. But the bb's est weight is shown on the printout mah. I think i was too excited abt cfming my csect n forgot to ask him for it...

Maybe i can meet up wz dec mum if she's also at tmc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirley, dun worry... I agree wz stefie. If ur bb is gonna b too big for u to carry to full term, maybe its better for u to deliver earlier. Jia you n take things easy. I'm sure ur gynae knows wats best for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws: I asked gynae wat's the risk of induction, she says "i will tell u wat's the risk of not to..." instead.. she din say anything abt c-sect though.. We picked helper rather late, abt 3-ish.. very soft spoken, she has been so auto, working non-stop since just now, as if couldn't relax (or our place really messy).. hb and I worried she'll be too tired 1st day of work.. hehehe.. *cross fingers* hope everything's well between her and MIL.. kekekeke.. thanks for all your pointers ya! and all the best tmr, wish you a smooth smooth one..

Athena, I didn't think there was restrictions when I went. But I was there when it just opened. I bought 2 packs of goon. Maybe they run lower on stocks by 3pm? Try to go in the morning, should be able to get the qty that you want. I felt that the salesperson was even eager for me to buy more this morning! You can get good offers from Nepia and Huggies as well when you go.

hi joyfulbliss,

ok noted, yeah, think i will to go very early if i were to pop by.... thanks for the info...

heard from many that newborn need many pieces of diapers, wonder if i wonder enough, i have around 70 pieces .....

hello all,

have been walking quite a bit again today, but still... nothing! not even a single BH to signal anything. haizzz... i need to find other method of getting Gwen out!

bubbly: sounds like a good start for ur helper. You can monitor her progress for the next few days, emphasizing that it's important that she develops a routine that includes zaizai.

what's ur Hubby's argument for c-sect?

Parenthood fair: Anyone knows if there is medela booth? Need to get more teats and bottles.

Pacifier: Am thinking of getting a pacifier as I suspect sometimes she just want to suck on something (as she didn't drink much on certain occasion when she cries) Any recommendations?

Breast pump: Actually quite tiring to pump, and I got to keep holding on to it if not it will leak and the milk is wasted. If only someone can invent a pump where we can lie down!

yurieve and stefie,

No lah, i not inducing on 30 nov. During my last check up, he say my edd should bring forward from 21 dec to 1 dec. He ask me to consider c-sect. But all must wait till my mon (29 nov) checkup then decide. I think my bb not even engage yet so i guess induce is out right?

re diaper,

I think i am too kiasu liao. I have stored 5 packs of newborn and 8 packs of s size, all different brands. My house now like storeroom for diapers. Hahaha.

Evening mummies! Back in the forum. Heed...

Finally got time and some energy to pop back in for a quick update. Not sure how much I can remember though...

Here's my birth story as much as I can recall....

Date : 26th Nov

2:08 am felt menses cramp. Decided to use HP to time intervals. Then realized that contractions were almost very half an hour apart. This lasted till around 5:30am thus was kept quite awake throughout the night.

5:30am - 6:15 am contractions seemed so much closer together. Turned on iPad and timed length of contractions and interval. This time it was 8 mins each interval lasting bat 30 secs. Decided to wake hubby up. Tell him about contractions and asked if I should call the hospital to check. He said called lore... I wasn't really sure as the cramps were in the pelvic and not lower abdominal.went to the hall... Dilly dally a while then called hospital and was told to go down. Took my shower, blow my hair had some milk n crackers with cheese before heading down toTMC.

Arrive @ TMC at about 8 am. Was put in observation ward. A very rough nurse did a VE for me which was damn painful... And all she said was sorry ah sorry ah... Then doc came at about 840 to check on dilation and said only 1 cm and asked me to have breakfast so had porridge. Was inserted with a pill to soften the cervix. After breakfast, I just laid on the bed to rest. Contractions got a little stronger but still bearable. Hubby was there telling me I can do this. His support was good.

1125am a nurse came to insert some lotion for me to clear bowels. She asked me to hang in there for 5 mins b4 going to toilet. Within 2 mins my tummy felt so rumbly that it auto flushed. So pai seh.. Called nurse and she asked me to go toilet to clean up. So remember if nurse ask u wait Don't wait cos when the feeling comes it comes.( at this time my water bag burst but I didn't know yet. No one knew as it happened with my incident.

After my incident I changed into a gown and rested on the bed. Slowly the pain started to get worst. I couldn't take it anymore so asked for gas. Gas made me spin a little but as long as I closed my eyes it relieved the pain a little.

At abt 1230pm I got wheeled into the birth room. So super chilly. Continued to use gas but contractions were getting more and more painful that I squeeze hubby,s hand with ring on finger and he screamed too. Was in a lot of pain till I cried with each contractions.

125 pm doctor came to check again. 4 cm dilation. She asked if I wanted pain relief. Iasked what does she suggest. She said u cry until so pain I think better do epidural. So I went for it. Just before administering I had a painful contraction so I told the anethestis to wait as I was tense. Didn't realize that I was pinching the nurse who was holding my hand till she said mdm dun pinch me. I looked and realized woops. Let go and said sorry( was on gas mask so maybe a bit gone already. Anesthestis laugh and say patient in distress will do all sorts of weird things not my fault. Hahah woops.

After the epidural set in, was much better but reacted to the epidural and was very shivery. Was super shaking like a drug addict like that. But better than pain. Was able to get some rest as well. Dimmed the lights put on some classical and slept on and off with nurses coming in to check BP.

530 pm nurse realize that baby heartbeat dropping and irregular. Informed doc and was told to start pushing. Legs were rather numb but I did try my best. By 6 pm could see baby's head dimming but baby still couldn't come out. I was sooo tired. Doc came in and asked me to do a few pushes more after which she started cutting and sewing before asking me to do one big last push. Through out the pushing I did vomit twice. The last push with the assistance of vacuum got my baby out.PHEW! By 620pm baby wee was out. They cleaned him while dr tan continued to work on me.hubby followed baby to weigh and measure. Baby is 53 cm and 3.810 kg. How he grew 390 g from Monday scan I dunno.

Was sent to ward by 7+ for some rest and baby came into room at about 11pm to try breast feeding. There was colostrum and he was a natural at sucking so quite easy.

Tonight is suppose to be my last night at TMC but am request in one more night as I find it hard to walk due to witches below and I have a little bit of a backache from the epi I think.not sure if others experience this. Want to have all the help before I head home. At least the nurse bath and change him. All I do is lie down rest and feed him.

to mummies who have popped. congrats!!!

To mummies whoever have yet to pop. Enjoy!!!

Will log in again on moon to update.

All the best!!!

dewdew, think ur gynae is feeling too comfy in ur tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hv u tried having sex, nipple stimulation, raspberry tea or ask ur gynae to do membrane sweep for u? Heard tat all these will help labour to start.

Aiko, wat pump are u using? Medela??

If u're not using freestyle which is handsfree, maybe u can consider getting the pumping pals handsfree kit n supershields from mumsfairy.com.

Sorry cant post the link here cos i'm using hp to post. You can go to the website under 'brands' n view the demo video. There's 1 mommy in nov thread who's using it n she gave gd reviews. I've also got it cos i read before somewhere else tat its v useful when it comes to pumping milk, cos we'll be ble to lean back n pump instead of sitting straight to pump which will cause us backache.

Hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, congrats again n thks for sharing ur birth story. Ur boy is definitely sumo size n u did it naturally, really peifu peifu!

Take care, rest well n have a gd confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


For the handsfree, only for dual pumps rite?? Am regretting nt buying dual pumps nw.. But so far today keep latching & only pump twice.. Hahahha... Lazy me, enjoying latch cos really hassle-free.. Nw jus hope nipple wont be sore frm the sucking, am trying very hard to latch..

thanks for sharing the birth story lovebyte...

muddypaws: hb's opinion is not to induce, then long labour, ends up cannot deliver naturally, and need to c-sect woh.. he rather c-sect rite away, save trouble and $$.. he meant well, but I am rather reluctant, would really like to try natural first.. but he says, just bec i want to try, then he'll have to suffer with me.. :p

helper not bad to start with.. 1st time for her, 1st time for us..

yo mummies ^_^

finally have time to log in liao. been busy the whole day. woke up early to go amk to collect my bloom photographs print out then to ikea to buy more stuff for nursery. went to serangoon to dabao the super yummy roasted meat rice, went home to eat then fall asleep. slept for a good 2 1/2 hours. so refreshed. then started working on the christmas decoration with hubby. such a sense of satisfaction seeing the christmas tree.

now trying to catch up with the postings le.

mangogal: i will post the super ugly pandan kaya cake once i have the time. hehe

milo: missed you leh! wow, so many visitors then you have enough rest mah?

tratties and rainbow: all the best for your induction tomorrow. keep us posted hor.

stefie: im getting tired so easily these couple of days. haha, your hubby is so naughty. i have to move more cause my weight has been increasing like nobody's business plus i hope to have easier birth. keke..

lena: cause gynae said he will only induce me after he has checked that baby and moi am ready. so have to wait for the checkup on wednesday.

milo: oh mine! blisters in womb. sound scary. recuperate well ok?

sharon: happy birthday in advance. hope Darius will be able to discharge tomorrow to celebrate with you.

dewdew: haha, dont be buay song lah. so long we are happy can liao.

dbaby: oh mine dont be sad. sayang sayang. sometimes man can be so insensitive de. they need to sleep means they need to sleep. so we just have to be the super woman liao loh. dont cry k. rest more whenever you have the time to. jia you!

rainbow: dont be angry. then let him do the assembly after baby pop loh. luckily hubby is not superstitious over such things. thus we managed to get the nursery done le.

mangogal: you thinking too much about breastfeeding liao lah. haha

kayden's: aiyoyo.. dr woody is having pms lah. then how? he is not giving you an answer to your question about your induction.

muddypaws: congrats! you will be seeing Liz soon. her weight is good! keep us posted.

debbie: congrats on baby's healthy growth.

shirley: sayang sayang. maybe all these are causing you anxiety. our hormones are the culprit. dont think so much ok?

yurieve: congrats, you will be seeing your baby soon. keep us posted.

yugal: dont worry, baby Kaelynn will be fine soon. take the chance to rest now.

lovebyte: thanks for sharing your birthing story. wow! sound so painful leh. rest well ok? post baby wee's photo soon ^_^

E square, Dewdew, mangogal, thanks, my CL just came today and she also said don't walk ard cos the uterus may drop, so scary to think of that, but sometimes, bo pian, need to pump milk, sterilise pump,etc. Sometimes ask hubby to take things for me but he will complain, i repeated many times i scare my uterus drop but he doesn't seem to believe it.

Shirley - Mine was induced too, water bag burst, so gynae said cannot wait, but after he inserted the pill into my V, the conractions came very fast, pill inserted at about 10.30am, I delivered at 2.39pm.

EonEon - Thanks ;) Darius was discharged today at noon, so happy to fetch him, in time to celebrate my birthday today , hee.

Lovebyte - Congrats, big baby wor ;)Reading your birth story reminded me of my own delivery on 23 Nov, cos mine was also at TMC, so can imagaine we went to all the same places, i.e delivery ward, birth ward, etc...

Btw mummies, does your newborn sleep in air-con? CL just came today, she said not good for newborns to sleep with fan , so i ask her then? She said sleep air-con ard 26 deg. Hubby was thinking is it cos she herself wants to sleep with aircon...

Lovebyte: thanks for sharing yr birth experience. When u first had the contractions, how long were they? Also where do u feel the cramps and how painful r they? I'm just scared I cannot recognize the signs. I've been having on and off cramps these few days but not regular. Abt only twice a day and last 1 hr or more. Today felt it more and I usually feel it when I lie down. It's not very painful but just some discomfort ard the whole pelvic area.

Also do u feel tummy hardening everytime u get a contraction? Just wondering if mine could be signs tt the time is soon or could it be pressure fr bb's weight on my pelvic area.

Yurieve - I am actually using freestyle but the hands free requires me to wear nursing bras with the clasp which I dun really have..

lovebyte: Congrats and thanks for sharing your story! Big baby and u managed to push! I got problems pushing my 2.5kg girl.

bubbly: Where did u get your helper from?

Aiko: I thot freestyle comes with afew types of clasps for different bra straps? I was also abt to recommend to u the pumping pal from mumsfairy too. They even have this additional angled thingy to attach to existing pump so that u can lean back while pumping.

I dunno to laugh or to cry... At this hr, my baby is kicking so hard that I can't slp... Despite talking to her to slp for the past few hrs... Argh...

Sharon, my CL sleep w aircon. Room temp 26 deg. But bb do sneeze ocassionally. No choice. CL must be able to sleep then got energy to look after bb mah. Anyway she will swaddle bb, cover with blanket also n wear a hat.

hi mummies,

had false labour on thurs. saw some brown mucousy stuff and thought it was show. then had mild contractions that were not consistent. waited till fri to see the gynae at my place. he was saying that it's false labor though the brown spotting is blood. now have to wait for regular contractions. these few days, can feel that the tummy is getting more and more crampy but the pain is still not consistent. now can only tell my gal to gain as much weight as possible. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi kayden's mtb and shirley,

how fast or slow for induced labour depends on individual. baby need not be engaged for induced labour to be successful. my baby was far from being engaged and cervix was still thick, hence labour took 26 hrs. however, for my friend whose induced date is near edd, even though the baby was not engaged, her cervix was thinner and she delivered within a few hours.

why don't you read up or check with ur gynae regarding the risks between c-section and induced labour and then make a decision. c-section is more convenient but the recovery would be longer compared to natural.

i was so apologetic to my hubby when my labour took so long and told him that i shd have opt for c-sect but he said it's alright as long as i don't have to suffer so much. Thank God that my recovery was fast and I could move around normally without much pain within the next few hrs.

hi lovebyte,

congrats! wow! ur baby is big! glad that bfing is going well for u. take care and have a good bonding time with ur darling!

hope those mummies who are popping over the weekend will have a safe and smooth delivery! Keep us updated!

hi sharon,

baby can sleep in air-con room or with fan (but not directly blowing at him). can get confinement lady to do the sterilising and everything else. my cl used to do all these including assembling the breast pump. they are experienced and should be able to do that.

Tantan/Klitz/TenQ: Why are you mommies up at such unearthly hours?

Haha, for me, I'm up cos I'm gan-jiong about the inducing tonight...

Eon: SOunds like a very fruitful day for you and hubby! How's your hand/feet swelling? Try not to walk too much okie? Where is this yummy roasted meat rice place?

LOvebyte: Thanks for your birth story! Happy to hear that kiddo is a natural at BF! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take care and have plenty of rest okie?

Bubbly: Go with your gut instinct! Mommies know best!

muddypaws, i cant slp... baby's kicking away so hard. slpt for onli half an hr.. sigh...

eoneon, where's the place with yummy roasted rice? i love the one at toa payoh central, which is right behind watsons that stretch..

bubbly, induce not neccessarily means long labour right? have u checked tt with ur gynae? i'll also prefer natural, healing is faster and if u're gg for 2nd delivery u still can opt for c-sect. but if 1st one already c-sect, 2nd one higher chances of c-sect.

Aiko, medela was at the parenthood fair. I bought the PIS set there at $699 tgt with an additional bag free, purelan, and baby leg warmer. Ohya, Avent's got gd prices for bottom balm and stuff too

yurieve, i'm also c-sect on 30th, but i'll be doing so in the evening...

Strange, i'm already at 38wks. but my gynae ask mi what's the hurry why c-sect so early? the baby is small at 3kg... hmm... but nevertheless, we're still gg ahead with it... i'm getting sleepless every night... sleep half an hr, stay awake for hrs... sigh... day time wan to nap also cannot.. keep feeling the weight of the baby tt's too much uncomfortable for me...

Klitz: 3kg considered small? My gynae is saying that liz is big for me already!

You poor thing... maybe kiddo is hungry? sayang your tummy a little to settle d little one down. it is indeed hard at this stage of d pregnancy to get any rest, so try to grab as much sleep as u can during d day too... Hang in there, you're almost at the finishing point already.

Which hospital are u doing ur c-sect?

ya... i was quite surprised tt my gynae commented small... mayb the babies tt she usually deliver was on the higher scale end... haha

spent sometime talking to her, she just wouldnt slp.. but now tt i'm wide awake, she stops moving... *faint*

i'm doing my c-sect at TMC.

aiko: we got our helper from Best Home Hougang. Quite like the lady's service, actually recommended by my colleague. Yest when we were thr to pick ours, thr was an indon helper learning mandarin in the agency. Value added foc service, hehehe... Have u decided to get helper or send bb to infant care?

Muddypaws: yeah! Today is here for u! Jiayou! Helper woke up at 5.30 n started cleaning. Asked her to continue sleeping, she says she's good. Maybe later get an alarm clock for her she can gage her time better.

Klitz: not sure how induction wil be for me but most cases quite long. Ur last 2 days of freedom do enjoy ya. Maybe bb knows n get all excited abt it thus the kicking. Btw, i had some jap food in jurong pt on Fri, was told thr'll be a japanese fd street in Nex in Dec, consist of 10 jap rest, so cool. Their deco wil be exactly like japan :)

Tantan: i can imagine myself apologising to hb for long labour n the torture i put him n myself thru, but my hb's reply could be "i told u so!" :p

Muddypaws. Tonight inducing?!? Sure cannot sleep! better rest more in the day so tt u have evergy for labour. I sleep at 9 n wake up at 3am to pump. After pump cannot sleep will go see bb n wait for her to wake up to breastfeed. So tjisis the time I'm most free! No visitors n no one else to talk to.

dbaby, I took a few days to discover the angles for right n left. for the U or V cup u must trial and error at different parts of ur breast. Since ur bb small like mine u can try pinching near ur aerola and pressing in towards ur chest slightly. So when bb suck the milk comes out more easily. But not to pinch until nipples too small otherwise got gap at the mouth bb can't suck properly. Also got to figure out to place bb at what angle During class they teach is horizontal facing ur breast. But I find tt my right breast more saggy so have to put bb slightly facing upwards.

Juliana: Contractions for each may differ but just to let u know what I went through. Wednesday night /. Thursday morning I had crampy feeling but veer irregular. I also had the pang sai feeling but u know got no sai to come out one. Then Thursday afternoon nothing. No pain. Walked as per normal but pelvic very sian feeling. No cramp but just slightly achy. Thursday night / Friday morning 2 am onwards started the contraction feeling whereby u feel a cramp coming, it comes tightens then releases at regular intervals of 30 mins apart. Not sure how long each contraction was as i didn't measure just kept checking HP in the dark. After about 3+ hours then the contractions got closer that I timed each contraction and it's interval using my iPad software.

Most importantly is is when ur contractions are regular intervals apart then u know labour has started. But take ur time when this happens. As long as u can still walk, take a shower have something to eat before going to hospital. My last meal before delivery was at 930am. By the time I got to eat something it was 730pm. So hungry but not allowed to eat. Only sipped water cos they scared vomit which I did in the delivery process due to epidural.

Hope this helps.

Dbaby, yup, the pumping pals kit is more for dual pumps. But since u're doing well latching then its better right since babies are known as the most efficient 'pumps'.

Aiko, actually i rmbr tat nov mom also using freestyle but she found it better when she used it with the pumping pals kit. Maybe u can consider investing in it.

Eoneon, thks! Ur turn will come soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz, oh ya, now i rmbr u also csect on 30th!

Mine will b early morning cos need to fast for 6hrs before op n i'll prefer to fast when i'm asleep! I know i sure cant tahan w/o food for 6hrs if i'm awake, lol...

All the best to ur csect n maybe we can meet up in tmc then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, all the best to ur induction tonight! Jiayou n do update ur birth story when u can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow, u also inducing tonight right? All the best to u too!

last night was also a sleepless night for me...

Went to bed at 11pm, toss n turn n cldn't sleep till 1.30am then by 5am, i'm wide awake alrdy!

Dunno y just cant doze off... Hope i can take a nap later.

Enjoy ur sunday mommies! It looks like a hot hot day again though...

