(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Yurieve/TenQ/Bubbly: Thanks! I'm super gan-jiong now... hubby's having nesting instinct now as he's busy clearing old clothes from his wardrobe! Haha...

Bubbly: Maybe your helper can't sleep cos it's her first night at your place? My helper had the same problem initially. She normally wakes up at about 7am (haha, good life right?).


Muddypaws, so happy that you will get to see Liz tonight! Jia you and rest well after the c-section. Will be waiting to hear your birth story and seeing pics of cute lil Liz! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, isit gourmet town by ajisen group? I saw tt yest at nex.

Yuvrieve, Ya. We could meet at tmc. Haha... I also wanted morn, like u said have to fast. But cos we consulted the geomancer that the best timing is in the evening no choice

Esquare we could meet for lunch on mon...

Hi Mommies I am finally awake enough to do posting.

I will do my ful birth story another day but I quite suay la tinking I can do natural cos I dilated so fast end up in e c-sect so now can't move wound hurts hurts hurts. No pain killer cannot somemore I need to get up and walk today dunk how. Plus pt is that I can still breast feed and Ethan latches vey well. So far only colustrum. Mummies if ur bb is big size like mine shld consider c-sect suan le rather then go thru both process. Ethan last check was 3.3 actual delivery is 3.625 so his head was too big to be delivered and he went into distress.

Wow, ethan's quite big size too. How come u dun have painkillers? It must have been a bad ordeal for u to go through both..

muddypaws: ya, guess helper not used to it. I'm kinda worried now tat my mil wil "fully utilised" her during our absence. They woke up earlier than me n hb, when we finally woke up, helper was wiping e grill at common corridor outside the hse. Hb quickly stopped her n say the mum. Duno manz, how tmr wil be when we work. Do u ve nesting instinct urself? Hehehe...

Klitz: i think so, how's Nex progress? More worth to go now?

Bubbly, more worth it to go now. Like about 80percent opened. It's very crowded, expect long queues at meal times too...

Klitz, yes have painkillers now but wonder when I discharge that time how.

Still trying to get out of bed N need to go toilet on my own now. Still onli manage to sit up in bed only. Not even get off bed.


klitz, i just choose a timing i'm comfy with. Didnt chk wz geomancer but i read somewhere tat its better for bbs to be born in the morning during the yr of tiger. Bbs will be 'less fierce'... Dunno how true though.

Crystal, u can always ask the nurse to help u get off the bed. Be prepared tat the pain is quite bad when u 1st start to stand n walk. But the trick is to keep walking n the pain will become more managable. Do request for a tummy binder if u didnt bring to hosp. It'll help to minimise the pain. I'm sure ur gynae will prescribe painkillers for u upon ur discharge. I rmbr i started walking normally abt max 1wk after my csect last time.

Rest well n take care!

oh btw, ethan is of v gd weight, congrats crystal!

Lovebyte, usually gynaes will want csect patients to start getting off the bed n walk by the 2nd day. They'll then remove the urine bag on 2nd day too.

crystal: thks for ur post... Seems like i nd to keep my options extended to c sect as well.. Glad bb latching well coz i've always heard csect not able to bf ... Wish u speedy recovery ya...

Klitz: sounds good! Shall drop by to check out... Thanks!

Congrats crystal!

Lovebyte, don't think is the epi tat will backpain. I rem having backpain during first few days but then got to know is tailbone pain which been thru alot of pressure during contraction and labour while pushing. It will go off de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya. I heard night tiger is the fiercest. So quite surprised he will choose night c-sect. He say to complement her career, so choose night. Which I tink might as well, come out from operating theatre den a few more hours can slp Liao... Haha...

Talking about binders which is gd? The guardian one or belly bandit?Anyone gt advise?

hello mummies!

congrats crystal on healthy Ethan!!! rest well and get well soon!

good luck and smooth delivery to muddypaws & rainbow! so exciting!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies

Last nite was the first night Darius home with us, he is sleeping in the next room with CL.

However could hear him crying at 3 plus and 6 plus very loudly from our baby monitor. Just feel like so heartpain. Think CL still not used to his feeding time yet, by the time he cry loudly means very hungry ald.

Anyway quite pissed with MIL. Everytime my mum is here, she will keep repeating how good my hubby is, mop floor and do the washing, etc. SOmemore dunno if you gals remember, i complain previously, she like to stuff the fridge with so much stuff, now CL need to put the food for my confinement food and i also need space to store my breast milk. This morning, i ask her to set aside some space, she still can comment, ya lor, ask the CL not to buy so much food she go and buy so much food. damn pissed man!

And she also never fail to repeat how good her other 2 daugthers are. actually, maintaining a family and household is more than just mopping and washing clothes lor...

sharon: will it be better if u switch off the monitor for now? Heard tat bb wil make alot of noise when they sleep. Reason to let cl sleep with bb is so tat u can rest rite? Must rest more... Close both ears on wat ur mil say bah, the past generation likes to compare tis n tat... Stay cool ya babe...

good day mummies ^_^

sharon: great! baby Darius can celebrate your birthday with you. happy birthday to you wor!

klitz: haha, your baby is excited about coming to this world.

muddypaws & muddypaws: yes, fruitful day. hehe.. oh, cant really recall where exactly but its at blk 100+. its a coffeeshop and the roasted meat stall is at a corner de. the blk is facing the main road. sorry, both hubby and myself always go there based on direction and not actual address.

yes, i also love the roasted meat at toa payoh central. nice nice.

muddypaws: haha, you must be super excited about the induction today hor? jia you and all the best! hope it will be a smooth delivery for you.

lovebyte: oh mine! the vomiting part is the after effect of epidural?

crystal: congrats! finally heard from you. oh, Ethan's head is too big to go through natural arh. your csection wound sound painful. take care hor. rest well. good that you are progressing well with your moo moo career.

sharon: forget about your mil if you can. she will do you more harm than good. rest well and take care hor.

hi all mummies...hws all e mummies here??

which mummies hd giv birth?? ardy lost count...

nw my ger is slp but i cant fall aslp juz laying on my bed waiting for her nxt feeding time.

i'm quite disappointed wif my MIL, few days ago she cm over n say a lot of things...keep asking me to giv my ger to wear long sleeves n pants for her cos currently i onli let her short sleeves n botton didnt wear anyting except diaper but we gt swadle her...i feel tat shld b euff...weather so hot i see her sweat i feel heart pain but she keep saying bb dun feel hot n its easier for us to change diaper esp we r 1st time being a parents n my ger moved a lot when changing diaper so y cant she understand...sigh...tis morning she cm again wif her sis n her sis aso say e same ting, i'm tinking is she try to use her sis to convice us...i dun care onli in front of them we will let her wear shorts or pants...another ting is she kw i'm a small eating,hw much i can eat she aso kw but tat day she keep asking me to eat a lot sm more ask me eat whole chicken...if i eat e whole chicken e rest of my meals i can dun eat ardy...realli dun kw wat is she tinking...sigh...after she left i cry n complaint to my hubby n lucky he understand.

another pblm i hving is bb dun wan to latch on den my breast start to harden n i dun hv pump waiting for my hubby's cousin to pass to us...last nite manage to gt it n tis afternoon manage to pump 20ml (for both breasts) to soften e breasts...but stl nt euff to feed bb.

wan to ask mummies who sucessful in breastfeeding, when i pump out e milk its translucent yellowish...izzit normal?? does it gt to do wif wat i eat??

Crystal, I went through epi csec. Doc got the nurse to put on binder for me on second day and took off drip n urine bag. With the binder I can still walk with a hunch back to the toilet. But need hubby to help me get up from bed.

Be conscious of how long u have not gone to the toilet because u cannot really feel the need to pee. I still feel slight soreness in the urinary tract when I pee for a few days even after discharge.

Good that u have colostrum! The milk supply will come in within a week if u pump/fees regularly. I think mine came in on day 7. Now my supply more than bb demand le.

wah so many postings on weekends n all long postings wor..hee..

So happy and excited for mummies that r gng to induce today n coming days! Praying for all mummies n babies are born safely n healthy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haa muddypaws for sure u cant sleep cos it is just like ur wedding big day..these special happy memorable days mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday dinner At Melt was great! I had more desserts like waffles n cakes than the main course, whereas hubby whack alot of oysters, lobsters n sashimi, worth our money[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Crystal, dun worry u didnt go thru natural n had c sect, at least u tried and most imp is bb Ethan is born healthy n chubby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U must ask the nurse to help & carry u down to walk cos c sect pain hurts..

PSH, ya initial BM is yellowish cos it is still colostrum n there is layer of oil, dun worry, just continue pump n latch

Day time is ok to let ur bb wear short pants wif diaper, unless u are wearing cloth diaper withe the velco cover, if u wear pants during day, dun need to swaddle as it wil restrict ur gal movement, just cover her with blanket frm armpit dowards n use bean pillow to press on her chest, the reason to wear pants is to cover her bellybutton to prevent wind gng inside, the cord hv nt drop right? If u just want ur gal wear diaper during day, cover her tummy wif a binder[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon, oh u hv CL..so ask ur CL do all the cooking n sterlise pumps, or even ur husband...u hv to rest alot so if ur hubby complain, tell him u are doing confinement n need to rest..do ask him to help for feeding too. Maybe u take some of ur MIL stuff off frm fridge? U see which are the extra or nt neccessary ones, cos u need to store ingredients mean for ur confinement food, it is ur hm so hv the right ot take away n even throw away unneccessary stuff! Yes u need a clean n tidy fridge to store ur breastmilk! Cos BM is so impt n precious!

Lovebyte, hee...thks for ur birth story n I burst out laughing when u pinch the nurse :p Glad u had epidural n the rest of labour is easy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cant wait to see bb We chuby cute pics!

For me, I didnt vomit due to side effect of epidural, just only the shivering n I had slight fever but went down fast.

Yugal, dun worry bb jaundice take abt 1 week to 2 weeks to settle down, unless is serious case will take abt a month..who is doing confinement for ur wife? Can go to medical hall & buy chinese medicine to bath for bb, I cant remember the medicine name so need to ask my mum, will post the name tonite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH yes it's normal. First dew days is colostrum then transition milk. They are v rich in nutrients and antibodies. U have to feed and pump as regularly as possible to encourage the milk supply to come in and rem to massage before or even during pump. pay attention to the harder n lumpy parts of ur breast. In hospital Initially I express out the colostrum manually - started with 5ml then slowly increase to about 20ml after bb does some sucking. The nurse will supplement with what I expressed abt 1 hr after I finish breastfeeding. I believe ur bb will wake up every 2 hrs bah since 20ml cannot last v long. U will find that with each pump and each passing day the milk will change from oily yellowish color to light yellow and then diluted white. The volume will also increase. Mine increased from 40ml on discharge to 100ml now.

Be patient and hardworking for first few days then life will become easier.

sharon, i know EXACTLY what you mean. my MIL also stuff the fridge with a lot of rubbish (a lot of bottled products, leftover food, expired items), so much so i dun have space for my own food. whenever i bring home healthy food my mum cooked for me, she'll say "aiyoh, fridge no more space." i get so TL over it in the end i told my mum i won't bring food back anymore - save my MIL's silly comments.

ladies, this morning also another comment my MIL made. i shooed my schnauzer out of the room 'cos she has been irritating me for days already, always lying across the floor tripping me up - and she's also the one that bit me (twice!) so i resent her. my MIL said from outside the door, "come, come, other ppl don't sayang you, i sayang you." wah, i hear already my blood boil! super pissed off... already she never take care of me during the pregnancy, she still can say such things. really ah, our dogs' lives is better than mine! maybe i should tell her, why not get your son to marry the dog instead and make her give birth to your grandchildren? (@$*&*#@*(#(@

sorry ah, just had to let off some steam. i dowan to complain to my hb 'cos he's also caught in the middle. hmph...

Mangogal: Haha, you're spot-on! I didn't sleep d night before my wedding day too! So so so excited about tonite!

Lena: did u manage to get d cherries?

Bubbly: fingers crossed ur MIL would be ok with ur helper.

Mommies: just went to walk at Nex. The parking is horrendous so we parked at the multistorey at d bus interchange. Not a bad place to walk... Bought a Mickey Mouse laundry basket for Liz. Oh, d Kiddy palace at Nex is huge!

MUddypaws, oh there is kiddy palace at Nex? good!! I also use mickey mouse laudry basket for my gal, it is very useful!

Hee of cos.. I also cant sleep before my wedding day n induction, these are big impt days wor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dew, calm down gal..but hor once u doing confinement, hv to clear space for the food n ur BM..who is doing confinement for u? U better clean up the fridge now

ohz.. i think its weekend plus opening.. so the parking is full.. there's supposed to be 700parking lots... i had no problem finding parking yesterday noon time, but by evening there was already a long queue waiting to go in..

ya.. the kiddy palace there is big.. next time can go there to buy baby stuff.. hehe.. .got mickey mouse laundry basket? in kiddy palace? i didnt see that...

mangogal, i already foresee trouble with MIL so i got my mum to do my confinement for me. i cannot imagine staying in this dusty place for confinement, with no space in the fridge for anything other than their own stuff. i won't be able to clean up the fridge 'cos everything is not mine - all theirs!

can u imagine, the milo sachets which i bought for when i'm hungry at night can be finished up and not replenished when THEY finish it. i can wake up in the morning to no bread, no milo, no anything, BUT they'd always save something for my BIL. dun get me wrong, i love my BIL 'cos he's a really great guy but it's THEIR actions that gets to me, u know?

so just now at lunch i told my hb, let's go NTUC. i wanna get milk and cereal for my breakfast for next few days else i'd hv to hunt for food every morning. i just hope THEY won't finish my breakfast for me again.


but my MIL aso wans me to swadle my ger tight tight e whole day lei...my bb cord hd juz drop off today.


my gal suck awhile den dun wan to suck le so currentlyi mixed BM & FM to feed her...i scare she dun wan to suck le...izzit bcos i juz pump tats y gt nth for her to suck??

hello mummies... hv been busy e whole day packing bb's items.. time is getting nearer and nearer.. will be admitting after 12am tonight.. i'm very SCARED!!!

PSH, i think no choice since u are trying to increase supply now. Just make sure u let her suck first then pump after she stop. If u still can pump out enough after she stop then shouldn't be a case that u have not enough milk for her to suck.

psh: some times the older folks just love to talk without using their brains so just forget it. how many normal people can finish one whole chicken? haha.. just take it as a joke bah.

dewdew: luckily you will be doing your confinement at your mum's else i cant imagine how well taken care of you will be at your pil's. haiz, hate it when your mil used the word "others" on you when you are the dil leh. just tolerate till you have your own place bah.

muddypaws and rainbow: jia you leh! waiting to hear good news from both of you. ^_^

Hi Mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies really chatty today. We were taking long naps from 1pm to 530pm. Super tired.

Rainbow, no scare okay. Everything will be soon soon Heng Heng[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you.

Mommies doing confinement, don't be bothered by MILs stupid comments. They do more harm to you than any good. Just do what you feel comfortable. Just let them nag, after all you are babies Mommies what.

Crystal, poor mine. Just take it slowly when get down the bed. Do ask the nurse or hubby to help you down. Good that your moo moo career starts off well. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovebyte, thanks for sharing. Yours very cute leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Quite weird. I only have complaints abt my mum and not my MIL. my mum has been nagging me every day when she comes over. I told if she did confinement for me I will be v irritated. She even nag me abt posting photos/videos of bb on facebook, nag me abt not carrying bb when she hiccups, etc. I think I can expect her future DIL will be complaining abt her on SMH next time. Haha.

Hi mummies,

I have a L size pupsik pouch for sale. Bought on 03Oct10, used 3 times only, washed once before using, instruction manual and bag still intact.

Retail selling at $45.90 (I have receipt)

Now selling off mine at $35

Reason for selling: my daughter doesn't like being carried in pouch

Collection: Sengkang (Near Buangkok MRT)

Attached link is the colour of the pouch


Please SMS 93388073 Valerie to deal

Crystal, hope you are feeling better liao. Hosp will give you some painkillers upon discharge so dun worry.

I got out of bed on my own on the 2nd day and manage to walk to the toilet. Today is the 5th day and wound is much better. Can walk w/o much difficulties and no painkiller needed. Just that hard to get up from bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rest well ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, today my mil came over. Though she didnt say rubbish, but after she left hor, my girl is so difficult to look after [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Kept needing to be carried. The moment put down nia and start to cry. Dunno is it i pantang or wat but seems like both my kids always have such 'symptoms' after in contact with her :p

Hi moms, hope everyone had a great weekend.

Tenq,at least u know ur mom,u can feel free to complain back at her! MIL is diff yah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am enjoying my last few days of freedom and having 1 child. My hardening and all seems to be getting frequent now and i think mei2 wil come out by next week.

Have a smooth delivery to all mums.Enjoy our last few days or weeks of quilty food.

rainbow, good luck & dun scared! everything will go smoothly.

eon, yep i just hv to tahan now. just now was really angry, that's why must rant it out. otherwise i dunno how to face them without a black face.

milo, hmm... maybe your girl felt the vibes? or maybe just your imagination? in any case, if your girl is fussing then just have to carry her and let her know you're nearby. i think from the safety of our womb to the outside world - it should be quite different so baby ash still need comfort from mummy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amuro, that's exciting news! enjoy your freedom now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mommies!! hope you all had a good weekend! wow wow more babies out now! and more to come! ;) me no news yet since last last friday's false alarm... now 39weeks and 4days. hmmmm.... maybe this little one will be right on time at 40weeks exactly, just like her sister, hahah..

bubbly - i got my helper from Best Home too! but from Thomson plaza... i have to say their service and aftersales are good, only that the helper i chose not so good. but they're helpful with the transfer so i can't complain.

muddypaws - woo hoo you're going to see liz soon!! enjoy the whole process okie!!! we await your good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovebyte congrats again!!!

crystal u popped too!!! congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])) oh dear sounds painful. take lots of fish essence and vit C ya... will hear from you soon about your experience

Someone mentioned trying Nanny milkbags? how is it compared to Lansinoh?? i bought Lansinoh but if nanny is better and about same price then I'll switch to nanny instead. whoever is using it, can give feedback on how thick it is, whether can stand on its own, or the floppy thin thin type... and the seal, whether it's good.

Esquare u feeling bette now? wish i could do lunch but i still need to go back to work. i don't really want to waste my ML so thought might as well rot in office, hahaha...

dew dew your FB status so misleading i tot Gwen is out oredi!!! til i read further

Muddypaws, u should b in the process of labour le huh... Jia you Jia You!! May everything go smooth for you n lookin forward to see ur liz fotos soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup, i managed to buy the cherries but i bought it at Lor Ah Soo wet market as i cravin for laksa n chwee kuei so went there for brunch ytd... Happen to see the cherries sellin at $15/500g so i buy lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just ate some, so shiok... haha...

Rainbow... Dun be scared, just keep tinkin of seein ur BB soon... hope will help lessen ur fear... Jia you Jia you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amuro... Wow, so close to EDD liao... Hope to hear ur good news soon!! Mi too hopin my darlin to come out soon, if not i gonna get induce on 5th cos EDD is on the 4th...

Dewdew, both our darlin seem so comfy in our tummy, i wonder if we reali will deliver on same day like wat we mention that time durin gatherin cos we both under Woody n deliverin in Mt A... haha...

Lovebyte... Nice reading ur birth story... Especially the part when u pinched the nurse... haha... I tin they always kanna pinch/grab lo cos when patients in pain, reali tends to do tins w/o noticing... Ur darlin got such good weight, mus be very bai bai pang pang huh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, Hope u feel better soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good to hear that ur moomoo career starts successfully... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope mine will too...

PSH, think it is better to swaddle ur gal if she is just wearing disposable diaper & morever the cord has dropped off, dun let the belly get infected or blow by wind, so cloth diaper must cover her belly area, but her hands sure will come out, just wear mittens n let her hands move freely. If infant's tummy get wind is no joke cos will hv colic, u donig confinement, the infant too, that is why confinement all abt..do swaddle ur gal, at nite if she sleep aircon, wear mittens, long sleeves n pants n put bean pillow on chest, dun need to swaddle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So tell ur MIL nicely u will swaddle her during day n main aim is to cover her belly, nite wil lnot as she wil lbe wearing long pants n sleeves, sorry I very loh soh cos I am very particular their bellybutton :p

U hv to let her suck 1st then pump out the access BM..

Dew, oh great u r gng to ur mum place to do confinement! R u gng to stay permanently wif ur ILs? Hope u get ur own flat soon to free frm the suffering!

Yvaine, didnt see ur post so thot u pop liao,haa!

Muddypaws n Rainbow, we are all rooting for both of u, al lthe best to ur delivery process and njoy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i will try...at least i kw i gt milk but nt euff onli so hope nxt few days milk supply will cm in.


my MIL is nt those trad woman so i quite surprise to hear all tis ting...sigh...


Ya, i'm the one who mention abt Nanny milkbags la. I'm currently using Pigeon & $15.90 lo. Plus i dun think stand very well. So i tot of giving tis Nanny milkbags a try since gt offer & free delivery. I'm sharing with Klitz half half(7box) & Mangogal 1 box. The lady will deliver to us tml. After i try liao then update u. Buy 12 box & get 1 Free so we divide out the cos evenly. Normal price at $8.50, after even out its $7.85.


Ohh.. If only gt handsfree for single pump. Tiring to hold n pump la.. Hahaha...


Jia you!! Rem to post pic of ur Lil Angel & update on birth story..


Tks for sharing on birth story.. Reminds me of my labour but nt same as urs.. Cant wait to see ur Lil Angel pics..


Perhaps when ur MIL come over, did she keep carrying or rocking Ash?? I also forbid whoever carry my boy to rock. If nt nxt time only wan carry & rock.. Hahhaha.. I like supervisor sia when visitors comes. Rest well...


Congrats.. Rest well n rem to use the binder. Take care of ur wound.. Most impt is BB ok.. Dun say u 'suay la'...



Mangogal is right.. Belly button is very important .. The pants is to cover the air from going in.. It is always good to swaddle the bb for at least 1 month coz they are stll young and they feel daft this way thus dun worry ,they dun really feel hot..inside our body is hotter ..

Frankly your mil want u to eat more but eat whole chicken is not possible.. Maybe that is the way she expressed herself.. During confinement should not go on diet and should try to eat more especially breast feed coz nutrient goes to bb too.. And during this time most nutrient will be absorbed well.. And ur body /health will build up..

Well at least ur mil bother .. My hb was telling me.. Even I give birth Liao my mil also dunno and dun care..

When we pop over her place , she only carry / rather play with my sil kids who stay there .. Totally dun bother about my sons and keep saying negative things about them...sian sian sian

Dew dew,

If I were you, I will paste my name on the food I buy for breakfast..!!u are pregnant leh..

