(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

debbie - yupyup my doc gave me some tablets to take, if still not enough by next week, probably have to go get fenugreek.

eoneon & cindy - nono, its not as painful, just at tat point you feel pain cos scared, but really when you see baby everything is forgotten! I've already forgotten what I've been through!

Oh yah, for mummies delivering in Mount E, I've had quite a good experience there also. They have breastfeeding and bathing classes everyday, i think except Sunday and the lactation nurse and nurses are all there to help with breastfeeding.


mangogal - now i only can pump out 50ml, sometimes 60ml..if I dun pump for more than 5-6hours, will fill very full and slight pain when I sleep.

what's the normal milk input for the first 2 weeks?

melissa, cherry, Congrats on the new arrival!

So exciting to hear mummy popping 1 by one...

My BH has been very freq.

Psh, dun worry, my bb also under weight. This whole week I have been drinking at least 2 glass of milk a day... N lots of cheese. hope next week when I see gynae he will tell me that I managed to fatten bb..


Don worry too much ya? Baby's stomach will B very small right after birth, so its alright, milk will come in prob later, no worries ya? *Sayang sayang*.. =)


=) Yup i heard drink fish soup will help in increasing our breastmilk as well, and do make sur eu rest enuff too ya? too stress or overtire urself, myt decrease milk supply =) JiaYou =D Don give up k=)


after hearin so much from mommies who haf delivered and shared their experinces, i forgotten all about this Monday's high tea gathering le! Aiyo, me and my tofu memory, i prefer Carousel also, buffet ma, can eat and eat hahaS =D


dun worry too much abt ur Bb sleeping more than feeding.. she's still small and don't need to drink much. Take the chance to rest also whenever she is asleep. i'm sure she will get hungrier real soon and demand more milk.. and if bm not enuff, can supplement w FM, dun give yourself unnecessary stress.


Congrats!! rest well and dun move ard too much.


Strange tat u felt pain/sensation during ur c-sect.. i know when i had mine, i felt no pain at all.. was v paranoid, kept asking the anesthetician to check tat i'm completely numb b4 they started..

i just felt v dizzy after they took out bb and when gynae was removing a cyst and fibroid b4 stitching.. maybe cos it was taking so long.

thanks mummies for ur encouraging words regarding my bb's low birth weight.. now i can just try to eat more and pray that bb is healthy. i dun mind if she's small as long as she is healthy..i just worry that there is something wrong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Melissa, for 1st time mummy ur amt is quite alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Keep it up!

How long is the interval once every 2 or 3 hrs u pump?

Did u latch K also? How often u latch n latch on both sides?


i miss u =)

thankQ for sharin ur experience with many FTM here, including myself, i will take heed too =)

oshgosh..sorry I miss ur post, cos thread is too fast!

How heavy is ur gal now? So long as over 2kg is safe zone liao...can beef up her after u pop, did ur gynae measure her bloodflow, waterbag etc during scan? if everything nothing wrong, dun worry oki? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha yuening, aww u so sweet!

No prob just to get excited when talk abt moomooing!

Miss my moo moo days wif my gal mah,hehe...cos latching on bb is so close n intimate but also quite frustrating :p


Yup agree w mangogal, as my baby's wt also low, Dr says she's a small baby, me too will get depressed awhile wheneva after every gynae appt, but upon hearing encouragements frm other mommies here, i kinda realized too, as long as baby's growin and she's healthy, she will B fine.. =)i always try to thnk positive, and try to thnk tat we can still beef her up after she's delivered, she'L still B growin well like any other babies.. =) so JiaYou k?


my gynae din update me bout my waterbag level and bld flow when i went sein him yesday leh.. but he assures me everythng's okie, so i juz take his words for it, though i felt alittle sad yesday cuz baby's small too, but now feelin betta le.. =)

can chk wif u gals?

my tummy harden like a rock since 8pm till now...

its hardened. but no pain... so not real contractions right??


if i'm not wrong, it myt B BH leh.. i experienced it a few times too, but after i caress my tummy abit, it went away in about a min.. oh but urs hardened since 8 ar..hmm..u wanna call ur gynae juz to B on e safe side?

ya.. cos no pain, so i tot its BH.. but it doesnt seem to go off.. mayb i'll wait a while more and see if it goes off...

Dew dew,

I am fine with any place.. The buffet only starts at 3.30?? How com so late? Nit enough time to eat and talk.. I remember the gwp .. We only had 4 person but we eat from 2.00 to almost 5.30pm..


Ya! We eat n chat till pretty late hahas


Did u try to caress ur tummy awhile? If worried, wanna go hospital for a check?? =)

mangogal - these 2 days I seldom latch her on, cos very tiring. In the beginning she latch on all the time cos I'm afraid no milk. I let her latch on for around 45 mins.

Now I pump about every 3 hrs. Maybe once a day I let her latch on twice. But I feel guilty these 2 days for not letting her latch on.

I hope so the amount is enough, but sometimes still not enough so need to supplement with extra FM.

Izzit ok to just pump out all the way? How long did you breastfeed your 1st one?


yes, my gynae checked water level, blood flow and cord and said alll looks fine... maybe no 2 is just going to be a v petite bb.. i got worried cos my no 1 was v big, 3.57kg at birth! whereas this one i doubt can reach 2.5kg even..


i was one of those who pumped exclusively cos i had problems latching.. to me, as long as bb still drinking bm, whether direct latch or not nvr mind.. but i guess its more tiring to pump, cos its double the work (imagine having to pump already, then feed plus wash/sterilise the bottles/pumps)..

wonder who's going to pop tonite, so exciting..

think i'm coming down w the flu.. throat feels scratchy..

sigh, i really cannot afford to fall ill now.. esp when hub going to be away for 12 days and i hv to take care of no 1.. also scared i pass to her.

melissa, maybe u set a routine for ur gal? Like latch on during day n pump out in evening? So that at nite, u can measure the amt of ebm n feed her bottle,how much of ml is she drinking frm bottle nw? I bf my gal for 13mths til she turn one yr

yuening,dun worry since ur gynae assured u,dun think too much n njoy the last stage of quiet time before ur bb pop =)

Hi Mummies.. Went for my checkup just now and my Clarissa is weighin 3140g now, an increase of ard 300g in 1 week! Wow... She's has been engaged since last week so reali playin waitin game now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just bought iphone 4, hope i can adapt to it soon before BB comes out... haha.. GOt a feelin that i will deliver next week but not sure how accurate is my hunch... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherrry, thanks for ur advice abt Epi, it kinda make mi more open to it now... Tin if i reali cannot tahan, i will opt for Epi too... :p

Stefie.. Thanks again for gettin Q no and wait for mi there... Hehe... reali nice tokin to you just now... Haha... Our BB is ard the same weight! But urs probably abit bigger than mine cos ur EDD is slightly later than mine rite? Happy for u too that Woody gave u 5 days HL to rest... Cos it's reali tirin to work at this stage now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, C-sect sounds kinda scary in your case... cos seem painful... U r so brave to go tru it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U seem to be doin well in ur moo moo career, hope mine can be smooth too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa, maybe u set a routine for ur gal? Like latch on during day n pump out in evening? So that at nite, u can measure the amt of ebm n feed her bottle,how much of ml is she drinking frm bottle nw? I bf my gal for 13mths til she turn one yr

yuening,dun worry since ur gynae assured u,dun think too much n njoy the last stage of quiet time before ur bb pop =)

Btw mummies, my nipples will suddenly feel sore or pain at times and has become more frequently lately, is anyone havin the same pro? Did ask gynae n he said it's normal w/o checkin or anytin.. Izzit true?

lena, go for happidural! dun torture urself pain for nothing, u need to rest so that gt energy to push [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lena my nipple too been very sensitive cos it is preparing for milk so dun worry,just remember apply nipple cream before u start to bf[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies,

Thanks for all the replies. I had lactation consultant coming in during my stay but still can't bf. No colostrum so we decided to try cup feeding. So before we left we even went to see mrs Wong and baby did drink milk when she cup fed. However when we tried at home all the milk spill out from her mouth. And from the time we discharge till now, she did not pee and i only see one drop of poo stuck. Thats too little right?

She is also impossible to wake up. Usually she will cry when we unswaddle her but now she doesn't. I am worried that it's because she is running out of reserve so no energy. Maybe also too tired and weak to feed since she did not manage to get anything from my breast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I guess tmr we will try bottle feeding. No choice it's better than her not eating, seeing how skinny she is we heart pain. No point having big breast with no supply. Though I can feel my breast starting to swell but why nothing?

Anyone know if it's possible for me to get a nanny now to help? We are so worried that we are taking shifts to look after her, dun dare to sleep in case we can't hear her cry or wat.

Suddenly can't sleep at night. Can't wait for doctor to take me off the drip so tt I can go NICU to see baby. I feel like we have been forced apart!

psh: spend d next few days taking plenty of full cream milk, cheese, whole grain bread n meats. It worked when I was trying to fatten liz up....

Aiko: I sense your frustration n anxiety. Don't think I'm in d position to offer any advice as I wld prolly panic if i'm in your shoes too... But do try not to worry as that wld add more stress to yourself n affect your recovery process n BM supply. Hugs!!!!!!!!!

Yvaine: keep us posted! U may be d next to pop!

For those mommies who just had their checks, congrats on d healthy baby growth. We're on d last leg of the race now... Persevere on and conquer!

I dunno if it's a sign of things to come... I had a mega zit outbreak a couple of days back. No zit cream can soothe it... Last nite, the zits miraculously disappeared!

tenQ: hugs... U'll soon get to c bb. Do rest well now so u can handle when its time..

Aiko: hug hug... Pray tat everything wil be fine. Remember to take it eAsy, we dun want to fall into post natal depression, jia you!

Muddypaws: any other sign? My below ache is killing me, wonder if i can survive 3 more days. Bef seeing gynae... Sigh...

bubbly: think your ache is due to d Baby's weight on d pelvic area. does d area feel sensitive? I had that problem too, n did kegel exercise to relieve d pressure.

muddypaws: ache when i walk, stand or turn in bed, not to mention putting on panty aft pee! Wa lao , feels like ripping me apart down thr.. Ur aches eventually went away?

Ten q, congrats on ur delivery.

Aiko, try not to stress oki I tink the more stress the lesser ur milk. Try out e square contact and see how things go.

Aiko, dun be too stress and relax k. At most bottle feed? Mummy must maintain a positive mood for milk flow to come.

TenQ, I understand how u feel cos Kaeden was in NICU at birth. Couldn't see him the first entire day/night at all as I gave birth to him at 645am. Next morn once drip off, I scrambled to see him despite the pain. Soon soon, the drip will be off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tried bottle feeding this morning and she managed to drink 15ml. Pd told me she should be drinking 30ml per feed. I guess if she is feeding we are more relieve le. She kept making sucking sound when sleeping, is it because she is hungry?

Aiko, did she cry shortly after feed? My experience last time was feed so long but take in so little. Put down and then he cry. Only to realize teat hole too small and he is too inpatient to suck. Hungry but tired of sucking so cry. U monitor and see how.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water.

Didn't sleep well, woke up a few times. Later will take some nap. It really feel good to be off work now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, don't worry too much about work. As long as you hand over liao. We are free liao, enjoy our break and me time before we pop. I am very thankful Dr Woody let me rest, at least I can start my ML, the following week. which save me 7 days of ML.

Mango, I didn't ask Dr Woody to write a letter. I can start my ML anytime now. Your co policy different right? Now just waiting for the "show" or waterbag to break, then it is time liao.

My hubby asked me not to be hero, need epidural, just take. No point making myself suffer. I would keep my options open[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then it would be my happidural[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, can drink some Milo also. I find it bu our body also and chocolate drink makes you relax also. Don't worry too much okay. Dr Heng is very good gynae, she is Queen of East shore, you are in good hands[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Be positive.

Lena, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At least you no need to wait so long to see him. My nipples does have some needle pain sensation. Do apply some nipple cream now. Let count down together.

Enjoy your Iphone hoh, really additive.

Btw could I have your email address, please PM me, i will email the birthplan spreadsheet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiko, at least your baby is drinking some milk. Baby is still in "womb" mode, may take sometimes to adjust. No worries okay. Different babies have diff pattern. Don't worry and don't stress yourself okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you. Be positive and happy. Do rest more also.

Cindy, eat more of your cravings[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At least another 1 week to enjoy makan with your princess. Jia you.

Melissa, Maybe just take the supplement from GNC and the nursing tea. BF is all about demand and supply. Continue with what you are doing, eventually more milk will come. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good sat morning to all mommies! it's a bright n cheery day and here's me to share not my birth story yet but my false alarm story, hahaha...

now 38w3days... yesterday evening starting having brief but regular contractions since 6pm... so 8pm i called my dr and she said monitor, if it continues to be a 10-min regular interval for an hour more then can head to hospital. my hubby was on 24hr shift, and got his colleague to come in to cover him so he could leave. i waited til 11pm, it was still regular contractions every 10-15mins. but although it was increasing in frequency it wasn't increasing in intensity. so i was wondering whether to go hospital or not. eventually decided since i was so exhausted, i would take a rest first. if need be just head down to hospital in them iddle of the night. but as i rested through the night the contractions winded down, so we figured no need to go liao... by this morning not so much already. just on and off. so... false alarm! so paiseh, my hubby's colleagues tot i popped liao. and he still has a 24hr shift coming up this coming monday, which he has no cover. so i'm telling baby to choose a date whereby daddy can be around! ah well, i do feel bad for making hubby make all these arrangements, but he kept assuring these things we can't tell. true la, better safe than sorry.

muddypaws, mango, yuening, klitz and all other mommies - ops, guess i'm not quite the next one to pop yet ;)

Melissa - congrats!! wah yours is fast! very good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have fun with the little one ya!!

Aiko - hang in there! even small small amounts of colostrum go a long way. the milk will come in 3-5days later, don't stress okie... meanwhile try to eat n rest well. must be very heart pain to see your little one not drinking much but like what the other mommies say, a little bit goes a long way cause their tummies are actually very small. most will lose a little weight in the first week but eventuslly catch up again

Hi mummies. Good morning!

This morning was a bad morning for me! I went out with hubby for breakfast. After that follow him to his office for a while. On the way to his office i felt so tight in the chest and queasy and cannot breathe properly. In the end i felt like puking, busy trying to find a plastic bag in the car but cannot find!! Panicked and then just no choice wind down car window and puke outside the car. So drama. Too bad the car was just nearing the end of expressway so by the time my hubby stopped at a bus stop for me to puke, i puke finish le.. First time i puke during pregnancy though. I think i'm having morning sickness, at the third trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Feeling much better even though puked a bit only.

yvaine, your false alarm story very cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope your baby will choose a date whereby the daddy can be around! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't feel bad about making your hubby make all those arrangements [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We really can't predict and tell when the baby is really coming out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiko, don't stress about milk. It's perfectly fine to supplement with some FM in the meantime de. Jiayou! Anyway newborn baby stomach so small like a marble. Some don't drink much de. I remember my nephew starting drink very very little. But when reach almost one month keep drinking and have growth spurt! Don't worry. I get what you mean by babies making that 'sucking' sound. I think if she is hungry, she will normally cry instead of making that sound. jiayou!

Aiko, i read another thread regarding low supply. Some mummies told their stories whereby starting really no supply. But don't give up!! Because demand = supply. Just keep pumping and latching on every 3 hours at least (at night too) even if no milk/colostrum. Now just try to stimulate the supply. Don't stress, drink lots of warm water and have plenty of rest and sleep whenever possible. Jiayou!

Aiko: yes, dun stress & rest well. It'll take some time .. dun give up okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie: I'm oso having all the discomfort getting on me. Been feeling drained & exhausted like nvr b4.

When my tummy gets hard, I'll feel breathless again. Hope you feel better & pls rest well.

Lilsunshine, ah guess I'm not the only one feeling that discomfort in the breathing. Also dunno why we get breathless sometimes. Will rest today and eat light! Thanks!

yvaine: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wow your baby will be arriving soon. Your HB will plan & make time for you & baby. Relax & jiayou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh mine .. I wonder when my time is up .. how will I react *_* Must be very excited & panicky lol.

Morning Mummies!!

Mangogal, haha.. seems like u encourage Happidural alot... Will see how the situation goes when in labour... If i feel that i cannot tahan liao, will go for it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U mean we apply the nipple cream just before we breast feed or we should start applying now? Before BF, we need to wipe the nipple with wet cotton rite? Izzit sufficient or have to buy those nipple wipes? SOrry for so many questions at once cos i kinda blur abt this part... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie... Yup, let's count down together... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, u still confirm wanna deliver at TMC even though there's so many bad feedback lately? I tin still can change if reali wan...

Ya.. Iphone is additive.. Haha.. But still kinda blur abt some of the functions... Keep downloadin n playin games though.. :p

Bubbly7, ur ache seems very painful, better ask ur gynae... ur below means the vaginal area or lower adominal?

Aiko, can understand ur concern... I tin alot of mummies gif up BF when they face this pro cos it will make us kan chiong whether BB is absorbing enough anot... BUt i tin milk only comes in after a few days and my experience colleague told me that demand = supply so dun gif up on latching and pumpin every now n then k... I heard latchin is also better than pumpin cos once BB keep drinkin from bottle, they may reject latchin cos latchin is harder to suck.. However, if u reali find that BB is not absorbing, try givin some FM ba... dun make urself too stress up during this period when confinement is already tough enough.... Jia you Jia you!!

Yvaine, ur hubby is rite... we nv know what happens... Haha... somemore at this stage, i tin false alarm is common ba cos we will get kan chiong + ur BB's head is very low already rite?


tenQ: congrats on the arrival of your baby. Do rest well & take good care okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

