(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi Eon Eon,

Yes, my edd is ard xmas..but dr ben is concern about my bb weight..he say big..so ask me to watch out my intake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so next week go see him and see how's bb growth..if too big, i also scared he will recommend to induce me...


eoneon, maybe u check with ur gynae? see if its realie water retention my fren she put on 26kg wor but after delivery she lost alot cos its all the water.

bring hubby we have space.


No prob hubby can join, e more e merrier ma, my mom also joinin hahaS!


i'm in my wk 37 day 6 le, actually EDD is 5th Dec, but Dr says will B earlier plus minus 1-2wks, and he also said anytime now can deliver le, so i'm juz prayin and eatin more, hahaS, i went to church yesday, baby also movin quite alot during Praise n worship time, thnk she enjoy singin also heheh =D


so sweet of u to buy Xmas gift for ur hubby, i thnk if i buy for Benny,he'L thnk its a waste of $$ as e e $$$ im usin now belongs to him as well, heheh


Poor thng, i will haf e nausea feelin once in a while, so i can understand how u'r egg thru, mayB can take sm sour stuff, as it has helped me last time durin my 1st Trim, and do rest ur swollen foot well ya? i twisted my Left ankle while gettin out of my life, ahaS feelin a bit sore there, at ceertain angle of positionin, but thankfully still can walk.. we're about e same timin, and probably near deliverin timin as well, so try to rest ur foot well, hopefully can recover fully B4 u deliver k? =D


Oh i received ur sms le, forgot to reply as i was on e phone juz now, heheh, ThankQ so much, i'L save ur no down =D Bring hubby along too k? my hub is Zzzin, else he can come also, then ur hub can haf some guy company hahaS


Yup thnakQ, i'L Seee u nearer to 330 pm as well ya? =) i also haf a fren who B4 delivery, really like puff up alot on e physical, but then she loses quite fast as its water retention, so EonEon, glad that ur BP normal, mayB cna juz keep ur gynae inform, so he can keep u in check also n u won't haf to worry so much, can haf a peace of mind @ e high tea later too! =D

klitz, thks for sharing the herb name. Any idea how to consume it? Is it for use in cooking?

Ethan, the weight taken during scans are only an estimate. My #1 came out abt 200g lighter than wat the scan estimated.

Mommies going for high tea, enjoy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yurieve, she ask mi to pinch some add into the soup. or put on top of the fish when we steam fish also can. its supposed to help "bu" "qi" and circulate blood. so supposed to be gd for confinement. helps us clear the dirty blood in us.

klitz: okok, i will meet you at tangs. but i wana go ion and paragon too leh. seems like a lot of walking for me. you will reach what time?

cindy: no choice. you have to rest your foot. take care and we meet up after pop.

ethan: ya, maybe have to monitor loh. but your baby's weight is alright. dr ben is just concerned we might have last minute baby growth spurt hence he wana us be more careful with our food intake.

weight increment is +- 10% like that bah. its just a rough gauge.

crystal: i hope its just water. will have to check with him this friday liao.

crystal & yuening: okok, if he knocks off early, i ask him to join. but he is paiseh as no hubby joining today mah.

eoneon, ask him dun pai seh la ahhaha.. just come... we wont eat him up hhhaa... better for him to be around also since u have so many places u wan to go...

Hi Mummies

Good morning!! Jus to update on my status(via iphone while waitin for my lunch). Hope i got answer all mummies qns. Tks again for all support & love from the Jiemeis here..

Bb jaundice

Ya, gt a diff 'max' tt the jaundice lvl cant exceed for BB depending on the BB 'age'.. So today my boy exceed & need stay on for the Phototheraphy. PD mentioned arnd 1-2 days, nt more than 3 days.. Hopefully he will recover soon.. Perhaps can take tis chance to 'rest' a bit & slow things down..

BF-ing/Milk Supply/Engorgement

Still engorge with milk & breast still swell.. Lactation nurse says need at least 2 days for the breast to subside. So meanwhile must diligently pump & massage. Tis morning wan to pump & massage while HB bring BB for check, realised all the massaging yday & middle of the nite, both hands aldy no strength to massage off the 'lumps' & managed to get 80ml.

Will make use of today to massage & pump with HB help. Hopefully tml will be better.. Milk supply is her, jus need to get it out. Give my gal 2x 30ml of colostrum too.. And she drinks & say NICE..

Reaction to Didi Arrival

Very bad.. Last nite i bring her to the rm to slp, she purposely scream, cry & shout in the rm. Each time hear BB sound, she will fuss & fuss. No matter hw to coax & pacify, she also dun wan quiet down or listen. Threaten with cane, shout & cry even louder.. Really havin a hard time.

I do agree tt BG-ing journey is nt easy & i am aldy so so tired.. Rest aside, i aldy nt enuf but i'm gonna try out n perserve.. With all the support frm HB & Jiemeis, i will do my best.. And after i settle tis engorge thing, i gonna make appt with the lactation consultant with my BB for advice on latch cos BB too small, mouth also small, so tough to latch & he also keep fidgeting during feeds. Nw jus pump diligently ba..

All jiemeis, Jiayou!! And tks once again for all the support!!

dbaby, o dear u poor thing....

good that u are persevering....

gosh ur gal's reaction to bb is soo big arh... maybe can spend today to comfort her a bit since bb is staying in?

dbaby, ya. tink u can take these two days to rest a bit. tink u're mentally taxed out le. did u try the bittergourd bathe for jaundice?


Yea JiaYou!! im happie u're takin on such a positive and optimistic attictude towards this curve of ur life =D Haf to take care of No. 1 , now No.2 also haf to take extra delicate care, really not easy, but take heart, we 're all here to learn n to support one another, includin myself as a FTM and hope to haf 2 more in future! hahaS, so will lokk up to u as a role model, example..=) try to rest urself more k? eat healthily and can ask Hubby to help out on e easy chores to lighten ur load a little =D JiaYou JiaYou Dbaby!! =D

Eoneon, Klitz, i'L B bringin my Mom to Taka, and mauyB shoppin ard Orchard area, mayB B4 i head towards Carousel, i give ur a call 1st? then perhaps we can go together =) will B reachin ard 2pm or so too =) see u mommies later! =D

Dbaby, aiyo so sad to hear ur gal is giving u all a hardtime...hope she will accept her little brother soon!

I am also spending quality time wif my gal these few weeks before I pop...ben assured and telling her didi loves her etc...hope everything will goes well when my boy come out :p

Praying Hard!

happy hippo, i'm not sure where sell the cheapest. but there's a babyfair coming up at expo this weekend. mayb u can popby to take a look?

Dbaby, jiayou and keep pumping!! About your girl's reaction to her Didi, sigh.. Sometimes it's like that but i believe things will get better!! Some parents cope with such situations by buying a gift for the older one and saying it's from the Didi.. Don't give up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yuening, woah anytime can pop liao ah!! Exciting! My baby also like to move during the worship sessions at church haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me still 35 weeks+.. You can start walking more if you can liao. For easier labour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou!

good afternoon..

for mummies who are going for the hi-tea, enjoy!

Re: older sibling

Last Fri, I had kopi session with customers, who has 2 kids respectively.. one of them actually shared that just before his #2 was born, the wifey and him bought a big toy house for their #1,telling her that it is from her didi. So, till now, the elder sis will say the house was from her didi, and she learned to accept him.. I am not sure if this will work for non FTM, but can consider as reference maybe?

klitz: btw, it was nice meeting you yesterday.. my gosh, I was asking my hb, where did the 19kg you put on went to?? you are really skinny lor..

Afternoon Mummies:

For those going for HIGH-TEA @ Carousel. ENJOY!!!! =)

Crystal: Thanks for reposting the massage technique. For mummies who are massaging, just to share with you some of the observations I made through the massaging from week 37 (Curently I'm one day away from week 39). Like what crystal said, you'll start seeing whitish dried up things on the nipple area. As I progessed into week 38 I noticed small droplets of like clear water. Sometimes one breast have the other don't have so don't worry. Recently I still have the water droplets but on one or two ocassions I noticed the droplets were slightly murky yellow. I think that's the colostrum thinggy. Its really little but i guess massaging everyday helps. =)

Went to the Gynae this morning. Was hoping she was going to say that it will be anytime this week (week 39 starts tomorrow) but.. erm nope. She said at least 1 more week then anytime from there. Looks like i got a full term baby on my hand. He's now 3.45kg. BIG BABY! Asked if there was going to be any issues with natural delivery. She said nope. Asked her if should induce, she recommends not to. Reason being, the environment in the womb is safe for the baby (Water level is right, mummmy blood pressure is good) so there is no reason to induce. Inducing will cause stress on the baby and at times inducing may not be successful. So she said just wait for natural. I may be a DEC MTB after all as my EDD was originally 30th Nov but Doc says prolly come out after. Max he can stay in there is 42 weeks.

E square, OO good good look forward to meeting u later.. will bring nappies along hehee

Lovebyte, that is very good news. most impt bb is fine and u are fine hehe if he wans to stay in there let him lo hehehe... looks like u and me will be having big bbs hahaha i also very scared wont be able to do natural but so far gynae said i shld be fine so we jia yew togther la haha.. my edd is just 1 day after urs haha...

Stefie: Yah, good to rest at home. Last wk, I went out on my own to get lunch as well as some locklock containers cause hb working during wkdays. But I took cabbies to & fro. And guess what, I got strangers telling me that I should not go out on my own on 2-3 separate occasions. Even Q-ing at the taxi stand, a stranger auntie from the front waved at me to join her infront. I was abit paiseh, but those infront of me ask me to go ahead. Think really must stay at home if possible.

Eoneon: Still got time to buy the tops and they're usually quite cheap. We got afew from Cheong Choon and they are $1.50 each only.

Muddypaws: Since you can feel the bb so low, should be soon. Everyone such as my mum, also kept telling me that very soon already when they see my swollen legs. But this 'very soon' have been like for almost 2wks. Hee..

Mangogal: Thanks for sharing your experience on bf-ing. You're really experienced. I had started to massage my breast from wk 37 and recently can feel abit of pain at the breast area, don't know if its cause the milk are forming inside. But I'll massage them when I feel abit of pain.

Crystal: I also kept thinking of waterbag leak/burst. Yesterday in the cinema, I kept feeling abit wet. Then throughout the whole movie, I was thinking of going to check at the loo. Hee.. really paranoid me.

Ethan: Your wt gain is good, only 10-11kg. The bb wt measurement is an estimate, my gynae also told me that its +-10% to 15%. My last gynae visit, my wt gain is 15kg with bb 3kg @ 37wk3days. Don't know can lose all these 15kg after bb popped anot. And nowsadays, I kept feeling hungry every 2-3hrs. I don't dare to weigh myself at home now, cause I think sure gain alot. Hope the wt gain are mostly water retention.

Cindy: My nausea feeling also came back since last week, but only in the morning. Some of my 1st trim also returned, like hungry frequent and felt nausea when very hungry etc.

Klitz: Thanks for sharing the herb name. Will ask my mum to check that out. By the way, any idea on that herb taste? bitter?

Dbaby: Jiayou! So encouraging to read that you're still persevering despite the uncomfort and inconvenience. Its really not easy for mummies to handle #1 with #2 just out from tummy. Hope your gal will accept her bro soon. Jia you!!

Mummies going for the high tea: Enjoy the buffet!

Lovebyte: baby big better, I kinda regret not buing baby and she is so small and fragile.

Stefie: can I have ur sinseh contact? Next one must make sure I bu well. Thanks!

to add to mangogal's breast massage, an alternative to a warm towel is to do it in the shower with warm running water ;) nipple stimulation is good from 38 weeks onwards to encourage production of colostrum.

yugal - ya agree with Eon it's probably false labour to prepare the body for the real thing. i had it last friday and despite being secondtime mom, i tot that was it... got hubby and myself a little over excited, then didn't happen, hahah

Eon - not bad liao lah, your hubby. i'msure when he sees and hold your little one in his arms it'll get even more intense [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yuening - how's your little one at the last followup? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now things are back to normal for me. just the sporadic BH contractions for now. maybe she'll be on time after all. her edd is 1 dec. my no.1 came right on the dot - on her exact edd. wonder if her little sister is so punctual also

so envious you gals r meeting for high tea. enjoy!!!

Lovebyte, your baby loves being in your tummy! nice n cosy! ;)

haloo! finally i on my pc awhile after a v heavy lunch. come in to update a bit.

yugal, gotta monitor already ya since is 3 rounds of pain, so its preparing le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thank u, yuening, Debbie i will jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will go check the link online. thank u!

thanks klitz. and ya, my hb is a v deep sleeper!! baby was crying so loud while i was trying to latch, sitting besides him, he can still keep on snoring! gosh!

and i wanna complain abit. the day i discharge, mil says she wanna bring those confinement foods over. and she says she will cook lunch over for me since i checked out before 12. it was maddness. she came to cook instead and as its her 2nd time in our house, she called and asked hb for every single thing she needs in the kitchen and now i knw why do elderly see us in THEIR KITCHEN, they will keep nagging at us. cos its different styles! nvm abt it, but the thing is, she made a whole mess of my kitchen. she scoop out the longan drink in a rough manner from the pot to the cup and drip all over the counter top, cupboard and floor. i jus stand there looking and she walked off after tat. i told hb to clear it as its sweet and so sticky! then after, she pressed our hot water and caused it jam which ended up water flow nonstop all over. gosh! i rem sharon says abt mil and kitchen matters too? if is me, i wont step into mil's kitchen either cos its her place ma, she sure nag to do things HER WAY if she sees me cook. so best is dont cross each other kitchen.

then, she carries baby, say baby open mouth for wat, say baby kpo looking ard etc. wahh... makes me boils can!! so wat if is her grandchild, baby is mine leh. so angry lor! and bcos hb went for appt, i got no chance to ask him to stop her.

and next is, when im doing breastfeed, i did thought of locking my door, but feel tat it shld be okay and trust she wont come in as she alrdy knw im breastfeeding. but who knows, she really jus came in without knocking nor warning! SUPER ANGRY to the max! the qn she asked was "not done yet ah?" when its only 15mins leh! ARGH!

at night, i told hb abt it, its less than half a day she's at our place, i already cannot take it. pls tell her not to come anymore. we already stay sooooo far away from her is bcos i dont want to be near her (she's at CCK, while my place at Bedok) is to avoid those horror things i always hear abt mil goes to the son's house as and when. lucky, i managed to psycho hb to buy house at bedok, near my parents instead when he had made appt to view houses at around cck when we were buying house.

best is, hb jus tell me DAY 12, she's gonna come again. i stare at him and asked FOR WAT> and he assured me tat he will be around to stop watever she's doing tat will make me unhappy and he already tell her off for saying baby and enter the room while bf.

i think prob she thinks im okay with it when i asked my female friend to come into my ward while i breastfeed and she was waiting outside. i'm comfortable with whoever i choose and definitely not her!

sorry for the long post :p

oh Dbaby sounds like you're having a really hard time with your no.1... is daddy able to spend some special time with her alone? so she feels special still? like perhaps take her out for daddy-girl bonding time, do something she really enjoys etc? that'll ease your stress and give her some special moments with dad perhaps

poor cherrry... you are lucky she comes only like once in a very very blue moon.. nvm, hb already assure you that the next time he'll be ard.. you are lucky hb is understanding.. next time when you bf-ing, lock the door bah, to avoid clash again..

can come in and rant.. hehehe.. I kinda worried duno wat pattern my live-in MIL will come out with after having helper this Sat and bb coming out next month.. duhz.. headache just thinking of clashes..

oh no cherrry your mil quite classic! but thankfully your hubby is on your side n is there to protect u n baby from her, so that's at least a good thing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies... whole body feels so sticky even thou fan is blowing directly at me!!

Cheery.. horror lei yr mil.. I also purposely buy far far away!!! but i think my mil will comeby more often than yrs lor.. still say wanna come cook for me.. i told hub for wat my mum is doing confinement!!! my mil also like yrs.. scoop soup or whatever stuff than keep dripping one lei.. wah kaoz.. i think i sure ki siao!

oh cherrry btw, my hubby also like your hubby... sleeps like a log... can sleep through baby crying de... hahah. i think most guys are like that cause NS trained!

Cherry, cool down ya... dun let mil affect u too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is ur CL here already? Hope she can be a better help to u than ur mil.

Mummies going for hi tea... ENJOY!!!

seems like it is very quiet with most moms went for hi-tea..

stefie is also quieter at home compared to in office huh.. hehehe..


HB aldy do tt by bringing her playgrd yday, and she also keep clinging to HB in a way.. But still very bad le, she keep wantin her way & if i scold or stop her nonsense, she be so unhappy & keep screaming. If my grandma or HB scold, she will keep shouting & crying too. Really to my max but i jus close '2 eyes' lo...


I'm glad to haf ur support too.. I believe jus hang in there & everything will soon fall in place.. Plus BB in hospital for phototheraphy, will also try sayang her a bit more. Also aim to faster relieve my engorgement.. Aldy no strength to clear up the lump with my both hands & thankfully HB is here to help me 'massage' for each session. Painful but i tell myself pain at most 1 more day then will be fine liao..

Jie meis,

Lets all work hard & jia you together.. No matter wat prb, we will be able to 'fight' with a positive attitude..

yvaine: same here.. waiting to knock off.. hahahaha.. ur EDD approaching, aren't you supposed to go on ML soon?

rainbow: me perspiring in the office, even with USB fan blowing direct.. it's crazy weather.. wonder how Aiko/Cherrry handles confinement, using air-cond? :p


Mil like that one lar.. Mine will go to kitchen and on Cl then she will try to see if there is any expensive herbs she can bring home for her beloved dil..

My mil scold my bb 王八蛋。so many times.. I was so

Upset but what can I do

Yugal, your baby trying to make you ready[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, your hubby really so sweet. When I woke up to go toilet, hubby can sleep so deeply. Ha!! ha!! No sound can wake him up. I guess night feed would be my duty liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Esqaure, poor mine. Yours sound really bad, do eat more fruits and drink more water.

dewdew, Eoneon, Klitz, Yuening, Esquare enjoy your hightea hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Klitz, my hubby also like your hubby. Night feed would be our duty liao. Haiz[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hippo, IIRC it is $360+ for that carseat. We almost wanted to get it. But the review from amazon like not very good, plus SIN is selling light colour only, hubby finds it not durable. The cheapest would be from Cheong choon Outram.

Dbaby, poor mine, she is trying to get your attention. Sayang sayang. Be positive, things will be soon soon one. Do rest more also and be happy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raspy, thanks. Will rest more. Just now was having breakfast and getting some stuff to cook for tomorrow. Just a while out already want to faint liao, and lower belly more painful. I guess this week would have to depends on hubby to dabao dinner for me. Lunch will have to be sandwich.

Lovebyte, no worries. Just be patience. My colleague told me he find a huge difference between his 40 week then delivered son and daughter who was pop slightly earlier. It is a good thing, just that mommy need to be patience. I also agree withh your gynae, no need to induce when your womb condition is good. Your baby's weight is +/- 10% so natural bith is still possible. Just enjoy the final week of cute sensations in your womb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiko, my sinseh contact, can start seeing him when you TTC for next baby.

Ban Choon Chan

Blk 81 Marine Parade Central #01-636 S440081.

Tel: 6344-6718

Mon-Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat: 8.30am - 3pm

Sat: 8.30am - 12pm

Tue/Public Holiday: Close

Do give him a call when you want to go down, cos sometime they are not open.

Cherrry, my hearts goes to you. My MIL would be like yours. I already tell my hubby his mom is no-no when I doing confinement. If she comes I will lock myself in the room till she leave, I don't care.

Do feel free to come in and rant all you want, Jie Mei will support you.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sandwich time, now hungry after my super heavy Mac BF deluxe.

Rainbow, relax okay, drink more water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You busy, feeling better??

Bubbly, I was taking nap just now after my BF, then catching up with the post here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now making sandwich for my teabreak and downloading some games for my Ninetendo DSL, so can play later.

Esquare, I think your MIL is the worst man. sayang sayang.

Dbaby - can imagine it must be real frustrating, so many changes suddenly and she's probably still a little too young to understand about her baby brother's arrival. poor girl, and poor mommy! i wonder though, if the disciplining and scolding might actually make her feel even more insecure? even though it must be a test of your patience, do u think if she gets alot of tlc and assurance at this point, she might be less reactive to didi's arrival?

oh yah, to relieve the engorgement n blocked ducts, you might wanna try this position. weird, but it seems to work. try pumping or feeding baby while you're on all fours (yes, like a cow literally). somehow gravity helps! friend of mine taught me that last time and it worked for me. clearing blocked ducts and engorment is a very frustrating affair, no harm giving it a try ya? all the best!!

bubbly - ya my edd 1 Dec... i thot this week i won't be in office liao but end up still coming back in, hahah... i'm on part time so just gotta work til wed 12pm then i'm off for the week. so just hanging in there for these two days ;)

rainbow - agree... it's super hot!!!

yuening, thx...now sure yr nausea same as mine..seems like normally it 'reacts' whenever i'm about to lie down to slp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i eat dinner maybe 7-8PM, then when slp ard 12AM, the nausea feeling starts haiz

crystal/eoneon/yuening, thx..dun think my feet will heal anytime soon...its been almost 3 weeks and still dun look good, blue black seems to come back zzz

dbaby, good that u're determined [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

with your hubby's and LC's help, yr bfing career will be smooth sailing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!

raspy, when i get overly hungry, seems like no food can get in, coz i will always have the puking feeling...not good at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cherrry, dun worry abt ranting..

dripping sticky and sweet stuff, attract insects! T_T i also very fussy, will sure make noise!

u should lock the door la! since its yr house ma...

anw 15mins for bfing is too short to be 'done'..not as though she duno zzz


stefie: Hubby is a light sleeper. I'm the heavy-sleeper who turns 360degrees in my sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow/Bubbly: I'm super hot and sticky too. Feel the sweat dripping down my back... yikes. Have convinced my mum to let me use the air-con (between 24-25C) during confinement :D

Cherry: My heart goes out to you... I would go crazy if i kena such stuff during confinement. I freaked out when my aunt came over to visit me that day, and while eating rojak, she was dripping the sauce and peanuts all over my table and floor! I can imagine you trying not to pull your hair out... emphasize to your hubby to keep your MIL away from you and kiddo!

