(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Cindy, water level should be 10-20. My gynae measure once 9+cm another time. So he says it's borderline. But anyway I'm gg to csec next week so still ok.


Lovebyte: I see. Im at 36wk +3days. So I think I'll start next wk with the massage after bath. I think I also need to pull abit during the massage cause my nipples also abit short (hee.. I asked the parent craft staff to check for me that day). Have you start on your coconut already? I haven't drink any yet.

Raspy: Are you delivering in Mt A too? We saw the recliner in the delivery suite. Hubby joked about several possibilities that could take place 1) He guai guai stand next to me and stay out of trouble 2) He falls asleep on the recliner and snores big time 3) He watches TVB drama serials and forgets about me... don't think he would allow (2) and (3) to happen :p

Muddypaws: Yup. Im also with Mt A. Hee.. I thought that hb's corner looks quite funny and pathetic. Hee.. your hb so funny. I think he'll be so gan chiong with you and liz inside the delivery suite to perform (2) and (3). By the way, you might want to moderate your ginger tea intake cause I heard from some that bb might be prone to jaudice if we take too much ginger now.

Raspy: I haven't drunk any coconut yet. Been wanting too but super lazy to go hawker centre to drink. THen lazy to buy home also cos dunno how to cut/chop the coconut. So messy too... waiting for hubby to bring me. Was craving satay and coconut just since 2 days ago! =)

Good afternoon mummies...

Debbie, the breast massage ros taught me is slightly different from yrs lei.. mine is put palm on breast (left & right) than massage than put on top and bottom than massage than use palm to press nipple in than massage...

Went for my gynae visit this morning.. Did strap b test and VE checked. Dilated 1cm now.. bb put on 500g since 33wks now at abt 2.7g at 35wks+. I put on 200g.. heng! Gynae also scheduled my induced date on 29 nov. DId check with her if she charge for processing of blood cord for donation.. heng she doesn't...

lovebyte, i'm 37 weeks and 1 day today... can u explain in more explicit details how to do the breast masssage? i'm keen to do that le... cos i tink i see like small lumps on my breast now dunno if its clogged or wat.

oh ok, thanks debbie, muddypaws. didnt knw cheong choon hav, we didnt ask. quite out of the way for us to go down again :p

thanks amuro, washcloth is those normal handkerchief?

rainbow, hee ya i think it's almost the same just that i dunno how to describe the method Ros taught in words here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow: ros taught me to pull nipple turn clockwise 3 times, anticlockwise 3 times during my very very 1st session with her.. maybe thr r various ways to massage..


but if i dun hand over properly i feel uncomfortable n will keep thinking of it...i vy weird hor...sigh


my nxt appt shld b weekly but nxt Wed is PH n there is no more slots for e rest of e days so no choice gt to wait untl 22 Nov...dun kw by then i giv birth ardy or nt...


i aso dun kw hw to tell e diff btw BH n contraction...i dun kw i gt contraction untl e nurse n gynae tell me...i onli feel tat my tummy is vy hard.

Lovebytes, coconut juice really good! I had one last sunday, I don't feel boiling hot anymore! Plus the weather for these few days are cooling. Good ah!

Thanks, Mangogal!

Tmr onleave, prob run ard abit with hub to locate these stuff. Black vinegar, nursing tea, bathing herbs, more disposable panties, maternity pads, nursing cover, etc... The buying never stop!

Good afternoon everyone,

I just came back from this warehouse sale http://sg.******************/articles/baby-product-warehouse-sale. Bought some cheap infant toys and booties for my bb.


Hope you have a safe and exciting delivery tonight.

Finally, juat had my teabreak, Nonya chang + Big pau.

Mommies how do you know your blood sugar high beside going for the test, can we also tell whether I have GD from our usual urine test? Now I am getting panaroid. Seems like my hormones ki siao, worry about this and that now.

PSH, you are not weird, just that if you really need to pop, you still worry about your work meh.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I mean baby more important mah.

Work wise will work around by itself, cos nobody is indispensible. The co will still goes on with or without anyone, that's just my thoughts.

Rainbow, congrates on your baby's weight[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Long time no hear, busy?


I went Kovan liao.. But the cai fan stall haven open le... So i had the other cai fan first.. But tks anyway.. Tonite going Changi Market for dinner.. Wonder wats yummy there...

And yes, HB always comment i gt a very supportive grp of Jiemeis here, can update on wats nice to eat, esp arnd sengkang area..


All mummies aldy started discussing on our moo moo career liao.. Ohhhh.. I am so excited.. Cant wait to hold my lil boy in my arms & hopefully can latch successfully & BF as long as possible..


I also can slp alot.. But cannot be disturbed sleep as in woken up by phone, peeing etc.. If nt will take a long time back to slp.. I wake up arnd 9-10plus every morning & by 1-2pm, i am sleepy liao & nap with my gal.. Sometimes until 3-4 or even 5pm.. Then by 1am i fall asleep again.. If i nvr managed to nap in afternoon or jus short nap, by 11pm+ i wld haf fall asleep..

Today make use of afternoon to pack my grandma rm & clear some stuff to the cupboard after emptying all the extras pillows, mattress to the storage bed.. Nw gt a bit more space for my boy clothing & also for the increased storage of extra wipes & pampers.. 2 kids n my storeroom aldy filled with toys frm No.1 & it doesnt help tt HB is in IT line & works from home. So we gt many carton & those IT-related appliances for his work.. Argghhh. HDB nw, really small.. If nxt time gt $$ & can afford i wan a Jumbo Flat & knock 2 rms into 1 big Master Bedroom to 'finally' pamper myself.. Hahahaha...

Hi all,

I need some advice. I'm going to deliver in TMC. Sometime back, i did post my admission form to TMC but till now, there's no reply or no slip posted back to me.I'm just wonder if u gals had received another acknowlegement on this? can someone advice me on this? Thanks so much.

Lovebyte: Hee.. same here. I also thinking of going to hawker centre to drink cause too messy to chop and i doubt hb know how to chop also. I think by the time we chop finish, all the water also gone already. Hehee.. satay + coconut drink sounds good. Think we better start this wk.

Rainbow: Congrats on your bb wt gain. Seems like she gained more on her own, so lesser for you to lose after birth. Hee.. did you choose the induced date yourself or set by your gynae?

Stefie: I went for the glucose test earlier. I guess the usual urine test should be able to spot something? Don't worry too much, its the last lap already.

oh rainbow,dilated 1cm? Soon ur turn! Waiting game begins n u may feel contractions soon

Dbaby, Pai say, not your fav cai fan stall.

Changi Village, has Famous Ipoh Hor fan, Wanton mee (from Ipoh Hor fan stall also), Fried rice, Black Bean Sauce Beef Crispy Noodle, Crispy Noodles with Bitter Gourd & Pork Ribs (From Wong Hing Kitchenette), Nasi Lemak (with very good chicken wings, yummy), fried carrot cake (Changi Village carrot cake), good seafood - La la, crab, gong gong. (Changi Seafood- we bought our thai friend there, he look the food). Just go around the Food centre, you can see who is eating what, then see what makan you want for dinner.







Enjoy hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You can take some coconut also.

We have very wonderful jie meis here, who are so supportive to each other[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Me too. My gynae, dr woody, says he has helped me do the booking for TMC around 1 mth back. Till now i still havent receive any letter.

Thanks Raspy and Ribena. Recently my office toilet has alot of ants and even some ants in the pads disposal bins, so I get paranoid again whether I am GD. Now I just take it as my gynae never say anything then I am fine. Thanks again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec_mum, have you rec the pre-admission letter from TMC? I rec'd mine and I signed and post back to TMC liao. I requested for 4 bedded (Dr Woody's patients can have free upgrade to 2 bedded). Maybe you can check with the nurse (Sally- with specs) during your next appt. I asked her the other time.

dec mum, i am also delivering at TMC, last week i checked my gynae on the booking, she told me no need to make any booking. She mentioned even if i book, if happen i deliver that day, alot of mummies also popping, also no use. She told me they will allocate me the ward and bed once i admit hospital. I also find it strange, she so far never ask me want to book or how many bedded ward i want.

Thanks so much for replying. I remembered i receive the admission form after i signed the package with my gynae at TMC and also chose the type of delivery and bed etc. I sent the letter 2 months back. So far, no reply slip or anything. i thought they would sent a slip and then when it's time to deliver, we dun have to register again or blar blar.

But after hearing u gals, i'm relieve...heehee..just relax gals!! Jia U!Just few final laps to go!!

Oh u guys just reminded me abt the admission form. I received a letter fr TMC saying my gynae booked 4bedded for us. Need to fill up the form and return to them. My gynae said take 4 bedded first then later upgrade coz he said if admit before midnight they will charge for the night also, so he said not worth it.

Hmm.. Dunno why my post didn't go thru just now I think.

Cherry: me started drnking the tea dy, not bad with honey. Hopefully it will ease labor.

Forgot to buy chix essence. Gonna start drinking to gain energy to push!!! Anyway i have not been drinking any herbs thru out my pregnancy, never bu at all. So mayb chix essence will help abit.

stefie, thanks... i think hormones changes these few days.. keep feeling tired easily.. so became a silent reader...

raspy, date suggested by me... no additional charge by gynae. hopefully not to big when deliver.. 3kg just nice..

VE - y after e VE check my tum tum feels so uncomfy!! since morning to now...

mangogal, huh really ah!! Gynae just told me i've dilated 1cm.. i'm left with 18days to go.. i very scare!! VE already so painful!! or maybe isit i never relax cos very tensed up!

Appt with gynae - mine has been changed to weekly now..

Mummies, do you sometimes feel your bellies harden? I'm thinking if that's braxton hicks or Leah swirling over with her back against my belly...

btw, Mrs Wong said that sterlized bottles must be used within 24 hours, else gotta sterlize again. Do we have to follow so strictly? I'm thinking to start sterlize all the bottles and store in a tupperware.

bbribena, i've this hardening at least 3-4times a day.. I tot it's quite normal so i jsut ignore.

bubbly, past few day i feel abit aching at my V area.. dunno isit dilating.

Ribena, I guess so. High time for me to rest and relax.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I only left with some some stuff. I can go anytime, just send an email and put up out of office message then I can enjoy my well-deserved leave liao.

Rainbow, mine hormones ki siao, want to bit hubby and worry for small small thing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Guess end of the tunnel, kan cheong liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow, I've this hardening feeling quite often, so I tot it's Leah swirling and turning. Prob she's trying to engage herself? =/

bubbly, I don't think we can feel when we are dilating. I do notice the muscle between the V and A area is softening... I hope I'm not dilating without me knowing!

Stefie, rest and relax! =)

bubbly, wont feel dilation but may get more menses cramp similar to contractions

rainbow, ya cos once u dilate there will be contractrions n may get intense, so next few days u monitor any show, mucus plug like yucky big chuck of sticky blob discharge come out in beidge or brownish colour, happy waiting n so excited for u!

Ur gynae never tell u what to expect since u dilated liao?

Yo mummies!

Finished some stuff from office and back to chit chat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, jiayou! So excited for you!

Lovebyte, I m craving for satay, stingray, chicken wing to go with my coconut.

Raspy, glad tat everything is alright for u. Dr Ho mention when he wanna induce u?

I remember someone posted a website teaching how to do massage on the down-under to prep for natural birth... anyone have the link?

I just had my third class with Mrs wong, is it use fingers to massage the area? something like tat. I'm pretty late for my prenatal class liao. I guess everyone should have finished bah...


No i still haven't receive any pre-admission letter from TMC. I asked dr woody twice already during my last 2 appt, he only ask me to wait leh.

Ethan: We passed the pre-admission form to the Mt A reception last week. I understand from my gynae assistants that the form is let the hospital enter our particulars first so that the staff don't need to key in our particulars on that day when we need to admit, something like to faciliate the admission process. We also didnt receive any reply from the hospital on it.

Bubbly: I don't think its a silly qn cause I also don't know the answer too. I wonder how it feels like during contractions. Hee..

Rainbow: I see. So far my gynae didnt suggest any dates yet, infact he didnt do VE for me also. What week will you be on 29Nov?

Milo: Er.. I think still no stingray until after the delivery bah.. By the way, I think I saw you at the clinic. Are you in black top with your hb? Im alone in white pants. Im the one who had to re-do the ctg again. Hee.. So far, Dr Ho didnt mention anything about induce or the birth method. I suppose should be natural since he told me the head is down. And as usual, Dr Ho didnt say much yesterday cause hb didnt accompany me. I think Dr Ho like to talk to hb instead of me.

hi every one

most of u must have entered or nearing full term i.e 36 wks of pregnancy, so all the best for coming weeks, ur bb is to arrive any time.

i too have entered 36 wks, but my baby still not entering my pelvis 9towards cervix), do any one knows any exercise or yoga techniques to help baby do so. also is it like for first baby it always come later than due date in normal cases??

anyway to speed up the process... am too excited to wait further!!


Tks for all the link. I'm gonna attack the 'seafood' i guess.. Since i cant eat for the nxt 1 month or so after birth so better eat more.. HB wanna eat the wantan mee. Doubt will drink coconut, gt a bit of 'scare & uncomfy'.. Didnt drink also for No.1..


I also craving the same thing.. Gonna haf tt later...


Aldy dilate liao ah?? Then can wait til end Nov to give birth meh?? Wow, like so long to go..

Dec mum, then talk to the nurse instead. That time I asked can I book for my hospital? She said can as long as I know which hospital i want to deliver in. Maybe you can check with the nurses instead.


Ethan: TMC will not post any acknowledgement slip. On the day of admission just bring your IC and doctor's letter for admission. I gave my preadmission letter directly to the staff there so they told me there won't be any.

stefie: I borrowed my mum's blood glucose machine to test. Bought the lancets and test strips as it is one time use only. Had to monitor my sugar for a few days. Poor fingers got a lot of pricks. =(

