(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

ya.. reading more and more, become curious how "dilation" feels.. hehehe..

Ethan: I have just attended 3 Mrs Wong's classes too.. hehehe.. I read in the "What to Expect when you are expecting".. the massage is for real.. but must wash our hand really clean to avoid infection..


Dbaby, you are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The Changi seafood is in another market (They have 2, 1 with more Malay food, another with more chinese food), Wanton mee another market leh. Must try the la la, very nice, the sotong also very nice. Not very ex also. That time we 4 people eat with crab and few other dishes only $130+ and we ordered alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy hoh.

If your hubby like chicken, can ask the stall to add $1 chicken chop to the wanton mee. That is my upsize:p:p

Have a wonderful makan okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal: The nurse at TMC taught me this method.


Work on 1 breast at a time.

Using your palm do the following steps repeatedly:

1) From the left of the breast to the nipple

2) From the right of the breast to the nipple

3) From the bottom of the breast to the nipple

4) From the top of the breast to the nipple.

Either combination is fine. Do this for one whole min after your shower.

After you will require 2 fingers to hold your nipple.

Place fingers on left and right of nipple and pull outwards once.


Place fingers on top and bottom of nipple and pull outwards once.

Once done. Switch Breast.

The pulling of nipple might hurt a little.

She did say that if there is anything that comes out. Just wipe away with a wet tissue.

She taught me this when I was lying down before Ultrasound. WHen I do at home I'm usually sitting up. Lying down seems easier.

Hope this set of instructions is clear enough to understand. =)

Thanks Aiko, I can't borrow my FIL, cos they will nag at me. I guess I just kan cheong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow having alot of hardening today, BH contractions, ha!! keep want to go and do big biz like that[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raspy, must submit the pre-admission form ah? Aiyo cham lo. I still happily think that everything settled at the clinic liao! Did Dr Ho's nurse pass you an envelope for u to bring along when admit to the hosp?

I was in white top and my hubby was in uniform. U saw me? Dr Ho didnt ask me to do CTG leh... I agree that he seems to prefer talking to hubbies than to me :p If i go alone, usu is scan, no Q and out i go :p

Dbaby, wow so nice! I can only wait till weekend... *drool* U starting on ur coconut liao?

hospital admission:

think i kiasu, went down to hospital to do admission myself and fill up all docs liao, then realised on my last visit in Oct that the clinic does for me, and was shocked i register liao..shows how kiasu i am!

stefie, just now u talk abt blood sugar high, think u stay home better, be on ML haha

yr office toilet many ppl use, maybe others are the one have high sugars in blood :p

i'm also feeling quite alot of hardening today, feels so uncomfy T_T

Muddypaws, Haha... Tin ur hubby gettin kan chiong liao so he knows it's goin to be 'drama' at labour... My hubby like takin it too relax leh... Maybe just tell ur hubby that delivery for FTM normally takes over 10 hours so bringin a laptop would be ideal... haha... I dun tin 2 n 3 would happen cos ur hubby will be so excitetd at that time!

My hubby also said he will stay next to me... I tin cos he dun dare look below... lol... Will ur hubby dare to see?

Cindy... Mi too very sua ku... haha... Dunnoe when i buy Iphone next week, i got enough time to adapt before labour anot... But will still try to bring laptop to hospital cos wanna watch my HK dramas... haha...

Cherrry, good good! Haha... N we can also update here abt the progress huh... Did you ask Woody whether u will deliver earlier than EDD since u ard 38 weeks liao? I'm plannin to ask him tml at my checkup.. but i roughly know how he will ans (Dun worry blah blah blah)... haha... Cos he's so relax... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, Maybe ur BB is like you, slim type... Dun worry, you can always fatten her when she's out.. haha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was born small cos i'm a premature BB by a month, but got fatten up by my mum n grandma very fast... haha

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juliana, i've also packed my hospital stuff with my cabin luggage. Hubby more kua zhang den mi, he must slp with his "pillow" haha....

Lovebyte, i'm also massaging the breast. i was taught by the massage lady to put three fingers at each quarter point of the clock direction and massage. too clear the block ducts, and more milk leaking now.

Dbaby, jumbo flat is gd... i love jumbo flats, last time my cousin stayed in one. so nice, like condo. Can do dry and wet kitchen, and a small balcony area... swee~!~

hi melissa,

congrats! think u shd be in operating room now. so excited. do post ur baby's photo when u r free. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi klitz,

i am also taught the same method as u. use 3 fingers to massage and move in a clockwise direction. just did the massage yesterday cos there are lumps.

hi dbaby,

will ask my hubby if he can drive me over to ur place to collect the romper this sat. will u be in?

hi milo,

i'm craving for stingray and chilli crab too. told my hubby i want to eat them after confinement.

kayden's MTB, think i missed ur post earlier. hee... ya, he will always ask if need mc, and i say need but giv me HL. then he will ask how many days i want [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i didnt knw abt it either, my gf told me tat i can ask from him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i've updated our spreadsheet with the additional coloumn. will need mummies help to update incase i miss any post if i pop early. hee!

mummies, to update ur details:


To view the spreadsheet:


i've given mummies access to the spreadsheet of those i've the email address, those who didnt recv, PM me ur email add okay

Lena, no eh, dr woody didnt say abt when will deliver. cos he nvr do VE check or CTG like other mummies hav. he only mention in general tat normally 1st child will born 1-2wks before EDD. tats all.

thanks lovebyte for sharing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovebyte, thanks for sharing on the massage I will do it from tomorro onwards.

Went to gynae today ethAn is 3.1kg at 37w1dAy. He is not engaged yet but head is turning lower. Saw hair today on his head quite funny looking like fa cai swimming in ocean like that one strand one strand. Hope he won't grow too big.


I had the Wanton from the 'Ipoh Hor Fun' stall.. Yum yum, hubby also like. And the serving very big le.. 4 normal wanton + 2 deep fried wanton + lots of veg & char siew. Didnt try the Ipoh Hor Fun or Chix Cutlet Hor Fun though, but looks yummy too.. Had Fried Kway Teow, Fried Rice, Fried Hokkien Mee from 1 stall, saw a lot ordering frm them, very yummy too.. And didnt see ur post tt BBQ Stingray from another coffeeshop, so we ordered frm another stall, opp the wanton mee.. Not bad, but nt the La-La.. hahhaha =) Tks for the recommendations..


No, I didnt drink the Coconut.. Maybe cos 1st preg, it was complicated for me and worried that too 'liang' thus I nvr drink. Tis time round, i also scared scared. I jus had a Grass Jelly + Soy Bean drink today.. (finally pluck up the courage) Go indulge in ur food craze nxt week.. Must eat ok..


Must take care... IF anything u feel weird, haf to go see ur doc..


I am plannin to ask HB to bring me tml if he can.. Then see wat nice lunch to eat tml.. heheheh =) Must enjoy before i give birth.. Today my ah ma jus commmented tt my tummy seems to be 'moving' downwards..


I think I shld be at hm.. At most maybe jus out for lunch... Arnd wat time u wanna come??

Crystal, hahaha ah sooo cute!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Baby boy with a lot of hair on the head are very cute and handsome! Aiya mine 2D so can't see haha

crystal, yr ethan growing well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] congrats hehe

u also now waiting to pop liao since over the 37th week ^_^ exciting wait hehe..let ethan decide his BD :p

dbaby, maybe sat i can also pick from u the rompers, will let u know again on timing, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

debbie, 2D scan also can see hair, the gynae will know hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


our first dec baby arrived le. Saw kayleia's pics posted by mummy melissa on FB. She posted 1hr ago. V adorable. Lots of hair! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will be catching up w/the posts here to see who's next lor... So soon.. Now oni mid Nov wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] v exciting!

Yeah! Feel so happy for her! Awaiting her updates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, congrats to our first baby arrival!

Anyway just went to gynae earlier, bb weighs 2kg at 33 weeks, gynae say bb is of good weight. This morning woke up with this sharp pain under my chest, whole morning very painful, later gynae said its cos baby's bum resting on my ribs, really very painful, took the day off tmr to rest cos I ve ald max out my MC, gynae wanted to give me MC also no use...

aiyo.... milo u also getting excited ba... Cos u hv a scheduled c-sect alr rite?

I just saw on your FB tt u deciding to bank or donate ash's cordblood huh.. i signed wif cordlife. Just received the processed contract today wor.

yuening... Been stuffing yourself? Heehee... Just eat wat u crave lor... Dun over do it.. Wait cant digest lei..

sharon, whole day like tt huh? Poor thing. No choice lor. Mc maxed out also must rest lor. or u wanna start your ML soon? then can rest @ home... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me now tum also hard hard, so difficult to sleep... So just lay on bed n surf on mobile..

Melissa: Congrats! Kayleia is really really cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheryl: still awake? I can't sleep too... Have this strange feeling that my water bag is leaking, but each time I check, there's nothing. Feeling extremely sore down there, wondering if i've dilated.

Sharon: I've massive chest pain too... guess u can use a warm towel or cold compress to ease d pain.

Mommies: just found out that Hubby has been reading up on pregnancy n parenting on his own. Am very very touched when I found out...

Muddypaws, ur dh very auto le that's very good.

Me up at my usual 4ish again. Thankfully today I'm working from home so if sleepy after lunch still can zzz a bit.

Cindy, yes waiting for Ethan to decide when he want to come out and meet us but so far according to gynae he won't b early. So shall update again.

morning mummies... ^_^

today im not working. can considered already start my leave liao though next friday have to go back for another day. the last few days i was too tired from the handover that i knocked out at 9ish every night. of course in between will wake up but at least managed to get more sleep. today hubby is outstationed but will be back tomorrow night.

melissa: congrats on the arrival of Kayleia ^_^

muddypaws: you went to see Melissa & Kayleia?

your hubby is so good! auto read up. hehe.. he will be well prepared for the arrival of Liz.

crystal: lucky you are working from home, else sure very tired later.

im going to update myself with the past days postings. le. wondering how long i need to read all the postings. wahaha... catch up with you ladies later.

Yeah Melissa,CONGRATS! Welcome ur cutie pie, the joy of parenthood n the sleepless nites!!

morn to all!

for once, i am awake so early! cos finally i managed to slp through the night yesterday! wat a miracle :p

eon, welcome to the nuah-ing club. heehee have a good rest before Cheyenne arrive.

muddypaw, its so good tat ur hub is reading up. guess he is getting anxious and excited at the arrival of Liz as well.

wah Eon,glad u r on leave now! Still gt ligament pain n feet still swell?

Btw mummies esp those on leave now,please go n buy books that help to set baby routine! I hv babywise as the title but forgot the author :p aanother good author are books written by gina ford,these books are strongly recommended as refrence to help u what to expect newborn routine etc, since some of you on ML liao can start reading n be prepared[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I took out last nite to refresh again, haha old liao so even 2nd time mummy need revision :p

muddypaws,that is great that ur hb wants to be involve in parenting too,he will be a great dad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

do consider the books n author i recommend above if u hv nt purchase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi morning mommies...

I've been a silent reader since the start of my pregnancy n finally posting now cos i've started my ML [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to mommy melissa on the arrival of baby kayleia!

I'm expecting my 2nd boy n due date on 20dec. I'm also seeing dr woody, been wz him when i had my #1 too.

Is anyone feeling menses like cramps?? I'm now 34wks4days n i've been feeling the cramps. It started on tues n was so bad tat i went to tmc but ctg shows no contractions. My #1 was csect bb so i dunno how does contraction feels like. The cramps i had were alrdy considered painful to me so i dun think i can take it if its real contractions! So scary...

Dr say maybe cos baby is alrdy head down (but not engaged) n is adding pressure to my lower abdomen. He say to take panadol if the pain comes again cos i tried taking ventolin n it didnt work. Anyone experience the same thing??

baby hair:

I went for u/s scan when i was at tmc the other day n the sonographer showed me baby's hair using 2D scan. Its v clear even though its only 2D!

Morning mummies!!

Melissa, CONGRATS ON THE ARRIVAL OF YOUR PRINCESS!!!! Really very happy for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can't wait for you to share with us your birth experience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws, wow your hubby so hardworking. haha mine won't have time to read on baby books but luckily we go for antenatal class tgt.

Hi yurieve,

woah the baby hair is clear on 2D scan! So nice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My gynae doesn't seem to look out for my baby's hair on his 2D scan at all haha. I have cramps occasionally but it's not painful. My gynae told me if got no blood or discharge should be fine cos mine are mild. My baby's head is also down but not engaged.

milo, wahhh soo rare that u soo early hor hahah... how come up so early?

eoneon, yes... today's weather is quite good windy soemmore hahah... prolly lunch time will go out and walk walk heee...

mangogal, thanks for the reco. i'll go and look for the books.

debbie, hihi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My cramps tat day were really bad... Didnt experience it b4 n i thought it was contractions!

I was surprised when the sonographer showed me baby's hair cos the u/s machine at dr woody's clinic is vv old n blur n i can nvr make out what is what on the screen. It was indeed cute to see baby's hair floating like wat crystal said

yurieve, welcome.

i had very painful hardening/cramp like feeling before but i tink mine was caused more by wind then contractions but if contractions is like what i experienced its reallie very painful cos the pain reallie "cuts" thru the whole tummy area and even the lower back is also painful.. cant even stand up, cant lie down, cant sit.

crystal, wow tat sounds bad... Wat did ur gynae say then?

I asked my gynae if i'll gv birth early cos of the cramps n he said 'i dun think so n i hope not...' then later on he say i can consider to bring fwd my csect date (actually alrdy set on 3dec). Hubby n i was thinking maybe he really think i'll pop early but didnt say it directly cos he dun wan me to worry...

yurieve, gynae said its wind lo.. its bad bad bad.. so i told myself hahah once its time for me i will TAKE epidural hahaha not going to wait hahaha

crystal, haha cos i was a good girl yesterday! didnt touch a drop of cold water at all so at night managed to slp through for once! this morn feel very refresh!

my friend also told me for her 2nd child, she will ask to take epidural IMMEDIATELY and not try to tong cos the pain almost drove her mad!

yurieve/crystal, I also had v bad cramps last Mon. Don't know if it's due to wind a not, gynae says could be old wound. It's the whole tummy cramp, like walk or sit or lie down also cannot relief the pain. But back didn't feel anything.

crystal, ya lor. still coughing. if take cold drink, i spent the night coughing lor... naughty girl.

today is friday lo. any plans for the weekend? all packed and ready?

mummies, the domestic helper in my house helped to wash all my new nappy cloths and half of them turned light blue!! *faints* Supposed to be white only! I knew it, I should have washed it myself!

Debbie... she washed with coloured clothes? But it's nappy cloth which you won't use outside... so not too bad lah. Don't let her wash the new bb clothes!!


Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember your pills and drink more water.

Yesterday was a bad day, my hubby had to send my FIL to hospital cos lung infection. My FIl is diabetic, so this lung infection is more serious. Old people very funny one, down with flu only eat panadol, never see GP, especially for his case diabetic. He tends to wait till very serious then go hospital, this is the 5th or 6th time liao. Sorry for the rant, only make my hubby busy. I didn't visit him or go to hospital with them. So these few nights I will makan on my own. Sorry if I sound not filial, I guess all old people are like that, my mom also one of them.

I was upset also, hubby said he can't be in 2 places (Changi General Hospital and TMC), he started again about giving me privacy when I deliver. And I started to have very bad cramp which can be quite painful for a while, I had 2 sessions yesterday, 1st very painful, 2nd one still alright. See my FIL plus my hormones rage is making me upset easily.

Then my MIL called at 6.30am to ask whether my hubby saw my FIL's ring. My hubby very poor thing, slept at 1am yesterday then follow by this bo liao call. My hubby just told her off, not important why call so early.

Tomorrow 's gynae appt I will be on my own liao, I also don't want to nag and throw my temper. But I very fan, if I go on labour anytime, my hubby would be super stress. Need to pray that everything will be soon soon heng heng.

Now I feel so lonely, cos hubby busy with my PILs. Plus the contractions are getting more and more painful. Maybe due to my hormones also, make me so easily upset.

Cindy, thanks. Hubby said don't care about my work, if I need to take HL earlier, just take.

Dbaby, Glad you like the wanton mee. The portion quite okay for me, I would add $1 of chicken chop to upsize[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me greedy hoh. Oh the seafood stall is cez char at the other market. Changi Seafood, maybe next time you can try.

Melissan, Congrates[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now rest more okay. Later I will Kpo in your FB.

Sharon, poor mine. take it easy in office okay.

Eon Eon, enjoy your rest hoh, me still working. Hope to take HL in a weeks time followed by my ML. Really fan to be in office, see anything also no mood to do.

