(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Melissa, I was initially hunting for a portable speaker to be connected to my mp3 player. End up I play through the surround sound system in my room.

Cindy: I'm amazed that you can still sleep with the air-con at 24-26C now. Not sure about you or other mommies, I'm currently radiating heat like a radiator. The air-con at home now is down to 18C and I don't need the comforter. Anything higher and I would be sweating. My mum says it's super normal now as our preggers body is working to produce heat for us and kiddo.

Last night was a terrible night... 1) while your babies are falling asleep to Mozart, my beloved hubby was trying to lullaby Princess to sleep with his 'bass-y' snores. Princess decided that those snores make her hungry instead and at 2am, I had to go search for food. 2) Hubby was snoring so loud that I got irritated and migrated to the spare room, and starting sweating with the 20C air con. Couldn't sleep, and just when I was finally falling asleep, Princess decided that it was time for me to pee again... Up and down a few times last night.

I eventually only got 2hrs of sleep. This makes good practice for the time when princess comes along.

muddypaws, haha ur description is so funny! i am no better. worked till 11+pm last night, reached hm at 12+am. finally bath etc, ready to slp and kaeden decided to come bunk in with us! ended up whole night couldnt slp well cos 2 fatty + 1 anyhow kick toddler squeezing on a queen size bed is no fun!

now i am like a zombie in the office!

rainbow - how do you feel so far after using babyplus till lesson 4? Does your bb still kick and react alot for al lessons?

yugal - oh I'm also looking for a cd player that I can plug my ipod in. Usually how loud do you on?

muddypaws - wow, 18 degrees without comforter! I'm still not radiating heat yet, infact I slp eithout aircon.

milo - wah you work until so late, your office overwork you too.

Melissa, I guess it will be good to buy those light weight one sided speaker that does not require batteries for portability purposes.

Last night was my first time playing the music through a surround sound system, I tried playing it at moderate level comfortable enough for my ears.

I turned on the air con, off the tv to ensure the music fills the whole room... hehe. That was my first attempt.

Melissa, hmmm.. Everytime I start a new lesson, bb tends to kick and move.. But 3-4 day onwards, e kick and movement will not be tat frequent le. Mine is 1esson for 9 days.. Wat abt yours?

melissa, so cute to use durians to compensate baby...next time after shes out u know what to do to pacify her :p

muddypaws, i slp now in 19~20deg room coz of hubby...zzzz for myself, i can take 24 well haha but i still need the comforter :p i'm also heating up inside, but whenever the cool air touches me,i cringe under the banket, so i have it up to my chin hehe

last night after cooking dinner, eating and bathing, i went to bed le at 8plus! duno y but i was jus sooo tired..haha

Hi Muddypaws: Haha... Your description about you princess reaction to your hubby's snore sounds so amusing... Must be very hard for you to slp with snores... I hate that... Lucky my hubby dun snores... But i still wakes up in the middle of the night to go toilet once or twice... Disturbing sleep... I too feel hot and sweat more nowadays but my hubby's air-con kinda spoilt so we gotta slp by using fan.... sianzzz

Hi Mummies: After some discussion with my mum, she has agree to do confinement for me and also look after my BB till abt 2 years old... Yeah! Now i feel more relieve after making sure all this is arranged... N i can go back to my mum's place for confinement which means i can slp in air-con and also feel more comfortable with own mummy.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm also wondering what the difference between javanese and balinese... Which is better for us?

Melissa: Heard that durians are very heaty, so eat in moderation.

Milo: Try to rest more now...

Cindy: Yeah, I get easily exhausted nowadays too. Haha, m hubby used to have the AC at 16C, but I converted him to 24C and he's a happy guy now at 18C.

Going to a friend's house tomorrow to pick up Princess' stuff. Friend is passing us 3 car seats (for various ages), 2 prams (including a maxi cosi carrier), 2 sterilizers, avent bottle warmer, avent dual pump, bumbo seat, sarong slings, playpen... the nursery would be full!!!!!

melissa, yah actually after the first few times, baby doesn't respond much to the lesson already. lol... macam put to sleep by the sound. but today with the first lessson 2, she's kicking like crazy. u better get ready for another kickfest tmrw! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow, i think 'cos u started early, so per lesson u have to use for quite a while. i started at almost end of week 22, so i only use 7 days per lesson. that's why now am at lesson 2 already.

melissa, my colleagues are a scary bunch! they are discussing on coming back to work over weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sigh, well they are all unattached so maybe can spare the time lor. i bo so eng to compete with them LOL

lena, tat is good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] our own mum will definitely be more comfy than mil. cannot imagine asking my mil to wash milk bottles, pump etc for me! later she gossip behind my back say i lazy ah!

muddypaws, walking up one flight of stairs is enough to get me out of breath haha *lousy* zzz

haha seems that most hubbies prefer lower temps zzz

i dun take to cold too well, so 20 is the best i can go haha otherwise i'll have problems trying to slp hehe

so nice of yr friend to be passing over so many items [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u can spend the weekend rearranging yr nursery liao hehe..it'll be so much fun!

milo, haha dun bother abt going back to work tml la!

so siao on sia..really crazy ppl haha

haha milo, i also have same thinking as u! so i think i get own CL better :p

seems like most mummies sleep in air cond room .. i am the odd one out, until now i still sleep with a stand fan only .. unleast that night is super duper hot, then i will on the air cond and the temperature will be around 25-27c with thick blanket ..

Lena not much diff berween javanese and balinese.

They both use pressure to massage so really they do a lot of point on massage.

And both use wrapped they called it bengkung to wrapped you up after the massage to allow your uterus to get back to shape better and of course all the excess wind,fats deposits to disperse better.

Usually they mentioned to wrap for 2,3hours. But i took it off after 45min an hour as i couldnt breathe and breastfeed properly.

Try not to bath for 1,2hrs after the massage to allow deeper penetration.

Hi mommies, wow finally lunch time, can log-in liao.

Yesterday finally managed to MSN hubby cos he was moved to the town area which has internet access. I told him I am super stress by his mom, about the food I must eat, how clever her kids are, how to have clever kids and all the unnecessary info which i don't need which has stressed me so much. And my MIL keep telling me how clever my SIL baby gal is lah, keep smiling instead of crying, I told him I worry his mother will compare my SIL baby with ours and worst if Alexis is cry baby etc etc and Alexis will not be as clever as that baby girl. I am not competing, but keep hearing all those comments are not doing me any good at all.

He asked me to pull out the telephone cord and switch my phone to silent mode. And he will talk to his mom not to bother me too much. And I should have stop her if I am not comfortable. He I should have tell her off, so she will stop.

And I guess we will not ask my MIL to do confinement for me, since now already stress by all her yada yada talks, when Alexis pop, I guess would be worst. Really I hope she knows when to keep her mouth shut. Nothing nice comes out from her mouth. Only how good she is, how bad me and others are.

Tomorrow going to eat tung luk timsum, my brother paying cos he feel sorry my hubby has to be away for so long. Ha!!! Ha!!! If my mom and sis appetite good, I will order peking duck[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrry, Some prawn mee soup has dang gui in it. My chinese stall aunty put in so the soup will be thicker. Maybe check with the stall before eating. Even the chicken rice soup also, I ask the stall holder she said they have put dangui in the soup also. SO better ask before drinking the soup.

stefiee! finally u're back! hehe

wa yr MIL like talk without thinking de T_T

maybelet yr hubby talk to her when he is back..will be easier for him to talk than u...

dun think so much abt her nonsense ba...enjoy the pregnancy! (like u always said [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

i already trying best to rule out any inconveniences i might forsee coming from MIL liao hehe

Cindy, yes leh. I almost cried when I msn my hubby. He said his mom is like that yaking yaking non-stop and really insensitive.

I know I must be happy, but who can relax with all her this and thats. Really I was so happy with hearing from her, now even relationship better makes me stress too.

All I want is to let Alexis has her own growing space and not like me production machines to make super clever kids. As long as Alexis is healthy I am happy liao, anything else will be bonus. I also want Alexis to have some childhood time and not train to be super smart kids who scores all A* in their school and has no freedom like that.

My SIL and her hubby like now trying to shape her baby girl (6 months) into Super super clever baby. Even when talking about pram, my sil said, shouldn't give kids choices, if not they will choose. Whe she said this, I was like, wow your kiddos will have no life. Really not my kind of parenting. Babies are our fresh and blood and not product leh. Their family thinking abit off leh.

Sorry for the ranting. Really feel like I have bottled up all the unhappiness for so "long" since I can't just surf the web during usual office hour. Almost siao liao man.

milo, my email add is [email protected]

yugal, thanks anyway! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, hmm your colleague wrap so much, still balloon... Aiyo, tt is discouraging. I sure hope mine won't be like that.

Muddypaws: That's good. Your princess going to have lots of fun there. We also getting alot of hand-me-downs from brother-in-law.

Lena: Yah, good to plan early. Think most of us more comfy with own parents. But for me, I still engage a CL though my mum is coming over.

So you'll be at your parents' place for your whole maternity leave period? What about after your maternity leave end, will you be putting your baby at your parents' and fetch her to&fro daily or once a week? We're still thinking of the arrangement.

Stefie: Nice to see you back. No worries about the ranting. Its better to let them out than bottled them inside. Seems like your mil really like to call you to 'chit-chat'. If you not planning to ask your mil to do the confinement, better ask your hb to tell her. Then for your confinement, your mum helping you with it?

Oshgosh_baby: Not sure about turtle soup. But I think those kind of soup are usually herbal type. You might want to check if they use dang-gui cause dang-gui seems like a common ingrediate for herbal soups.

cindy, siao on manz! they got nothing better to do!

stefie, pls dun be upset and stressed. your mil really sound like mine and i do agree tat when alexis is out, u will feel more stressed if she continue on (which i think she likely will)

my mil also like to comment on ALOT of things and the worst is everytime during gathering with her relatives, she will always say my son is slow la, this no good tat no good... everyone kids is the best except for mine lor... it used to upset me alot and still does so i gave up on visiting her totally now in order to avoid being upset [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, don't take it to heart la otherwise u'll feel very moody. Just left in right out and luckily u're not staying with her.. Keke

I realise for mil, if she has more than 1 grandchild, sure compare and sure got something to say de.. Mai chap so much.. Luckily year DH supports you!!!

Raspy, thanks. I feel like at home now, office hours no fun liao. My mom will not be doing cos her health not good, my mom place would not be good idea cos they are doing lift upgrading on my confinement period. We will decide later how to do my confinement, cos now I don't want to think too much. Confinement is for mommies to rest and not people to yak and yak non stop about their "good" intentions. So will try not to let my MIL comes too often, till she will come everyday cos she has retired liao.

Milo, thanks. I may even avoid going to her place on Sunday lunch, cos seeing how my SIL parenting and my MIL yaking is really making me stress. I guess I am happier with macroroni soup.

Poor mine, now then I really feel your pain, cos I had my freedom for few months since last Sep. I abit regretted telling her I am pregnant, but if don't tell her I feel bad. I guess now should treat her like before, no visiting and no calls. Just hubby alone for lunch at my PILs. This is the best arrangement man. Everyone happy.

stefie, its ok for ranting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we're here to lend listening ears hehe...

like u said b4, MIL and DIL dun always get together hehe, i agree on that! maybe she want to make better relationship to 'talk' to u more abt how to produce better babies...but quite true that we're not baby making machines!

until now my MIL only ask me abt my appetite/how is baby kicks/whether i monitor kicks anot..nothing abt how my ankle swell is lor! even my mum, who so far only msn me once, first qn was how was my ankle...really upsetting me also...haiz

yr confinement better dun ask MIL do...if not u have to follow her ways to make Alexis be a clever baby liao zzz (sorry to be mean but i guess thats what she will do :p)

joyfulbliss, she seems happy to 'gain weight' leh...coz she say shes a proud mummy wor haha..but not me! i hope i can be like b4 still :p need to be HOT mummy haha!

milo, haha u got more things to do la...dun siao like them...

i got one friend like to 'work extra' to earn extra OT pay de zzz

wa u totally nv visit yr MIL, she wun comment also meh?

Rainbow, thanks.

Only people like my MIL would compare. My granny, never said things like that. She treats every grandchildren the same. She said her grandchildren are the best. I guess this type of grannies extinct liao.

Yes leh, hubby sayang me more. He also had enough of his mom sometimes and will tell her off straight into her face. I am not used to this kind of treatments to eldery, I guess to people like my MIL you need to be like that. But I will not do it.

Really hearing what my MIL said on the phone already cannot take it, if stay with her, siao liao. It is a blessing to have my own roof.

Stefie, yeah I agree dun allow your mil do your confinement. My friend's mil did confine for her and she ended up crying everyday. Nearly had post depression and in e end her DH gotta apply 1.5mths unpaid leave to stay home with her. Her mil dun allow her to touch her bb!! Her mil dun believe in BF.. so meant and terrible right.

EonEon: I also want to wrap wrap. Later Wrap Like BA ZHANG like that!!! Heeehee. After this baby need to get back to my pre wedding weight ah. After wedding already put on so much then cannot lose then now baby! I want to wrap wrap wrap. So gimme the contact too ya!

Muddypaws: I too feel like a furnace. I sleep with 1/2 my body covered only if not I will wake and flip the blanket off cos really too warm i feel. Every night when i watch TV wah I will sweat le even with the fan on. Then i ask hubby if its me or the weather. He say its me. =( Last night I finally lowered the temp by another 1 degree....

Stefie: Maybe you tell ur MIL that kids hor must kiang de ho, mia ge kiang. As for training and stressing a kid, I don't believe in that. A child must have a proper childhood and play time as well. No point stressing when the kid cannot meet the parents expectations. Even if the kid manages to meet expectations, the bar then will be raised once again. What's the point right? At the end of the day when they get to a certain age, their brain might just snap and who knows you may even lose control over the child. Don't worry so much about your MIL and SIL la. As long as you and hubby are happy enough liao.

Cindy, thanks, jiemeis are so wonderful here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You are lucky your MIL only ask so much.

I love the idea of kiddos having their own developments and not to mount them into something they are not. Everyone has their own purpose in life right. Tian sheng wo cai, bi you yong what. Even Alexis is not a high flyer next time, if she is kind and happy and she likes what she do, I guess we are already very successful parents liao.

Rainbow, I would rather do confinement myself, then MIL to do it for me. Your friend MIL really 1 kind, siao, don't BF how to bond and baby will not be healthy.

Lovebyte, yes lor. Nowsaday kids no childhood liao leh. All busying with classes and more classes. No life. Heng my hubby support me. Now I even think will not let my MIL taking care of Alexis leh. I would rather put her in infant care than my MIL "Machine workshop" leh.

Stefie: Er.. you might want to start to check out CL if you're going to engage one. Because during my search, I found that most mummies confirmed theirs when they're in their 1st trim. So those 'better' ones are usually booked early. We try to look for those CL that are supportive on bfing, as I think I cant handle those discouraging comments if my milk supply is low. And hopefully for those supportive of bfing, they can help me with the pumping etc, cause they surely see other mummies pump/bf before.

As for your mil, let your hb handle her. Meanwhile, just 1ear in 1ear out and try not to communicate too much with her if her words always affect your mood.

Rainbow: Your friend's mil sounds horrible. I think during our mothers' time, they seldom do breastfeeding. Formula milk was like the best during their time, so most of them are not supportive of breastfeed. My mil used to be unsupportive of bfing when she does the confinement for my sil. She always comments thing like very diluted, the bb is not full etc.. very discouraging words. Its until her own sister (the aunties) who did confinement for their daughters/dil recently that managed to talk her through that breast milk are better for babies and that finally changed her mindset.

rainbow, i think most elders dun believe in bf...even hubby also lor zzz until i had to keep finding bf topics for him and insist that i should at least give it a try then now hes more ok with it..haiz

stefie, not that i wan her to show me concern, but shes not even bothering! haiz now maybe even if she ask i wun bother liao...

i also prefer to have the kids learn at their own pace...no need go for art class/drama class like my aunt's kids...wa no life leh!

Raspy, I think I will not find CL. See how things goes[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, don't bother even better, you have your own life mah. Bother too much like my MIL also not good, cos she never has any good suggestions at all.

stefie, thanks, i will check for the dang gui [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya dont let mil do confinement. tat time i married, stay for 2mths plus at their house i already cannot take it. she's not those who will nag nor talk to me. but i still think she may go ard and tell other aunties tat im v lazy or wat dont help in any housework. cos when i reach back from work, she already hav dinner ready. then everytime i try to help to wash the dishes, she say no need. but who knows when say no need but they actually not happy inside? then she get hubby as the transmittor, everything will tell him cos she dont talk to me ma. she says everyday she clean our bedroom, so much hair, ask me to take less salty food. my hair was till waist leh, so thick and heavy of cos will drop ma. then she clean and clear our bedroom also not nice ma. when she asked abt moving back to do confinement (again thru hb) i almost want to faint. lucky i smart, book a CL first le :p

rainbow, ur friend mil is really v bad!

Stefie: Don't bother too much about what your MIl says. It's not appropriate of her to compare you with your SIL, and how the grandkids develop etc. My friend's wife was so affected by the MIL's comments that she had a nervous breakdown... so whatever it is, take your MIL's comments with a pinch of salt and go your merry own ways thereafter.

Cindy/Stefie: It's a well-known fact that MILs and DILs don't get along. Just need to have a supportive hubby to manage their own mommies. My hubby's mom passed on even before hubby and I started dating, so I don't have a MIL to fuss over me, and I envy those who have MILs to fuss over them cos it would be nice to have a MIL to share cooking tips etc... luckily, I'm close to my parents who dote on me, hubby and princess.

My sister will do the confinement for me since she is free in dec..

Luckily my MIL will not nagging on me, but will nagging on my husband.. so i just let him handle his mother.. hahaha

Hello mummies


Woolsley, u r really lucky to have ur sister to do confinement for u.

Sister usually more understanding then MIL.

I must agree that for those who can't get along with MIL well,

or even can get along well, but with different thinking of confinement, better

engage a confinement lady to avoid further conflict.

yugal - I'm looking around for a small portable one to plug my ipod in. I saw one last week but there was no stock, probably go look around this weekend.

rainbow - I also started late at 23 weeks, so mine's 1 lesson for 7 days. I started last sat, so I think I can start lesson 2 tom. Ya she kicks more in the beginning den later part nothing much.

cindy - haha yeah been wanting to eat durian for the past week! So tonite shall fulfil my wish!

muddypaws - yupyup I only eat 1 or 2 seeds per time, I'm afraid it will be too heaty and bb become very big also.

dewdew - yah! excited for a super kick lesson tom!

stefie - your mil oppo from mine leh. When I said I wanna send my bbgirl to more lessons, she said must give her more space dun stress her..

But don't be pressured by her lah, they all think differently from us, times have change. Luckily you're not staying with her.

cindy, actually my hub also dun like to go over cos she is always complaining and nagging at him! so heng ah... i am spared LOlx

stefie, yes yes yes... we are lucky to have our own roof! i cannot imagine if my mil gonna stay with me! i dunno she siao first or i siao first!

lovebyte, yes! its not advisable to overstress kid else later they go haywire! so many cases of student in my school with mental problem, really is a pity lor. no one say a child must be highly educated to be successful in life. most imptly is the character of ther child.

rainbow, my mil is a super believer of bf and i am almost driven nuts by her comments on why i am not bfing my child! i have no help at hm at all till i only have cereal for 2 meals a day initially, how to have milk!

no mood to work after lunch.. hahaha..

Jiahui, yup.. i agreed with that.. She is caring about the baby and she knew my taste well.. kinda missing her cooking.. haha...

Just heard the new from my husband that my SIL is pregant as well.. My MIL gonna be very busy.. hahaha..

milo - ur collegues like my manager like tat. workaholic. He's single and therefore nothing much to do when go home so he can stay till damn late at work. But luckily he's getting married this Nov!

I hate it when I'm about to pack and go home he start asking me about some issues den I'll have to settle it!!!

muddypaws, i always tot MIL was easy to get along lor...now i see how she fusses over me, sometimes i cant take it liao...like if i come back 9PM, she starts questioning me on where i go, with who etc, y back so late (9PM - is that considered late?) i had to hold back screaming at her coz 9PM is considered early for me le...

i rather not have anyone fuss over me hehe

melissa, haha u and yr durian cravings :p

yr girl must like durian alot hehe...dun eat too much and drink more water coz its heaty!

milo, haha so lucky lor! i still stay in MIL when back in SIN leh...nowhere for me to run also LOL

sian liao thinking of yr end haiz


melissa, my colleagues love coming back on weekend, work till wee hours in the office every night. jin peifu manz :p looking at them now, i doubt anyone is getting married in the near future! cham lo

cindy, those were the days when my mum would call me and track where i am! u thinking of getting ur own place?

