(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Good Morning Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]:

Moonsky and Littlepigpig - Hope your babies recover soon!

bribena - wow that's quite alot of stuffs! My current diaper bag to small to put that much stuffs.

stefie - poor Alexis! Mine opposite, yest had lao sai 5-6 times. But she seems very happy and active so not sure if its due to teething.

Diaper Bags:

Besides Kate Spade & Carters, are there any other brands with good diaper bags where can stuff alot of stuffs?


Stefie, you might want to give Alexis more water. My boy spent 4 minutes trying to poo on Sat. Gave him water on Sun and he was pooing fine.

bribena, yor baby can say words already? My boy still can't do it. How did you make that happen?

Ribena, Alexis is okay with water, just that we are lazy. :p Yes leh. Should introduce ourself instead of doing it for our hubbies cos Leah maybe confuse, thinking you are "papa" Ha!! ha!!!

Leelee, Jovan is so cute, especially when he booing[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Such a handsome boy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sweet potatoes and banana will make the stools more compact, then their poos will be 1 whole big chucks. Yes Butternut is pumpkin. We need to finish cos almost in the freezer for 1 month liao.

Hubby brought Alexis to my PILs, when they come back, Alexis was so sticky to hubby and keep smiling at him. Wonder what "hong liao" hubby fed her.... Ha!! ha!!

Moonsky, littlepigpig, hope your babies recover soon. How does the doc diagnose fake measles?

I recalled many of my friends saying baby might be allergy to this food, that food whenever they spotted red spots. Some didn't bring the child to doc and thought just to introduce the food at a later date.

If there're fake measles, then babies must go PD once they have rashed, is it?

Mel, thank you. Lao sai better than constipated right. As long as your darling is still eating, playing and sleeping well then no worries.

Thank you BBoy. I already reminder Alexis teachers to feed more water. At least the big chucks come out, the rest should be alright liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, LOL! Don't know where they learn it from! Leah now loves boo-boo into her spoon of food when she refuses to eat! Hiyo! Everywhere is bits of her porridge!


LOL! I very KS, rather pack more than less lor. Esp weekends, everywhere is crowded, it's not very ideal to have to go ard looking for water and stuff, with an infant and possible impatient hubby.

Stefie, yah la! I always tell Leah, this is Papa, call Papa... end up really she called out for Papa first. Sigh.

BBoy2010, she mumbles only... just weekend, I told her, pointing to a bear, this is bear bear. I repeated a few times on different occasions, and on Sunday, she repeated after me! I think gotta talk to them often, play facial expression games with them, talk in a more animated voice ah.. LOL!

Ribena, it is okay lah, at least not ah ma right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! Ha!!!

Now I kena poison by you, my head is now thinking of red barley..... red barley.... red barley..... leh. By the way the range has BHA hoh. Shui yang shiang.

During last sat JWT gym, I still not very sure who is who but I did get to 'match' afew more mummies like Leelee, Lovebyte coz of the milk. There's 2 Leah there.. which Leah's mummy which was near the crawling station, just after Kieran?

My boy recently also don't like to drink water. After cereals or solids, he refuse to drink. I just had to force him to drink via spoon. Alot will fall out but at least got some.

Stefie: So poor thing Alexis. Good that she managed to poop in the end. My boy opposite leh. His poo always abit on a watery side. Then recently very very dark color. Hmm.. should i be concerned?

Mel: I saw this brand of diaper bags, JJ Cole. They got afew designs. You can google it but not sure which designs are available in sgp. I'm considering that also. Haven't seen the actual item, so not sure if can carry alot. I think I saw the brand at Kiddy Palace, not too sure. I just saw online.

I wonder if Longchamp Large bags can work as Diaper bag? Just need to use diaper bag organizer? I don't know how big the Large one is.

Eon: I used to work at Buona Vista area for 4yrs+ and ard 1yr at Sc. Park II. Yes, very ulu but save money lah coz no shopping and got NUS cheap food. Hehhe..

Stefie- hee I almost did wat ur colic suggested when Chloe was constipated! Juz tat she struggled so I can't poke the cotton bud in bt cld see the solid poop at her butt.. So I umm her n apply bb oil at her butt then massage.. She also sighed when her poop came out! Must b huge relief for her haha...

Re: diaper bag

I use neverfull n put in small bags to organize the stuff, pretty useful for me n I dun bring hot water flask nw if I'm going out wfout helper.. I will go macs to get it or metro cust svc where they have hot water dispenser.. Wf 2 kids I try to shortcut as

much as I can, pack the thinnest spare dress, bring only wristlet n buy mineral water as n when my elder gal n I need :p

Jul, everything come out. Soft poos easier lah. It could be the iron in the cereals. As long as Kieran is playing well, sleeping well, eating well, pooing/peeing well then should be alright. Maybe just monitor. Can check with his pd if it continue.

Oshgosh is long hair, wearing black t-shirt and white cropped pants.

Ribena ties up her hair and wearing glasses.

God's child, ha!! ha!! I also almost wanted to poke her liao. I just let her try 1st. Wow very painful leh. Neither in or out will be worst lor. Next time I will try to apply baby oil in her butt. Thank you for the tips[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBOy2010: Mine was on the stroller so cannot see. =) I happen to see your hubby carrying so I was like EH i have the same one. =). My hubby's same excuse for buying that particular bag.

I also got to meet a few more mummies like Leelee and Juliana. Some I still dunno who is who. We should all just have name tags and wear it to events. =)

Melissa: I m eyeing on Okkatots Travel Baby Depot Bag . It is big enuf to pack everything in even can hv a DVD player in front. haha ! Just that after ship in, i think it is a bit ex lo .. It is a backpack , i think not much people like it .

Diaper Bag

1st pouch

3 diapers, 4 plastic bags, 1 wipes, 1 changing mat

2nd pouch

2 set of changing clothes, 1 pair of socks n 1 bib n 1 handky

3rd pouch

teether toys n pacifier

a thermol flask, 2 milk bottles, 2 milk powder container(worth 2 fm n 1 cereal feeding), bowl, spoon, biscuits.

Enrichment Class

I sign my boy up in JG PlayNest. He enjoyed it especially art and craft. Any mummies or daddies joining too?

stefie: hehe.. thanks for the compliments.. Jovan is a cheeky boy..Btw, they say constipated better than LS.. cuz LS is something that bb ate wrongly..

ribena: cools leh.. leah can call papa liao.. they say most bb call papa first.. sad hor.. mama carry them for 10 months but call papa first **stomp feet**

juliana: thanks for introducing yourself to me.. and thanks for your milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovebyte: Ryan is very very handsome.. and a tall boy... should let him wear his pilot suit.. hehe... very fair boy too! hehe..

Stefie, my little Aly also constipated 2wks back. Ahyo so poor thing leh. Cry and will giv up halfway go sleep. Too hard to come out. When finally come out it bleed somemore. PD says 3 cuts liao hav giv medicine to soft the poo or not the wound will nvr heal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope Alexis will poo softer stools le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, my girl said out "mama" at 5.5mths. U keep repeating to ur bb every morning, they will call u w surprise. Hee! Now she keeps calling out mama whenever she needs something.

Aly has started cruising and able to climb up when the level is low. Now her adventure gonna start!

hi all mummies

nice meeting sm mummies i hvnt meet b4...after e gym my gal KO...slp for 1hr+ use tis time to hv our lunch...den sun she is super active, wan to jump all e time, put her in her cot she aso jump dun wan to sit dw.


mine call "mama" 1st...my colleague say most bb will say "mama" 1st cos is much easier to call den "papa"...but "mama" aso sound like "mum mum" (wan to eat) n "papa" can aso sound like "baobao" (wan to b carry)...funni rite...haha

moonsky @ littlepigpig

hope yr babies can recover soon

cherrry: didnt see u for awhile here.. good to see u back.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe u can try to apply destini cream (purple colour) to heal the wound.. poor girl.. Btw, Aly is the smartest gal i have met so far... well done!! You must be training her well at home.. Shaking head, calling mama, hold bottle, check the milk and drink till she finish, etc... Oh ya, i wanted to ask u.. U know rachel ong?

PSH: heheh... that's funny.. btw, they say gong gong is the hardest cuz bb got difficulties pronouncing G... dunno if its true anot..

HI, seem like baby will start calling papa follow by mummy? My hubby made a promise to me, if my girl start to call papa first, he will wake up for nite feed... Hahaha! Hoping that day come soon....

Btw seem like mummies in this forum have slim down after the post-natal massage... it been so many months after my baby popped, my tummy is still there, i have try to do wrapping myself sometimes, tummy is still big.

Any massage ladu to recommend? I would like to continue the Jumu massage...

Haa candy, then u train ur bb to call papa first. Hee!!

Leelee, cos alot of work on little Aly. Not on training eh but jus taking care of her safety! Haa! She's v active and her strength is so powerful. She loves to roam ard the house and dont like to be in playard. I hav to let her go ard and pull her back from pulling wires or anything tats dangerous. And she's one bb who don't need much nap. 30mins a day sometimes lucky will be twice a day. So seldom come in post le. Hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) oh yes, Rachel is my secondary sch frd. U knw her too?

candy: good idea!! I should bet with my hubby too... haha..

cherrry: must be the good food she eats, thats why she is strong.. she likes freedom.. so dun put her in the playpen.. just let her roam.. she will have great motor skills.. dont mai mo her talents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just make sure your house is childproof.. oh, i dunno her personally.. she's my hubby's primary sch friend.. no wonder i ask my hubby if he knows u, he says he dunno... haha..So is aly sleeping now? thats why u can post now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haa.. She's not a good eater lol! She eats well depends on her mood only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Tats why let her roam ard I'm so tired. I don giv her walker either. Ya, she's napping le. Hee!


i aso nt sure lei, my FIL keep asking my ger to call him "grandpa"...i tink he can wait untl she is 1++yr den call him...haha


yup...quickly train yr bb to call "papa"...haha

stefie: have to feed alexis with lotsa water. my mum taught me to apply cream on her anus if she is having constipation. it helps to "pave the way" for the hard rock poo poo to come out. haha... it works thus far.

dont have to be jealous! alexis will always be mummy's and daddy's girl. your hub has done a good job!

melissa: maybe kayleia's ls is really due to teething. you see if the same happens for today loh.

ribena: at least leah is willing to listen and repeat. chey will turn her head away (i can see she is doing purposely) when i am teaching her to call mama, papa, ah ma and ah gong... everything like that de loh. but the moment i change topic, she will turn her head back to me! grrr... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

stefie & ribena: what red barley..

jul: sianz lah. i rather work in town or some more accessible places leh. long time never go nus to eat le. troublesome to go there also.. lol

cherrry: that is really serious constipation liao hor.. bleed leh! must be super painful for alyssa.

Cherrry, poor Aly... Must be super painful..... Mommies heartpain hoh. Aly is so advance[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Would love to meet both of you soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] SO cute baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, Niu Er lao Shi new skincare range Naruko Red Barley range. Ribena keeps tempting me lah. Now I need to finish my huge stash before I can buy more. Now having hormonal outbreaks at my chin. "Whole family" reporting, alemak and having happy hours there.... Siao liao.


cherrry: why dun give walker? u heard not good?

Eon: Jovan also leh.. he got short attention span.. Dunno issit i on too much TV for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sometimes i talk to him, he will look elsewhere or look at the food on the table.. so rude.. haha

Stefie: U very stressed recently? I heard outbreaks on chin means u are stressed..

Leelee, not stress. My "aunty" reporting lah. So more I squeezed them like no tomorrow. I have put thick layers of Hazeline snow, managed to calm them down. My chin pimples gets very jialat after I delivered. I miss my skin during pregnancy, nice leh..... Ha!!! ha!!!

Leelee/Eon, Alexis also like that. I guess they can't control their moments much yet. I would say it is rude lor. What to do, they are babies mah, I just let her be[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie u and bribena arh... i also tempted.. i saw some of it at watsons over the weekend le the same range. pricing more ex.. but which one is good arh?

Leelee, think coz Papa usually plays with them while Mama prepares their food, and stuff.

PSH, yours so sweet! Call Mama first =))

Eon, I only do it casually as and when I rem. Perhaps Chey knows what you are talking about already, hence she looks away. Try do it casually, get Chey interested by giving it a change of pitch or tone? I do it very cartoonly la, sometimes even makes Leah frown coz prob she finds me odd talking in different pitch/tone.

Red barley.. heh heeh.. it's Naruko's new range of skincare. Looookss good! =))

Stefie, I used to have alot of acne around my chin area (I still have that ugly pic of me!), suspected was due to hormones. But later found out that it was the skincare pdts I was using, which was meant for acne skintype! I was allergic to BHA, a key ingredient for acne/pimple skincare pdts.

Eoneon, stefie, yaa v bad constipation. Those days she v naughty. Don wan eat fruits and drink water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haa I put lubricant cold from fridge for her! Lol. Cos tats wat those nurse put when they wanna insert pill for them.

Leelee, this is wat I read http://www.kkh.com.sg/HealthPedia/Pages/GrowingUpWalking.aspx my hb read le insisted no walker too. But think ok for moderation use ba. Mil house hav 1 the way I see her sit, she will bang to the wall and her head will jerk hard tats wat I'm uncomfortable abt. She only sits twice and each less than 10mins. Haa.

Crystal, heheeh... buy! buy! buy! I went to taka watson on sat, I din see his red barley range. I saw the Bai Yu Lan range, meant for firming, I bought its night jelly and serum, my 30+ year old skin needs firming liao *sad*. I prob going to get his red barley toner and serum via authorised SG online shop. I was tempted to try red barley morning yogurt, but it has vitamin A, not recommended if want to try baby. I have been using it Bai Yu Lan's serum and night jelly, quite pleased with it, not oily at all, but usually I still put a layer of cream to 'seal' everything in.

stefie and candy: ya.. mine also come before menses... reporting strength lor..

Ribena: i also feel bb likes daddies more.. he always laugh and smile when with daddy.. btw, ur skin very good ma.. u need additional skincare?

stefie: i see i see... wah! skincare again.. haha.. yah, you have to finish your stash before buying lah. haha...

me too leh! did you see the stubborn big pimple i have near the corner of my lip last saturday? many days liao.. till now still refused to go! plus small breakouts all over the face! stupid hormonal change i called it!

stefie & leelee: if im playing with chey, i am ok if she turns away purposely. but if im lecturing her, i will force her to turn back and look at me. that way she knows im not playing with her. no messing wth mummy! lol

ribena: im like a clown to chey loh. i will talk in different different tone. i highly suspect chey knows that i want her to call me but she purposely ignore that.. or maybe im dreaming lah.

Crystal, the new red barley range looks good. If you see the clips on that link I posted. Sure buay tahan one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If you want to try can try the night jelly. Chinese barleys (Yi Ren) are good for whitening. Kose Sekkisei range is using barley as main ingredient. The red barley even better, cos the unique way of extracting the essence, as per the link. If you watch Lady's first, they do market it very garang hoh.

Thanks ribena, I am trying to resist your "poison" hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Good to meet some of the mummies n babies on sat! Managed to take pic w leah and gwen... V funny cos when my leah has double eye lids (her eyes lids sometimes single sometimes double), she looks like gwen... When her eyes single lid, she looks abit like the other leah!

Dun think my leah knew wat was happening during class.. Think she only like shaking the shaker, didnt want to let it fo thruout class..

I dun want my bb to call mama first leh cos in our family, mama refers to the 2 grandmaa... I want her to say mummy but ya its a bit hard.. So far she has made ma-ma and ba-ba sounds...

For my no 1, her first word was ball, not us! Then daddy, mama, then mummy... N yes she couldnt say gong gong, she will say tong tong cos v hard to pronounce G...


Stefie, ya can imagine how alexis felt cos leah always having constipation... We always must help her poo by moving her legs, rubbing tummy and making noises... I always feel v happy when i see the first hard stool coming out followed by the softer ones, v gross rite haha...

cherrry: thanks for that.. I think i read babycentre link and it said something similar.. cannot let bb in the walker.. Alamak... I just rent a jumperoo lor.. hmmmm....

Cherrry, wow poor Aly. I see her force until cry, I already very heart pain. Must force feed her more water liao....

Ribena, I also eyeing on the Bai yu Lan range. I will support made in Asia skincare. So more the red barley is Fair trade, cos the barley grown in Nan tou Taipei.

Eon Eon, I know. I am trying to resist ribena "poison" leh. Ha!! ha!!!

Yours only 1, I have whole school leh. Just apply the pimple cream, no squeeze hoh, if not will be "mo pain".

Crystal, ribena's poison very strong hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I don't recommend walker too. I rather let Leah play and stand in the play pen, or roll/crawl in the play yard. My SIL's kid turned one few months back, the girl wasn't able to stand steadily and barely walked, she was always in her walker. Now Leah who just turn 8mths, she was able to hold onto the cot/play yard and stand steadily for quite long. She also begins to able to slow walk alittle, holding onto the panels. It's good training for her legs, I feel.

Eon, Chey wants to give you a surprise when you least expected it! =))

Leelee, yah lor... good in a way, at least they willing to play with their daddies too. My skin needs liao lor... esp with the extra weight gain from pregnancy, I look older liao lor. =(

Oshgosh, You look so young..... Hubby was asking me, you are a mother of 2? Cos you were saying Jade also came to this trial the other time.

Thanks for the tips. I will try. Very heartpain.... But I would rather it be out than in.


Heh heh... coz I searching for new skincare pdts ma... the one that I'm using now had closed down liao. =( Good things must share. =))

Yalor stefie must try feed water eh. Aly likes to sip alot cos she drinks from straw alrdy. Store in her mouth then spit out she thinks it's v fun. Faint!

Yes eh bbribena, walker not good for them. Tats why we insist no walker. Aly also cruising now v fast for them to walk than those use walker. When hb and I saw the walker at mil house our face change. Lol. But lucky I'll not put Aly at her care cos elderly will tend to jus put them in cos no need to look after them lor.

Cherrry, Aly thinks she is Merlion ha!! ha!! So cute girl lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, thanks for sharing. Naruko will be the next skincare I want to try after I finish my huge stash. Ha!! ha!!! Btw the design of the box is very good right, can make into nice stuff right. Niu Er Lao Shi is so thoughtful[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks LeeLee! He was a jumpy bean that day. Cannot sit still. Maybe to the 1 year old bash I can let him wear his flight suit!

Re: Menses

Mummies who have stopped BFing. When did you get your menses? Was it like what you used to have before pregnancy? I never ever had cramps but for the last 4 days my tummy feels bloated and I feel about giddy nausea. At first I thought OH NO dun tell me... but the thing is I never had any morning sickness for no.1. Then yesterday there was like 1 drop of stain (blood). Today the cramp continues but nothing on the pad, only when wipe then got. My tummy continues to be bloated and queasy... is this normal? I never use to have cramps or anything before. *Sorry for being descriptive"

c@ndy: Make it happen: Everyday tell your baby "Papa papa"

Oshgosh: Mama also refers to grandma in my family. I wish Baby R will call Mummy first too!!! But these few days he is getting sticky to me I dunno why but I love the feeling of him choosing to come to me instead of anyone else. So priviledge eh.


I let bb sit like 10 mins when I'm tired of carrying or holding him. My little one is a jumping bean. Loves to stand/walk jump. =)

Re: walker

My boy is able to stand and he wants to walk on his own. However, the length of cot is too short for him to hold on and walk for long. So I got him a walker. He's now able to walk using the walker. So I suppose can only give walker after they learn to stand.

I was going out yesterday and he turned and saw me. He walked so quickly across the room in his walker and I kissed him goodbye. When he realised that I wasn't bringing him out, he started to cry. Not sure to be happy or worried that he's clingy to me.

stefie: u trying to resist? hahha... u poison too many pple liao.. now its them to poison u back :p

ribena: leah also very fast.. can hold on to panels and stand.. jovan is I make him stand and sit... Super kan cheong mummy :p so bad... I scare i hurt him or make his development slower.. Aiyoooo... i also gain weight.. I gained 20kg for the whole pregnancy lor.. I haven go back to my pre pregancny weight..think very hard liao..

Osh gosh: agree with stefie... very young mummy and alreday 2 kids.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovebyte: maybe a change? SQ pilot suit? wooohooo.. I likey.. hehe..

Re: Menses

I had menses when I'm BF-ing.. I heard some mummies come only after they stop BF-ing.. I will cramp also.. but my MIL say usually wont cramp after giving birth.. But i will.. I guess different pple different...

Wha... dun tell me I before giving birth no cramp, after give birth then cramp.... diao.

LeeLee: You look so slim le. I also haven't gone back to pre-pregancy weight yet.... sigh... long way to go. I put on after marriage also. I need to go back to pre wedding weight... OMG even longer way to go

