(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

I hv 2 kate spade diaper bags, a shocking pink stevie and an orange chequered one, dun ask me why i hv two haha..

But i find it v heavy, esp when i go out w 2 kiddos and bring double their stuff... Now thinking of getting a light weight one, currently if i want a lighter bag i use the Lv neverfull but not quite suitable cos no compartments to put stuff...

Wah muddypaws, u bring 7 diapers?? I only bring 2 for leah,and 1 for jade...

Yest lunchtime i went lucky plaza for yong tau foo, if not i might hv bump into u cos i'm at tanglin mall every other day..


I also jus bring 1 hot water flask, and mine quite tiny.. Cos only need a bit of hot water to make milk.. I will fill the milk bottle w water already so jus need to add hot water.. For eg if my gal drinks 120ml, i will prepare bottle filled up to 100ml... So safe on bringing so many things, if not so heavy...



i better dun giv u my tin le...after reading frm e link i dun tink its safe to drink...i will throw away mine...sorri abt it


thks for e link

oshgosh: Let's try to do lunch sometime. I would go tanglin mall sometimes to get stuff for liz.

Yeah, 7 diapers (esp when she had leaky stools last time). Nowadays, usually 3-5pcs.

PSH / Oshgosh,

thanks for your input. so u gals bring more than one milk bottle? hmm... i only bring one, thus didn't pre-filled it with rm temp water. guess time to for me to rethink of my packing 'strategy'. hehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whisp/PSH/Oshgosh: I think I'm the ultimate lazy mother... I bring a thermos with warm water, and only 1 milk bottle (pre-filled with warm water too). When the feed is done, I would either get the restaurant to rinse the bottle for me with hot water, or I would just rinse with tap water. Liz is not fussy with temperature of milk, so I don't bring water of varying temperatures...

whisp & muddypaws

yup...i bring more den 1 bottle out...i will stl go to toilet n wash e bottles after she drink finish but will nt reused e same bottle, if go bk to my parents' or in-laws' plc den i will juz bring 1 bottle.

oshgosh, why not like Dew, buy bag organiser/compartment and put inside ur LV neverfull bag?

haa for diapers , I bring 3 pieces for 2 kiddos cos I always change new mummy pokko diapers before I go out and can last for at least 3/4 hours

milk yup only one bottle with norm temp water in the bottle and one thin/slim thermo flask

bboy2010: Read that u managed to register for tomorrow class. How did u do it? Im interested too. What time is your class? Also free for uob card member?

Whips: I'm doing the same as the rest. I pre-fill the bottles with water and add hot water when he wants to drink. But I always kiasu leh, bring at least 2-3 bottles. Coz my boy sometimes when we go out, he will drink abit, then reject. So, we have to try feeding him again some time later. becoz of this, we have to bring extra. At times even 4 bottles, if we go JB! So the bag quite heavy! hahaha..

PSH: If that's the case, then better not but thanks anyway. :)

Thanks Whisp for the info.

yep, same as oshgosh. i will bring 2 bottles out, then fill them with room temp water. usually my gal drinks 200+ so i'll fill up with 160ml room temp water. if i'm out longer than expected, i can wash the bottles with the small bottle detergent, and use the hot water from flask to do a final rinse.

mangogal, my fren bought the bag organizers for me for xmas. haha, but i did see them on ebay and gmarket, so can buy from there if not looking for branded. otherwise can also do a search in google for diaper bag organizer. here's 1 link:


thanks for reminder on the socks, i totally forgot. :p

see you all tmrw! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I used to bring my LV reporter bag coz got zips and compartments but too heavy.. So now I just bring long champ or loewe..


7 diapers is a lot !! I usually bring 3 the max..

Halo mummies going to the gym tmr, enjoy and take lots of pics!!

Both daddy and mummy can join in. They don't allow siblings in though. JWT socks is optional when I asked them. Jus in case, u can bring along ya. I rem last week, none of us wore socks in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raspy, I just called them up and asked if there's class at 1pm tmr. The lady mentioned only 10 babies in class, so my boy is the 11th baby. From that, I conclude my boy is in class different from the babies here.

Yes, with the UOB card, the trial is free tmr.

Hey mummies, for the gym trial tomorrow, who is the reservation under? Just wondering what I tell the staff when I arrive tomorrow.. Scared I gong gong, join wrong class also dunno.. haha...

Hello mommies

I think some one here mention putting olive oil on baby's scalp to stimulate hair growth. What kind of olive oil yah?ginvera olive oil?

PSH, the class is 1hr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lee, I've indicated Jenny as the person for the class today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, thanks for recommending the class today.

Quite fun but baby B only had half the fun cos we were there only when half the session was over.

Not sure why he kept looking at other babies instead of playing like the other babies did. I saw one 6.5 months old playing more than baby B did. Maybe I shd sign him up for more activities to expose him.

Hello Mummies,

Little R really enjoyed his class today. He was so excited that he kept wanting to stand up and not sit down. Lovely to see all the mummies and daddies too!

On Diaper Bags, most mummies are usually the ones to buy the diaper bags, however my hubby bought our son's diaper bag. I noticed another daddy carrying the exact same diaper bag as us during the JWT class today as well. It is a green "Skip Hop" brand one. Cos papa bought the diaper bag so most of the time papa has to carry it. =)

Before delivering Baby R, I had my eyes on a kate spade diaper bag too. It looks something like this

http://www.katespade.com/barrow-street-annabel-baby-bag/PXRU2944,default,pd.html?dwvar_PXRU2944_color=001&start=2&cgid=baby-items-baby-bags but has a big ribbon on the front. Saw it at the raffles city store.

Hi hi! Was at the gym session today, was late late late coz of the stupid GPS and traffic jam =S Leah had fun during her short session despite she was whiny and alittle cranky in the car coz lack of sleep. =) Managed to catch up with some mommies and their babies =) took pic with Oshgosh's Leah! =)) Paiseh ah, one mommy approached me and called me by name, and I forgot to ask who's she!! *Faint*


Re inchworm, I asked for a refund from the bp seller and returned the worm. I then bought from isetan Nex the original one. Original price is $29.90, now selling at $19.90. Comes in a box. And plays a music that I cannOT recognize. But it sounds like music of baby toy, unlike the tacky music. But my girl does not seem too interested. Hee Hee

Ok... finally got to see the doctor and... is not teething, but fake measles.

Just for info., doc mentioned this is contagious during the fever (luckily my baby is not in IFC, if not I'll be damn worry for the others as well) ... but when the fever gone, the rashes will be out. The rashes will be itchy & the baby will be uncomfortable. But its good that the rashes out, doc said this mean the body defeated the virus.

Lovebyte, I didn't even notice that someone was carrying the same diaper bag as us. DH bought the green Skip Hop one for family outings since he has to carry the diaper out and he resfuses to carry any of my girly ones.

For myself, I'll carry other diaper bags when I'm out alone with baby.

hello ladies!

moonsky> FAKE measles? first time i heard.. I hope your baby is doing alright...get well soon and take care!

diaper bags> i gv up on my KS one..coz it's so heavy even with nothing inside? I guess if clip to stroller is ok lah but not for carrying around. So end up using an imitation le sportsac..hahahah. But I did buy a nappy wallet from pupsik, quite handy. can put 2-3 pcs of diapers and wipes inside, and usually i will also pack a change of clothes and small plastic bags for emergencies >.<

anyways......just saw the posts up there by Angry Bird and mehky for theiritems for sale. Look like same person, right? Post within minutes of each other AND they are doing it all over the other threads. zzz.

anymore upcoming gym sessions? would like to join, leh!

Hi mummies,

some of us SAHM are interested in going for a trial class at Gymboree. We are looking at going for a play & learn 2 trial on a sunday (so daddies can join) at 1pm slot on 4th september at harbour front centre. Anyone interested to go together?

But this trial is not free likt jwt gym, it is $40 per trial class. If you are interested, pm me name of your baby and your contact number. i will register our babies for the class together! ;)


PLAY & LEARN 2 (6 - 10 MONTHS) Structured play class for the child, done in the play area where the child's motor skills are developed as well as their body strength building through ramps, slides and climbers.



U never heard of fake measles? U are 2nd time mummy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it means u are 1 luckly mummy..

Fake measles are very common nowadays.. And young bb or tot catch them easily.. It comes with very high fever.. An after few days spots will appear..

My e1 caught it at 2yo.. E2 caught it much younger.. And my e2 caught scarlet fever before.. Very scary..

My e1 caught the virus when we were in china and with fever so high we totally hAve not enough medication .. And it went high till 40.5.. And me and hb took turns to sponge him , feed him water.. So scary and ulu ulu part of china with doc that has never seen a ear thermometer ...

Good morning mommies... at the airport now. Would be away in Bangkok for work for a week. You gals take care okie?

Supposed to leave Liz and maid at my FIL's place yesterday for a week, but maid got so badly bullied by my FIL's maid that we had to bring them home in the end. Liz looked so sad when I left the house at 530am. She must be wondering why I'm not playing with her today... gonna miss her.

Moon sky, I think my boy also got fake measles now. But was wondering where he got it from cos he is didmy come into contact with anyone other than me, hubby n maid. We are guessing he probably caught it at the jwt gym last Saturday. Any mummies whose /bb attended d 17 jul class

I've also not heard of fake measles.

Moonsky: How did the dr diagnose that? How does the rash look like? Is it like small rashes or big ones? My friend told me after high fever usually normal to have rash.

Happy Monday everyone!

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

dewdew: go for it! since your friend is there.. so much cheaper loh. lol

jul: i worked in science park. its a bird-wouldnt-lay-egg-place!! wahaha

littlemay: i also have vpost! but they refused to accept my credit card this time round. i think they dont accept international credit card anymore. sianz!

diaper bag: i will have one hot water flask, one small room temperature bottle, 2-3 diapers, 1 set of clothes to change in case of soiling, 2-3 hankies, 1 bib, wet wipes for butt as well as mouth & hands, smelly pillow, pacifier, plastic bag, 1 milk bottle, wallet, keys, tissues and phones... fill up the diaper bag nicely but super heavy!

i will reuse the milk bottle. after each feed, i will wash with tap water then use hot water to sterilise the bottle, follow by wipe dry then can be used for the next feed.

lovebyte: yah, most of us bought the diaper bags ourselves. i dont care wor, i made hubby carry the sweet pink kate spade bag. he did not grumble at all. me bad! lol

moonsky: luckily you brought baby to see pd. hope your boy recovers soon.

littlepig: have your brought your boy to the pd yet?

Morning mummies and daddies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ribena: issit me? hahhaha... I think i was the first to approach.. and i think u look kinda rushed and panting.. I know u replied saying traffc jam.. u must be thinking how come this girl jump and say hi...

moonsky: take care! issit mo tan? measles and mo tan different ma?

Mangogal: really sorry that i cant recognize u.. I know u are very familiar but I dunno ur name.. Now i know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Diaper Bag

1st sub bag for nappies etc:

3 diapers, 3 hankies, 1 bib, 1 set of clothes, 1 pack of wet tissue, nappy cream, changing mat

2nd sub bag for food stuff:

(if only milk feeds) 2 milk bottles half-filled with room temp water, milk powder container, hot water in thermo flash (if we r heading to places where hot water is not accessible), one small bottle of detergent

(if includes solid feed) 1 milk bottle half-filled with room temp water, milk powder container, hot water in thermo flask (if we r heading to places where hot water is not accessible), one small bottle of detergent, small spoon, either dry cereal in bowl with lids or porridge in thermo flask

3rd ziplock bag for comfort items:

chou chou, sophie and a teether with music sound.

Small bag that will hang on the pram for easy excess:

My barang barang like purse, cash, mobile, etc. Leah's water bottle, hanky and hair clip, and pacifier.

I separate everything in small bags coz if say we are just going to drop by a place for only a while and she just had feed in car, we just pull out the 1st sub bag and my small handy bag. If say we are heading to a place and I know I won't be feeding her solid, I will leave the solid stuff in the car. Sometimes I also leave used milk bottle in the car.

Leelee, hehee.. I was thinking if it was you =P No la... I tot I was kinda rude coz I just rush in to let Leah join in. =P Paiseh ah...

ribena: no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i understand.. So its me... **waves waves** btw, leah is sweet...

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Wow what a morning. Alexis had the most painful experience in her 7+ months. She had hard time pooping, then keeps crying. When I took out her diaper, she keeps crying, I can see huge chunks of poo in her butt, then I very bad made more ummm... ummm... sound, then everything comes out, (at least better than it is inside right) This is her 1st constipation. All due to the Butternut and Sweet potatoes we fed over the weekend and we didn't feed her enough water. Poor girl. Heng it is over liao, my colleague suggested me to dig next time. Alamek... Sorry hoh, sounds very gross for morning, but at least her "gold" came out.

I am so jealous of hubby. Now Alexis is officially daddy's girl. Ha!!! ha!!! At least hubby feels more bonded with Alexis.

I reminder him to remember to introduce himself as daddy everytime, cos he didn't do that for Alexis 1st 7 months of her life. Now he is trying to make up for the 7 months. Now he keeps saying," It is daddy who feed you okay" "I am daddy, you are Alexis" "daddy this and that" Alamek...irritating but cute lah.... Ha!!! ha!!!

Littlemay, good for you. I am okay with the "original" Don't want to trouble the BP seller lah. Just learned the lesson now, no more BP stuff now.

Leelee, =D) Your boy boy so cute ah... love his sweet little smile. =))

Stefie, hiyo! Poor Alexis! Does Alexis likes water? I realise Leah don't like to drink water when we feed her on weekends... she knows who to bully! My MIL has no prob with that.

Your hub so funny la... I always intro hub as Papa to Leah, hub in returns, nvr do that! Perhaps that's why she call Papa first. Hmph.. I must do it like your hubby, have to intro myself to Leah.


stefie: aiyooo.. ke lian... but at least its out!! i didnt know sweet potatoes will constipate.. no wonder these few days his poo abit harder.. Butternut? u mean pumpkin? I thought suppose to make them not constipated.. Sweet of your hubby la.. he must have dote on alexis, now that they are more bonded.. Dun worry, alexis will still be mummy and daddy girl..

Ribena: hehe.. Thanks.. Jovan also dun like water... always boo-ing and making himself wet..

Re: papa and mama

My colleagues say bb will know how to call papa and mama rather than mummy and daddy... cuz its much faster to catch.. same sounds..

