(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

my girl also on milk strike sometimes, she will keep turn her head to look around, rejecting the milk. Yesterday noon i fed her 100ml, she only drank 40ml, till 5pm her next feed, in the beginning she is rejecting and turning her head, my mum took over to feed her, and she manage to finish, left a little.

Not sure why recently she seem like cannot concentrate to drink milk, keep turn her head and look around.


Oshgosh, actually my hubby want to go to 福崗 Fukuoka, but I think better not, so going to Seoul. He prefer a place which we never go before. New Zealand, taiwan, also very nice place to go on holiday. We only have no. 1 so still ok, if have 2 will be different. Just enjoy your couple time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] scarly kena no. 3 when only holiday, ha!!! Ha!!!!

Cindy, yes lor, she has all her life to eat solid, so let her enjoy baby time. When abt 6 months will be good to start. Too kan cheong also not good cos her intestines maybe still developing. That was what mrs Wong shared in our anternatal class, my hubby still remember. Better check with her pd before starting.

That plastic thing not cheap. So must make sure clarice likes it. Try mine first lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

candy, u can buy retail outlet at mums n babes for sophie but order is cheaper,stefie can advise hehe

wah Stefie, alexis so xinfu gng holiday liao! So happy for u that the IFC is expanding n new roon for alexis, now u can fangxin liao hor? Hehe n she wont fall sick since new room with better ventilation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw add me in ur fb :p

i will consider bringing bb overseas only when i stop BM... cos really hassle to source for nursing rms... when i went to taipei in Feb w/o bb... i also feel so inconvenience to find suitable pls to express and in end tell my hubby... i will not go "holidaying" if i m still on bm

but hmm.. i goin to KL next mth for a weekend w/o bb cos attending wedding dinner... but at least i think better in control cos its more like meeting up and eat the dinner and then bk to SIN... just that now i cannot anyhow throw away the EBM liao... need to do research on how to store the milk liao...

stefie, if can delay i will lor haha, anw no urgency :p

haha i will let Clarice try if got chance, np [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

otherwise if buy in shop i dun think can try also hehe...

when will yr travel dates to Seoul be?

btw, any mummies using VTech Animal Friends Nursery Rhymes Book?

i'm lazy mummy so tot can buy n let it read to my baby :p

rachel, i think its easier to go holiday with baby when bfing, latch baby on anytime anywhere in the sling, i dun need a nursing room :p

cindy> hee... i didnt have a sling .. last weekend went to ikea and first time try latching bb outside..lucky got nursing room but i occupy the room for 30 mins i think! hee.. lucky no one inside and i need not to wait... if not i wonder where else i can feed bb...


i bought my 1st one out when she was 3and half mths, i bring the electric pump, table for sterilizing and just sterilize em in the hotel sink and everything was fine. Just need getting used to.

Also we travel out at 8ish 9,with the milk in the cooler bag, and come back to the hotel to nap at1, then i pump again and then out when e lil one wakes from nap and back to hotel around 8.

I agree with cindy, i find its so much easier to go out during bf,as i can latch on as and when.

I travelled every fw mths with my no 1, and by the time she starts semi solid when we were in taipei,its such a hassle,as i gotta bring the portable cooker to make her porridge,and have to bring cutleries for her .

With no2, now i also latch on with a normal blanket,sometimes whn i am lazy to dig out the nursing cover!

I dread when my babe eats solid again,as i have to mince,cook,mash everthing. Its so much easier now that they just drink breastmilk.

2nd time mom syndrome,cos we have seen it all. When i train my no1 to eat herself when she turned 1, i have to place a big cloth, or disposable canvas mat below the high chair as she ll fling her food all over. luckily it only lasted 2mths, and she fed herself at 15mths,amen.

And alot of my sahm has told me that if no1 eats everything,not with no2,and my no1 is easy with travelling,sleeping anywhere and eating anything,but no2 has shown sign of not being able to sleep properly except at home. finger cross.

Mum when the babe gets bigger, i recommend a cloth harness seat ,called baboz, i find it really good when we travel to places that cant find high chair easily.


I bought mine 3yrs ago when my 1st one was 5mthsplus old and able to seat upright properly at suntec children section.

Hey stefie, the sq baby blanket I have too. It's by givenchy. But find it a bit too warm for our climate u less in aircon.

I'm slowly bringing her out. Starting with nearby areas and for short time. I must make sure she can sit in her stroller. I got back problem so can't carry too long. I find it troublesome to look for nursing room also. My baby a bit fussy, or distractible. New place a lot of things to see cannot drink properly. So always a bit hesitant. I usually feed already then bring her out. Or feed in the car.


choi choi! no number 3 for me, i'll kill my hub if that happens, haha..


i have that book, its quite good, but they still too young to really appreciate it..

i also dunno how to entertain my baby.. she suddenly seems to want more attention, last time still can lie there and entertain herself but these few days she want people to "talk" to her..

and she can "talk" so loud and so long, very funny...

my poor hub has missed all her "talking", being away for the last week.. 3 more days before he's back, hope she'll continue "talking" heh..

rachel, can try using scarf also, but baby's weight will be on yr arms :p

coz when i go out with baby she's most of the time in my sling unless hub carry her..

how come yr baby feed so long? mine only max 10mins haha! sometimes i wonder if shes taking in enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i think when my baby starts semi solid i going to just bring the heinz bottled food, much easier haha! or maybe i'm just plain lazy :p

amuro, my girl also difficult to slp except at home...

is there anything we can do to help them slp better outside?

oshgosh, haha! mine also siao siao one, can either self entertain by talking or need me to talk to her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i tot of getting the book and just on for her since it states 9mths+ haha...

sometimes she requires too much attention that i can hardly do anything haiz..

i guess yr #1 use it at a later stage?

Sam, thanks for sharing, the blanket will be good for her IFC[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you, take your time to vantage out since you are SAHM. Do share with us your success hoh, we wil cheer for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, baby very hong xin now, easy distracted. Have to be super patient. Even at home when I feed Alexis, she will talk to me then head turn here and there. Ha!! ha!!!

Oshgosh, then ask your hubby to talek hoh. Ha!! ha!!! Holiday very easy to kena jackpot one cos too relax and too happy. Ha!! ha!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiring hoh to entertain super talkative and hyper baby. When I was on my ML, she seems to be craving for attention, heng now back to work, can take a breather, st night bond with her not so tired. Thanks to her teachers. Be a IFC teacher not easy, must be very patience, have passion, lots of energy.

wah Stefie, Alexis so xinfu gng holiday liao! So happy for u that the IFC is expanding n new roon for alexis, now u can fangxin liao hor? Hehe n she wont fall sick since new room with better ventilation btw add me in ur fb :p

Is Korea baby pram friendly? Maybe u need a carrier to travel ard[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: fukuoka is nice.. and infamous for their raw horse meat.. next trip bah.. hehehe..

rachel: storing bm while traveling needs alot of preparation.. do surf around, there are some experience worth knowing, but really tons of hassles.. i throw all the bm away during my biz trip, the only good thing i could think about is i didn't need to sterilise the bottle.. hahaha..

oshgosh: does your hubby calls back to talk to bb when he is away? my hubby says zaizai looked cute when he searched for me when he heard my voice.. so, everyday, I'll "talk" to him.. but somehow, after 2-3 days, he kinda don't search around anymore.. but when i came back, he still remembers me! and he smiled widely.. hehehe.. made me comforted to prepare for the next trip.. :-D



I couldnt wait for the weekend, set up the tub and let my girl try. Initially she was a bit apprehensive when I dipped her feet (maybe water was a bit cold), then slower let go. She thoroughly enjoyed it!

Now she is sound asleep when I was just about to bring her out ..hmmm

good investment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking about having patience, i will lose my cool at baby at times. Especially when not feeling well. Really feel bad about it. But at that moment cannot take it. My hubby always nit in town and I'm alone so got so many chores to do and look after her really very difficult cope. How you all handle your own emotions ah?

Samantha> Just have to learn to let some things go...laundry can always be done another day, and you can always eat out. Prioritize your well-being so that you can look after your baby.

Also, don't be afraid to let baby cry while you go have a shower, you don't have to drop everything the moment baby cries. Just make sure baby is in a safe place.

If you're breastfeeding and feeling tired, you can just lie down on the bed with baby and nurse side lying down and zzz together.

Remember to be kind to yourself! Come chat with the ladies here more often :p

Roz, thanks for the advise. Think sometimes just need a breather from things. My hubby also ask me don't do the chores. But I very particular leh. Ha ha ha, really should learn to let it go.


I agree with roz must let things go. Household chores like mopping, cleaning, wash toilet, laundry etc all can wait. Just focus on bb n yr immediate needs. When bb sleep u either nap or relax, watch tv, surf net etc so tat when bb wake u r ready to go again. Bb nap time is not for u to catch up on housework :p

DbAby/ Debbie: my boi likes to scratch head also and face and ears... Keke Sometimes see him so xin Ku like that itchy. Cradle cap so serious gosh but mine flakes a lot but scalp will be ok after that.

Stefie: will try to bring bb out more often but will feel v stressed every time I bring him . Have to bring tonnes of things out my hubby say like moving house. Haha whole car full. Great holiday for u in Seoul lots to shop and eat

Stefie : btw that is a great foldable chair you've got... Wow another item on the list keke getting longer liao


Fukuoka is nice.. I been there many times..

But japan not safe now.. Korea is bettter .. We plan to go in June or july after japan's tragedy

Sack a seat

I have but it has to depend what kind of chair..

grumpus> thanks for the link... but wonder should i invest in the fridge to go...

bubbly7> cant dispose cos my ss limited... so have to keep as much as i can...

my pil took my bb to east coast walk walk yest n according to them.. bb like v stiff n stay still when at beach... mayb seldom go out so like "suan ku"... haha...

rac> probably! he must have been enjoying the breeze haha

anyways, Dec MTBs, anyone interested to buy this set of weaning bibs? I bought them during the Mothercare fair, 3 sets for $50. Have too many bibs now >.<. Unisex design. Normal RP $25

$15 with normal post, or I'm going Sengkang on Sunday so can drop off also.

PM if keen! Thank u thank u!



E Sq

I am with OK with gathering on cuming Mon.. So potluck??

I will be bringing BB... Update me if gathering confirmed..


Me too.. I also haf to bring tons when out with BB.. A bit scared to be alone with BB with/without stroller cos i always wonder hw to go toilet?!? Hahahah =)


Enjoy ur trip.. I hope to haf good rates for Club Med near yr end & make it happen...

Sack a seat

I also haf, specially buy for use in taiwan but end up nt using. End up most of the chairs without back support & those with back support gt BB chairs...

mummies, brought reyes to see pd. He had running nose (hub passed to him) and pd has to use a tube to insert into both nostril and throat to suck out the mucus.. He cry till so ke lian but I cannot be soft heart la cos is for his good. Pd says if mucus not remove, long run will lead to bronchitis. Also given sea salt to wash out his mucus..

Esquare, coming monday?? that means i gotta bring bb le cos mum not back yet. Will be there if he gets better otherwise, i'll give it a missed.

cereal, pd says can only give cereal when my boy reaches 6mth or the earliest 5.5mth. So no hope of undisturb sleep at night ;(

Mummies, my boy had high fever just now. Rushed him to KK just now. Sigh. Cradle cap infection caused a fever. Now he so cranky. And feeding him medicine is like war.

Debbie : poor thing take care. Doc will give the syringe? If not can buy at pharmacy...should be easier to feed

Parklon and LG

What is the difference ah?

Jc bb, ya got give syringe. My boy eat medicine until he try to make himself puke out the medicine. Haiyo.. Thankfully the fever subsided alr. Doctor say may come back though. Praying that all will be fine from now!

Hi all,

looking to sell some brandnew clothes



Brandnew mothercare shorts cum bloomers. 2pc/pack selling for $12 (Free postage) Bought it at $21, (bought the wrong size and cut the tag already so selling at low cost) comes with hanger. size 6-9mths.


Brand new mothercare Soft sole shoes. size up to 9mths. 3 pairs for $18 or $7 per pair. Retails at $28/3pairs


Brandnew Combi socks with anti-slip soles. length measures 9-12cm unstretched.

Selling 4 pairs for $10 or 6 pairs for $14.

(Free postage)


Brandnew Max-kool baby Sets (Top/skirt in white or Top/bloomer in pink) Selling each set for $6. retails at $6.90-8.90 per pc.

(note:these are washed but not worn)



Brandnew Disney baby pyjamas set. Selling each set for $10. retails at $18.90/set. size 0-6mths. 2 designs (ladybird or stripes)

please PM me if interested. thanks.

giving FOC postage for $10 and above

hello dec mums!

I'm a Dec mum too! am totally new to this forum. Hoping to meet more new friends, so registered to join. My hubby is currently working overseas (since i was preggy and till-to-date...), so hoping to meet new friends where I can learn and share experience with. For info, I gave birth to my bb gal on 16 Dec. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Neko


I am new to this forum too. It will be nice to share experiences and learn interesting things here.


rainbow> wah give sea salt. your pd teach you to make own saline nose drops? anyways hope everyone gets well soon.

jc_bb> LG supp to be better quality and are thicker..and all sorts of things about being non-toxic (parklon also, but LG got certifications i believe).

I just realised my playmat is LG lol..my parents bought a parklon, should go and compare the quality see if the difference is noticeable. I received my playmat as a gift..from Small2 World. Gift packaging comes in a carrier bag with a big red ribbon

My parents bought another one from World of Korea, which came in a box. I think they are slightly cheaper and super fast to deliver. Tonight pay, tomm noon send liao.

neko> welcome welcome!

actually i also considered relative newcomer to the forum but i just jumped in never bother to intro haha...anyways I got a girl 4 yrs old this year and a boy 20 Dec. Supposed to be late Dec but we had a bit of complication so pushed the date up.


the FB group is under December 2010 MTBs, you can request to join then from there u can slowly add in all the mummies one by one..



Any difference in texture bet parklon and LG?I went kiddypalace and saw that they sell parklon but not sure if it's the same 'parklon' from smallsmallworld. The 'parklon' from kiddypalace feels quite light.

Neko> yah the bumper playmats are much heavier, with tapered edges. Not foam type material like the kiddypalace parklon.

Roz, nope. She prescribe him with a btl of medicine to reduce phelgm, btl of sea salt to spray into both nostril and btl of drip for nose blocked.

Hi Mummies

So tired, yesterday bought Darius to see PD surgeon for his lumps and he did a incision and drainage procedure on the spot to remove his 2 lumps, so heartpain. Darius was still lying there looking ard innocently when suddenly the nurse started spraying and the doc was very fast too with his cut, after that he took a metal spoon like thingy to dig and scoop out the pus. OMG, my boy was crying like mad and I so heartpain, felt like crying too. Wanted to take leave today to care for him but can't cos need to rush something at work. Luckily, he is doing fine at my mum's place, just bought him back aft work. Hopefully his wound heals quickly. But very sian at work, my work got rejected totally and i need to re-do over the weekend to submit to my boss on Mon. some more, mon afternoon got to take leave to bring Darius for review at Geneagles.

Rena, Oshgosh- Wish I did not have to work! then I could join in your gatherings ;)

Oshgosh - you going back to work soon ?

Stefie- envy you, going to Korea, the faceshop cheap cheap there man...

muddypaws, Debbie,

my baby is 16 weeks now. Will be exactly 4 mths old this coming Monday. Ya that's what I told myself, but can't help but worried. By right, Xavier should be at least 6.6kg, twice his birth weight.

TenQ, Roz,

my boy have mild reflux according to the PD, and he said it should correct itself by 4-5 mths.. so it's true then! i shall wait patiently for this to happen. He is still spitting up milk now, can be anything from just a few drops to almost 1/4 of his feed!


baby gals are supposed to be lighter than baby boys, so i think 5.5kg is okie. As long as double birth weight by 4mths should be alright bah..


yup my boy is with My First Skool. I like it for the teacher-baby ratio of 1:3 instead of 1:5 that MCYS has set as guideline. and yes, teachers there are lovely. They give feedback on the baby everyday, including funny things they did that day. When Xavier is 18mths i will probably find another child care nearer my house le. This current one still like 8mins drive away from my place.

they actually allow windows to be open for the sleeping area ah? The teachers at my side told me they try not to open, especially sleeping area, scared unclean air may come in, or loud noises etc. coz it's located at HDB void deck. I also prefer my boy get fresh air also.

re: milk strike

wah, seems like a lot of baby is on milk strike now. Is this somehow related to their age? But I try to stop myself from forcing him, although I'm worried about his weight. My PD warn me that babies may develop a fear or dislike for feeding if we force them. So every time i feed him, i get frustrated.


Hope your baby is okie now. The last time Xavier had only mild fever from vaccination we already so kan chiong. Can imagine your anxiety...


rachel: if can't dispose then u may consider fridge on the go. Depends on where u will be traveling to. the best fridge on the go i found on net abt 10hrs, but review says they do not stay cold that long. For my case really troublesome, will have to arrange to freeze in hotel's freezer on daily basis, get ppl to deliver dry ice the day departing for home n bring them home. One trip abt a week, storage is really a problem, so i took the chance to tunaround my ebm in home freezer. Surf ard n u shall be able to bring them back :)

Sharon: poor darius.. He'll be a stronger tiger after this.. Work hard, but must take care babe!

