(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

mango - thanks for the pic, will look for it tomoro... i want more milk!!!!

Debbie - woo hoo way to go!!! keep us updated! and enjoy the whole process as much as u can ya!

milo and cherry - sama sama!!! we have girls with personality sia... at least we know next time they won't allow themselves to be bullied!! hahah... my kaelyn also sometimes screams til her whole face turns red... machiam like we abuse her like that... but of course we never lah... i'm praying hard that this is a phase that'll pass.

crystal - wah your boy good leh can sleep so long. u get more downtime for yourself ;) maybe it's a boy thing heheh, crying not macho mah..


re: bathing

I bathe zaizai only once a day when sun is upright coz he's so afraid of cold. He cried very loud the 1st time getting softer as he get used to it. But he still very gancheong tge moment i nd to put him in the tub, he'll suck on his thumb vigorously, very cute!

Shirley: which hosp u will be delivering? In tmc, they'll teach u how to use pump if u bring along. Sterilised pump can be kept for just 24hrs i was told. But they can provide sterilising tablet if u ask. Just nd to bring a container big enuf to dump ur pump n bottles in.


U haf a very good supply n glad tt u r handling BF & No.1.. Hw i wished i cld haf BF & pacify No.1 at the same time but seems tough. Jia you!! Envy u..


Me too.. If nvr burp my boy well, also will haf the same prb.. Must burp properly, or when i put him down to sleep, he will vomit a bit of milk. (jus a little bit trickling down frm side of his mouth).. Normal la.. So long the vomit is not a lot n projectile..


Jia you!!

Crystal: According to my PD, feed the baby on demand. Don't wake him/her to feed. My gynae said the same thing when I asked her the other day.

Cherry: When my baby is not pacified after a long while sometimes when I'm changing him and maybe he feels cold he'll cry and scream till his face all red and like the lungs want to burst. I think its normal.

Shirley: Best to bring in case you need to pump. If borrow from hospital then they'll charge.

Dbaby: I think my boy comes out one teaspoon to a table spoon cos he GLUPS the milk from the breast. U can hear the glurk glurk sound like I STARVE him like that... hahah

yalor, crystal... really stress lor whenever she cry.. cannot stop de. then will scream, then will go burst her lungs.

lovebyte, dont knw leh, diaper checked, milk jus drank, aircon 26deg, im carrying her, she still can scream so tats why thought is colic le. it seems tat she's v uncomfy. when hb tried to put her on her tummy down, she let out a HUGE burp and she fell asleep immediately. really hope tats the reason and probably the colic medicine will help her

Yvaine, hahha ya I tink not macho hor hahah so he does t cry much haha.

Lovebyte, should not wake him arh but he slept for 4 hours straight le normally he will wake up every 2-3 hours just today he slept thru. All Of wondering y.

O today we weigh Ethan and he is 4.2kg now.

cindy: i think waterbag will need gynae to break as well. dont think i will go through those 3 symptoms. wahaha

bloom may: my edd is 12 dec. end of the week will be the ultimatum given by my gynae cause he doesnt want to jeopardise both princess and my health and safety.

but thus far, did your gynae mention anything about your cervix, or any dilation?

shirley: great, you will be seeing your little one soon. jia you!

eoneon>> gynae mentioned cervix still not quite softened.. so gonna wait till 19/11..

normally how many tries of induction will they try before deciding on c-sect? coz he mentioned after inserting the tablet, must wait to up to 6 to 12 hrs for dilation to take place, if fail can try another round... tink max up to 3x and also depends on bb condition..


its tough sometimes, but at least for now, no 2 is still immobile,so i can pay attention to 1.Also my older one likes her sis to be around when she plays,so sometimes while bf no 2, i ll play with no1,like drawing,or read story books.

Its tiring sometimes, cos no 1 wants only me to put her to sleep,so my hub will look after no2,or feed her and after she sleeps, i ll have to pump, then wake up again 4,5hrs later depending on how engorge my breast and pump again. And the cycle goes on everyday.

But for sure next yr when no2 is mobile, and depending on how sticky both sis are by then, i ll have to consider putting my no1 to fullday care.So i wont zonk out as we wont want to have maid,rather used that extra money for the 2girls daily necessities.

I was induce thrice for my 1st one. Tablet, breakwaterbag and drip.

But if baby heartbeat drop in between,will have to do emergency c section if have not fully dilated.

I was lucky for this no2, when her heartbeat suddenly drop, i was fully dilated and ready to push.

Bloom_may, csec is 3 nights stay.

Can't sleep. Worried abt life after CL leaves. My FIL showing signs tt he is naggy and cannot take bb crying. He said tt cannot use tissue to wipe bb's cheeks coz tissue is dirty. Must use cotton balls. Is that true? Now I wish I can be a SAHM so tt I dun have to worry abt all these in laws issue.

Eon..ya..really glad I can see him soon!!! Excited plus nervous leh!!

Bubbly..I'm delivering at tmc..think I better bring my own pump then don't need to rent from hospital..amuro says the nurse will teach me how to use the pump..

I kept thinking why they need to clear bowel for csect?? Cos my op is 1pm then they say no food from 6am onwards..then why still need to clear our bowels leh?? No food then got things to clear meh?! Haha..

Just fed bb... Took over night feeding so my mum can rest...

Tenq: usecotton ball better cos tissue very rough... E cotton ball dap with lukewarm warm, squeeze e excess out than wipe.

yvaine, your little one is not alone. Mine sometimes can cry/scream until the face turned into as red as tomato.

Made me really panic especially when i'm doing midnight shift, no time to heat up EBM and have to go for FM.

muddypaws, mine love to soak in the bathtub if the temperature is warm enough. Sometimes can even fall asleep while we are in the midst of washing her up.

Bubbly7, we have a Pigeon bottle and food warmer. It takes around 15 mins for warming @ 40 degree (strongly recommended so as not to risk deterioration of nutrients found in BM) Even though we can do the same for around 5 mins @ 70 degree.

Hi mummies! I gave birth yesterday night to my baby boy!! Natural with epi and vacuum. It was tough to push! Made hubby feel heartpain. Long labour of about 15 hours. Really thank God for watching over me and my baby and my hubby. We almost went for emergency c-sect but thank God dilated faster towards end and baby was lower. Will update my birth story and photo whenever possible. Take care mummies!! Jiayou to those who have not popped! I am hoping to latch my baby later as I could not latch just now due to me puking and being giddy and baby not hungry.

Congratz Angel and Debbie!! Make sure hubby or nurse are around you at all times when moving around. My wife passed out for a couple of seconds after getting up from the toilet bowl, fortunately I was there to hold on to her.

Debbie, congrats! Enjoy your precious time with bb now!

Rainbow, really ah? Ok will stop using tissue then.

Shirley, I fast for 6hrs still got things to clear leh. Food takes time to pass through the body mah. They will ask what time u last cleared your bowels. If it's some time ago they will still insert the liquid to help u clear. I didn't find it painful. I think it'd better coz after csec u won't be able to shit until a few days later.

yugal: i see... Avent's r faster, bring to 40degC in 3 mins...

Debbie: u made it! Congratulations... Well done, n now wait to feed bb with ur golden drop ya! Welcome to beautiful journey of motherhood! :)

Debbie, congratulations! Just three days ago we were wondering when our precious ones will arrive and now you've popped! Very happy that your little prince has been delivered safe and sound! Take good care of yourself and don't stress about bf, you will be able to feed him soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Debbie congrats! Angel, welcome and congrats to u too!!

Teng, ya use cottonball..to wipe newborn face and eye

Anyone of ur bb gt sticky eyes? My boy eye gt yellowish discharge for 2 or 3 days liao...hopefully will goes away...

Debbie congrats!!!

Mummies tat c- sect, when do u start yr massage? Hopefully i can start next week.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi debbie,

congrats! take care and rest well.

hi angel,

welcome and congrats on ur promotion to mummy status [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi rainbow,

my massage lady said that those who have c-sect can start massage from wk 3 onwards but then cannot massage tummy area. can only do full massage in about 6 months time.

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

bloom may: for induce, it depends on you and baby's condition bah. gynae was advise accordingly de.

as for csection, it depends, some stay for 3 days, some stay for 4 days.

angel: welcome and congrats ^_^

debbie: congrats! you have embarked on the journey to motherhood liao. jia you!

yugal: ya, Avent's pretty fast.. they don't overwarm, they bring up the temperature.. got 6 combinations: milk bottle in room temp, chilled or frozen and food container in room temp, chilled or frozen..

hello all,

debbie & angel: congrats!!! rest well and speedy recovery!

re: screaming

gwen's had a few scream episodes too, suddenly jerk awake from sleep screaming til face goes red. i put it to nightmare... maybe dreamt that her milk supply suddenly gone? lol... anyway, quite scary the 1st time it happened but now used to it.

re: bathing

gwen bathes once a day, and like bubbly, it'll be when the sun's up and hot so as to avoid catching a cold. currently mum's helping with the bathing (thank goodness!) - i will only learn after confinement.

re: massage

i went to see dr woody yday, he told me no massage for 1 month. so i can only start next month.


can only keep heated ebm for 1hr. after that must throw.

mangogal, i went to buy the tong1 cao3 yday. mum helping to brew now, hopefully it works for me!


i'm sooooo freaking tired!!! after her midnight feed last nite, gwen still showed signs of hunger so we fed some more, turned out we overfed and she puked out the milk. then we had to change her clothes & she refused to sleep after. this dragged until 3:30, and when she finally dozed off, a huge truck drove past and was so noisy she jerked awake again. it went downhill from then on, she only slept in 15mins intervals, and would wake up crying or fidgeting. came to a point i put her on my bed and dozed whenever she did. didn't sleep much and now pumping milk, hoping bm production would increase again. the current supply is not enuf for the little milk monster!

Good morning mommies and daddies.

Thanks for your support on BM, now supply still low, but at least she is drinking some BM.

Finally can sit long (without pain on my V wound) and have asked hubby to bring the computer out of the nursery (used to be our entertainment room)

Milk supply still can't meet ALexis demends, sometimes i latch her for 1 hour, she still cries for milk, so in the end BM + FM 50ml each feed. At least she poo after drinking BM, she didn't poo for 4 days till we visited PD on Monday morning, where PD gave her some stuff to loosen her poo.

I am taking things easy, no point getting upset about my supply, FM+BM seems to be okay for ALexis, she will still asked me to latch on and suckle. She also finds it soothing to latch on.

COngrats, Angel and debbie, do rest more[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Epi + break Waterbag :-

I find this is really God's sent. I have 16 hrs labour cos induced. Nothing after insert the pills till 7 hrs only dilates 1 cm. The pain comes when Dr Woody broke my water bag. The decided on Epi cos the nurse suggested the pain would be much worst once on drip. Happy for 5 hrs after epi, then feel like pushing, then every prepare stuff and Baby was pushed out within 5 pushes.

Mommies thinking of Epi, please go ahead. It really save you alot pain and save your energy till the end.

Bubbly, so happy for you finally zai zai is home. Do enjoy your bonding with him[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, thanks alot for your support[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Really Motherhood is really tough. At night me super alert, day time can't sleep. Ha!! ha!!! 1 day the most I slept is 3 hrs. But still can go on. Even hubby also like me, being parents really weida.

I am also having baby blues, i still cry for no reason. Just take it as it is learning curve for me, hubby and Alexis, see her so cheeky sometimes really put smile back to me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, don't stress yourself, no good. I think maybe your EDD is wrong, just take it easy okay. Cheyenne will be in your arms in no time. If needed to do c-section, just do it, cos induction is very long process, it may ended up in emergency csection, which you may need to go thro 2x the pain. Jia you, do call me if you need someone to talk to[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you mommies and daddies, we have being thro the 9 months, now is the start of new stuff. Don't give up and be positive, everything will be smooth smooth one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, do get upset okay, do rest more while the CL is with you. You still have few months to bond with her. Jia you.

Dec_Mum, yes the Kid's clinic jab are ex, we decided to go to the Northest clinic (the GP beside Dr Woody clinic) Much cheaper and less queue. The Kid's clinic queue is quite bad yesterday cos Dr Lim out of town. Mybe looking for another PD soon. Can't imagine need me to queue for 7 hrs when Alexis is sick.

Mommies, do cry if you need to. But don't get too upset, it is just our body way of getting back our life. Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, poor u try to catch up on ur sleep today? i tink nite time u give FM to bb will help her to sleep longer? do u keep a record of how much milk bb drinks at 1 feed? if u do you can consider increasing it she may be more full and will sleep thru.

stefie, good to noe that u having some BM now and yes it makes sense to supplement with FM. i also do that for ethan at nite it helps him sleep longer and less disturbed sleep so he is not cranky. the blues will last for a while but it does get better. Hang in there gal. you and hubby will make it

Dew, my gynae also says can massage 1 mth later cos we csect. So i'll do it after a mth.. Better be safe than sorry... Last night told over e feeding from my mum for e first time.. And it's WOW!! Very tiring...

Debbie, congrats! Welcome to the club ;)

Stefie, me cry over little things, just had a shouting match with hubby last Sat on our wedding anniversary! i put it down to our emotions.

Dewdew, my Darius also always scream till his face turns super red, see ald so heartpain....

Btw I asked hubby to buy detinox for him yesterday, just gave him this morning.

Do mummies here feed medication using syringe? And how do u do it? put it directly into the bottle to draw out? But won't it contaminate the whole bottle? I asked CL to pour out into a spoon first then use the syringe to draw out, she insisted that its ok to draw out from the bottle.

Stefie-sorry,can chk wf u watt kinda stuff did ur pd give alexis to loosen her stools? Oral or insert via anus? My having jaundice thus got to stop bm n give fm time being,but her poo pattern fr 2-3times a day become once,and nth yet for today... I desperately mid her to poo so tat her jaundice can drop farther...


has your milk stopped? mine still have though i am taking flu medi to dry the supply.


hows baby and yourself getting on? do update us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. dandruff

anyone having this problem. i got alot of dandruff though i wash my hair on alternate days. really desperate to solve this itchy hair and dandruff problem.. anyone can help?

andrea, i also have dandruff i flaking like snowing like that... super gross... and its like just touch onli it flakes.. siggghhh... i also wash my hair i wonder if its cos of the herb i use for bathing.


It's ok to draw out coz it does not go to the bb's mouth direct ..

God's child

If bb drinking fm, poo poo only 1 time a day or some times 2days 1 time.. Bb with jaundice should take fm.. That was what happen to my 2 boys..


How's everything?


Is it shampoo problem? Coz confinement time our scalp very oily.. I bought Ginger shampoo to stop the oil..

Eon eon,

I think if u are worried , why dun go for c sec.. Just 1 time suffering.. Rather then emergency c sec then two parts pain..

mummies with older kids,

are you taking care of the kids yourselves? can share your schedule and any tips on how to handle both the elder one and the baby? Anyone considering to send the elder kid to childcare thereafter?


My milk ss seems to haf 'slowed' down.. Do feel the let down at times but nt engorged. Still gt small pcs of lump tt i jus massage off once a day to express out.. Tts all..

Btw my neighbour is KKH, she help me ask abt stopping milk ss. She say dun pump to relieve hardness, instead use hand to express..

Can take flu med to stop supply???


I also used the syringe to draw out frm btl all the while..

Another worrying episode

Tis mornin arnd 3am DS vomit milk again after choking on saliva in his slp.. Chng him n settle him then its time for his feed. So fed him again, but only drank 40ml. Burped him, carry a while before putting him on bed. He fuss a lil, stretches n then all the milk came out again. Brought to KKH again. Again said there's nothing wrong n worry cld be stuffy nose or overfed..

Base on DS, only supposed to drink max 80ml n nt more. Bt he wans 70-100ml per feed, depending. So nw with the drop in milk, i am having a hard time coaxin him to slp as he is nt contented!! Argghhh.. Seems like never-ending prb!!!

Hi Sharon, take it easy. Now maybe do something to get away from the blues. Like any hobby or watch tv. Hubby said must get away sometimes. If not would be super stress from parenthood.

God's child, pd insert some gel into her anus. Then within few mins she pooed Liao. Juadice - my Sinseh said cannot take Ginger for 1st 6 days cos it will make it worst, so hubby never put Ginger into my food these few days.

E square, I am good. Just very tired yet on alert mode the whole day serving Alexis needs, Heng hubby help out. If not I will be siao liao. Hubby also bath her every morning.

Crystal, yes leh. Alexis gets very hungry easy if just giving her bm. We also feed more fm at night so can tahan 4 hrs. If not would wake up every 2 hrs just to latch her.

Dbaby, isit due to reflux problem?

Stefie, good to see u back in forum...can ask ur hb go n buy tong cao to boost milk supply..

Actually ginger dont cause jaundice...i hv been taking everyday but my boy jaundice is mild..but what is Alexis jaundice level, isit high? Just make sure u suntan her every morning, u are very bless with a supportive and hands on hubby, jiayou[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharon, it is normal to hv some argument with ur hb...do communicate more cos 1st time parents bound to hv some tension...u take care =)


Ya, doc suspect tt or cld be overfed or also cld be his 'stomach' not so matured n deep thus will vomit if choke straight after feed. Also asked us to burpes him more freq, not just after feed as we r btl feeding him nw.

Luckily his colic nt so bad nw. Nw we very stress if he nvr burp.. First worry is whether he will vomit again, second worry is whether will get colic again..

Tis boy been so worrying.. Been going in and out of KKH many times. During the day, middle of nite.. We r very tired!!

Tis sat is his full month.. I hope he dun get too over 'excited' with the crowd. Jus family & uncles & aunties & some of my close frens.. Really challenging man..


Aiyo then in that case...as what I heard before 'stomach shallow'...but this prob occurs after u intro bottle, that time u latch him on gt vomit prob? U try to give him less amt of milk but frequent feed when he is hungry if no choice..to prevent him vomit, ya tackle the colic problem 1st so that the vomit will nt get worse..u take care HUGS[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dewdew, try to swaddle Gwen well at nite so that she wont be startled easily n wakeful?

Sleep in aircon n close the window n curtain so wont be too noisy...it takes weeks to settle the irratic sleeping problem...my gal was startled easily too and took us 2 or 3 mths to settle her sleeping problem

Sharon: I buy sterile syringe from pharmacy so I insert it into the bottle to draw out the medicine. I dispose it after use. Very wasteful but better to be on the safe side.

hi mommies, like eoneon and a few others, i'm also still waiting and unpopped. really can't help feeling more restless and antsy as the days pass!

saw doc this morning, 2cm dilated and another cervix stretch was done (both doc and i of opinion that bb shd come out sooner rather than later; edd few days away). am told may go into labour any time today or next few days. now i'm feeling quite crampy but dunno if these are just the usu post-ve cramps or if something may in fact be happening liao. so kancheong even though this is my 2nd bb...

hi lush velvet, like u, i'll also have 2 after i pop. i'm completely on my own and hoping that things will somehow work out!


do you use shampoo? or just washing with herbs?


what ginger shampoo is that? is it from newmummy spree? i use normal dandruff shampoo cos of the dandruff, like worst now. i bot the warming shampoo with dewdew they all, not sure if it helps with the oil control or not. btw, how are u feeling? blood pressure ok?


can, can ask gp for sudafed. my gp also said it will help to dry up the milk. my massage lady has been helping me to massage and hand express out the milk so that i wont have engorgement.


Lush Velvet,

I have a 3yrd old. She used to be in fulldaycare previously,but after fallin sick most time and always having fever and runny nose, i switch her back to halfday since i am a sahm.

I prep my daughter about the arrival of her sis prior , so she took to her new sibling very well.

My schedule- My daughter goes to halfday from 9am to 130pm. So i make us of that morning to latch on , rest or just bond with the 2nd one.

When the older one is back at 130, i ll bring the 2nd one to her room (theres an extra cot) and lay her there and play with e older one, if 2nd one is hungry i ll just latch her on and continue to do whatever things i am doing with my 1st one as she is ok with it.

Then 1st one sleep at around 230 and so is the 2nd one and i ll nap or surf the net like now,or pump for night feed.

Then 1st one wakes up around 430,5pm,i ll bring the 2nd one again to her room to play with her or my 1st one i ll carry her to my room and watch cartoon while 2nd one happily snooze in her cot in my room,or latch on.

This will continue till about 6plus when my husb is back. He will then bath and entertain the 1st one in her room or we both play with her with the 2nd one in her room after dinner,around 9pm ill pump again for night feed. Then i ll go settle the 1st one to sleep at around 10pm.

If i dont pump at 9pm ,i ll pump at 12am for the night feed. And i ll pump again at about 6-7am.And latch on in e morning till dinner time,.

So far, so good.


my 2nd one also have sticky stuff on her eyes, it happens to my 1st one too, its common as they are not used to our "dusty" environment at home sometimes, or sometimes cot linen might be dusty for their eyes.

My avent warmer can warm milk in 3mins,so its pretty fast.

Yes, my flaky scalps is back, is due to our food intake,plus also i dont wash my hair daily compared to my 1st one now adays,just herbal bath and shower.Now i think i washed my hair every 3,4days and its disgusting me.

Congrats debbie.

Moms, baby have growth spurt , and it occurs around 1week old, 2months,4 mths and around 6mths.

Means they ll demand more feeding time,but usually it stops after a week or more. Dont worry.

My girl also been latching on more often this week. And this happened to my 1st one too.

