(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Eoneon, I will ensure that she got enough rest and tonic to replenish back her blood lost. Doc did mention that 1 pack of blood request 1 month to replenish back her energy....hum..she take 5 pack .....that mean 5month.. I have been doing all the feeding, changing and bathing while my in law doing the cooking and taking care of my wife. So far she still can't get off from bed for long, she joke that bb is closer to me know, cos she will only stop crying when i'm around...lol..

Psh, I believe in normal situation they are ok, but in term of emergency, not all are experience and able to handle the situation.

Eg, I told the nurse that my wife sis still bleeding badly after 1 hours, her reply, is normal and never even check on her.

2) when doc heng return to c my wife at 730pm, she ask the nurse whether she check my wife pressure, she reply yes. But the actually fact, she never do so as my wife is vomiting and created a mass in the room.

3) doc heng call the same nurse to get 2nd pack of blood, the nurse just walk out, we all thought she go get the blood, but instead when doc heng ask where is the blood, she reply, I though you say standby, need it now? Doc heng was so angry and shout, yes now...and this blood thing happen w time hor....

4) the standby doc ask the nurse to book the operation theater before doc heng came and standby if she need to go in. She did book. But when doc heng come in she mention maybe don't need the ot liao. You know what the nurse say.....so sayang...Koas...both my wife and doc heng hear that...doc heng reply, how can you say think of thing....Koas...

Sorry, using hp so a lot of typo...:p bear with me ok...


Thanks all the msg, ya, still trying hard to cope with my bb feeding hours...lucky I taking 1month leave..hope she can recover well also....is so tireding to handle it alone...really have to pei fu you all mothers..

BTW, can mothers share hoe much is your bb drinking right now. I'm giving my 6 days old gal 40ml of fm, but she is asking for more, increase to 50ml this morning and still can't her happen..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

andy, mt bb is 16days old and now she drinks about 100ml per feed. my records show that at 6days she could drink from 60ml to 100ml per feed. if she drinks fm, it'll be about 4hrs in between feeds. if it's bm, it could be 2 to 3hrs in between.

hope that helps!

and that nurse is so screwed up, i'd have lodged a complaint!

milo, yurieve.. now i also understand abt CL problem. lol~ cos FTM, i dont knw wats going on and everyone jus keep asking me to sleep. when by 3rd mth, im more awake to monitor everything, i realise she's not doing wat i see it's suppose to be. and the 4th week, she's on relax mode le. and also i dont want her to handle bb so much, and she jus wash her hands off from bb and me. then hb and i were saying nvm, after she leaves, we will re-do everything. sianz lor. tats why when i hav 2nd one, im thiking prob i shld jus order confinement food and not getting CL

Debbie congrats to u!! jiayou on ur moo moo!! do take care and bu more during confinement ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got sister kang to come over my place on tues night. i asked her silly qn like why dont i get engorement, didnt get means i dont hav enough milk leh. and when she checked on me, the milk can shoot and tell me i hav plently but jus tat not reaching bb's demand so my problem is jus to increase the supply for bb. i told her but i pump nothing leh, v sianz and she says not everybody at the beginning are suitable for pump. as i hav good nips for bb to latch, i hav to latch all the time to stimulate more milk. cos i think tat latching is v tiring and take up alot of time, so i wanna pump to feed her lo. looks like i hav to start all over consistent latching again. and another issue is after latching, bb fall asleep for 30mins then wake up again to cry for milk, and i tell CL to prepare to milk as i'm too tired to latch alrdy. she will tell bb tat "u didnt get enough huh, tats why need somemore huh" everytime make me so sian when i hear tat and demoralising. sister kang says it wont be an overnight thing as we hav alrdy been feeding FM so gotta be v patient on it. lucky hb is v supportive and tell me tat we will do it again when CL is gone. which is tmr morning! yeah!

amuro, thanks for sharing. its really a good schedule u hav!

Dear Mummies,

I need some advice on EBM. I just given birth to bb Isaac 2 weeks ago. As i went thru c-section, i only EBM on the 4th day.

Because my n*pp*e was a little flat for him to latch on. However, i only EBM then and no more as i find it so hard. As such, he has been on FM since then.

However, i would like to try EBM again now, any advice? As i'm afraid that the milk flow will be affected.


good to hear that all is fine! don get too anxious cos bb can feel it and dont wanna come out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i got the dandruff after washing my hair in hospital the next day after giving birth. my ML told me those are not dandruff, more like shedding of skin from my scalp. hmmm..


pls take v good care of yr wifey k! shes gone thru so much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] also, dr heng is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] trust her skills and all. i dont really like the nurses at the delivery ward too, seem to be so short handed and keep changing nurses to come and check on me. the day before i give birth, i was still joking with my hub, "wondering how many nurses going to "dig" and check my dilation when i go give birth" and i was right! so many came and go to check my dilation.

re. milk feed

my boy can drink as much as 100ml when he is hungry but hes such a slow sucker. can go as low as 50ml when hes lazy to suck. gotta keep stimulating him to drink if not he will doze off due to his jaundice.

re. rants on in laws

i got so much so much to rant but no chance to type out all. so depressed during this period. dunno how to share out with all of your here but i need that i am super depressed. gng to tear out as i type this. sigh if only we go a CL!! argh~ anyway i really cant wait for this confinement period to be over and set myself FREE. confinement really SUX to the max.

Thanks dewdew, I will try 60ml at 1pm later. I was told that my bb is tiny 2.4kg, therefore does not require so much milk. In hospital, they only feed her 30 to 35ml.

I never write any complaint this time round....cos more worry abt my wife then to care abt them. BTW, did i mention that I did write them a complaint letter, but no reply from them.

That happen when there lost my bb down test result...we only find out when visiting doc heng and the report is not around. Take them 3 days to update me report when MIA.

I REM that time my wife was bed resting at home and there even ask her to go down to draw blood again....Koas of cos I never agree, end up there come my house.

Really disappointed with parkway. If not because of doc heng, I will have choose tmc. Not forgetting the price is not cheap as well...total bill for me is 9k after medisave...

Yurieve, this morning I was feeling very frusrated cos of my CL. woke up this morning at 4am to pump, then saw that my bb's bottle still got some bits of FM in it, not only did she not sterilise, she din even clear it properly. This affected me and I could only pump out a little cos I wanted to quickly finish pumping and go and sterilise the bottle in case Darius wake up for milk. This morning I told her saw that the bottle still got bits of FM inside and she like act blur! feel so upset and yet can't do much about it man.

Cherrry, like you as FTM, i also thot leave everything to CL since she should be experienced, by 2nd week then i realise she is not doing certain things correctly and so start to monitor closely. thot got CL will enable me to rest more end up worry more, hai. Anyway counting down to her leaving next fri then I can do everything my way.

Debbie, I tried to do it every 3 hrs initially but its very tough esp at nite, so I pump every 4 hrs or so. Then I started to latch Darius abt twice a day, end up I pump even less, and supply went down cos he is feeding even more like every 2 hrs. so now I try to pump like every 4 hrs or so to build up supply again.

Btw check with mummies here, does the milk bottle need to be sterilise after every use?

Dewdew, like you I also have only 3 meals a day with no snacks in-between, milk supply is not high too. Are you pumping reguarly?

Andrea, take care, think we are all stressed and easily depressed. Confinement will be over soon, ren for a while more k.

andrea, hmm... i thot shedding of skin from scalp = dandruff? that's what dandruff is made of mah... but it could be due to the shampoo or the change in hormones. if the dandruff shampoo is not helping then maybe u might want to switch?

re: in-laws

if u need to rant, juz do it. keeping inside will make u feel worse. are u able to talk to yr hb abt it? can he help u?

re: milk feed

mine is also a slow drinker. i found a surefire way to put her to sleep & that is to latch on. whenever she latches, she'll doze off in 5mins & i'll hv to keep stimulating her. thought of doing ebm totally but heard latching will increase bm so... sigh!!

andy, when i was in hospital, they also said they fed my bb only abt 30 - 35ml (mine was 3kg at birth). but on the 3rd day when i fed her fm, i noted she was drinking 40 - 45ml already. on the 4th day when i brought her home, i realised that her intake increased to 60ml. so maybe their appetites increased greatly within a short span of time.

sharon, i tried pumping every 3hrly for 1 day and my nipples got sore - so much so i winced when i saw the the pump! lol! so i dragged to 4 - 5hrly instead. my breasts never got full so the every pump yielded a max of 70 - 90ml. since now it's said latching will stimulate bm production so i'll latch her more often in the day and see how it goes. and maybe up my intake of food also. (but am so afraid to gaining weight instead of losing!)

re: milk bottles

i will sterilize after every feed.

andy: omg! those nurses need to be shot! how can they be so heartless!

you should feedback to the hospital on the nurses' and their attitudes.

andrea: really arh? i hope she can sense then come out faster. everyday is a challenge to us. cause we are scare of her wellbeing.

dont be depressed. can call me if you dont mind. its always better to talk it out, dont bottle the negative emotions. ganbatte! be optimistic cause you are a great mummy of 2 liao. think of all the wonderful things you can do with them when they are older.

andy: gosh! you really didnt have very good experience with parkway hor. luckily its over le.

wow! how come so expensive? because of those 5 bags of blood?

bm supply and losing weight:

teng and dewdew, if u gals scared cant lost weight, cut dwn carbo mean rice n noodles etc, vege and meat and soup still take esp drink alot of soup cos there is where boost our milk supply

dewdew: i latch often during day until nite before i sleep i can pump 150 to 180ml fully empy my breasts

andrea: ya maybe talk to ur hb anything u nt please with ur IL?

Sharon :ya must sterlize bottle every after feeding, remind ur CL to sterlize the bottles together after feed

Hi mummies, I hav been so busy n tired lately that I seldom log in to chat wif u all Liao.. Haha.. Hope u all r doin well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] abit hard to catch up wid all post so only roughly read tru as I usin my fone..

Dbaby, I hav also stopped bf since abt a week back n my breast has stop engorged already.. I did not do anytin n jus bear wid the engorgement for a few days which my bb pd adviced.. But this 2 days, I suddenly realize I'm leaking some milk as I saw the stain on my bra so I put the breast pad n it did show some yellow stains.. IzIt normal ?? But my breast is very soft now so I'm wonderin what's goin on??

Stefie.. Jia you Jia you on ur moomoo career.. U hav all the Jie meis support.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherrry.. How's ur life w/0 cl? At last confinement torture end but another journey starts.. I will also b on my own after my confinement when I return to ILs hus.. Kinda worry that alone very hard to cope too.. But will take it as a new challenge.. My darlin will also cry n scream for milk.. Now she's 2 weeks n she's drinkin abt 70-80 ml of milk n feedin time is abt 2 hrs apart.. N it depends.. If she poo or urine alot, she gets hungry even faster.. Once awhile she can slp 3-4 hours but not often now.. So Tirin wif the feedin.. Haha.. Gotta b on alert mode most of the time.. My mum said she got a big appetite!!

Andrea, hugs hugs. confinement really sux!

ya, sharon.. end up this last wk of confinement, i find myself watching over every single detail than rest. so tired at baby shower yesterday but i still insist to sit by the side to watch that everything is okay till baby is on bed. yes, we sterilise every bottle after use.

yes dewdew, latching will increase bm. mine will be angry when she dont get her milk as when giv her bottle she will drink v fast and v angry till there's so much air in her. when latching, also v tired. ahyooo...

yalor lena, i also worried abt handling le. cos we r FTM, abit lost sometimes. my CL is leaving tmr morning. so i still hav 1 more night to sleep well before night duty.

Hi, I have a brand new Lindom Baby monitor to let go. Bought last mth cos I tot I can't fit the baby cot into my masterbedroom. Never use the baby monitor at all cos I sleep in my Bb's room since he born till last week. I managed to squeeze the cot into my masterbedroom last week.

Attached is the details of the Bb monitor:


Warranty card still in the box. Selling at $80.

PM me if interested.

rainbow, always good to burp after feed to get the wind out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby: Totally understand your predicament about heading in and out of Doc's for baby. I had that last week and it was so tiring. Not only that the bills are so expensive. In view of him being sick with a little stuffy nose I scrapped my plans for his first month old party. I cancelled the whole event cos I dun really want to deal with a sick baby at the end of a party. My guest list has over 150 people... cannot tahan. So hubby and I said. Forget it.. he is too young to risk him falling sick so we are giving cakes to elders only. We will throw a 1 year old BASH. 1 month old too young and our family and friends just too many people.

Mummies, seems like a lot of you are pumping out your milk. So far i've only been latching baby for all feeds as i thought we were advised against giving the bottle/ pacifier for the first month. Its a really tiring process and I'm hoping the one month comes to an end soon! As for formula milk, when can we give it to the baby? And how do you go about choosing the brand?

rainbow: i used to not burp him till he started throwing out milk from his mouth. not the vomit kind but just blup it out while lying down. So i started burping my baby even if no gas come out i burp for about 5-8 mins

EonEon, is because of the medication and injection use my by doc. She told me after the injection it self cost already 1k, but is a must for my wife...

The booking of OT and another 1k, ICU 500, other doc fee, package for rm and doc, additional night stay for my wife and baby. The blood it self cost $2k. i was thinking whether can i donate back to them to get a rebate anot..lol...:p

dewdew, i get a fail for 1pm feed, wasted my wife BM as baby only take around 20ml, just given him another 40ml. Look like she only like to drink at night...faint...another night duty for me tonight.

Andrea, are you using the hospital baby doc(doc ho). I'm suppose to c her tomorrow morning for injection as she say my bb is too small for injection in hospital.

mangogal, so happen that I heard from my CL that she worked for a mother who eats v little carb and wasn't successful in breastfeeding. Every pump only 30ml total. So I don't dare to cut down carb.

So far I lost 4kg. Anyone lost a lot of weight but still manage to pump > 150ml of milk?

Lena 70-80ml 2 hrly!! Woah that's v frequent. My bb only does tt when she's cranky. Usu she drinks 90ml

and sleep 3-4hrs. Today she keep waking up 2hrly. Just one day I feel tired le.

Mangogal: Maid does d nite shift n doesn't give liz EBM. Kinda admit that it's tedious as she has to defrost d right amt in d fridge and heat it up for liz. FM seems easier... Wld have to work out something to give liz d EBM.

Mommies who delivered in Mt A, what is your bill like? I just got mine... Abt $3k plus after medisave for single-deluxe, assisted (vacuum) with epi.

Just saw my gynae... She says my uterus have shrunk down to size very quickly, she can feel my stomach muscles now says I can start doing sit-ups already! Also asked me to consider the type of contraceptives to use.

lovebyte, you're made of stronger material than i am. i have already succumbed to fm and pacifier for Gwen. :p oh well, as long as it makes life easier. i cannot imagine doing without either!

andy, yep it's difficult to judge how much they want to drink. if ebm is too much to throw (i.e. your 40ml) what i'd do is to keep the bottle in a warm container up to an hour. just 5 or 10mins before the hour is up, i'd try feeding again. sometimes baby might decide to drink, sometimes not. at least can try not to waste the ebm.

muddypaws, my bill was about $2k+ after medisave for 1 night single deluxe and 2 nights double bedder, c-sect with epi.

I do advise mom with 2 kids to conside putting ur older one in a daycare even for half aday. yes the initial part will be hard for both mom and kid, but in the long run, its benefts both.

You can retain your sanity, your older one can interact with kids her age instead of just mom and dad or maid, and also in daycare,they have alot of activities to keep the equipped.

dewdew: I survive this long cos I thought it was a must. So cannot also must continue to latch on even if it means waking up every hour. The time i really get to knock out is in the morning when hubby baths baby and i knock out for 1/2 hour to an hour completely. After bath sometimes my mum takes over to play with Baby for a while while i get some rest.... afternoon baby sleep i also sleep. I aim to sleep at 8/9/10 each night but so far always fail cos baby sometimes seem so awake at that hour.... hahah

Lovebyte, both my kids didnt hv nipple confusion at all, both are fine with nipple and bottle teat, so give a try! U are just too tired to continue fully latched on and u will be gng to work after ur ML, so better bottle train ur boy soon after his 1st mth...

When they are hungry and cry, they will grap anything that is inside their mouth, so dun worry.

For a start, start one bottle feed of EBM to try...then continue latch on..after 5 days to 1 week, start 2 bottle feeds of EBM...

THis time my boy is only limit to 3 bottle feed of 2BM and 1FM at nite frm midnite to early 6am...he is taking all bottle feed well and finish all his milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, did u buy Avent warmer? It warm up EBM quite fast....if u scared Liz cry alot during warming up, can lattch her on 1st..give a try..as my above post is my feeding routine to my boy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Teng, u try slowly to limit ur food but no diet...drink alot fo liquid and soup[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherrry, ya.. Bein ftm sure feel stress easily especially if on our own hor.. Better ask ur cl for tips n info tonite before she leaves.. Mi too gonna practice shower bb on my last week of confinement.. Haha

Tengq, ya.. I also find my bb drinks alot.. Sometime she even vomit, pd said either due to wind in tummy or overfed.. But when she dun drink enough, she will cry n it hard to burp her though I tried for 10 mins.. Hai.. Reali tirin at times especially when she cries hard...

Lena, bbs are really hard to comprehend coz they can't speak!! Really wish there is a hunger monitor to tell us whether bb is full or hungry. Now whenever she wakes up she wanna latch. Dunno she's really hungry or just suckling for comfort.

Rainbow, I was csec. I started the massage package in the 4th week but no tummy massage one.

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, wa u latch all the way! really peifu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i latch fully for 1 week, resulted in sore nipple liao, now slightly better, but always prepare a bottle of EBM in case i go out and leave baby with ILs :p

dun worry abt niple confusion, my girl is also ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lena, talking abt bathing baby, i also havent really tried.. hehe have to start soon, practice more! :p

amount baby drinks: my girl at 16day old drinks only 60-70ml of ebm each feed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

seems like very little as compared to most babies here T_T


oh dear...hw can e nurses like tat...did u fill up e feedbk form when upon discharge frm hospital, shld indicate yr unhappiness...but lucky dr heng gt scold e nurse aso.

but nw everyting is over, wats impt nw is take gd care of yr wife.

tenQ, i'm expressing about 160-200ml per pump. not realli eating a lot either every since my mIL episode. but i lost 10kg in a wk after i delivered.

lovebyte, the BB wont have bottle & teat confusion. the trick i was told is tt initially when u intro the bottle, its best tt u get a secondary care taker to feed the bottle. so the BB wun get confused.

andy: take good care of ur wife, must treasure her more for the sacrifice she made to give birth to ur bb...

Debbie: cannot total pump i heard, somehow must let bb latch to stimulate more milk prod... Try to practise to latch more.. It'll get better...


I also stopped liao n giving EBM. Breast soft liao but still can feel occassional let-down esp when feeding BB or seeing him, even when watch drama n gets emo. Still using breast pads cos occassional will leak.. Think its normal, will take abt 2-3 wks ba, according to the GP..


Ya.. Am so tired mentally tt i am considering to cancel full month celeb tis sat too.. But still goin ahead as only my relatives & some close frens.. Not more than 50 pax, urs is too many ppl liao... Jus hoping tt it is a passing phase n will pass soon... So heart pain!!


Tks for all the encouragement thru my darkest patch.. But today i spent 5hrs in the salon, colour n perm my hair.. End result = i love my new hairstyle!!!

Mummies, need some advise. It's day 2, I'm home already. Now can pump about 50ml total per pump but starting to have engorged. How!! What should I do? Massage? Massage before or after pumping ah? I try to latch occassionally but always is more on practicing. I don't want to end up with very engorged breasts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dbaby, wah so glad u gt such a good pampering! Upload ur pretty pic in FB[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, dun worry, now my #1 milk intake is max 150ml, 1st 6 mths my #1 gal only drink up to 100ml only, small drinker. So long as they are growing healthily dun worry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherry & Lena, dun worry u gals can do it to be with bb on ur own, u can cross the hurdle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just now when CL was cooking dinner, I was carrying Darius and he kept screaming till whole face red,legs also shivered. Looks like he having stomachache , told CL and she keep saying its cos he wants to cuddle. Damn pissed, she always say that. Then after i finish dinner, he started crying non-stop again , making me so worried, then poo-ed but it was watery, like diarrohea and he still carried on crying. I was so worried, stupid CL then say the stools are normal cos he is feeding on EBM, I told her its not the first time he is having EBM and previously his stools were not like that. I called TMC and their childen's clinic is closed, was considering whether to go to KK, but he has since calmed now. Just hope that the episode is over, I so heartpain, seeing him like so much in pain , I was in tears too.

Garfield ,

I am going for c sec tomorrow too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So excited!!

Bubbly, ya latching is best but I just can't seem to do it!! Need see lactation consultant I guess. My boobs are pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

klitz, thanks for the advice, will try during the next pump.

Mummies, is light green poo normal for newborn that is 2 days old??

hi ladies

do u know how much milk we should feed for the 1st week and 2nd week?

everytime is a guesstimation, coz we are afraid to overfeed.

dew: i lose half of wat i gained n can express 100ml to 180ml depending on liquid intake... I also eat 3 meals a day, but never stopped drinking milo, soup, red date, hot choc, etc coz i feel thirsty all the time... But i do take fenugreek from the next day aft my c-sect...

Debbie: ya, LC can help u... Coz i attended the birthclass n also with guide from the nurses the 1st 2 latches, my breastfeeding journey seems ok... U can use hot towel to massage ur engorged breast just bef ur pumping, must bear with the lil pain, otherwise u may get fever. If really too engorged, then use cold cabbage leaves for 2 hrs, u'll feel better... No matter wat, must keep pumping n latching, drink more liquid n milk wil ketp coming...

Hi mummies..I've delivered my boy today at tmc 1:30pm via csect ga..bb weighing 3.28kg..50cm and head circumference 35cm..Haven started bf yet..will start tom when I get better..

Mummies giving birth tom..all the best! And to those who's waiting..Jiayou and start counting down!!

