(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hihi everyone! hey, yvaine ^5 - double digit now! lol... same EDD! but when i self calculate, i shld be 30th Nov. hehehe..

crystal, jiayou oh.. dont fedup okiee.. and ya, i also heard not to take birdnest at such early stage too. even the bottled chicked essence also.

abit busy at work, i be a silent reader =)


Congrats to all mummies with double digits!!

I'm feeling pretty awful today. So tired and can't even stand for long. Is it alrite to feel dizzy? I almost fell on my desk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lilsunshine: Take something sweet and the sugar rush should alleviate the dizziness a little. It's worked for me in the past.

yesyes, lilsunshine... dont go out under the sun for too long. i had dizzy spell and almost fainted cos my body temperature raised up so quickly and so hot tat i got a bad shock from it.

try to stand up slowly if u feel giddy ok.

usually dizziness is a sign that your body needs some food. drink some milo or milk, and have some snack to provide energy also. take care!

sparkle bee, i dun tink plain water helps.. cos the sourish taste is quite er... try to clear it asap so that u wont wan to puke again... try something stronger in taste if u have.

lilsunshine, have you taken your breakfast? Drink something sweet to keep your sugar level at a moderate level.

I hv been eating way alot of stuff for the past few weeks. Prob you need some food. The good news is that the hunger feeling will slow down abit in our 2nd tri.

cherrrry you too! hi 5 indeed!

lilsunshine - i had dizzy spell once too. quite frightening when it happened. that was few weeks ago, when i was hungry. so maybe taking some food or sugar may help. yours sounds like fatigue-related though. didn't rest well last night?

I hv been carrying ribena gummies and preserved orange skin in my bag. These helps me control the nauseous and giddy feelings. So far for 4 weeks, I'm only into my 2nd pack of ribena gummies and my bottle of preserved orange skins still have lots left! Just eat in moderation as these are high in sugar and salt.

Yeah! Cherrry and Yvaine! So far so good eh! =)

I just started wearing maternity bottoms ytd... and notice the tum is getting largerrrr... the lil beanie is growing fast!

Ladies, where else can I get nice maternity clothes that available in L or XL?

dew, crown, stefie: i tink eat moderate of beancurd is ok de bahh....just not to over dose...becos my gf, she ate beancurd very freq during her pregnancy last yr, her boy is so healthy n fair....but if really worry, then to ease ur discomfort, better dun take or reduce ur intake....or can find those realli hand-made beancurd, they use very tradition way of making beancurd, so shld not use the shi hui fen....

crystal, local dorothy perkins still carry them? Coz I don't remember seeing it anymore at Marina Square...

I heard EGG is exp... haven't check out the branch vivo yet.

hi5 bribena! yup so far so good thank God!

how abt trying Suntec? the top level where they have all the maternity n kiddy shops all at a stretch? maybe chances are higher?

yeah... bbribena, i also got the ribena gummies. kekeke...

bbribena, yvaine, hope i will feel better from no appetite as days to come!

all mummies, jiayou!

christy, hope u hv good news soon....jia you!!!

ya...we fr sgbrides -> renotalk -> motherhood....hahahahaha....the 3 maskerters

yes have a few... maybe have at least 3-4 maternity shops.. perfect mums, spring, and maybe 2 more but i can't recall exactly the names. some are quite nice but of course not the cheapest.

there's a shop at TPY called Carrano, it does sell some maternity wear. i bought some of my pants from them cheap n good! it's along the row of shophouses near Courts... but don't expect Spring boutique kind of presentation though. you gotta look/dig through the racks. the shop assistants are quite helpful to make recommendations so that's nice. happy shopping!

bbribena, i go to the one at great world they do carry. when i feel better i go adn check them out this weekend again to see if they still carry.

i seen zara carry maternity also but i tink onli specific outlets.

Hi ladies, thanks. I'll get something to eat. I had my breakfast, half share of sausage egg muffin & almond milk. Appetite quite low. I feel really weak & dizzy today. Had diahorrea twice. I slept a lot ytd since I had half a day leave.

yeah... getting my colly to ta-pao DING TAI FENG Xiao Cai (special appetiser) later... feeling so hungreee now... only have nuts in office to munch

any mummies start to use stretch mark cream??? my gf advise to start using now b4 our tummy got stretch....apply after tummy got stretch, will be no effect lol....wat brand do U mummies recommand???

Oh mine, I need to nap soon. Eyes are drooping and energy very low. Can't take it anymore .. bbs. Enjoy your meals .. mummies!

feimei, i'm not using stretch mark cream but am applying J&J's Cocoa Butter moisturiser on thighs, butt and tummy already. i also heard have to use now 'cos once stretched, it's no use liao. i think anything with cocoa butter is good 'cos that's what stretch mark creams use.

sparkle bee, i m eating my homemade lunch now .... I'm sure I'll be hungry again in an hour time.

feimei, gynae had prescribed me with moisturiser liao... not exactly stretchmark cream, but it made for ultra dry skin, and it gets absorb very quickly so it doesn't have the sticky uncomforty feeling. It's from this brand, but don't remember which one exactly http://www.topicrem.com/index.php

I also bought a Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil, made for stretchmark... this is the one: http://www.etbrowne.com/product/detail.php?ID=43&SID=2#

I havn't tried the oil yet. The cream that my gynae prescribed me spread quite easily. And it's not sticky.

hi Feimei i jus called Clarins counter..they assure me that their pdts suitable for use during P and lots of their P customers using their stretchmark lotion and bust lotion.. so i will be getting it this weekend..

bbribena... so XIN FU... i also wanna lunch now .. but colly onli able to go 1230 pm...

cheaper option..can use olive oil as stretch mark cream?

Hi Sparkle...the clarins is good. I love the smell. I am getting it when bb is bigger.

Btw, anyone still have spottings after eating hormones pills? Should it stop immediately?

thanks thanks.

I will also recommend Carrano for maternity clothes, cheap & good. But they are selling mostly T-shirt top, bottoms have pants & jeans. Their shop also sell other ladies clothing, only few rack for maternity. They have branches in TPY, AMK, Bugis (opp OG).

Just finished my lunch, ease my hunger, happy now.

FeiMei: I've been applying Palmer's Cocoa Butter that i bought from watsons. It has a very buttery smell that I didn't like at first but have gotten used to. So maybe u can open the bottle to smell first? The first time I applied I wanted to puke at the shea butter smell. It cost about $27 a bottle. Quite good i think cos I apply at night but when I take a shower in the morning I can still feel that there is a layer of it on my tummy.

BTW u can always go to Clarins and ask for a sample of their stretch mark oil to sample

Just bought Fish Bee Hoon for lunch. Having it in my office. So quiet and peaceful. Think I might KO after lunch. =)

Hi Mummies, yesterday just went to see my gynae and saw my BB moving the hand like saying hi to me and bf... We were so happy and that we keep smiling to each other tru out the scan... Wa... those mummies that saw your BB dancing, must be even more exciting huh... haha...

Hi Milo: Can help me change my EDD to 05 Dec? The gyane said i'm 9 week+ now and EDD is that date... Weird but happy sia... Cos i can feel my MS worsening lately... Appetite become worse and at times vomit also... Yesterday after finish my dinner and bath... straight went to lie down on my bed and dun feel like doin anythin liao... Terrible feeling....

Wa... Now then i know cannot take beancurd, lucky though i crave for one lately but have yet to take it.... Thanks so much to mummies who has been giving info about food that we should avoid... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia You to all mummies!!! A few weeks more to 2nd trimester so we all feel better.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So lookin forward to it...

bbribena, i oso tot of getting the Palmer stretchmark cream...but not sure if it's good euff anot....

sparkle, how much is the Clains products?? ex???

Ethan, i tot hormones pills will help to stop spotting? pls call ur gyne immed eh!

Lena...so happy to hear tat u can see ur BB moving liao.. =) u in ur which week now?

dew, most ppl say better start to use now...otherwise once stretch liao...cannot recover lol....shld be getting one soon but not sure wat brand...

Hi Feimei: i heard that some people can get rashes using Palmer stretchmark cream.. Perhaps can try to get sample first? I received the Dumex milk powder sample liao and they also gif Palmer stretchmark cream samples... Maybe you can try...

My sister working at airport selling cosmetics and skin care products... Planning to ask her to get Clarins products for me so cheaper price cos i read alot of good feedback about it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, IIRC clarins cost abt $60-80 per bottle. I prob alternate between few brands.

Now I'm tempted by Clarins bust cream.... is it sticky, any idea??


Hi sparklebee: I'm 9 weeks+ now... i thought i was 8 weeks+ but after seein the gynae ytd, there's changes liao... haha... Btw, are you the one who mention about the cramps and pressure that we can feel when wanna go toilet? I got that feeling too... so gotta go toilet fast if wanna pee or do big business cos got the pulling or weird feeling around lower adominal....

