(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi nann,

Ling yang very liang, shouldn't take now. Better tell your mommy not to boil. No need to hide from mommy, you would need her advice.

When I was sick cos of heatyness, my sensei said not liang stuff even I am heaty then.

Just my 2 cents worth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good morning mommies...

today my BBT dropped till 36 degree after having a badd badd nightmare..woke up with a actue cramp pain on my right side...=( dunno if it signify anything bad or what... =(

stefie, Oh... plain water good! I've been craving too much soft drinks and sweet drinks... and had them.. not healthy! I'm trying to eat way smaller portion so I don't crave for soft drinks to burp.

Hi Ethan,

I don't exercise. My daily 15 mins x2 walk to and from office to bus stop is enough exercise for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Actually 1st trimester shouldn't exercise.

Hi Sparkle bee,

what bad bad dream? Must said so will not come true.

I also had sharp pain at lower belly cos of womb stretching for more space. As long as no spotting should be normal.

Hi crystal,

Thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just trying to stay awake. Want to sleep now zzzz.....

Hi ribena,

water no nice leh. But only liquid I can drink now. Must drink more for my beanie. Have to bear with it positively[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow, lower backache now. Need to walk walk abit now.


Thanks for the advice. I also dun know why i wanna wait till next scan to tell my mum. Actually i cannot believe that i am pregnant ( silly right? ) I wanna see the scan for myself before i disappoint my mum. Sigh, not sure if the hormones are making me having all these negative thoughts. Sorry to pour out here ......

Feel so bad having to lie to her why i dun turn up for weekday dinners. I am worried she will worry for me

nann, I have that thinking too, see gynae cfm liao than tell mum, but in the end i still tell her earlier coz my appointment is so far away and mum is worried why I am always sick these few days. So nothing wrong to tell her earlier, she can take good care of u too.

nann, I know what you mean. We also waited for the scan to show the sac before we break the news to family members. I'm sure your mum will understand your anxious and confusion. =))

stefie, LOL! I agree! Plain water can make me feel nauseous. Times like this, I will drop a vitamin C pill into the water. LOL!

Lower backache? Could it be your sitting position when you're in office? I dun have backache (*Touchwood), but I do suffered a whole week long of neck ache and stiff neck.

stefie.... i dreamt of a ghost yday... scratched my shoulder (back) v painful then pushed me v hard till i fall and woke Up...

its sooo REAL lor..tat i jolted fr my zzz and also felt the pain at my tummy...

dunno if it is a bad sign ... cos my BBT also dropped till 36 wor... =(

Nann... mummys are the best support ...so it is better to tell her so she can cook those yummy and nutrious food for U during ur vulnearable 1st Tri... =)

Hi Pooh, I'm taking folic, calcium and fish oil now. Once a day.

Seems tat lots of mummies have insomnia last night. Me too, slept at 2plus and woke up before 9!! My hubby ask me y my face you you... Haiz, bo bian la...

thanks for the jia you, mummies stefie, p00h, yvaine!!! ya...back to office, hope to settle more things n will take a few days leave n rest...hope will c improvement next wk...

no leh....nurse did not say what is the heatbeat rate but she toking to another nurse and turned to talk to me...she said lil beanie is like little star, blinking but somehow, not @ fast rate....next tue scanning again...hopefully lil beanie will blink faster...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jolin, crystal & stefie, so far still ok leh. but i naughty la.. always take my pills with sweet drink... like a small girl LOL

yvaine, yup, i think june/july will be good! GSS ah! i am staying in yew tee, west side. most of the mummies are at punggol/sk area hor? not easy looking after kid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mine fall ill so often eversince starting school but this year finally better le. i celebrated his bday with his buddies at polliwog then lunch at waraku. wanted to bring him for universal studio, but doubt i can walk tat much so dropped the idea :p i always love birthday!

nann, i think ling yang too liang, better not drink. its good to let mummy know so at least one more person to pamper u. mother are unlike mil, at least watever happened, they wont blame u... at least tat is wat happened to me la...

nann, i also agree with stefie, may not be a bad idea to share the great news with your mom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i know what you mean though, about not wanting to disappoint your mom. my first pregnancy i also waited for the scan before i told my parents (even though i was really dying to tell them!). but second one, the morning i tested positive i announce liao. how about doing a second pregnancy test just to double confirm?

my first one, i tested a few strips on differents days. cause like you, i wanted to be very sure i'm actually pregnant! and also cause i was using the cheapo strips i bought from this forum. you know i even got my hubby to test so i know the strips actually work! (so silly hor... asked my hubby to do pregnancy test, hahahaha). anyway they're only less than a dollar each piece la.

this time round i also used cheapo strips. if you want, i have excess if you want a few pieces to test to double check. but anyway i'm sure your mom will be very happy to hear the news. perhaps can just tell her, not confirmed yet til the gynae visit, so she won't get her hopes too high, but at the same time, she knows what food to cook for you? is this the first grandchild in the family?

Hi Sparkle Bee,

go and pray to God, it could be some negative feelings in you. Once your bad dream said liao, everything will soon soon, heng heng okay. Be positive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must be positive okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't think too much.

Hi ribena,

It is normal for my lower backache. Just need to walk around and stretch abit. I am sitting on thick cushion to counter the pain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tonight chicken essence night. Have to buy chicken later, hope have the energy to cut up the chicken.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rainbow,

lucky you can sleep till 9am. I also want leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Thanks to horomones that explain the insomnia. Tonight will go home straight to sleep.

milo, at least u can take sweet drinks le... i still trying to find out wat drinks i can take

this morning i bought a pack of mango peel fresh juice... smeell already fan wei haha

sparkle bee: since u say out liao....dun keep think back on the dream...just leave it...tonight will hv sweet sweet dream....continue ur bbt monitoring, will resume back....dun brood over the dream...

stefie... yeapz... hope Hao de lai bad de go.. shoo...

Think my heart will Fang Xin when i scan this thur...

Chix essence ... yummss. will ask my mum make this Thur for me... after the scan .. must nourish a bit.. hehe

Bbribena... fish oil v smelly and stink one when u burp later... hehe...

thanks for your reply, crystal! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nann, i think you can tell your mummy. just tell her you guess you're pregnant, but still waiting for scan to confirm, but in the meantime, dowan to drink anything too liang or too "bu".

u can still go home for dinner, isn't it good to eat mummy's cooking? i love to go back to eat my mum's cooking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] beats having dinner outside at hawker, mummy's cooking is the best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal... i LOVE sweet drink.. which is cham cham cham! they left an aftertaste in my mouth tat makes me feel like puking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] week 9 this week, hope faster pass ah... morrow i be seeing baby, thinking of taking leave so can go par tor after gynae visit!

sparkle, tonight u will have sweet dream! sometime we think too much liao so alot of -ve tots in our brain! tat time i watched harry potter and saw voldemort... i dreamt for the past few nights tat my baby look like him! wah lau, really make me break out in cold sweats manz!

Sparkle bee

U still taking ur BBT? Dun think too much abt the dream.. Guess u didnt sleep well and worry during the day that's why. I know it's easy to say but i tell myself to stay positive like stefie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy pregnancy happy baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also slept at 2am and woke up at 9am !! cant sleep for some reason. I little panda today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I will skipped the "ling yang". Try to find some excuse not to drink it. Cant wait for scan on 13 th may. As for mum, i may just tell her later this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks ladies. I am not sure where else i can get advice if not for this forum. Appreciate, thank you all beautiful MTBs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Let's jia you together this first tri

Stefie, that chicken essence looks easy and good! My MIL has been saying she wants to get dunno what kind of traditional claypot to make this chicken essence but I shall show her this link to let her know not to waste her money. Thanks!

sparkle bee, !! THANKS!! LOL! I better gulp down a vitamin c drink to cover it.

Feimei, try the chickee essence, taste good and no harm trying! Yum!

does anyone of u drink the bottled chix essence on a daily basis? my sis did that so my mom made me and i do that now...

got use or not haha i dunno yet... jsut wondering if anyone doing this.

wah piangz! super angry leh!!! yesterday i drafted a long long post but my post disappeared when i tried to post it. tried retrieving to no avail then after that i was deny entry!!!

anyway, i wrote on the chemical fire which started at my office building and what a big scene it was. involving 3 fire engines, 2 HMV fire engines, 2 buffaloes and 2 police cars. everyone was evacuated out of the building at 8.30am and by noon, the fire wasnt really put out yet but at least contained. the air smelt of chemical. i was so worried about my little beanie. i called KKH and they said if no bleeding or pain, should be ok but if im worried, can go 24 hours to seek medical help from the gynae on duty.

regarding hair cut and rebonding. i went for hair cut during the weekend but rebonding is a strict no no until we are at least 26 weeks preggie according to my gynae.

i think if i never remember wrongly, bbribena saw your beanie playing during your scan at the gynae. thats great! i hope to see mine doing that too. but gona wait till 15 May. yvaine also saw your beanie's little hands and legs, it must have been exciting. i cant wait.

congrats and welcome to the new mummies.

i had a heartwarming dinner prepared by hubby on sunday night. no big spread but i really am thrilled as that was the second time he cooked for me in our 11 years together. comprised of my request of canned caixin (no cooking involved), sauteed kailan and sardine+prawn+kani stick combination. though the last dish sounds strange, it goes well with my porridge. i managed to eat two bowls of porridge for dinner. yesterday i had teochew porridge at hawker centre with hubby, caixin sauteed with minced pork, steamed fish, braised egg and tau pok, sauteed lady fingers with porridge. i think caixin really improved my appetite. i nearly sank my teeth into assam stingray and luckily i recalled what you gals said and so hubby had to ordered another fish dish for me.

the above is what i can recall from my failed post yesterday. i remembered there are lots more but just cant recall what i wrote. ok, start from today instead else i will end up with headache if i think too much.

crown: KKH AMK address is Blk 721, Ang Mo Kio Central, Avenue 8, #01-2807 Singapore 560721

ladies, i just read up on the week by week growth of beanie and realised that my beanie is half the size of the recommended size. during my scan at 6w6d, beanie only measured 7mm. but the recommended size is 1.3cm. gosh! now im getting worried. is beanie growing too slowly? another worried to add on is the chemical fume i inhaled yesterday. wonder if beanie is alright.

hehehe.. yvaine! my hb also use the cheapo strips to test. cos he wants to make sure. lol~!!

hi aiko... when i was abt8-9wks, my beanie size was 2.3cm not small for urs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear feimei, dont worry too much okie. like all other jiemeis here mentioned, think +ve and talk to ur beanie everyday. ur little one will be strong ^_^

me also leh... will wake up at 3-4am then go back to sleep. but didnt pee lor. my frequency of going to pee has dropped leh. think my water intake not enough. cos stomach so empty without food, drink water too much makes me feel yucky.

bbribena... think me the worst... i hav phobia of swallowing pills. want to cry le. *super paisay* but i dont even dare to swallow. how i wish i can pills parade like stefie... sobz..

crystal - i'm opposite.. i'm so loving peel fresh mango juice now!!! just went to 7-11, no more stock so sad..

hey there, not sure if i'm going through some pre-natal blues or something... work is piling up, and I'm due to fly off this sat to finland for a 2week business trip. Boss is extremely tempermental now, so I need to watch his weather and don't know when he would make insulting comments to me...

Just sat in the office bathroom just now for 15mins, and wanted so much to break down into tears...

Is it normal to feel such great moodiness????

bbribena, ya ya i noe i dunno why fish oil ahve to be these big haha...

cannot be smaller ma heee.. but i tink plus pt is cos they are soft capsule so at least can swallow easily..

yvaine/dew dew

Thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I tested twice with clearblue with very clear 2 lines and also did a pregnancy BT at the GP opp. Still cant believe i am pregnant !! Dun know why.... Maybe I want this baby so much. I am 37 already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess i will do it as u both suggested "Mum, i think i am pregnant but can only confirm next thursday". I feel much better telling her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks so much ladies

yes yes nann... ur idea for telling ur mom tat sentence will be good! =) dont worry! hehehe... i also wanted to wait till my scan then tell my mom. but end up, couldnt wait either. hehee...


I drink a bottle of Brands chicken essence a day for 6 months already. Can only take brands the rest of the brand i dun like the taste. I also drink plently of water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, bbribena: thanks, will try out the ess chicken....but need to get the big pot 1st leh....hahahaha....

good that u found out ur bb cream contents n now u can be mei mei mummy lol... :D

Eoneon, when doc measured at 6-7wks for me, is 0.9cm two weeks later, is 2.3cm not to worry. as long as beanie grows it shld be okay. i realise tat What to Expect.com measurement are much bigger probably they are angmo sizes =)

O nann, glad to noe that i'm not the onli one hahaha... i feel like a chicken essence bottle okie haha... i dunno wat to do with all the freebie mugs that comes with the chicken essence haha... anyone wan?

yes yes me too onli on brands, i've tried new moon, eu yan sang all cannot..

heheh cherrrry, good to know my hubby was not the only one who had a pregnancy test done ;) hahahaahah

nann- i'm sure your mom will understand and be very happy for you. tell up what's her response okie? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws- sounds like a rough day! yes cry it out if need to. r u flying with or without your boss? if without, then it's a good break i guess? travelling must take it easy hor. and bring along a course of progesterone pills just in case. do check in with you gynae ya

eon, hehe ur description of sinking ur teeth into the stingray is so cute! can imagine u drooling liao then *ting* rememeber cannot eat and gotta take away... hehe!

crystal, ya heng ah my boy dun look like voldemort! tat time i didnt dare tell anyone till after i gave birth. scare my parents scold me for watching ugly show! now i dare not watch avatar! later my bb no 2 turns blue! LOL

muddypaws, its extremely normal. sometime i jus breakdown and cry for no reason also. yesterday i was alone, lugging 2 big bags of exam paper to the exam hall.. dunno why jus feel so pathetic and started tearing. jus cry if u need to, u feel better than keeping it inside

nann: i agreed with all the mummies that you should let your mummy know. i told her once i tested positive. keke... but like what the others said tell her you need to confirm the pregnancy after the gynae visit.

gals: i realised i have no strength, no will and no appetite to cook nowadays. the bland taste in my mouth makes me stirred clear of cooking. poor hubby has been anticipating me to cook but i just cant seem to move my limbs towards the kitchen. how? i wanted to try the chicken essence but my limbs refused to do that too. like what crystal asked, is the bottled chicken essence good for us? can it substitute the home-cooked chicken essence?


hope u feeling okie no side effects from the fire yest... i tink yest's thread was quite unstable.. i cant even get in.

dun qi dun qi la..

nann, i agree with yvaine.. maybe you can test again?? i tested 3 times, before i see my gynae, cos i cannot believe i am pregnant.. keke.. maybe you try to test with ur 1st urine? the 2nd line will be a bit darker.. :p

yvaine, me also using those cheapo strips, cost <$1.. keke

eoneon, pls take good care.. i'm also working in a chemical lab.. sobsob

mommies, so far i am only take 1 folic acid a day.. nothing else, do i need other vitamins ??


Eoneon, i also not cooking le. I realised tat im so terrifed of the cooking smell when i go back to my mum house and when she starts to cook, i found myself hiding in the room with closed door!

ya, yvaine.. so funny right.. hahaha! anyway the strips got expiry date, so just let him play with it to use up :p

