(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

yvaine, my hubby has the mentality that a son wil squander his fortune!! LOL...

Puke my dinner out... felt better after tat. My ever first puking... Hope will be the last.


milo, last time when my aunt was expecting her 1st baby, she craves for crab and she ate pretty frequently. Than we realise that the baby gal tends to put her arm behind her back like crab's leg. Tat was when she's able to sit straight. Than we keep putting her arms in front but auto will be at her back awhile later. So my mum and relative commented tat my aunt had too much crab during her pregnancy. Luckily the baby turn out fine and she's now 19yrs old!

crown: i think Eon know...she went there for her last visit, if i rem correctly!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

managed to see lil beanie today....was super duper happy....saw him/her heartbeat too but nurse said seems to be abit slow....*my heart sink*....what happen? last wk he/her play 'hide-n-seek with me, dun let me find him/her....today, let me see him/her but seem like heartbeat gg abit slow....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gg back for scanning again next wk...hope to see improvement....realli very very very x100000000000000000000000 worried!!!! tink will take a few days leave and Really rest @ home....!!!

gynae started me on homones pills...prog pills...hope to boost up my homones counts n stablise bb condition....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

from lil beanie size, nurse determine he/she is 6wks+....if sooo....shld be x'mas that wk lol....so long he/she is healthy...any date/day will do....

feimei, I'm sure ur lil beanie will be fine.. do get lotsa rest. Eat well. Try do less labour work like carry heavy bags, running around in the hot sun, etc. Lotsa rest =))

crown, bbrinbena: thanks...thanks...thanks...for ur concerns~~~will try to get lots of rest...i really hv to slow down my pace...i walked very fast n dun mind walking under the sun....when doing grocery...i can carry all the bags....hahahahha...i think now no more wonder-woman for mi ler...hv to slow down my pace...n just carry one bag of grocery :X

ya...hopefully lil beanie will be good...i will hv another worried wkend to pass....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi feimei,

dont worry for now, as anxiety will caused stress.

For my 1st pregnancy and 2nd, i pray a lot, and its like a instinctive thing to rub your tummy and just say positives things to them.

Great to know many moms are seeing their lil one moving. I am into my week 8 in few days time. I feel like my energy level is really going down, i have to take 1hour rest just by cooking for a few mins.And my tummy is super bloated sigh, anyone experiencing this?

Hi momtobe,usually sex can be seen esp for boys at 12 weeks . I only found out my daughter sex at 5mths though as she was covering up her leg most time.

Any mom here, had lil appetite in the morning, and afternoon but manage to eat well at night. I m havin such symtomps right now too.

crown: mine got expanded too...but did no compared left n right side leh...dun worry, crown, can check with gynae during ur next visit...maybe takes time.


it's very normal.. There will be more changes and pigmentation coming up...


Yay... I am hoping for girls too.. I have 2 boys already .. Hopefuly my bb this round will not be big siz.. Both my boys hit 97 percentile..6 mths @ 10kg...

amuro: thanks for ur encouragement too!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya...i did rub my tummy n tok to lil beanie...hope he/she be good n mummy will be good, so he/she must be good too~~~ :~ my frenx keep saying to me...tink +ive...talk +ive...everything must be POSITIVE!!!!

i oso feel very tire after cooking...like energy go below -zero... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Feifei, dun worried so much, talk to your beanie every night.

I was thinking of changin from TMC to KK. Most ppl said having twin is better to see gynae in KK. any good recommendation?

crown: we Ganbateh~ 2gether!!!

hv not heard before but if u comfortable with KKH, u can try out my gynae...my two diff grp of frenx (my ex-col n pri sch mate) used her...their two kids are delivered well by her...soo i approach her as well, i know i will be in goods hands....

Dr sharmini? I saw her before once. She refer me to sadhana then found out that I have a blood cyst in my pituitary gland

Feifei, TMC is good but when emergency is needed and I need to go KK, that will be a huge sum of money needed

No, I haven't ask her yet. She duno yet. I was thinking of getting a Chinese female gynae. Anyone heard of Irene chua?

crown, ohhh..i see...in this case i can't comment much (dun wan to mis-lead u)...since i just be with them...but OR maybe u can do the follow up that Shamini refer u and see what is the progress from there...before u decide whether to switch gynae anot lol...most important u must feel comfortable ya~~~

I am waiting for the nurse to get back to me whether dr sadhana wan to take me or not cos she know my prob. She is now focusing on ivf

hope she take up ur case n u can hv one more choice to choose if u wan to continue with her throughout ur pregnancy anot lol...u still hv time to consider...dun worry too much, eventually, u will be in good hands ya!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

Hi ladies,

today I saw beanie and its about 3cm.. is it a bit small for 9 weeks going to 10?

So amazing because the little hand appears to be waving.. and it also jumped during the scanning.. pretty active at such an early stage.

morning ladies! couldn't access this thread the whole of last night! anyone else had the same problem??

milo and stefie - on ah! let's organise outing or gathering one of these days... AFTER the morning sickness has passed ;) outing will have to be somewhere central if everyone is from all over the island (which i think is probably the case given the spread of hospitals from east to west). otherwise also can meet at someone's place if anyone wants to volunteer. heh. if there's many at SK/punggol/hougang area???

Lena- agree, durian high in sugar... and also high in FATS... woo hoo.. i ate some last week. won't mind more, hahaha...

Rainbow - enlarged nose ah... ya ya, my friend has that for both her pregnancies, both BOYS! your hubby watch too much Taiwan drama right... daughters can squander family fortune too, in the latest serials! but no no no, we bring them up in the right way, they'll be ok ;)

Amelia - ear plugs!

asilmil- cool! such a blissful feeling right... congrats again

bribena - 5cm!!! sounds very advanced! mine at last check 8w1d was 1.6cm wor... that was about slightly under 2 weeks back. but don't worry, big better than too small. ;)

feimei- at least got heartbeat! did they check the rate of the heartbeat? just 'looking' at it may not be so accurate. yes rest lots. progesterone pills are good for stabilising babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep positive and keep talking to your baby and praying for it too!

crown - not sure abt kkh drs but i do know that some drs are more experienced in delivering twins and have a reputation for that. may be good to check which ones in kkh do that.

Aiko- your baby was saying hello to you!! so cool. it is really amazing indeed.

morning mummies..

feimei, you rest well, take good care.. dun worry..

yvaine, not sure if the thread is down last night as i seldom log into this tread in the night.. hee

Yvaine, I always have this problemm cannot view this thread or cannot post. It's normal. And it takes quite sometime to revert to normal.

Good morning Mommies & Daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Feimei,

don't worry too much lah, baby will be fine. Too much worry will not be good for baby. At least got heartbeat, good sign liao. Keep talking to your baby. It helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Be positive okay. Jia you.

This morning late for work, cos I woke up at 4am, then cannot sleep already.

Had sharp pull at lower belly and on and off for a while. I guess belly expanding for my beanie.

Had fish bee hoon soup for dinner, even before makan already puke stomach acid. Slept at 8pm yesterday, really very very tired.

Mommies who see moving babies, very happy for you leh. My appt would be next tuesday, can wait to see swimming beanie[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jia you mommies, we can make it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you. Be positive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi stefie and everyone else too...

good morning..

i had insomnia last nite.. soo strange.. usually i hit pillow i will zzz.. but last nite jsut eyes wide wide.. sigh...

hope can zzz tonite if not quite miserable..

Mommies, rememeber your folic acid okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me having water and pills parade in another 10 mins when my bee hoon settles down well in stomach[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi crystal,

you think too much? Or you drink caffine stuff before you sleep?

I also woke up by weird dreams.

Tonight sure can sleep, since you had insomnia last nite[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morn to all! today is tuesday!

stefie, how come not eat pills first then food? hehe usu i do it this way so tat in case i puke, the food will come out first :p

yvaine, sure! tat will be fun to meet up! shld be in our 2nd trimester bah for the MS monster to go away... counting down... how is ur girl?

gd morn !!!

Milo / Stefie : I also eat food first then take the pill. cos I feel very "fan wei" if I take the pill first..i don't like the mouth taste of medicine smell... :p

i had a very long sleep last nite...was totally exhausted..i doze off at 8plus and slept from 9 till this morning...

but I am tired already this morning...

wah stefie you sure eat very exciting things for breakfast, hahah... tummy better now?

crystal n stefie, me too, i woke up at 5am and tossed and turned. only dozed off at 7am but had to wake at 7.15! so groggy and couldn't get up til 7.45. of course late for work too.

milo - woo hoo! i think so, it'll be fun. maybe june or july ;) where do u stay? my gal recovered from fever, then started having running nose yest. but ok lah.. she slept thru last night. just that i didn't [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she's turning 2 next month! don't know whether to hold a party for her or not. u had one for your boy recently? where did u have yours? any ideas on venue?

good morning ladies!

i left my pills at home today... anybody know if i can take them tonight to make up for it? will it be too heaty?

Hi Milo,

cannot leh, my hormones pills need to be taken after food. So have to wait for food to settle down 1st.

Hi crystal,

Thanks for your concern, today still okay. Just had fried bee hoon kosong with sweet sauce plus HL milk, cos now cannot drink milo liao.

Hi Feimei,

finally found the ingredients list for my BB cream. Heng can use. Tomorrow I will be meimei again, cos without my BB cream I look like yellow-faced wife with lots of pimples. Yapee!!!!

pOOh, my gynae jus prescribe me with DHA, so now I have DHA, progesterone and folic acid. She also gave me a box of soluble fiber for constipation.

yvaine, better growing than not. Just worry that the beanie might get too big by the last tri.

Hi yvaine,

not really. Fried bee hoon kosong + dark sweet sauce + HL milk. Tomorrow will be exciting, Mee siam - my once a week indulges.

Yesterday still puke abit, heng hubby bought the fish bee hoon have some sour taste, if not, my dinner would be ended up in toilet bowl again.

I still have to be positive, jia you jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had weird dreams about some strange looking girl looking at me (blur blur image), maybe think too much in day time. Can't sleep after that.

Hi p00h,

Mine pills would be:-

morning: GNC pre-natal multi-vits x 1 + hormones pill x1 + Folic acid x 2

Afternoon: Hormones pill x 1

Night: GNC pre-natal multi-vits x 1 + hormones pill x1

No fish oil yet, I think 2nd trimester.


Need ur advice. As i have yet to tell my mum I am pregnant. I told her last night that i had a headache that's why cant go her place for dinner. So today she boiled " ling yang" for me to ease the heatyness. Oh no, can i take " ling yang"? I am abt 5 weeks....intend to break the news next week after the first scan

Hi ribena,

yesterday I puked Milo kosong. So better stay away from it first. I also cannot take cold drinks. Now can only take plain water.


nann, some chinese physician says can drink Ling Yang. But I remember I had that once when I was a teenager, my menses flow for that particular month is alot!! So my suggestion is to avoid it.

