(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Hi yvaine,

Thanks, Jie meis jia you together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lena,

Wu hua guo so-so only. But I don't like sour plum too salty.

I now no appetite, also walk like ah ma.

Hi Cherrry, Mdl,

Dr Woody's equipment not so advance, can only do U/S.And the U/S abit blur blur one. But He is still my fav Gynae[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My Dr Hope[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


do you all realise we have more blood rushing in our blood vessels now??

I accidentally trapped my fingers in between the door last sat . it was so painful and bleeding. though it was a small wound, usually the blood will stop after i exert pressure, but now it doesn't it took me 3 plasters before it stop

but amazing is, i thought i will get blue black, but apparently it doesn't !!

so i wonder if it is because the blood circulate better now with the little one inside us ??


jolin, i think its likely to be the uterus expanding. i experienced a few cramps in my 1st and current pregnancy, luckily both turned out alright. hehe wish u can slp through the entire 1st trimester right? how many weeks are u at now?

i look like a bubble maker cos been puking foamy bubble! too bad mine cant float in the air but can only sink in the toilet bowl LOL

musica - my aunties and eldest sis has been seeing Dr Ho during their pregnancy. But i switch to Dr Thong cos my 2nd and 3rd sis see her during they pregnancy. Both gynaes are superb!

ribena/yvaine - so nice.. can see the beanie's hand and legs.. which week did u gals manage to see from the scan??

Stefie - I love stir fried caixin with minced pork!! I used to cook for myself!! I crave for fried batang fish.. but i scare i feel nausea upon tasting it.

Oh yes, can anyone tell me if i can drink a glass of honey with a slice of lemon each day?/ i'm sick of ribena already.. can drink pao pao cha or not huh??

Now i already get a part time auntie to clean my house.. Keep feeling tired and wanting to lie down.

oh ya stefie i'm quite close to you, in the next town called punggol, hehe. but i hang out at SK alot cause my parents stay there.

Jolin - glad to know it's not ectopic. i see you're catching up on rest, that;s good ;) u resigned means still working or already left liao? if the former, there's something to look forward to! better not take herbal soups unless you're very sure what's in it and that it's safe for pregnancy wor...

jolin, i think it's not advisable to take black chicken herbal soup now. try to avoid anything tonic 'cos right now cannot "bu" our body.

i used to have the sharp pain at right side also, it comes and goes and made me worried but i think is the womb expanding, some girls mentioned in earlier threads. dun worry overmuch. if it is appendicitis, the pain will be more regular. if you are afraid, you can go see another doctor for a 3rd opinion.

also fisherman friend is not very healthy 'cos of the artificial sweetener it uses. try to minimise - take only when necessary ok?

Stefie, next time I'll be staying near you too! Waiting for my BTO HDB at Compassvale Pearl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jolin,

was wondering, what happened to you. Heng you and beanie okay. Was worried for you since you said you have sharp pain.

I thnk your belly expanding, as long as no spotting should be normal.

Glad that you sound happier[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Rainbow,

I am so hungry now but no appetite to eat. Later will eat roti.

No pao pao cha okay, very liang. If I am not wrong the pearl is big sago, not good for babies and womb leh.

I've been eating non-stop the whole day! Gosh... my husband has already surrendered cos he says he can't keep up with my eating now. I'm still the same weight so not much weight gain yet...

Anyway, I'm started taking this organic non-sweetened soya bean milk... any idea if soya bean milk is ok for kiddo?

Wow, so many mommies living near me. Can have gathering liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Muddy paws,

not too much. Read somewhere that it will change baby's sex from boy to girl cos of the plant hormones. My hubby don't allow me to take too much Soya milk.

stefie, i'm eating cheese roti and a pkt of fresh milk now. I think u're simliar to me, just no appetite. Just eat for the sake of eating. DH wanna bring me out to eat crab yest (he strike 4d!:)) at Still Road, I also no appetite.

My auntie keep asking me to eat durian, says it's very good for the baby. Can we start eating now or 2nd trimester.. Anyway i also no craving for durian.

Stefin, i think i can feel the baby's heartbeat once in a while.. When i'm very full and shorts very tight tat time... LOL

muddypaws, hehe my hub was teasing me tat my feeding time has improved from every 2 hours to every 3 hours! exactly like a newborn... *shy*

milo66 : as of today, i am at 9wk 1day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha you are so funny !

yah...sometimes i burp saliva with lots of bubble too..

yvaine : yah suddenly last fri i feel sooo tired..last thur i keep vomitting even in middle of night till i only had 2 hrs of sleep, then sharp pain, i was really so worried..keep telling my hubby "all yr fault all yr fault !"

then keep touching the stomach and tell the little one to be strong to be strong.

i have not left. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i tender last fri, then my boss ask me to reconsider over weekend.

since i already voice our my unhappiness at work already..so i decide to take things easy at work, work one day count one day..when not well, will take MC lor..

my hubby urge me to wait till move office next week, see if the env will turn better. if not, then you tender again also not too late...

so i am trying to hold on until i cannot tahan anymore...

dewdew : oh really ~ no wonder...think the lil one is giving me warning signs...luckily i did not drank, i feel gulity though cos my mom take effort to cook for me, but reckon she also blur blur dont know i cannot take herbal now.

yah, i ate the fisherman only when feeling nauseous on the train or bus..

thanks stefie & dewdew..feel relieved someone used to have this symptom before..i tot it was abnormal..no wonder Dr Chee keep assuring me everything is fine..feel so paisey, like going to her out of the blue. =P..

serious ah the soya bean thingy!! first time i hear! quite funny leh, heheh..

Rainbow - i see my beanie's arm n leg buds (really buds, not long limbs, but very cute de) at 8w1d. it was abt 1.6cm then. you want princess ah? princesses are soooooooo sweeeeeeeet i tell you. they'll sure melt the daddy's heart too! but hor, must make sure you tell your baby whether boy or girl it's just as precious. i've read that if the baby's gender is rejected, the baby will capture the mommy's or daddy's rejection and that's not good. so go for your soybean for all that's worth, but must tell your baby, boy or gal, still wonderful, beautiful and precious!

Stefie - ya lor, can have gathering, i'll be there if i can make it! best is when all the tummies big big, then gather and take photo, hahahah....

Hi Rainbow,

cute right, little heartbeats at our bellies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also love to feel my beanie[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If I were you I also no mood to eat, smell already want to puke.

Durian can start later. Now just eat to stop hunger, no craving for anything. I even puked my milo this morning.

Soya bean drink - that's what happened to my SIL, baby girl in the end. SO maybe can try, since you want baby girl so much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


take things easy okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also no mood to work, now productivity only 5%. Ha!!! Ha!!!

Jolin, no need to paiseh. We are first time mummies, and of course if we experience pain we'd be scared. Moreover the doc at RH told you what ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, of course you get more scared!

As for your mum, if she blur blur then u must be more hardworking and find out more about what you can or cannot eat. don't later all blur together and eat wrongly, not good for baby!

Jia you!


Just wondering how do we count our EDD. As in i know the EDD date but what i'm not sure is

Week 9 day 6 then goes into week 10


Week 9 Day 7 then goes into Week 10 Day 1

Yvaine - Jolly bean tonight!!! But my sis say my nose seems to have enlarge and I've breakouts... sure BOY!!! My hubby wans a princess too..;) And we agreed upon if princess, I can close shop liao... hooray!!!

milo - hahah 3 hrs is not too bad... got improvement ;)

Jolin - oh i c... hmmm since they know your intention, i think they'll probably try to be nicer to you for now. i agree, take it real easy. buay song, just quit! hahahaha.... good that your hubby has 'repented' ;)

wow okok tonight let's all have a date at soya bean shop! i also WAN a girl!

rainbow... hehe i was telling hubby if my no 1 is a girl then i wont be going through all the puking a 2nd time! this time round be it boy/girl, close shop le!

yvaine, got gathering must chio ya! sure to be fun... imagine an entire place full of preggy! so cute! we shall set a date to meet up when we are all done with MS monster!

twinklebell123, faint line is normal at early pregnancy.. maybe you test with your first urine in the morning??

yvaine, i just happen to pop by the clinic for my 1st visit..

ya.. i also dont feel like coming to work everyday. hav to drag myself up every morning so torturing...

yeah yeah.. got gathering we can all meetup =)

I just saw my little baby and I saw it moving! The feeling is really indescribable. Milo,can you update me into the chart? My edd is 6 Dec and my gynae is Dr Paul Tseng from TMC. This is my second one.

Finally i cannot tahan liao... Went to puke just now and just finish drinking a hot cereal + 2 biscuits to make me feel better.... Feel better after the puke... tin in future i better not suppress so much like last time...

Hi Rainbow & Stefie: You can feel BB heartbeat? I also tried to feel it but i tin the heartbeat i felt is my own one.... Even test on my bf stomach to see if can hear heartbeat and turns out really can... haha

My mum said soya bean is good for BB cos will have fair skin... She drank throughout her 3 pregnancies and also got a boy for her second one leh... Haha...

My colleagues said that eating durian can helps to make the BB grow bigger... But i tin is eat ard the second or last trimester... Not advisable to eat too much also ba cos heaty, high in sugar...

Hi Jolin: Hope you feelin alot better after voicing out your unhappiness to your boss.... Try not to stress yourself too much k... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lena, i tink its not easy to suppress MS le.. i tried before cos i'm still MSing alot now.. it turns out worse.. now what i do is when i wan to MS i jsut go.. i dun bother to control..

hahaha Rainbow, so funny la... and your hubby also wants a girl? sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tot guys will want a boy for soccer companion, hahahaha!

Hi Crystal: Yea.. you are right... i tried to suppress it cos i dun wanna waste the medicine and food that i ate, also scared will feel very hungry if puke cos hungryness worsen my MS feel... Nth much to eat also cos at office... haha... At times, after suppressin and tried not to tin about it for awhile, the feelin do go away... but today my mauseaous feelin seem more frequent so just now i buay tahan liao... And after the puke, really feel kinda better.... Next time i know what to do liao... hehe

crystal, 1st visit was ok.. doc did u/s and tell me what not to eat, then say will see me in 2 wks time if there is no spotting..

Hmm.. don't eat too many durians if you want to watch your weight or the baby's size. My friend had a smaller than average baby when she was around 34 weeks. Her doctor advised her to eat durian. Within 2 weeks, she gained and the baby gained 2 kgs! So I think durian is really high in calories, should eat in moderation else you will tip the scales very quickly.

nice to hear so many mummies seeing their beanie develop and swimming around.. i just cant wait for my visit nxt tues.. by then hope to be able to heartbeat and see bb swimming too..

no stingray meh? i thought no sotong and shellfish? i ate stingray during my #1 but was just abit, had craving so gotta satisfy it.. hahaha.. I laid off sotong, shellfish (only had lots of crabs & lobsters), mutton, kangkong, coconut throughout..

no stingray 'cos they say it's poisonous... is it because of the mercury content? same goes for shark and tuna.

crab can eat ah?

oic... i think its the mercury content cos stingray is a big fish? crab can eat but old folks say eat liao next time bb will pinch ppl wor... so cute! no logic though...


soya is good but do not over take as too high in protein is not good.. Every thing in moderation..

Water is good, will reduce retention later on but the cons part is peeing... But bb will have super good skin.. This is proven

ling, yup! It's really cool! Can't help smiling away when we walked our of gynae's office, and everyone just stared at us. I've been seeing my gynae every two weeks too, to monitor progress. I'm 9 week 5 days, next appt is week 12. After that, I just need to go back once every 4 weeks.

cherrry, LOL! I laughed out when my gynae told us a typical bb's routine =))

sparkle bee, I'm still in my first tri, 9 week 5 days. I'm sure you'll see something on your next visit. Don't stress too much. =)) Most importantly he's progressing and healthy!

p00h, yeah! Excited and smiling away when we left gynae's office.

Amelia, feeling excited for ya!

twinklebell, scrub should be no problem, just make sure you tell them not to do pressure or any kind of massage on your legs. I heard from friends that we shld avoid essential oil during our pregnancy, so I'm not sure you should still go ahead. Coz even if you request them not to use or light essential oil, they might still have them in other rooms.

stefie, LOL! Shld buy 4D!

Lena Sun, BB starts developing their arms and legs in week 8 or 9, so I guess you see more significant movement by then.

yvaine, I can't wait for my checkup at 12 week too! How big is your BB? Mine measured almost 5cm! And according to "What to expect" book, it shld be ard 4cm. I kinda worry it's too big....


From what I know, Stingray is due to high mecury content. How about Sotong? I love sotong but haven't eaten yet.

So far the food I have avoided are salmon sashimi, tuna, stingray... I really want to eat sushi but sianz cannot eat!

