(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Eon, I still can't confirm my attendance for now, I need to see how we are moving my stuff back. It's either on Sat or Fri night. You still have my mobile number? I'll let you know by Fri night or Sat morning. I'm fine with any food or location. =)

andrea - apart from sharing the same name, seems like we have other things in common. me also not too big on mexican food! sorry i did say i'll go with majority, but didn't know it's mexican food at fairmont.

hyatt - is it straits cafe?? the glorified hawker centre??? heh... so fussy hor... how much do we pay? both are 30+?

last week i went to global kitchen 1for1 seafood buffet, not great. they charge $68+++ per person, if no promotion it's $80 per head. super not worth it. even paying $40 per head was also not that great a deal i thought, cause the food really didn't quite make the cut after they changed their spread from last year.

Eon - sorry ah give you headache. we can't please everyone's palatte so as organiser you just narrow down or make the final decision then we'll follow ;)

oh ya just remembered there was a discussion about leaking pee when sneezing. might be helpful to try out Kegel exercise to strengthen the pelvic muscles. it's also good coz it helps during the delivery and in getting the muscles back in shape post delivery

dewdew, i havent worked out a way to feed baby yet LOL..u learn fast! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

since i havent gotten a breastpump, think i will try latch on first (at same time prepare the pumps i want in case i need at last min to get hubby buy for me)...

eoneon, after reading amuro's article, think if possible, try to delay water until much later unless baby shows signs of dehydration hehe

amuro, thanks for the article!

i copy and paste for hubby liao! must convince him first LOL

Actually I am fine wif any location so long as near mrt, city hall or orchard type..dun want to eat mexican food, sound 'alien' to me,hehe :p

also easy for my hubby to fetch me cos I am gng to liang court for play gym[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, wah your MIL say such things. I will be annoyed also. Agree with Eon, not as if we're running for Miss Universe. Ignore her, and after your confinement just look ravishing again. That will make her keep quiet.

I get very mad with insensitive remarks during this period of time.

ribena: yes, i still hav your number. you have mine too? im afraid i will forget to contact you on friday.. hehe

amuro: okok, noted.

yvaine: haha, no worries. we just have to come up with a decision fast thats all.

cindy: yah, must remember about the water drinking part liao.

mangogal: your gal joining us?

mummies: straits kitchen at hyatt doesnt have hi tea and lunch buffet is at $41++. So i doubt hyatt is the choice liao. please advise.

Eon, what time are we meeting actually? For lunch or hi tea ah? I prefer lunch leh..:p

Eon, I still have your number =) I'll sms you on Fri night or Sat morning, must let you know if I'm coming or not mah. ;) Thanks for organizing!


yes yes i dont mind international or other pastries n sandwiches or cakes. but mexican food sounds erm.. not so appetising to me! and spend $30+ on something i dont like to eat is abit wasted =PP

eoneon - i just called for Mrs wong class again. My first lesson is on 16 Oct. I scared too late cos my edd 2 dec and classes finish mid nov...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

mangogal, u going arh for the shoots hahaha i have a fren who does this free lance i turn him down immediately hahaha... i soo bad.. ahaha i dun wan to keep photos of me being"fat" le hahaha...

haha crystal, very tempted to go leh cos last pregnancy liao want to keep it as a beautiful memory[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hv 3 frens went for and their photos are very nice and beautifully taken[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

I'm helping my friend who is selling a VERY comfy and good to use baby sling imported from South Korea. She is based in Malaysia so to lighten the load for the shipping fees in order for mummies in Singapore to pay lesser, all slings will be shipped to my place and self-collect at various MRT stations and other locations to be advised again.

The Best Baby Sling From South Korea

- 100% Breatheable cotton

- up tp 5 or more different positions to sling baby

- newborn to 2 yrs old

- comes with Pillow & matching Hat

- How-To-Use instruction guide and CD Rom

- Liability Insurance on Sling

- Best Kids Goods award in Korea!

More details @ http://bestbabysling.webs.com/index.htm Kindly note to contact me instead of the email adressee on the website.

The purchases will only be confirmed once we hit 15 orders of the slings. The price is as follows:

Baby Sling: SGD = S$96 (inclusive of shipping fees with min. 15 orders)

For ordering and for more details, please contact me at: [email protected]

mangogal: okok, so high tea good for you hor. thats great!

ribena: okok. let me know.

melissa: huh! a bit late by the time you finish the course. scully you give birth liao class still havent finish. hmmm, but you weigh the pros and cons of taking up the class loh.

mangogal: im interested! now is to persuade hubby about it. hehe

mummies and daddies: lets go olive tree ok? cause its from 12.30pm to 5.30pm and its $35++. hyatt has not high tea. only lunch from 12.30pm to 3pm and at $41++.

Hi Eoneon, Olive tree is the one at Hotel Continental at Bugis? SOrry cos i seldom eat at Hotel so kinda blur abt all this... :p the gathering will end ard what time? Or we all goin walk walk after the makan?

Hi Athena, I think the Kotex maternity pad you bought is the one with the loop so it's very cheap... I bought the adhesive one cos i dunnoe how to use the loop one... I also bought the Pureen brand maternity pad to try and it's alot cheaper than Kotex... Kotex is ard $5.50-6 for 10 pcs and Pureen is $6.90 for 20 pcs..

Mummies who wants to buy maternity pads may want to consider Pureen since it's cheaper.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Amuro, Thanks for the article... Hmm, now i understand better whether to give BB water anot cos i was also confused when i read that we shouldn't gif BB water so early...

hehe.. i also dont knw where's olive tree. I'm fine with anywhere. thanks alot, Eoneon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lena, Pureen got come in smaller pack ma? 20pcs like alot hor? cos alot of mummies suggested using the normal nightpad with v heavy flow one. cos maternity pad v uncomfy. I'm thinking to get the maternity pad is jus for incase waterbag burst de. hehee.. But ya, i think i will get Pureen too :p


thks for reply.

sorry got another silly qn-actually wat is the reason for not touching water? how long we can't touch water for? so means we can't water milk bottles, wash towel to clean baby, etc?

coz i not thinking of getting CL leh, so if can't touch water means i can't do almost like everythg. really huh?

Cherrry, I'm not sure whether got smaller packs cos my colleague recommend it to me and also bought for me cos it's not easy to find at supermarkets... Tin must go those neighbour shops that sells shampoo etc den can find... Haha... My colleague said better to have a total of 40 maternity pads so i kinda KS.. If you want, y not i share the Pureen wif you cos i also find alot when i have already bought 2 pkts of Kotex... :p

Y you scare of waterbag burst? I tin when that happens, it will be so sudden that you will go hospital immediately and no time to tin of puttin pad liao lo... haha

Muddypaws - thanks for the info, I ve noted down your email. Will contact you if I need more info

Cherrry - You intend to quit after ML to be a SAHM? You mention about getting HL instead of MC, does your gynae issue HL? I previously ask my gynae before and he said he can only issue MC. Anyway, so envy you if you can be SAHM, can watch your little one grow up...

Btw is it a must to buy maternity pads? Cannot use those normal pads for nite time ones? I still have 3 packs unused.

Hee I'm ok to share if u don't mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya, my friend waterbag burst at home, u gotta wear maternity pad from journey to hospital ba? And alot mummies advise to eat first before go hospital too so water will keep dripping. Hee.. And another friend of mine tell me to put waterproof sheet on bed at week 30+ just incase waterbag burst while sleeping. Some burst is huge water gush out, some only drips so gotta prepare abit. Think aftertat for bleeding, can wear normal heavynight flow pads as many mummies suggested here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so tats y I think just standby no need too many ba? Hee..

Hi mummies,

I think pureen pads not v good cos the adhesive doesnt stay as well, so it keeps shifting, i find it may leak easily.. In the end i switch to normal maternity pads, actually the flow not as bad as i expected... Since we're going to be home, just change more often can liao, at night u probably hv to wake up for night feeds so just change lor...

As for not touching water, i think its just one of those old sayings abt confinement la, like not bathing and washing hair, etc.. I didnt follow confinement rules at all in fact, still ok leh, dun hv backaches and other side effects.

In fact i bathed and wash hair the day after i delivered in hospital... And continued showering and washing hair everyday with normal bath gel and shower, hehe!

I v naughty la, couldnt stand being sweaty and not bathing..

But of cos if u want to follow, then its good la, wont get nag by the elders [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya Sharon I intend to quit aftertat. Don want to miss her growing up phase and will do PT job nearer my place instead ba :p

Most mummies use normal pad but for v heavyflow de. Tats why I tot just get maternity pad incase for waterbag de. Hee..

Ohya my gynae do giv HL. Think he's those kind who think preggies must really rest well so when I requested, he just giv it to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I told him I'm too tired with not enough sleep and go to work v giddy. Which I was really like a zombie for being not sleeping much tat few wks.


I have just done a maternity photoshoot during my second trimester. I intend to take again in my 3rd trimester. Haha. I only intend to have 1 kid. If now don't take, then no chance to take liao.

I also look very bloated now. Very scare to stand on weighing machine nowsaday... I very scare weight can't reduce back after birth, then i look forever aunty liao.

ya hippo n Lena, u do not need materity pad cos it is very thick, i use those overnite heavy flow slimguard frm laurier n change once every 3 hrs to maintain hygiene,eh can touch water la i also bath n need to wash n keep vagina clean n make sure no infection!

So eon,meet at olive tree wat time since their lunh start at 12:30pm?

Decmum,oh only one kid? Haha glad that u go for nice maternity shoot!

I am gng to studioloft so will arrange timing in nov [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all mummies,

hw is everyone doing?? mummies, i cant join u all tis sat gathering again...my bb cot stl nt solved...sigh, quite disappointed wif their services n gt to go to my aunty side to giv her mooncake, cant keep e mooncake wif me for too long.

mummies, i wondering is there such ting as pre-delivery depression...these few days nt onli i cant slp, i keep thinking of negative tings den cry non-stop...vy scare i gt depression...sigh

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

terrible! giddy spell and nauseousness hit me while i was on the bus. now feeling terrible.

regarding the venue of olive tree, its at intercontinental hotel. in terms of venue, its fits the criteria of not having to walk far, in terms of price its the lowest coupled with suitable timing to suit everyone.

mangogal, mummies and yugal daddy: what do you think is a suitable time to meet? 2pm?

mummies and yugal daddy: i have gotten the name list from lovebyte for the gathering and have added on those who have expressed interests. however, for reservation, i need the actual number. could you please confirm your attendance and/or add in your name if yours are not included.





Yugal & wife



tab <thats the name found on the online excel form>






Woolsley & hubby


bbribena & hubby <will advise on friday>



morning all...

Eon - thanks so much for making the decision. yes Olive Tree sounds good, i think someone mentioned there's 4-for-3 offer for a certain credit card. maybe when you make reservation can check with them? but i may have to take a raincheck for that day. my mom's not been well the last few days, suffering from a bad infection and taking antibiotics and having very bad side effects from it... my hubby will be working the entire weekend from sat to sun 24hours.. so i have to see how my mom is by sat. if she's still not better, i can't leave my gal with her. and 2pm is my gal's naptime so i won't be able to go out in that case. but still tentative lah. really have to see how her condition is on fri. Can I get your contact number? i sms you on friday? tentatively for now pls count me in first. thanks hor.

Mangogal - same! i also use laurier slimguard night flow... it's way more comfortable than maternity pads. and cheaper.

PSH - i just got quite emotional yesterday too. after something really negative happened at home. couldn't sleep, had palpitations, only managed 3-4 hours then have to drag myself to work... what happened to the cot??? are you getting stressed up with things at work?

Morning EonEon,

Thank you for the effort in organising this outing!!

If the high tea starts from 1230pm, might as well we meet at 1230pm for "lunch"? hehe....

hi eon, sorry i wont be able to make it too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi EonEon,

Thanks for organising. I'm ok with Olive Tree. For mommies who live in the serangoon/hougang/amk area who needs a lift, I would be glad to give you a lift there. Tinker me!~

hi Eoneon, thank u, 2pm is good for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] are u feeling better now?

milo & yugal:

e cot had ardy delivered to us last mth, while installing e sale person saw sm defects on e wood so he told us e tat he will cm bk e following wk to change for us, well, he did cm bk to change e wood but after inspecting i notice there is stl defects on e wood that he bring so again gt to cm bk again to change which is last Sat but he didnt cm cos he say he cannt make n gt to re-arrange another date for him to cm dw...sigh

my work is nt tat stress but i keep thinking will i b a gd mother? can i realli take gd care of my bb? do i hv euff BM to feed my bb?? blah blah blah...cant control myself den start to cry while thinking all sorts of negative things.

psh, still got time for the man to come down and rectify the cot. dun get too stressed ok?

as for being a good mother, i believe u will be. dun worry abt having enough BM to feed baby cos if worst case, dun have then feed FM lor. I have enough BM but really cannot cope alone tat time. feel so useless but told myself feeding FM is better than my son having a bonkers mother right? kaeden drank FM and minimum BM also grow up to be a big and tall boy so no issue mah. stay cheerful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies!

Just had nice Tuna crossiant and milo for breakfast. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH - Don't be too stressed up, not good for health. Don't think too much either, I believe when the time comes, we'll all be naturally good mothers due to our motherly instinct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


PSH: Happy thoughts happy thoughts... don't think too much whether you would be a good mother or not... I'm very confident your motherly instincts would kick in the moment you pop, and everything would be ok. Rome wasn't built in a day, so don't set expectations for yourself okie? Just go with the flow and enjoy the process [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

