(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

mango & crystal, i got mine from watsons. for the maternity pad, only bought 1 pack to last me for the first few days then switch to normal pad.. so expensive at $6 for 10pcs.


melissa: must have been terrible hor! take care

mangogal: i also dont know why leh, i didnt apply the conditioner to my scalp but then i realised it caused more production of sebum so i switched both and now my hair and scalp better le. will still be oily but not as bad as that period whereby wihtin half an hour the top part of my scalp will be so oily it looks wet! damn gross!!

milo: i know theres this saying but i never bothers. i even help hubby assemble the baby cot we bought from ikea. hehe... yah, need cupboard to be in first to do the arranging.

where you bought your disposable undies?

melissa, coz my gynae visit was scheduled on 8th oct, thats y i plan the tour on 7th haha..now i planning to change my scan date if there's no important scanning leh..haiz

think i have to check if she's doing any tests on me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, thanks, think i have to scan see baby position first ba...not too optimistic on this since movements i keep feeling in lower abdomen still haiz

i havent found the undies leh LOL

coz only been looking for baby stuffs like diapers/changing mats/bottles (to compare price)..

so far my buys are only clothes and baby detergent...zzz

for the undies, after delivery wun slim back? really need XXL ah? T_T

and the pjs, think after delivery belly will sag but will be smaller la, should be able to fit?

mango, strep b can do even at week 33-34? got deadline?

oh ya i also used medela bottles cause my pump is medela pump. but they don't have wide-necked bottles like pigeons though so i use the medela ones more for storage...

i agree with milo, can just use the normal pads for very heavy flow, the night time kind where it's longer and more absorbent.

Bbribena, me too!! My sleeping habit was on my left but now sleeping on my back make me to comfy...

Yvaine, u sure u put on 10kg?? Tat means all goes to yr bb lei.. U really look sooo slim especially arm and thigh!! Really envy cos I look like an elephant now! So heavy and clumpsy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mangogal, I agree with u not to do rebond now cos during confine, we will sure bun hair, clip or hair band and this will damage e shape. But I wan to colour!! Cos I've got so much greys!!

Eoneon: I was also at Saturday's class 7pm... think I saw someone that look like you but I am not very sure... hehe. Was sitting near the washroom side, think u are at the other end.

eon, haha i also cannot be bother la. if everything also listen then cham liao. dun need to do! got my undies from watson.

cindy, my no 1 was also likely breech but gynae still do the strep b test for me jus in case baby decide to turn. for ash, since i am opting for c-sect, dunno can siam bo. can be spared on some 'torture' also good la.

i dunno how fast i will slim down after delivery though i am bearing some hope. so hor i only bought 2 packs and told hubby if i need more, pls help me buy since watson is jus downstair my place :p

Rainbow...oh colour, but wil lchemical be more harmful than rebond?

ren lor or tie up ur hair

Eoneon, I see..u try to tie up ur hair lor

Cindy, this one u chk wif ur gynae, I do mine at 35 weeks, that is my gynae practise la...

Milo, oki thks will go watsons n compare but still prefer TMC one alto more ex :p

BTW, any MTBs here gng for maternity shoots for beautiful memory? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didnt do it for my prev pregnancy but intend to go for this time since it is my last time preggie, haha :p

There a few popular studio but gt t ocal n chk out their schedule[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rainbow - yup 10kg liao... but i guess i was underweight to start with. baby was 891g 3 weeks ago, so now maybe 1+... the rest goes to other parts leh... think we all do feel huge subjectively!

Yvaine, ya me too feel larger too thuogh my frens said I still look so slim esp my arm :p

amuro: thanks! im still waiting for more responses, if everyone is ok, i will just book fairmont le. since its most convenient.

dewdew: oh, so sad. next time must join ok?

yvaine: okok, will check out causeway point vhive this week.

Mangogal, envy envy.. I've got auntie's arm/thigh now! Sad man...

Disposable panties-bought 4 pkts 2mths back. Impression brand (maternity). find it quite good for their normal ones.

Detergent for bottles-so tollyjoy is better than pigeon? Than I'll get tollyjoy

Milo, that's quite true... irregular hours of our hubs' job is a killer. My hub actually reminded his senior few times about he not able to sail from nov, but both of us aren't sure if those reminders register in his senior's mind or not lor. Sigh...

Your preparation quite well done eh, Milo! I've lost track over what else I need to get and need to be done... Haven't been doing alot of reading lately too. Stress sia...

milo, wa i jus read on strep b, seems quite serious...better do in case! haha..the test also normally done at week 35-37...so maybe i can delay :p but still have to check with gynae leh...coz like u say, diff gynae diff practise haiz

haha ya i also told hubby if my breech baby, no need test liao lor..so i be saved from torture too hehe...

mango, i did think of going for the shoot (as suggested by my friend)..but scared wun turn out nice leh T_T

thanks all the mummies who mentioned on the brand of bottles and baby wipes they are using. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aumuro, your baby is so good can get used to both latching and bottle! I hope mine will be fine with both also.

i've bought 2 PJs from OG, they're good quality and don't have cartoon on them so i can wear them during my hospital stay. Mount A doesn't provide hospital gowns..

milo, strep b test is compulsory to be done if we choose natural birth issit? It's painful to do the test issit?

hi, juz want to find out those who went to attend those ane-natal class, it is useful ? u gals think it's necessary to go? mine is at mount e, only weekdays and start at 630pm, quite rush for me and my hubby .... i bought kotex maternity pads, 10 pcs at $1.60 at the taka baby fair, but heard from my friend, giant also selling at this price .... for those who might be interested.

aiko: really? i didnt see anyone resembling you wor. maybe i was not observant enough. see you this sat, see if i can "catch" you! hehe... yes, i sat at the other end with woolsley.

milo: ya loz. cannot listen to every single "advise' else very cham. cant get things done.

thanks, i go watson to find. dont know can find my size mah?!

what is strep b test?

mangogal: yes, i tied up my hair partially. cannot tied up fully to avoid being tweety bird inverted!

me thinking of taking leh. cause wana capture my tum tum. any recommendation? dont know expensive or not hor?

fairmont is at raffles city, link to swissotel the stamford.


debbie the trick is to co feed immediately after u r back home.

My schedule was morning and noon latch on. Evening onwards bottle till dawn. Repeat cycle.


i find that attending classes allows you to be more prepared and also it teaches you a lot of practical ways to handle the baby.

And many people including confinement lady, burp the baby the wrong way and thus induce vomitting.

These antenatal class allows parents,to know which way to burp the babies properly,how to swaddle em,to bath them,what ways to get rid of colic and different steps on exercise to do during pregnancy.

I didnt buy maternity pads,was provided by hospital the 1st 2night stay, and back home just use normal thick overnight pad. It worked well enough.

ribena, i totally agree! i feel super stressed tat time when i am abt to due. so worried if hubby not home how? no reception how? he was on night duty the night before i gave birth! heng ah, my timing zhun zhun sia. i think better get ur hub to double, triple remind!

cindy, ya lor, better check with your gynae. cos test liao still need some time for the result. if touch wood positive, still need time to treat so maybe cannot tu till so late.

debbie, strep b test is like papsmear. not really painful la but can siam some poking then siam lor. i think i have enough of blood test, poke below for the time being liao :p

eon, if can find my size sure got ur size la. i am lagi pui le. already at 73kg during my gynae visit 3 weeks ago. my mil still dare to laugh at me for putting on wt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

some info on strep b:

Group B Strep is a type of bacteria that one to three women carry in their vagina. These bacteria, though benign to women in general, may pose serious and potentially life threatening consequences for your baby during birth. However, with proper screening women who test positive will be treated with an antibiotic during labor to prevent passing these bacteria on to their baby.

EonEon: haha.. i never know tat was you if you did call me in the prenatal class. it was really fun and not bored at all. I'm looking forward for this sat class.. haha..

Today gonna b a busy day cos my team down with 6 ppl.. tired and monday blue..

milo: im more pui than you! so im worried. wahaha... chey! so bad of her. we cant control de mah. i also wish i can stay the same with just increment in my tum tum.

wow! didnt know about strep b until you gals mentioned leh. must remember to check with my gynae this friday.

muddypaws: havent decided yet leh. if everyone is fine. i would suggest going to fairmont so that i can do the booking and confirm everything? but i need to highlight that fairmont will be having mexican fair on this saturday.

please let me know mummies and daddies ^_^

re. gathering this sat

is it really confirm at fairmont? if yes, then i think i might skip. dont really know whats there to eat since its mexican food =P

woolsley: aiyoyo. i must have put on so much weight that you cant recognise me.. sob sob.. im looking forward to this saturday class too. but gona go straight from the meetup though.

Athena, hi i think the class is useful to me and my hubby cos we're first time parents and my hubby is most of the time busy with work and he doesn't have time to read up articles online about baby care, so this is his only chance to attend a lesson together with me on how to care for baby and mother etc. It's a informative lesson for me and i enjoy it cos it makes me and my hubby more prepared for taking care of a baby. The teacher is well-trained so you can be assured that what she tells you there is true and not like those old wives tales etc. Can help you bond also with baby and hubby! It's not a must to go, just sign up for it if you're keen.

My course itself starts at 7pm so it's super rushed for me and my hubby too. But no choice, short term, rush for 6 weeks. I enjoy my class conducted by TMC but i dunno about how the other classes at other hospitals are like. If you want weekend classes, maybe you can look into classes by Mt A or TMC?

Aumuro, woah thanks for the tip!! i will definitely try to latch on during the mornings and then bottle in the late afternoon onwards. Because i will need to attend afternoon classes to upgrade myself during the later part of the afternoon from 3pm to 6pm so i was rather worried that if i latch on only at the start, my baby may not want drink from bottle, then my MIL will have hard time helping me take care of baby during the late afternoon. thanks for the tip! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, oh ic, thanks for the info! i have had enough of jabs and blood tests also. lol.

andrea: not confirm. just that unless someone can recommend on an alternative. else hard to come to a decision. any suggestion?

eon, exactly lor. my face turned black when she commented how fat i am, how messy my hair and eyebrows are. not as if i am running for ms universe leh. preggy is like tat one ma!

milo, haha my face turned black when my aunty told me i became fat too.. I mean it's normal for us to put on some weight! The thing is she even said i became very aunty ever since i got pregnant! i complain to my hubby and my hubby say "woah, an aunty calling another person aunty.." haha..

hi ladies

i hear alot of you buying disposable panties and pyjamas. just curious - why we need these 2? sorry first time mummy so a bit blur blur.

wondering if we can make do with our existing panties. can we just wear our tshirts/shorts instead of pyjamas.

debbie, ur hubby is so cute! but he is so so right lor. when i say i put on so much wt, my gynae laugh and ask if i am expecting to lose wt now!

happyhippo, the disposable panties is for the one mth confinement. after delivery, we will have lochia which is like menses but heavier flow. since we cant touch water and not nice to get CL or hub to wash our panties if stained, so disposable is the best option.

as for open front pj, its to help us with breastfeeding. easier mah else if t-shirt means u gotta remove the whole tee to feed.

milo, haha tell yr MIL u running for miss preggy dec 2010 la, instead of miss universe 2010 haha!

anw preggy liao, who cares abt how messy we are..i dun even put on a bit of makeup when i go out :p cant be bothered liao haha

wa still have treatment T_T

somemore 1 in 3 women get it..means quite common wor omg...

then i really have to check with gynae liao haiz...thanks so much for advise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies who bf, if first week or so dun introduce bottle to baby, means baby will jus be on bm, no plain water even?

eoneon - I've called TMC for Mrs wong's class during lunch time and the girl said she will call me back for a date. Guess she's really full!

mango - I wan to go too..but scared too fat photo turn out ugly..

Oh fairmount is mexican food?

Eh thot we gng to Hyatt hi tea?

Haa no la, all mummies will look beautiful in the shoot one, I chk out wif my fren then post the link here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My face only look puffy, then ppl say my tummy is big n told them I put on 12kg, they were suprise,haha!!

Cindy, baby on no bottle will latch on mummy's nipple for breastmilk lor


i also dont know whats good for us this saturday =P what about the other one that have 1-for-1? i cant rem the name of the hotel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, i think must feed a bit of water... My SIL's friend totally never feed water to the baby at all due to so called "water content in breastmilk", the baby's poo was so hard like stone! So must feed a bit of water.. Because in singapore, our weather very hot.. baby need water.

Milo, haha ya my hubby made me laugh when he said that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] to me, mother who put on weight during pregnancy is totally ok! we don't have to take other people's comments to heart ya.. No matter how much weight we put on, we can lose it after giving birth with some determination. Just a matter of how long we take to lose the weight only.

EonEon, not u put on a lot of weight.. Just bcos i'm very forgetful recently. Can easily forget the thing that i have done 10 mins ago..

Haha.. I always ask my husband if i have lock the door or not eventhough i have done it only 10 mins ago... then my husband said i should sleep at the living room, so i can easily check if the door is locked..

I'm thinking to get the 2 weeks HL from Gynae before my EDD..

Debbie, baby do nt need water during the 1st month until 2 or 3 months old...breastmilk will provide the nutrients, formular milk dilute the powder to make it less thicker

woolsley, silly Q, how are u gonna ask ur gynae for HL huh? my gynae look like those very serious, no nonsense type. scare if i tell him i wan HL to rot at hm, later kana suan.

Eoneon, real person not as nice as photos.. so cannot recognise hahaha...

I didn't put on that much kg but I look so much bigger! Ahhhh so be happy u girls still look slim though u gain quite a few pounds. Better than never gain much yet physically look like gain a lot hehe

dewdew/msngo, thanks!

so i think after 1mth then can introduce baby to bottle for plain water?

mango, dun worry la..u dun look like the kind who will gain weight easily leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just received a call from hub, he will be back this Fri instead of next Wed!! After 7 weeks away! YIPPI!!

Eon, are you organizing the gathering for this sat?

cindy, i plan to use amuro's suggestion and do both latch on and bottle once i go back home. only i will switch, bottle feed in the noon & evening, latch on in morning and middle of the night. this way baby might become accustom to the day and night feeding (since my mum will be helping with feeding in the day after ML).

debbie, the no-water instruction was told by my SIL's paediatrician, so until now my nephew hasn't had any water (already 3mths+). maybe different paeds have different practices.

milo: haha, nowadays the ms singapore universe standard in singapore also so so or cmi so we are still ok lah. wahaha

melissa: eh, mrs wong's class full very fast de.

cindy & dewdew: really mey? i thought still need water leh.

mangogal: oops! sorry! i forgot about it le. hyatt will be good too.

you are blessed. i have been telling hubby i really envy preggie mummies who dont put on weight.

mummies and daddies: how about hyatt??

andrea: i also cant remember the 1-for-1 is where le. gosh! lost track man!

woolsley: oh! so mean leh your hubby! haha... i am also very forgetful. im faster at times, i can stand up and then realised i dont know why i stood up for.

aiko: oh please! dont say that. and by the way, i dont look slim. im fat! i was the one who was giggling non stop when hubby and mrs wong were trying to demonstrate on the standing up with support stunt!

The high tea at fairmont, are we talking about plaza market cafe offering mexican high tea?!

I am ok with both hyatt and fairmont since both are still accessible.

cindy, unless you plan to cofeed with formula, our breastmilk is diluted enough so, newborn need notwater until around 5mths.I only introduce water to my daughter when she started semi solid at 6mths old.

ribena: yes, both lovebyte and i are organising but since she is busy this week, i will take over.

good for you that hubby is returning earlier, you must have missed him so much. both of you joining?

milo66, I always feel back and neck aching during working, which really make me can't concetrate on my work at all. And i'm going on the nature birth, afraid the baby would wanna come out anytime especially during the working hours.. So my husband will check with Gynae if she can gave me 2 weeks HL before my EDD..


dewdew, mangogal, ohh icic.. hehe ok noted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe that's why my SIL's newborn baby doesn't like to drink water also.

