(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Melissa, I read somewhere that it's best to sleep on left side for blood circulation. But my gynae did tell me that it doesn't matter whether it's left or right or back, most imptly I get sleep and rest well during the night. Now I'm torn in between sleeping on my back coz it's painless for me, and sleeping on my sides coz that can lead me to deep sleep but hv to go thru lotsa pain...

Eon, gynae appt on Friday! Very excited right! =))


Melissa, crystal, i also feel 'numb' right below my breast on my left side. only when im on bed. hav to ask gynae tmr too.

milo, now we are all in sleepless club.

EonEon: I've a lot of wind too... but getting better cos my helper now makes me ginger tea to drink on alternate days.

melissa/Eon: I am too chicken to rebond my hair now (so I do my messy long hair in a french twist every day for work). Hides the mess and greys wonderfully [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies: I dreamt last night that I popped... in my dream, gynae had to induce at week 29. Liz was 1.8kg... strange dream.

melissa and eon, my hair is also in a mess now but i dare not rebond it at the moment cos jus in case the chemical touches my scalp.

eon, today marks the start of my 3rd trimester too! getting excited and worried at the same time. hope everything will be fine. my friend told me time flies after 28 weeks so we must get started on preparation! yeah!

Hello Mummies!

Been so long since I was last here. Have been busy with work, work and more work.

bbribena, sleep is a nightmare for me cos no matter which side I sleep on, I will have aches as well. Every night, I will have to tell my girl to please allow me a good night's rest. I usually wake up at 3 am because the aches get really bad and I have leg cramps ever so often.

crystal, I agree with everyone who said yakult helps too. I have a bottle of yakult every day together with fresh prunes.

eon, I think hubby won't stop me from rebonding but I'm stopping myself. Just ren awhile more. I've started packing hospital bag already (so kiasu right?)and decided to throw in some makeup...Haha... and my contact lens... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've been feeling so guilty cos I've been eating durians almost every night (about 4 seeds a go). Total weight gain at 24 weeks is 10 kg. I scared already, must stop my bingeing. :p

Cherry, a month! OMGoodness! I can't stand it already when I can't sleep well these two nights!.. How many weeks are you now?

cherry, ya lor. although baby is out also = to sleepless night but i think i will prefer that la. at least then we have quality slp not like now lor. when u starting ur ML? me thinking of 15 nov, 10 days before my c-sect.

eoneon, i had that delivery dream last nite. i even dreamt the date which is nov 23 hahaha.. this is not my EDD. hahaha i told ethan that he's too early hahaha.


my hub doesnt allow me to do rebonding too. he asked me why is there a need to do it now during pregnancy =_='' i dont fart alot but i burp alot leh, also seems like its wind, just different way of releasing it, hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have been waking up in e middle of the night finding out that im sleeping on my back too. feel rather guilty about it as i read that sleeping too much on the back will cause bleeding. sigh! btw, check with you. are you taking any chicken cook with dang sheng and wolfberries now?

bbribena, im in my 29wks now. already went thru it for 1 month and took 1 week hospital leave cos really feel like zombie everyday. can u imagine.. im now so trained to wake up every 2hrs to change position due to uncomfortness.

milo, im still thinking if i shld apply on 22nd when my edd is 28th. then anything before tat, i will get prob 2wks of HL from gynae. im having a v depressing month now as work r thrown to me. v sian, the more i jus want to quit and thats it. u coming back on the 3rd mth to tender or jus inform ur boss via online?

cherry, i think u better prepare to start at least 2 weeks in advance of your EDD cos most ppl will deliver early wor. haiz, i am sian coming to work everyday. other than colleagues, food is also a headache issue everyday! keeping my options open at the moment. if confirm tender, will likely appear after 3 mth of ML and tender letter. forsee tat my boss wont let me off cos i got so much to handover.

hi, those attending ms wong's class, must we deliver at TMC if we want to attend her class, coz i will be deliver at mount E? what are the charges for the classes?

Milo, you confirm going for c-sect?

Joyfulbliss, I hvn't had any prob with water retention and cramps on legs (yet).. I usually massage body lotion on my calves before I sleep, so as to relax the muscles abit, hoping it minimize possibilities of cramps. Working for me so far.

ya, crystal, i think baby dont hav enough space inside. everytime i dragged myself to sleep. she will go all the way to my extreme left and i cant lie down as the buldge is there. i also dont knw how to sleep lor.

melissa: no rebonding = siaoz cha bo loh... sianz.. haha...

no, dont have to be tmc patients to attend her class. just that it will be slightly more expensive nia. and yes, she conducts class at amk hub. better call immediately as her class super popular de!

ribena: ya loz.. excited leh!

muddypaws: i think i need to make ginger tea to drink too le. since i dont have your trusty helper, i can only make it myself. hehe

i also tied up my hair but only partially loh cause if i tied up everything, i will look like the inverted version of tweety bird, i.e. small head and big body!

i also dreamt that i gave birth last night loh. faint.. 2nd time liao. haha... the funniest thing was that my corporate lawyer stand in to deliver on my gynae's behalf cause gynae gona catch a flight!

milo: talking about messy hair! so xin ku to see the messy me in front of the mirror!

^5.. 3rd trimester le! i also think time flies from here on. i have not gotten my princess' cupboard yet. must go in search for it le.

joyfulbliss: welcome back and please dont over exert yourself with work.

wah! thats fast leh. i will also throw in some comestic in case i have the energy to put on a bit. else sure looks ghostly!

crystal: wah! seems like last night is a 'delivery dream' night. haha... ya, tell our babies that its too early to see the world now.

andrea: looks like we just have to endure till after delivery le loh =(

sighhh cherry, nvm we count down to our delivery date la.. another couple of weeks. i'm at week 29 this week liao so... hopefully will be soon.

hello mummies,

today marks another mad week, i really dread coming to work now. i'm already looking forward to saturday!

oh yes, i want to apologize 'cos i can't make it for the gathering - a fren suddenly shot me an invitation to her wedding and it's during lunch so i'll hv to miss our gathering this time.

yvaine, yes my parents will also be taking care of my baby, along with my brother's. hopefully by the end of march he'd be easier to care for so when i go back to work, they can handle both kids. keeping my hopes up!

the past 2 days i've had really bad pelvic pain, not sure if anyone of u experienced it. it got so bad y'day morning that i couldn't move in bed and had to wake my hubby up to flip me over.

i read on babycenter.com that it's not uncommon and it's due to the expansion of pelvis. but there's also some problems called SPD. for more info, can refer to http://www.babycenter.com.sg/pregnancy/antenatalhealth/physicalhealth/pelvicpain/

i tried the remedy of putting my knees up before i flipping myself to my other side, and to minimize any movement of the pelvic area - and it worked really well, the pain is gone today! will minimize my walking and climbing of stairs. :p

crystal, pre-natal class is not compulsory. it helps new parents to understand what's to come and prepare themselves mentally. my hubby and i chose not to enrol.

bbribena, my tummy aches too when i lie on my side. i found that a pillow under the tummy helps but best is to adjust yourself until a comfortable position is found. lying on your back might cause backache later, esp when baby is getting bigger now, so be careful.

someone asked me about the baby preparation list - on fitti 360? i've never used it before 'cos i'm also a first time mummy - the list was forwarded by a fren. sorry, i can't comment on it! :p

heheh.. milo, tats why i plan to get HL so dont use up my ML. i will still come back in Jan till mid-Feb to go away for another month. tat part i already told boss =p i also think will drag for quite long to done with the handover and leave!

athena, no need to be delivering at TMC to go for her class. but will charge public rate. i paid mine at $220 for weekday and i think weekend is $260. call and ask for their schedule cos i last heard, its all full le.

Athena, I'm delivering at Mt A, but attending Ms Wong's classes. Just gotta pay alittle more. I paid ard 250 for her weekday classes. For ppl who deliver at TMC will get discount.

Mummies, gotta MIA for a while. Need to rush a deadline. =) TTYL!

dewdew, its me who ask u bot the fitti 360. hahah i saw it from ur list so i thot u have used it before and wanted to noe comments hehe.. its okie anyways.

ribena, ya lor, i think i will go for c-sect bah. more planned and lesser risk. cannot imagine me having to locate for my hub at work if my waterbag suddenly pichar LOL

eon, i gave up on the mirror liao. went to trim my hair on thurs though, at least look alittle neater la. my big round face dun help much :p tried to move some of my clothes and ironing stuff out from the nursery into the my room then realise no space! cham sia. now both my rooms are in a mess. how is ur preparation? most of the stuff bought?

packing of hosp bag: finally got 2 things done! my disposable undies located and maternity pad bought! any idea where can get nicer looking open front pj? dun wan to be in my cartoon looking ones liao. so paisay

athena: nope, you dont have to be from tmc to attend her class. just slightly more expensive but still in the $200+ range.

EonEon: Really funny to dream that your corp lawyer is your stand-in gynae!

Don't worry, you are not the only one with the messy hair. Hubby teases me about losing my glam factor now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I look like a cave-woman now with my hair down.

I just started my 29th week (3rd trime! Yippee!), and can feel the nausea coming in already... sigh....

hi cherry and bbribena,

thanks for the info for ms wong's class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, u finished packing? soo fast. that was my plan for the long weekend but then wasnt sure wat the hospital will provide so have not packed the bag yet.

i saw some pjs on the 3rd floor of chinatown next to ocean cotton material its not carttoony but its floral kind. its 9.90 for 1 and $15 for 2. u can consider.

Haa me too been indulging durian and maoshang wang durian mooncakes for the past 3 nite,s burp! :p

Crystal, wil lbe having a confinement nanny? She can teach u taking care of bb if u nt gng for antenantal class, I didnt go for any while I hv my gal, all taught by my CL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But Mrs Wong is really good but she is also abit yaya due to her multiples yes of antenatal experience :p

crystal: lol, i also dont know when my corporate lawyer part time as a gynae!

milo: hmm, i must say 80% bought le. the rest are smaller items, except the cupboard, which im getting on a on-and-off basis. hehe. hope to get the cupboard in first then can arrange her stuff into the cupboard before i can do any major allocation of stuff.

for pajamas, i bought 2 button-front sleeping gowns from OG bugis. brand is karmy. not too bad! flowery print and have different sizes.

Rebond during pregnancy, eh my 2 cents worth la:

Well no point doing now cos gng to pop in 2 or 3 months time, then after that confinement, ur hair will be oily or nt in good condition during that 30 days n bath wif herbs so all the rebonding quality nt there liao n confirm after confinement before bb 1st month, Sure do rebond again after 4 months right? So will waste $200 over dollars..:p Morever rebonding cannot do so many times as will harm the scalp or hair cos chemicals...rebonding better do once every 6 months apart lor

What I do nw is tie up my hair, apply some gel and lots of conditioner to make my hair soft, buy some pretty clips to use[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon - okok I'll go try calling her during lunch. nvm lor, I look mad also. somemore having rashes under my eyes..

milo - can try la senza? I'm going to go there to look probably this weekend. My mil bought me cartoon looking ones but I don't feel like wearing..haha. Already very low morale with my looks now, cannot imagine during confinement...

Do we have more skin allergies now during 3rd trimster???

Eon, can try heavy duty conditioner. Mine keeps my hair straight straight...so no need rebond.. Try to Pantene Extra Moisturising Treatment Cream. Really work.

bbribena, I will learn to massage like u. My cramps usually come at night but just now I had cramps again at work and almost fell.

muddypaws: sianz right! how come some mummies can still look so glam during pregnancy but not us...

for me, already started! giddiness and nauseousness. some days better than other days is the only consolation.

hi all

I'm a July mummy.

Hv the below for sale.

Prefer meetup at convenient time and plc or self collection as I do not have time to head to post office apologies.

Email me if keen. ([email protected])

tks vm

1) BN Palmers Cocoa Butter NURSING BUTTER

Bought extra and find that I do not need anymore - selling for $10

2) BN Pigeon bath thermometer

Comes as a GWP. Do not need this - selling for $5

3) Mint condition: Mom Ease Diaper Bag Converter from Mumsfairy.com - Large size

Used only once.

Comes with diaper pad and PVC zipblock packaging. DOES NOT INCLUDE THE WATER RESISTANT POUCH HOWEVER, DO NOTE.

Selling for $20

Melissa, haa I think so cos my parents bought so I took 2 pieces hm to indulge,haha! :p

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa, my hospital tour is 1 week after yrs, hope not too late :p

milo/melissa, is the strep b test important?

coz i have a scan scheduled on week 31, but i intend to cancel/reschedule? how long is the 'deadline'?

milo, i also need nice looking pj haha!

after reading yr comments on cartoon pjs, its now embedded in my head! :p

cherrry, haha i have the same problem with baby bulge :p

but i find it so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I pump with avent thus used their milk bottle. My daughter has no problem with it. I switch between latching on,avent and pigeon bottle.

Baby has no problem between them,no nipple confusion.

But she weaned herself off from bottle at 9mths.

And also, i latch on most times, so my daughter doesnt really depend heavily from milkbottle.

You can try tommy tippee, or maybe NUK for closer nipple texture bottle.

I prefer pigeon wipes, the rest either to wet or their smell is too strong.

lovebyte- for the gathering.I LL go with fairmont. Thank you.

For working bfing mums, ur baby need to get use and accept both nipples and bottle teat during the 4 months maternity leave, otherwise u n ur bb will be headache...esp u working, where can ur bb find nipple to latch? :p

But if u are a SAHM...can latch more than bottle.

melissa: how come have rashes?

nice mil you have =)

joyfulbliss : i cant use heavy duty conditioner as that will cause me to have even oilier scalp. i even changed shampoo to those light version as the pregnancy has caused my hormone to produce so much sebum!

cindy - 1 week diff, if not we'll most probably be in the same tour!

I dunno about strep B test, cos my gynae never mention. She only said detailed scan at 31 week, the hospital tour and some registration.

But I feel Mount E has very little food facilities. I went to their cafeteria dun look appetising. Parking is problem also. Got to wait so long for carlift.

But one good thing its in town.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon - i dunno for a few weeks liao under my eye area, red and itchy. I went to see doc, he gave me some cream to apply but it does not seem to help. My gynae says its not pregnancy related but I suspect it is.

Eon, conditioner is apply on hair nt scalp mah..i also hv oily n sensitive scalp, so I avoid applying

Crystal, oh good then u must tell ur CL t oteach u lor,hehe[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaw & crystal, okie! its time to head off to chinatown liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, i only got 2 items and they are still on my dining table - pad and undies! keke so dun think consider packed bah :p now weekdays are so tiring hence we are only left with weekend to do bit by bit for the preparation.

eon, u believe in those saying when the delivery man come with the stuff, u have to disappear from the hse? sound laychey right? guess once ur cupboard is in, u can start all the arranging lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa, i tot cartoon looking is worse till my mil ask me to wear sarong for my confinement!!! i almost fainted from shock! sarong!!! where to hide my face??? i saw cotton on body having open front pj but cannot accomodate my belly!!! haha so comical sia.

cindy, i think the strep b test is impt for mummies going for natural delivery cos scare got infection may pass on to the baby during birth. timeline part better to confirm with gynae.

btw, i found my 100% cotton disposable undies liao! material quite comfy. 3.95 for 5 pcs, bought XXL wor cos no idea how thick is my waist now. ha ha any luck at ur side?

Milo, where did u buy ur disposable panties?

THink I will buy frm TMC :p

Cindy, strep B test is compulsory to do towards end of 3rd tri

milo/cindy, u can buy the maternity cotton like disposable panties if u going to chinatown. they are selling 5 for $3. i bought mine yesterday.


Debbie - i can't say cause i've always been using pigeon... but you can try small packets, and if your baby's skin can take, then can buy the full packs... for bottles i also use pigeon bottles mainly. have tried another BPA free US brand but cause it's very hard to buy the parts i gave up and continued with the pigeon ones. it does leak on occasions but likewise the other brands i've tried. not sure if avent is better wrt leaking.

crystal for my first pregnancy i aslo never attended antenatal class... but still got by anyways ;) seriously it's on the job. you read up as much as you can to prepare yourself, but honestly once baby arrives, we sure "ka lang ka bok" de.... it's OTJ training.

Eon - u can try vhive for cupboards.. i just ordered mine from them. not bad... i find them the best where customer service is concerned. and good value for money. we went quite a few places including those warehouse sales, the sales people all very pushy, quite a turn off.. only at Ikea and vhive we don't have that problem, hahah

dewdew - pity u can't go this sat. enjoy your lunch though! good that it's both your parents. extra pair of hands is always good.

i'm also in the list of don't-sleep-so-well-mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] would wake 1-2 times at least and sometimes can't get back to sleep, toss n turn for a bit.. and last night was so hot even with aircon. had some bad dreams too.

