(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

PSH, You are not alone. I guess all first time mummies and daddies will have the same worries ba. Take one step at a time. Now most important is to take good care of your health.


So Eon, the sat we meet at 12:20pm or 2pm?

Lunch or hi tea? Me confuse liao...I need to work on the timing..

psh: dont be stressed, ok? if you have a change of mind about attending, let me know hor?

yvaine: ok, i will check with the reservation agent from olive tree regarding the promotion. hope your mum recovers fast as its not good for older folks to feel unwell for too long. i have pm you my contact liao.

yugal: eh, im ok with 12.30pm also but ultimately it depends on the majority. hehe.

milo: aiyoyo, how come? so sad. our list of attendees getting shorter and shorter liao.

cherrry: thanks, im feeling slightly better le. but cannnot have big movements else will feel giddy loh. just guai guai sit in front of my monitor and work and refrain from walking too much.

mangogal, mummies and yugal daddy: i think in that case, lets stick to 2pm. cause stefie, woolsley and i have class in the evening and being out all day will tired us out. hope you dont mind yugal.

ok so fix at 2pm, sounds good to me too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, can tobang me in ur car? I will pm u my hp now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EON2, i ll be reaching around 230 with my husband and daughter. But they ll join us only after she managed to nap in the stroller or else it will go haywire.Sorry but wheres olivetree?

Re-maternity pads,kotex is selling maaternity pads also. So some moms might want to buy it from guardian store or those chinese pharmacy.

Re-maternity shots- i did that when i was 8mths pregnant with my daughter, under dean studio. Those mom whom is keen to see the sample can email or msg me here,i can email you some of the pic.I ll be doing it again with my daughter this yr.

oh, milo, u not going le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad.. haven get a chance to meet u! hey, dont mind if i fb msg u some questions. hehee..

okiee! gathering fix! 2pm at olive tree! =)

eon, ya lor.. tot can meet u girls too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cherry, sure u can fb me some msg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] internal email me also can. hehe

jus remember i need to ask u girls some question!

are u banking baby's cordblood? which 'bank' are u choosing?

aiyo milo so sad u cant go[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ohya, still got internal mail. hahah... dont want lar.. later talk abt quiting not nice. hehehe.. ya, which bank ah? i haven sign up too leh. did u sign for K? my hb says stemcord will keep the blood in 2 portions whereas cordblood only store 1.

Lena, sry, forgot to reply u tat Taime is at Chai Chee. Here's the link to their website http://www.taime.com/tnv/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=57 but tat time my hb got it during their warehouse sales.

Milo, I hv nt decide the cordblood bank yet...will do it so in my 3rd tri...ur boy hv cordbank?

Mine gal dun hv..

Morning, everyone!

This morning before I wake up, I dreamt that my baby is make of egg shell. Knock a bit then got bent in her face. I keep crying cos don't know how to take care of her... Haha... I told my hubby, he say I crazy...

hi ladies, i cant rem who's going for the aussino shopping. we will laise thru email okie. i've eoneon, loyebyte, cindy, lena emails le. Let me know if i miss u out? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bad night for me..wake up so many times to cough..bah!!

seems that i getting sick quite alot recently, anyone have that symptom? haha

milo, talking abt cordblood, i also no idea if its necessary...seems like alot of ppl do banking leh..

cherry and mango, i didnt sign up for K so abit clueless here. stemcord bank the cordblood in 2 portion but my gynae did mention something worth finding out. he asked how much cordblood is needed in one transfusion? no pt if stemcord bank 500ml per pack and if one transfusion need 750ml, 2 packs also no use. have yet to find out though.

mango, u intending to bank for no 2? i also dunno whether got the need or not leh. but becos no 1 dun have, if dun bank this time means no chance liao *thinking*

amuro, are u paying ur girl cordblood banking via CDA? u find banking useful?

cindy, frankly, i also dunno leh. its more like a insurance bah. an expensive insurance :p

good morning mummies... remember to drink more water as weather is soooo terrible.

Anyone knows if we can con't doing yoga till 38wks? Yest bought e yoga dvd and practice at home.. seems tat it eases my backache!

Milo, ya same thinknig here. cos we didnt bank for no. 1 so if dun bank this time, then no chance liao...so still discussing wif hb lor

mummies, think i've been experiencing BH but not sure. Is it like hardening of tummy below belly button and last for few seconds?? Than I'll start having difficulties in breathing (like very heavy, need to deep breathe). Can someone advise?

rainbow - I'm also having it for the past few days. My whole tummy feels hard, and breathing get difficult. Not so painful but very uncomfortable, stomach feels heavy also. Feels like gas pain but I cannot differentiate btw gas pains/BH unless I start burping/farting.


My EDD also 2 Dec and I also just registered myself for 16 Oct Mrs Wong class cos my husband insisted on going. I wasn't very keen to sign up for it cos lazy. But since he wants to be involved, its a good thing. So I will see you there....yah...its really close to our EDD lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mums, I am helping people with their wealth management using a very unique and proven financial planning process. It will help you to know more about your financial health as we will analyse your plans and objectives and work towards your financial goals.

Do not hesitate. You can drop me a message or just comment here and i will get back to you.

Hi Cherrry, I dun mind sharing if you want but Oshgosh has commented that Pureen is not very good so if you dun want, it's ok k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do let me know so i know what to bring for the gatherin to pass you... Thanks for the Taime add... I have check a few places n realise that The stroller is kinda sellin at fixed price of $329, even kiddy palace and no member discount either... Tin most probably we gettin that cos my hubby seems to like that the most so far... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I see about the ur explaination for waterbag burst... Hmm... i nv tin till like that leh... haha.. My mum was tellin me that quickly go shower before goin to hospital when contractions starts... :p Tin i will try too, if not cannot shower durin confinement... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Eoneon: Thanks for organising, Tin i will reach Bugis ard 12.45 cos going straight after work, Can we share contacts or sometin so can sms each other when we reach?

Eon, count me out for the outing too. Got things on. Mummies, enjoy yourselves! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amuro: thanks, ok. noted on the number of people from your side. olive tree is at hotel intercontinental.

i wana see your photos. can send me? [email protected]

milo: me also quite confused over cordblood banking. should or should not. and if want, which one better. headache!

cherrry: whats the advantages of storing in 2 as compared to 1?

cindy: take care. now our immunity quite low. get sick easily.

lena: i can share the contacts i have on hand with you. only a few i have.

cc & debbie: aiyoyo.. you also not joining. so sad leh.


i will try to attend unless my gal's nap hour goes haywire this weekend. not sure if i can handle her alone or not, sigh. i still got your contact no with me, just in case i cant attend last min, i will text you alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

Andrea, me too scared my gal nap haywire so hb babysit her at hm so that I can eat in peace,hehe :p

My gal nap is 2 to 4pm..so near evening thot of bringnig her to some playgym..

now that many of you are talking about cordblood banking, i'm confused whether to do it this time or not. I intend to have more kids after my first boy but cordblood banking is so expensive! :p

milo, i totally agree with you that cordblood is expensive insurance! haha. Since you having second child already maybe you can consider doing cordblood banking for your second baby. Cos siblings can use de. My SIL waited for second baby then cordblood bank for second baby only. For her first baby she donated the cordblood.


i went through the same experience as u during my 1st pregnancy. worried that i will not be a good mum. i'm a heavy sleeper and tend to sleep through thunderstorms. what if i can't hear my baby's cries and wake up to attend to him? but thank God that I'm actually attentive to baby and wakes up to feed him. with regards to bm, i agree with milo. my boy also drank FM and he's also healthy. we just try our best.


my boy's sick at the moment but shd be able to make it on sat. cya.


are u going for the olive run this sat? most of my colleagues are going.

hi Eoneon, its just incase if u need it for a 2nd time, hence they seperate 2 portions so after using the first storage, there's still another spare. but like milo mentioned abt tat scenerio, then 2 portions also no use le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lena, im fine with it since jus to hav it for 'just incase'. Hee.. see if u really no need for urself then share w me.

hi mummies! i have a medela PISA full set for sale. include many extras stuff that i bought during my breastfeeding journey. bought this year and still have warranty. interested do pm me!

rainbow - i'm not sure leh..i think so..can't imagine real labour!

hpc - oh same edd! But I'm intending to attend the sun class from 3-5pm, how about yours?

debbie, ya lor. since no plans to have no 3, think have no choice but to bank lor.

cherry, let me go ask ask ard usu one portion need how many ml. its such a tricky Q for layman like us!

Hi mummies was on course just came back. Since we on the cordblood thing I can share y I chose stemcord instead of the other bank. They will save two portions for u at diff locations so if in the event that one building collapse or the bank get destroyed u still have spare. They have a min amt before they can bank the cord blood for u so if ur cordblood dun reach the min they won't store and willrefund u the money. Cos it won't b able to help in time of need also.

crystal, any idea how much cordblood we need for one use? prefer stemcord cos they store in 2 portion but was telling cherry tat my gynae mentioned if one use need 2 bags then its pointless also

andrea: try your best to come hor.. let me know hor.

tantan: hope your boy will recover soon. see you on saturday.

cherrry: i see. then i think this is a better choice loh.

mummies and yugal daddy: i have made reservation liao. its from 1.30pm onwards for 20 people under my name Deon Tan.


hopefully my hub will look after her this sat and i can enjoy my high tea with all the mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok, i will try ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw hows your knitting and crochet huh? lol


Milo, usage will depend on the type of illness it's used for. I know for collection to be possible the blood count has to be at least 20,000 min. The more serious the illness the more the amt of cordblood is needed. It also ties in with the weight of the affected person like 20,000 is onli suitable for child of 1 yr old. So the more they can collect,the more u have in times of need. Theconsultant told us on ave it will be at least 80k to few hundreds k for use in an adult.

