(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

milo, haha when they have their own babies then they will know the joy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, i believe u will also have a successful bfing experience with no.2 le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so sweet...doc will pass over the baby immediate after delivery?


Yup, my gal mixed blood.. Singh + Chinese... Hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But HB can speak mandarin and more to our 'pattern'.. Not those typical kind.. Get wat I mean..

Ohh, button down top.. Okok.. At hm shld be fine cos i can hide in the rm.. Maybe outside can wear those V-neck or low neck kind then wear tube inside.. So can pull down and nurse.. Thus only get tt 4 tops and try try.. See hw lo..

Ohh, the big day after Confinement.. I also went salon a day before to wash my hair first and keep the showering on the actual day.. But i intend to keep my untidy long hair til the final big day and 'perm' & colour to look 'Hot Mummy' for tt special day.. Hopefully can go bk to pre-preg shape as much as possible during tt 1 month.. Gonna BF big time cos heard it helps..

Mani & pedi - i can DIY..


Its really bad, followed by inflammation.. Very worse if milk cant be pump or relieve.. Cant lie down and ur own breast feels like stone.. Only comfort is hot/cold towel and sitting up.. I cried big time tt time and jus give up.. Tt was arnd 6 weeks of BF-ing. But i guess due to frequent pumping instead of latch cos latch is the best way to stimulate the flow.. Thus tis time I dun wan buy any pump first.. Aldy told HB which 1 i wan and if i need it during tt 1 month then he go buy.. If nt latch as much as possible for the first 2 months then will be smooth smooth liao.. Read somewhere tt critical period is during 6-8 weeks of BF... Jia you.. Tis time I equip myself with the nipple shield in case of sore or cracked nipples..


thks for the offer, let me discuss with my hubby on our plans first, coz still cant decide if we want a maid or infant care. will let you know again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies

i got a embarassing qn to ask. sometimes when i sneeze very hard, i get a bit of pee coming out. is that normal? abnormal? is that a sign of incontinence next time? quite scary/worried leh

Me too, feel like doing rebonding. my hair very messy now. Previously cut short my fringe, now the length keep irriate my eyes so I most of the times also clip up my fringe, look super aunty lor.

cherrry: better not imagine our babies without eyebrows. wahaha.. will be super funny loh. i will just cut a bit for symbolic purpose nia. hehe

mangogal: oh, if you have bigger sizes, i still want, if you dont mind? cause the hand me downs are mostly 0-3 months.

lena: to my hubby, my lips are thick loh. thanks leh, i also hope princess will inherit my eyes and dimples. hehe...

aiyoyo, dont say that of yourself. you are pretty in your own way.

andrea: thanks thanks. im floating le!!!

cindy: hmm, cant help it loh. but i find that she looks good in her own way, just that now she looks more boyish than girly lah.

crystal: these people are really hor, beyong description. already trying hard to tell them the baby's gender le they still can 'purposely' call the opposite.

andrea: how can that be? your girl very girlish mah..

muddypaws: my gynae said to do rebonding only after 28 weeks. so im waiting for 28 weeks before going for my rebonding. i looked so terrible with my wires flying every directions!

yvaine: champagne? i thought we should avoid alcohol? can eat mey?

thanks, im much better le. have been sipping red dates water loh. no choice, else will be super giddy.

aiyoyo, i cant imagine my princess looking like my hubby leh.

Dbaby, haa good mah ur hb can speak mandarin!

Jiayou, u can do it for bfing...buy nipple cream too wif the shield!

Constant latching will be sore initially but once the nipple is season, it will become harder n rubbery, than wont be so painful n soreness will reduce [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Well, if ur milk flow is really good, can buy pump after 1 week to standby to latch n pump at sametime


2nd time mummies, besides indulge mooncakes, hee..also buy laterns for ur tods[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh, well just relax this time, n we all here to share the bf experience[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happyhippo, ya I also leak urine if i sneeze too hard, so must do kegel exercise regularly

Eon, bigger size ah..let me dig n see if there are alot n I let u knw cos Stefie ask for it too..if she dun hv any passdwn, I will give it to her more, hope u understand[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Yvaine, Thanks for the info and link... It look cute in the picture leh... But izzit of 2 levels? Cos i'll be using as bed for my BB... I already bought a baby cot to put at home but need to buy another playpen cos i'll be at mum's place doin confinement... So BB will be at my mum's place too and will slp on playpen... Tin it's quite worth it ba... i tin shears is a ok brand ba...

I just went Baby kingdom and their playpens all cost more than $100...

Btw mummies, I dun find the BB fair at Baby Kingdom got a lot of offers... They havin 20% off for some of their Pigeon things so perhaps you guys wanna check it out if wan... The level 1 is sales on car seats and Combi stroller... Capella 707 i tin is on offer at $299 too... Nth much liao... But at least i now roughly now which stroller to buy, i mostly likely wanna buy Capella 705 cos it's not so heavy and the functions quite ok... Easy to close with 1 hand too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now i wanna check out if elsewhere got sell at cheaper price cos BB kingdom selling that at $329..

mummies, 2day pretty miserable, have been bz at work and looking forward to long weekend but seems that my report is not up to standard, keep getting critcised for the poor english and mistakes, was really miserable earlier, my confidence is affected and affected my mood too. Somemore feel a flu coming on. In fact had great plans, intend to swim and meet fren for tea tmr..but now the moment i think about what happen I get upset...sat probably got to do work at home..i use to have confidence in my English but now lost the confidence...am I getting depressed?

woa... missing out a lot of posts since last login....

Eoneon, thanks for the info! I went back to Seahorse shop today and was told all of their mattresses are high density foam, including memory foam, question is which one? He mentioned the type is written on either the mattress itself or the invoice. Can I trouble you to find out?

As for the gathering, I am quite lost with the voting, but my wife and I are fine with anywhere, and will go along with the majority.

hi yvaine,

thanks for the info abt the playpen. looks alright and value-for-money, might pop down to get 1.

agreed with u that it was wonderful to have baby latch on after delivery. sadly i din manage to bf for long.

dbaby and oshgosh,

i'm a bit worried abt bfing. initially thought it would be alright. little did i know the pain and discomfort that bfing brings. i never knew that the boobs could be so hard and painful and din know how to relieve it. think we had similar experience. i pumped a lot cos mil kept wanting me to rest and not latch baby on. couldn't clear the blocked ducts at all. even my armpits were all swollen and hard. i was paranoid, cried and gave up cos i had infection and fever in the end. hopefully, this time round, we will learn and persist on to make bfing a success.


it's called stress incontinence. i had a few occasions where it happened during my 1st pregnancy. must do more kegel exercise. i took up pilates courses after delivery to strengthen the floor muscles. hopefully, this round will be better.


thanks for the link. where did u get the lanterns? can't find any nice ones around my neighbourhood.

dec mom,

i'm doing that as well. clipping up my fringe. think might resort to getting my dad to cut the fringe like what he did when i was young. hair also super untidy. usually just bun it up. want to colour my hair and do treatment again.


don't get too upset. sometimes we make mistakes. it's alright. don't let one occasion affect ur self-confidence. u have been doing well all along and nobody commented anything rite? have a good weekend and pamper urself.


my boy also did that too. never used to like stroller but now insisted on sitting on the stroller and getting me to push him around at times. said the stroller is his. bought him to ikea to view the cots. in the end, he said to buy one for him instead of mei mei. think they are jealous.

btw ur comment about holding ur tummy and scrubbing the undies make me burst out laughing earlier. can't imagine us doing that. keke... i bought cheap cotton undies and just throw them away the 1st few days. very wasteful but not worth the hassle of washing them.


don't get too worried by the comments made by a couple of us. there are plenty of successful cases. remember to prepare lots of cold cabbage leaves to relieve engorgement if that happens. let's all jia you together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sharon, hope you feeling better now... I can understand that this kind of feeling is reali quite depressing... Dun worry k... you will soon feel better as time goes by... Try to tin more of your BB and you will feel better... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rmb that BB is the most important now... Enjoy ur weekend and take ur mind off your work now... Dun waste this long weekend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi PSH, i tin it's until 19th Sept... Can double confirm with you on monday again cos i wrote on my office calender... hee... but i tin their stroller not havin alot of offers... The sales person told me the promo is more on Combi strollers which i only take a few looks cos it's too ex for my budget... Then Capella 707, offer is on throughout till sell finished cos they clearin stock, the person told me it's old model...

HI Tantan, what is the cold cabbage leaves for? How to use it to relieve engorgement?

hi morning everyone!

oh, can we dye our hair on last day of confinement? I also wanna look pretty for manyue party. heheh!

yeah, Lena, will update after gynae visit nxt week. Ya, the chart i also see from babycentre de. its according to asian weeks and weight le right. Sure sure! can pass me during our trip to Aussino. Hee!! I forgot who's joining again, prob need to use email, easier to organise for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me gotten the capella S705. I'm not so technical about it, so hubby decided on his own with his friend since his frd bought it for him. I only listed the criteria i want and it fits all. v good stroller!

Haa... Eoneon, ya, better dont imagine of the eyebrow part. lol

Btwn, I went for Mrs Wong class last night le. V fun and lots of laughters in her class. both hb and me like it. Those who are going this weekend, enjoy!

good morning mummies!

tantan, u're awake early on a PH!

anw dun worry abt bfing, since here is yr 2nd chance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, lets jiayou together! hope the nurses at the hospital will guide me well enough keke

Hi mummies to be,

I am an April 2010 mummy.

I have bought too many Medela Pump & Save milk bags for me myself and will like to let go the extras. They are brand new, in unopened boxes. Selling for $28 each box of 50 bags. I think retail price of it is about $27 for only 25 bags. I have 3 boxes to let go.

Also have a First Years nursing shawl to let go at $18. I believe it is retailing at about $29.90. Used it only 2 times. Condition 9/10.

Pls PM or text me at 93383677 if you are interested.

Enjoy your long weekend!

Hi Mommies-to-be

Sorry to interrupt your post.Im a july mummy.

Ive a few items to let go.

1) medela electric pump and extras to let go as ive stoop breastfeeding.condition 8/10.

2)nappy liners(unopened)and cloth nappy(not used before)

3)Chicco baby carrier.Used once.(pink in colour)As baby prefer my sarong sling.Condition 10/10.

Pls email me at [email protected] if you are interested for price and pics.

Take care mummies and enjoy pregnancy stage..!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi hippo.

not to worry,sometimes it like that during pregnancy. Our bladder are surpressed so sometimes when we laugh or sneeze it does leak.

For my 2nd pregnancy now, i do but not pee its more of a lot of discharge will flow out when i sneeze too loud.

cherrry, I was there for Mrs Wong's class yesterday too!! I was wearing white buttoned top with three quarter pants. Me and my hubby enjoyed ourselves too! Mrs Wong is awesome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Any other mummies here went for thursday's class at AMK hub?

Sharon, yea our EDD is very close and both of us are going Mt A. We might meet if our babies choose to come out during our EDDs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway don't be too stressed about work ok? Mrs Wong from antenatal class say stressed mummies may lead to cranky babies. Don't think so much about your work and jiayou!

Re: Breastfeeding pumps

what's the difference between medela pump and philips avent pump? Which is better? many mummies seem to use medela pump.

For Sale:

1) BNIB Avent NewBorn Starter Kit

Avent: http://www.philips.com.sg/c/avent-baby-gift-set/scd271_00/prd/

Wrapped in box and unopen.

Avent: Retail SGD49.90 , My Price SGD40

2)BNIB High Density Foam Playpen Mattress (Shears)- 28" x 41" x 3" High Density Foam

Wrapped in box and unopen.

Mattress Retail SGD58, My Price SGD25

3) Themed "Its a Boy" Baby Shower Bouquet

Used once.


Retail more than SGD50, My Price: SGD20

4) Unused Baby Handprint Kit - DIY

Tender Prints My Baby's First Impression Keepsake Kit

Condition: Box looks abit old and is green in colour (attached picture is blue), otherwise everything inside are unopened / intact


Retail SGD40, My Price SGD10nett

5) Chicco Go Front Baby Carrier - Brand New


Condition: Box looks abit old and is black in colour (attached picture is grey/black), otherwise everything inside are brand new / unopened.

Retail SGD79.90, My Price SGD30nett

All Items Cash and Carry

Call 98204176 for immediate transaction

All Items Cash and Carry

Call 98204176 for immediate transaction

rainbow: totally agree that there is not much of bb's stuffs in JL expo sale.. but we've got loads of things for ourselves.. not to mention from popular and adidas sale.. :-D

Hello, sorry to disturb

I have the followings to let go.

1) 2 Packets of unopened Fiiti NB52 (Below 5kg - 360 deg waist comfort) @ $12 each.

Price negotiable as my child is going to outgrow the size soon. Details as below.


2) Shears playpen - without mattress @$100. Exact piece unopened. Details as below. Price negotiable.


3) Tommee tippee unused insulated twin bottle carrier @ $30, price negotiable. Details below. Exactly same as picture but comes without 2 milk powder container.


Self collect, pm me for details. all items are brand new.

mangogal: no worries, of course i can understand. its good to have hand me downs, so i want stefie to have too. have bigger size is a bonus, if not then i can buy. cause i think at least she starts her first 3 months with hand me downs should be ok le bah. hehe..

sharon: dont be discourage. its just hormone causing all the mood swings. take it easy with work. the more stressed you are, the harder it is to produce good work. so relax ^_^

yugal: strange ley! how come the sales at different branch at telling different things de. anyway, i saw YY MATTRESS being written on the baby cot mattress. dont know if thats the correct model name.

cherrry: im one of the aussino beddings participants. hehe..

wow! now that you mentioned, im really looking forward to mrs wong class tomorrow. hehe

mummies: i remember a mummy mentioned about sharing the shipping costs for babymallonline products. can advise who is it? im thinking of getting some items but the total costs of the items add up to less than the shipping costs. a bit bo hua. let me know. thanks ^_^

Lena, tantan, Debbie and Eon, thanks for the encouragement. dunno is it the preg making me emotional , was very affected by it and last nite woke up a few times in the middle of the nite and cried, couldn't control my tears. Today met up with a galfriend for tea and went for movie with hubby. Felt better, hope I can sleep better, kinda of 'xin ku' though cos having a blocked nose and cannot breathe through nose.

hi all! or should i say, good morning?? ;)

confession - i did go down to JL expo sale yesterday, i meant thurs, to get the playpen, and also other stuff as well... Rainbow - what time were you there?? i got my hubby to get the playpen, and there was another daddy there taking the same item as well... could have been around the same time.. think we were there around 8 or 8+pm...

Lena - btw the dimension for this JL expo playpen is 28" x 41", i think it's standard size and the largest size you can find for a playpen. so far i checked out, other places selling at either $99 or $120 or more for the exact same thing, so ya i guess it's quite a good buy. ;) and oh ya, it's 2 levels... one is bassinet level, with changing pad, this is the more elevated level... and if you remove the bassinet then it's the bottom level. apparently from the salesperson the 2 levels are standard. i agree with you, Baby Kingdom and Hypermart stuff are not that cheap.. . for eg my baby car seat, i got a much better deal for a Britax reversbile carseat from Robinsons during their sale, way better leh.

tantan - hehehe buy lah! then the dec babies will be using the same playpen, hahaha! best still, we take photos and put them side by side... if you and Lena also buy, then there's 4 of us with the same design playpen, kekeke...

Eon - can lah! a little bit won't harm... anyway i've finished them and erm.. digested them long long time ago... my baby doesn't seem to have much objection...

Sharon - might be the hormones and work stress?? glad to know today was better for you... hope the long weekend will cheer you up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hugs

Rainbow - that's a nice co sleeper. i used the First years co sleeper initially, but my gal outgrew it in less than 2 months. yours look like it can be used a lot longer

sharon: try not to let d work stress get to u. pregnancy does cause us to be more emo, n forgetful at times. I have d same problem too... U're in ur 3rd trimester now, so try 2 remain positive for both yourself n ur little one. Remember u're not alone. U've us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies: i'm wide awake! Just wolfed down a pack of biscuits n now hearing my Hubby try to lala Liz n me to sleep with his snores...

Guess everyone has d same problem with their hair. Mine looks wiry with lots of greys. Bunning it up for work everyday 2 keep it in place. Too chicken to do rebond cos I don't think my bladder can tahan so long... Haha.

Yvaine, I was there at this timing too? I tot I saw someone who look like u wearing a black tight t-shirt but doubtful cos I saw tat lady is with her mum, hubby and 2gals (age maybe 10 and e other one can't recall). I was asking e auntie on e size of mattress cos I wanna buy e bedsheet.. She told me is 3ft and keep telling me 4ft bedsheet can fit anyway I took 3ft bedsheet. I bought e $10 bathtub too..

E co-sleeper my sis pass me is almost e size of e playpen we gotten. Just tat it can adjust 3levels.

Now need to buy braun thermometer, breast pump, nipple shield, chest drawer etc. Will wash e hands down clothes in oct..

Hello all,

sorry to disturb again.

I have the followings to let go.

1) 2 Packets of unopened Fiiti NB52 (Below 5kg - 360 deg waist comfort) @ $12 each.

Price negotiable as my child is going to outgrow the size soon. Details as below.


2) Shears playpen - without mattress @$100. Exact piece unopened. Details (NB944 in website) as below. Price negotiable.


3) Tommee tippee unused insulated twin bottle carrier @ $30, price negotiable. Details below. Exactly same as picture but comes without 2 milk powder container.


4) 2 bottles of red date confinement wine bought @$15, selling at $10 - willing to let go at a cheaper price.

Self collect, pm me for details. all items are brand new.

morning mummies!

wow, quite a number of posts over the PH, i'm surprised! haha...

crystal, drink some yakult. it should help with your diarrhoea. also have some plain porridge and avoid milk, oily and spicy food. hope u feel better soon! as for shoulder cramp - do some stretching. leg cramp - increase your calcium intake - not milk! hv some spinach, baked beans, almonds, soya bean etc.

mummies with experiences with bf-ing, just a few questions. my SIL practiced latched on with her son, so much so he has rejected the bottle on several occasions. now my mum is looking after him & often have problems trying to bottle-feed him. my parents now tell me not to latch on that often but to pump into bottles instead. reading your comments, pumping will affect milkflow and create engorgements? then how do we train our babies to accept bottle and boobie? this is so mind-boggling.

Selling off Brand new set of AVENT UNO SINGLE Electric Breast Pump. With 1 year international warranty from Aug 2010.

Throw in free adaptor for singapore socket as this is a US Set.

UNO can be used in 3 ways, manual pump, electric and battery operated. Socket head is US parallel pin, voltage can be used in Singapore.

Interested, please PM me or email to [email protected]

Good Noon Mommies! Hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's holiday... Mi n hubby went to buy alot of BB stuff like rubber mat, waterproof cot sheet, cotton balls, BB bath etc so now i'm about 90% done with BB's shopping liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, i bought part of my tins at the AMK shop which sells cheap BB stuff and noticed that actuali not alot of their things is considered cheap. Some is even more ex lo... I've been checking around about prices so i noticed this... Tin mummies may wanna compared first before reali buyin alot there...

Any ideas what kind of thermometer we should buy?

HI Cherrry, Wow, ur hubby's friend is so nice to sponsor the stroller! My stroller will be sponsored by my brother too... hehe.. Mi too not good with technical stuff... Yesterday i went NTUC Extra and saw that they are selling the Capella 705 stroller at $329 too, how much did you guys bought at? I was lookin online and saw that some Maclarens stroller looks good too and cheaper like $200+ but it's meant for 3 months and above... I will go check out somemore before deciding to buy which stroller... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also cant rmb which mummies is joining for the Aussino shoppin trip leh... Haha... I can gif you my email if you want to organise...

HI Sharon, Yes, we do get emo easily due to hormones.. I can still rmb how i was controllin not to cry at work when i first changed my work environment and half of my job scope when i was ard 4 months preggy... My tears just keep flowing for the whole afternoon till alot of my colleagues noticed... So embarassing cos i've been working in this company for like 3 years+ liao and nv been like that... I've adapt much better since then so dun worry k... You will continue to feel better too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Yvaine, Hmm, the playpen reali sounds worth it leh... Tin probably i wanna drop by later to buy it.. It's still on rite? Haha... Yea... If our BBs using the same playpen seems so nice... Like growing in the same "environment" cos they'll be sleepin most of the time!

Hi Yvaine,

i saw a playpen (shears) on sale at tangs, selling at $78. din get it to see it cos I was in a hurry. only saw it on the poster. in the end, hubby said might just head down to expo tonight or tmr to get it cos it's nearer.

hi lena,

i bought a couple of thermometers before. would suggest getting braun ear thermometer. can check out under overseas spree. i've just ordered one again cos my existing one seems to be a bit faulty after 4 years of usage. din like the thermometer to be placed at the armpit cos it's very ma fan. the cadi forehead thermometer is not very accurate at times and is rather difficult to get the temperature if ur baby is moving around.

Lena, Yvaine thanks , was doing some work since 1 plus and came into the forum to take a break. Thinking about talking to my boss about what happened on thurs and how it is affecting me, hopefully it helps for her to understand my situation better.

Muddypaws, thanks btw I am still in my 2nd tri, now 25 weeks, got another 3 weeks to go before my 3rd tri. Btw how are you coping with work? you just started not too long after long MC? actually i half suspect i got mild depression, dunno is it i am thinking too much.

Crystal, perhaps it was the food you ate? if diarrohea still persist, better see doc, I had food posioning previous week so can understand the bum pain part, got to walk like a duck...take care.


Talkig abt thermometer, i also gt a few..

I bought those under armpits - nt good and very slow.. Nt suitable when BB starts to fidget..

Those forehead kind - very diff to align when u 'stroke' against the forehead

Last is the ear one, i bought Braun brand. Nt bad and still using.. Very fast captured temp liao..

mangogal, I learnt making the fruit tart with friends at BakinCow. It's a hands on lesson, so each of us end up having a fruit tart to bring back! Not as good as Fruit Paradisc, but good enough to satisfy craving. XP

Crystal, I can't believe she gain so much within 4 weeks! I can't imagine the weigh load I need to carry ard during the last tri... X|

Milo, ahh... tat's the cons of being the only child. 22 Sep is a weekday right... Possible to change it a day earlier or later? I almost wanna puke after the glucose drink, and was like dazing stoning away while waiting for an hour for the blood extraction, so best to have someone with you ah. Am still waiting for the test result, hopefully everything is alright.

Eon, yah! She gains alot within 4 weeks...almost one time! Can't imagine she multiple like tat every 4 weeks until birth...

cindy, really super growth spurt! Scary also...

Andrea, I'm in my week 28 now, 3rd tri! Yippi! I ve been eating lotsa junks during this period of time while hub isn't ard. =P I hope the little one isn't piling up too much fats like her mummy.. =D

Lena, as long as healthy and growing, we shld be happy!

Hi mummies!

Sharon, it's very normal for us mummies to be emotional. I myself can cry very easily when I'm upset. Like last night my hubby and I got some disagreement and I cried like some crazy emotional person. Sigh. Sometimes hard for us to control our emotions. I am usually not so easily provoked to cry last time. Don't worry and try to be positive k? Must be happy mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Second time mummies, those who tried breastfeeding your no.1 last time, did your nipples crack? It's important to get ready nipple cream right? Pumping will lead to engorgement more than latching is it??

Dewdew,thanks for the advice. After my last round this morn diaarhoea just stop. But if it happen again next time I'll try out yakult. o I was lookingat ur lists for packing i wan to ask for ur feedback on the fitti 360. Let me know?

Emo I tink most of us r I am now like tAp say cry will wail non stop kind haha so dh super sayang me now scared I cry dun stop haha.

For mummies that bf, wat was the motivating factor that let u go on arh? Cos I'm very xiao Jie by nature I scared I will give up easily.

debbie, i'm also in mrs wong's thurs class.

i'm the last one to walk in to her class on thurs..

eon, i wanted to share the shipping costs with the mummies. But no one replied so i went ahead to order. You could join the spree here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/4462290.html?1284194607

I spree with her the last time round i purchased. this time she has 30% off. its a gd b argain to get the neccessities like bath towels, and clothes.


yes i think pumping isn't as good for clearing block ducts as compared to latching. Not sure whether brands of the pump play a part, but the Medela ones supposed to have 2 kinds of suction to stimulate baby's suckle.. but not all Medela ones have..

i remember i started with the mini electric and that gave me v bad block ducts!

Just remember to massage and massage... cos like most mummies, i v scared of pain, so when breast became engorged, i tot as long as i continue pumping to clear it, then the pain will go...

i didn't realise that the more/longer i pump, the more milk i will stimulate, leading to even worse engorgement which when not cleared, became blocked...

the worse was when the infection came, cos it hits u suddenly.. one minute i was expressing so much milk, the next minute the pain and fever came soon after..

remember when u massage, its not those light kind, u really have to press v hard into each lump till u squeeze the milk out of the milk ducts... tears can come into my eyes when i did that, but hor, quite shiok the feeling when u see milk squirting out after that, hahaha

and yes, nipples will crack/bleed if the baby doesn't latch on properly.. so its v important to get that first latch correct.. my bb had super strong suction powers (haha, even the nurses commented, said she v hungry), so the minute she latch on, she sucked so hard that my nipples v quickly cracked.. think cos the first few times i also didnt latch on correctly...

in the end, i got so scared of the pain, i couldn't latch her on w/o feeling stressed, cos i could really cry out in pain whenever she latched.. so i started to pump exclusively..

sigh, the story of my bf struggles...

anyway, not to scare u, but i feel tat i could have handled it better if i had read up more on bf, and prepared myself for the difficulties... i only heard abt ppl struggling w lack of milk, but strangely no one told me that it might be painful.. then again, i was the first among my frens to get pregnant..

and crystal to answer ur qn, i was this close to giving up just 2 weeks after i gave birth, cos i got hospitalised for 3 days due to mastitis (and i got some allergic reaction to the antibiotics, so i had to take an antibiotics tat was not suitable for bf, i had to pump and throw away my milk)... so my poor bb was actually on formula during tat week i was on antibiotics...

but somehow, i told myself not to give up, cos i had a lot of milk supply... and it would hv been a waste to give it up..

in the end, i pumped exclusively till 4 mths when i went back to work..

ooh v long winded post abt my bf journey, haha..


Lena: so far, capella 705 we saw the same price, at 329.. using Kiddy Palace membership card, can get 10% discount.. not sure about other places though..

