(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hey my gal is the girly version of my hb leh n no regrets! Cos he is better looknig than me if u all hv my fb acct,hehe :p

actually I concluded frens' kids around me n even my gal's age, alot of babies look like daddies, both gals and boys

I never shave my gal hair at all since birth, her hair nw is still very fine and soft though it drops alot, cos she was full of black hair when born...


eoneon, haha i bought so many pinky clothes liao...but no dresses YET! haha

if still call boy boy, omg!!

andrea/milo, i hope so will 'turn out well' haha

but anw once baby out, all 'worries' will be gone le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ribena, wah ur gal is in good weight!!


milo: yeah! cause that time, no news of hand me downs mah, so hubby and i grab loh. then suddenly my friend hand me a bag of hand me downs from her friend de. so we ended up with a lot of 0-3 months.

lena: hubby also said he hopes our daughter dont inherit my thick lips. so sad loh. i told him people purposely spend money to botox their lips so that they will be thicker hor. wahaha..

i think can buy more 3-6 months and onwards but not 0-3 months. cause baby grow fast.

seems like a few of us have already dreamt of us giving birth liao. maybe we think too much liao. wahaha...

Ya, Lena, i also scare bb too big size and scare of sugar level too, cos we didnt get to go for the test. but im happily eating alot of sweet stuffs think gotta stop it le. seems like a lot of mummies dreamt of giving birth le! soon liao, when i hit "week 30" i will start to panick!

Goon nb comes in 56 or 58 pcs i think. I didn't get any NB too, cos hospital will be giving and i hav cloth nappy and bought a pack of liner instead. think by then, bb shld be using S size le.

Eoneon, ya, shave eyebrows is definietly no no! i also cannnot imagine. haa..

mangogal: then the only conclusion is that the daddies have stronger genes loh. hehe

cindy: you will be surprise, we dressed my niece in pinky clothes and yet people always called her boy boy! my niece looks like my brother.

Eoneon, since u hv so many hands me dwn clothes, I dun need to give u hor?

Eoneon... Your lips not considered very thick la... But ur girl girl sure will look pretty if she got your big eyes! If i din rmb wrongly, you got dimples too rite... Wa... Both mi n hubby dun have big eyes lo so most likely our ger ger also dun hav unless she follows from hubby's mum or my dad's genes... lol... We 2 look like same sex parents mah!

Cherry: Mi too keep eatin sweet stuff, keep havin cravings... But hear that Woody say BB's weight is average, itin i wanna buy durian soon... Haha... Cos i refrain from it for 2 weeks or so liao ever since that time eat so much... Somemore now mooncake season.... yum yum... When's ur next checkup?

I'm not using cloth nappy cos dun wanna make my mum even more busy durin confinement cos she already gotta take care of me, BB and my doggy... Hahaha... Do you want a box of liner? My colleague gif me but dun tin i'm usin it...

If u got dimples your baby will most probably get it since dimple gene is dominant!

Sad thing is single eyelid is dominant, I wish my girl could have my double eyelids.. so hopefully my girl can inherit a hidden double eyelid gene from her daddy.

Ya Lena, i checked with the reference chart and other mummies who need to go for glucose test, seems like mine is bigger than average. but ya, as usual woody says everything ok. My nxt checkup is coming tues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u just went for urs le right. till now, i had 4 seeds of durian le. lol... okok, can pass me if u r not using. hehee.. we shld only use during the 1st month when CL is around. aftertat, dont think we are tat free to do so le :p thank u!!


i agree with lena that your girl will be pretty like you! you look so sweet yourself ya! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. mooncake

for those going to try or buy mooncake, do look out for this brand "home's favourite" wow their durian mookcakes are so much nicer than gwp ones!! just bought 1box during lunch time =PP

Hi Yvaine

Ya, i'm Priscilla Toh frm FB... I will try to see if i need anymore.. Cos scare of looking very 'nursing' with those nursing tops.. Perhaps see what i get frm the Bulk Purchase forum.. Ordered 4 tops aldy..


from the brochure, it states here alot of places leh. 19 places listed out.. i would all the mooncakes fair will have, like taka, novena, parkway, west mall, bugis, tampines, ion, great world, vivo etc etc!

btw are u in our fb list? i try to find u but cannot find =P

oki thks Andrea! I go n find..hehe

oh I am Valerie in Fb, how abt u? real name Andrea?


no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya my fb is andrea h. w.

later i go and "look" for u! haha.


i added you alr, provided i found the right person. your surname is lim? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo: thanks for the link. i'll sign up & request sample too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've gotten a pk of Goon NB & "S" each from isetan ytd. HB lugged back with some bb stuffs, too bad I can't go & shop tis time round.

So happy tmr is weekend !!

Andrea: It's $18.90 per pk. NB(58pcs) & S(52pcs). I'm not sure cos 1st time trying to buy, usu. price stated $21.90.

sunshine, wah so good u gt shouhuo =)

andrea, yup it is me, ok i go n add u=)

sunshine, wow so cool! another item from ur list DONE!

let me try and call nepia if they allow mix sizes. dun think my baby can finish 4 packs of 60pcs NB.. hehe

bubbly, muz dream while we can..baby out, no more 'dreams' liao haha

eoneon, omg! then yr bro n wife sure sad liao!

those ppl too much sia..where got parents will cross dress kids de T_T

mangogal: did u went? it was rather crowded. Esp. the ladies dept *_* hb went alone & dunno wat to buy .. keep looking ard wat other parents buy LOL!

milo: yah hope to get some during promo .. so how many is enough for use? The SA rec'm to get by cartons .. faintz. How much is nepia diapers?

sunshine, no la...i gt to fetch my galso nowadays no time to go shopping after work[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hiaz..how come u didnt go?

but their public sale starts today n tomr ah?

cindy, when baby is out sure no more dream cos we will have not enough slp!

sunshine, nepia diaper is $15 per pax. 60pcs for NB and 52 for S. NTUC selling size M and above for any 2 packs at $28.95.

i think 1 pack of 60pcs or so shld be enough. kaeden was 2.8kg at birth, 1 week later shot up to 3+ kg. not long, NB size seems small for him already.

cindy, some ppl are jsut blind one le... my fren's daughter even has the words "daddy's little gal" still have ppl tell my fren your boy looks just like the daddy...

milo, wahahaha! no more slp thats y cant dream T_T

next time imagine, start daydream liao, then baby start crying! haha

crystal, so sad lor, ppl say bbgirl to be boy! zzzz

if ppl say mine, i will stare! haha

crystal & cindy, my mum belong to the 'blind' category. dunno is it she dunno how to see or its a common way to start a conversion among older folks! its so obvious to me tat the baby is a girl yet my mum still can ask girl or boy! almost peng san sia.

mummies, i read tat its better to prepare disposable undies for our confinement. anyone getting that?

milo, haha maybe yr mum jus want to double confirm b4 she say wrong ma...at least she dun anyhow say :p

dun think i be getting disposable undies ba, so uncomfortable to use.. T_T

maybe jus buy a pack or something to prepare IN CASE?


my gal's case was worst! she was wearing dress and ppl still can say, wah your boy so cute! >,< or ppl asking me if shes a boy or gal when wearing dress!!

aiyo newborn bb gal, let them wear a cute hairband lor...wont be mistaken la

Milo, ya i wear disposable panty thruout my confinement, more convi cos it will stain on the panty so no point washing n we cant touch water too often

I bought good quality disposable panties for 10 pcs those heavy duty kind for the 1st 2 weeks frm TMC cos lochia flow is heavier, after 2 weeks, wear normal disposal one from watsons[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies: Is it safe to color and do rebonding now? Super sick of my long hair and want to cut it.... but given my unruly hair and premature aging, it means coloring and rebonding!!!

Dbaby, ylaor I find nursing top too ex if nt too aunite looking :p I only bought one

Best and more practical is buy a nice trendy design nursing cover [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiya BP close liao...gt such BP, can post link here..hee but I will also go BP thread to kpo:p

cindy, hehe u will be surprise tat disposable undies nowaday feel like normal cotton one. problem is dunno where to find! haha

mango, u have CL for help for ur girl's time right? so wat do u do in the day? slp and rest as much as possible? weird to be doing nothing bo?

muddypaw, my friend went and rebond her hair wor. she say doesnt touches the root so its ok. i am so so tempted too! me itchy finger went and cut my hair short and now they are all over the place! can only tie them up down so as not to look like siao char bo. will be going for a hair trim later :p

muddypaws, hmm...i didnt go for any during preggie but u really want to do...dun let the chemicals tounch the root, chk wif ur gynae[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal: the sales from 9 to 12 Sep. i got nite classes so can't make it. Think dec oso can't go ler.

milo: oic, will try nepia for the next purchase. which means we can't get NB/S size in the store? Is there any mamy poko promo ard? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya Mangogal,

Some really auntie looking... Actually tt time i did post n ask abt anyone buying nursing wear aldy but no reaponse so i didnt update on my ordering liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oopss..

Nxt time and I will keep u updated on the material of those tops if its worth the $$.. Cos very cheap compared to outside.. I did consider a nursing cover as well, even if i am wearing a nursing top.. Jus tt i can also use a shawl cos some designs frm US are nice but ex. Hahah.. Need to budget since not intending to go for #3 after tis one pop.. Plus i am SAHM so might be hm most of the times..

Milo, haa my CL also need to rest in afternoon, let her take nap for 2 hrs..so I take care of my gal lor, mostly is moo mooing

the 1st week most siok cos i rest alot, n doing my post natal massage...i miss that! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

During confinemnt ah..eat, sleep, suf net, moo mooing, entertain visitors n watch tv,haa..like a queen :p

Sunshine, oh good...will chk out thier sale on this weekend,thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummy pokko easy to find, those mmajor supermarket n guardian pharmacy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dbaby, oh u SAHM, no wonder ur cooking rocks! I drool all ur cooking pics!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I must take my 10 months of SAHM frm Dec onwards to polish my cooking skills n cook for my gal :p :p

Oh sorry if I miss ur link earlier...but I survive nt wearing nursing top but wif a cover, so will stick to that unless I come across trendy n less ex nursing top [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So who is doing confinement for u?

U gng to take care 2 kiddos after confinement alone? I kuddos to u,hehe :p Cos my #1 at childcare liao

re. rebonding

i wanna do rebonding now too!! my hair now is like grass, like what my hub commented, LOL!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, i am SAHM.. Cookin is 1 of my fav hobby.. Hahah.. I'm sure u can do it too..

Btw is it tough to 'manouvere' and 'adjust' ur Bb underneath the nursing cover while BF-ing outside?? I think must really practise at hm.. I saw some mummies BF-ing with BB in the MIM Slings.. I haf 1 & tot of trying tt..

Dbaby, hey ur gal is mix blood so very pretty!! In my march 09 thread, gt a few mummies husbands are caucasian, their kids are so handsome n beautiful esp their deep set eyes with long eye lashes,hehe!

I think eurasian babies are very pretty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andrea, wa u let the person 'live' :p

i sure kill the person liao!

boys got wear dress meh!! zzz T_T

milo, if got better quality disposable undies i dun mind...jus dun like the loose type..hmmm maybe i shall go look ard liao hehe

after reading mango's reply on stains, think better to use disposables...dun wan to trouble myself washing the stains away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

y all mummies go cut short hair ah? i havent done anything to my hair leh ^_^


Dbaby, hmm...i normally wear button front tops or dress if I go out cos easy to bf my gal wif nursing cover

So very convi, eversince I pregnant, most of my outdoor clothes and hm pjaymas are button down[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

