(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

cindy, I am keeping my hair long nt gng to cut, well cos cant colour n rebond now so short hair will look like grass :p

at least I can tie my hair now n looks neater[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya go n buy disposable panties..for mummies delivering at TMC..do buy theirs cos quality is good, cloth like material[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nt sure other pte hospitals selling or nt...


sunshine, NB and S size cannot get from store. need to order from them.

mango, okie! hope can seek your advise during my CL. although its my 2nd kid but feel like first time trying out new stuff LOL

cindy, let hunt undies down together! i cannot imagine hugging my c-section pain and still need to scrub teh ko! not nice to ask hub or CL to wash also mah so guess disposable is the next best thing liao.

milo/mangogal, i've bought cotton like disposable undies from coldwear/wintertime before and its not exp. not sure how much the hospitals sell them but i bought mine i tink 7 pieces for 3.50? i tink.. if i didnt remember wrongly. its very comfy like wearing normal undies.

mango, my hair tie also messy coz i normally tie loose haha

will u be cutting closer to delivery?

i want to 'maintain', yet i scared i will stink if i cant shower during confinement haiz

think i will go down the hospital n check out when i do the tour in oct...those disposable panties bought at the hospital pharmacy ma?

Crystal n Cindy, I cant remember how much is the panties liao, I ordered n buy during my stay

Milo, haha LOL, I burst out laughing when I read ur:' i cannot imagine hugging my c-section pain and still need to scrub teh ko! '

so comical as i can imagine the action LOL :p

milo, haha hunting undies :p

think CK might have or watsons, some at market also sell those 50cent per piece, use n throw...like wasteful nia T_T

haha i nv think that the 'blood' will be so bad ma...tot if i change pad regularly should be ok...but think better not risk..coz i dun think i want to bend ard scrubbing undies haha!

Cindy, I will nt keep too long cos by 4 month onwards we will be starting to drop hair, some mummies moderate, some severe, depends on individual hormones n scalp type, mine hair drop was moderate thk God..but I buy those target for hair loss shampoo frm my hairstylist.

BUt now days I tie my hair most of time cos my gal love to pull n play my hair, ouch:p

back from JL expo sale! ended up buying stuff for my gal.... anyone bought playpen yet? is $89 reasonable for a playpen?? cause for only yest and today, every $50 purchase, we get $8 off, so if i get other things and chalk up $100, I'll get a discount of $16 which makes the playpen closer to $80. not sure if that's a good deal... we've got a cot but it's too huge to move around the house cause of the layout of our rooms and hall corridor. so tot of getting a smaller sized playpen which is more mobile...

milo - wow 6 hours! kudos to you and kaeden! must be very fruitful shopping!! glad u had such a nice day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddypaws - wow your gal has such precise timing!! and winning the daddy's heart already!

which block is this furniture shop at in serangoon north ave 1? it's not too far away so i might pop by to take a look since they have display. so far i guess you're quite happy with what you've gotten ya?

wow bribena - your weight gain only 8+! so good! can eat more mooncakes then...

i just had the raffles hotel champagne truffle sknowskin ones, they're absolutely lovely!

i find that most babies tend to look like thweir daddies at birth no matter what the gender. i came across either an article or programme that said evolutionarily it makes sense for the newborn baby to look like the daddy, cause then the daddy will be convinced it's his offspring, and take good care of it... whereas of course for the mommy she needs no convincing. hahaha..

and many newborns i noticed do look more like their dads!

Eon - u better today?

mangogal and Dbaby - not sure about the nursing tops. have got a few pieces, dunno enough or not. Dbaby do share how the tps you've ordered turn out. ;)

hahhaha ethan was "playing" wiht my hand when i rested it on my tummy, he will tap tap tap and then push his hand/leg against my hand and vibrate.. hhahha soo funny...

Yvaine, can we eat this:champagne truffle sknowskin? yummy :p

oh Expo gt bb sale?

Crystal, yalor milo is so comical LOL :p

re. rebonding

i wanna do rebonding now too!! my hair now is like grass, like what my hub commented, LOL!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


we just smile smile and tell those ppl, shes a gal =P

mangogal - yup got kids and baby section ;) for mommies with playpens, are all playpens standard size??? now checking up on the playpens to decide if i wanna go back to get the one on offer...

crystal - yup yup that usually happens (phew!). my gal in her first year looked 99.9% like the daddy.... that's whay everyone said! now she's 'evolved'.... looking more like me.... which is why i said, phew! heeeheeee...


i was thinking if we dont do now, next time we need to breastfeed baby, even worst. no time to do rebonding cos by the time finish doing our hair, our breasts like rocks liao

oh ya mangogal - the mooncake... hmm very little champagne taste i think.... the alcohol would probably have evaporated liao... anyways my rationale is it's in such small quantities it wouldn't hurt :p and its oh so yummy.....


$80 sounds like a good deal! whats the playplen's brand? we got a playpen at home thus we need a cot, opposite of your case =P

yvaine, hahahaha look like daddy soo bad arh hahaha...

andrea, true hor.. haiizz.. how like that... let me tink first.. maybe the stylist can let me stand and she do it hahah

crystal, cindy & mango, okie! will go search for it over the long weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we must remember we have lost touch with our 'old friend' for 10mths so maybe overflow and staining will be unavoidable.

i was telling hubby once baby is out and we have finalise on the full mth date, i will book appt for eyebrow shaping, hair cut/colour/bond + pedicure so he better make sure he is avail at hm to watch baby...

yvaine, enjoyed myself catching up with old friend very much. she happened to be preggy with me like wat we have fantasize together when we were young. she is in her 20 weeks now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Andrea, haa ok la, I endure 4 hrs of nt pumping milk when do rebonding...

just pump before gng out n after u come back lor :p

Yvaine...hhaha gd excuse to indulge, yeah small quantity to nibble:p

mango, starting when i read "scrub teh ko" i have to think :p

wa by 4th mth....hmm then maybe 3rd mth have to trim abit liao...long hair tends to drop more coz of the weight also i guess haiz

u can slowly let yr girl's hair grow longer ma, can tie with those cute pins etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, its so true abt mummy not needing any convincing! haha...

think have to wait abit more for baby to slowly look like mummy :p

'evolving' sound scary leh haha

andrea, u're so kind :p

i not as kind as u le..will stare LOL

btw, engorgement so scary ma? i seem to be reading so much horror stories abt it T_T

milo, ya I do rebond, pedi n eyebrown shapping on the last day of confinement!

I remember do it on 29th day, just a day before my gal's full month, cos hubby n confinement lady at hm so I quickly go n do, wah siok ah!...the pampering after the long touring confinement at hm for 29 days LOL :p

Andrea - really ah?? it's Shears...decent brand?? the design quite nice and colourful and gender neutral. oh they have cots at the expo sale too.... small ones i think..

crystal - hahaha... ya coz my hubby has a round round face... so if my gal takes after him.... round round lor... i'm the slim one between us two...

milo - so nice to be preggy at the same time... old frens must keep. very hard to find!

mango, yeah yeah yeah! tat is wat i did also! it will be something for us to look forward to at the end of the confinement!

mummies, received a mailer that there is 30% storewide for aussion from 10-12 sept. can go look see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy - yes engorgement can get uncomfortable, but once you feel the milk building up and baby still not ready to drink, can relieve by pumping out some. it's mastitis that's the painful one

milo: totally agree! I am planning for facial, massage, hairdo, mani & pedi once I can leave the house too! I also told hubby to STAY HOME!

how how? now i'm wondering whether to go back to expo to get the playpen... wondering if i'll really need it... have another one given by fren but that one is very heavy and bulky and big. dunno if it'll be a waste of money or not leh. but i also need a safe place to put the baby in so my no.1 doesn't accidentally trample on her mei mei!

milo, my mum told me old friend will visit with heavy flow for 1 week then ok le...zz seems like might be longer than i expected haiz...

but 10mths of holiday is good enough le hehe!

wa u set house rules with hubby very fast le...LOL

so nice to have close preggy friends same time as u leh...mine either given birth liao or still unprepared T_T

yvaine, i havent bought any breastpump yet T_T

was still thinking of buying only after baby out, hope i wun be too late [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cindy, engorgement is nt very scary..the scary issue of bfing is blocked ducts cos if nt cleared properly, will lead to fever n infection

yvaine, if i were u i wun buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

use watever u can get, if REALLY needed u can buy again next time...

but i no experience one ah :p

mango, ya i read so much horror stories on bfing, yet i still wan to try if possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u're such an inspiration [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thx for the webby, will go look around hehe

cindy, we all want the best for our precious babies mah..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heheh cindy - i know what you mean... just so tempting cause it's 20% cheaper now, cause me surfing and checking out prices. re: bf-ing - it's very rewarding! just try to get as much support as you can and also try to stay relaxed. that'll be the best way to get a good supply of milk.. and lots of grren papaya soup too!

andrea - really ah? is it aussie brand?? woo hoo! heart itchy itchy now.. happy shopping for your cot! since milo mentioned about the 30% discount coming up ;)

bubbly, this type of booking with hubby must make fast fast. dun later say we never give warning mah.

cindy & yvaine, agree.. we were childhood friends since young so its like 28 years of friendship! so fun to be preggy at the same time!

yvaine: I saw a playpen at Spring which is the size of a cot, using mattress 60x120cm. Ard $70+. Only in blue. small & slim looking.

Andrea: how is the cot like? I'm looking ard for small cot too. If can't find any, most likely considering the playpen above [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i dont think its aussie brand? so happen that yugal posted a pic he took at aussino, so i thought might as well buy it there. haha but sadly no further discount for the cot during birthday month!


no further discount wor during birthday month =P but worth to have a look, can get free membership from aussino i *think*


i think the cot is 4-in-1, able to convert to toddler bed and playpen type! must ask yugal to repost the pic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, i managed to convince him after showing him the many articles on bfing hehe..or maybe he's jus giving in to me, no idea :p

haha regarding the playpen, i no idea leh, coz duno how useful it will be also :p

train jiejie to take care of meimei, more 'peace' for u also ma [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, how i wish i got friends pregnant at same time as me lor...too bad i nv managed to convince her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


long time never post! happy belated bd milo!

haven't bought any baby stuff yet, cos still can use most of my no 1's stuff.. but i thinking whether to get another baby cot..

read somewhere that if the toddler is not ready to move to a bed/mattress, and she/he sees her sibling taking over her cot may lead to jealousy issues..

so now i'm wondering if should get a small cot for no 2.. i dun want jie jie to be jealous of mei mei..

oh i'll be collecting my new maid on Sat! hope everything goes well.... the good thing is i have my MIL's maid staying with me this weekend, so she can help train the new one... my MIL's maid already knows where i keep everything and how to work all the appliances, so hopefully less one headache for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

talking abt pampering ourselves, i also did that! went for hair cut and eyebrow trim a day b4 the man yue party, shiok man! still remember the hairdresser making small talk with me, asking me if i studying or working! hahaha.. i told her i jus gave birth, she was shocked, think i look like a school girl w no makeup on..

i'm trying to read more abt bf.. cos w no 1, i didn't latch her on successfully, so was pumping exclusively... somehow felt that the bond wasn't there. Also, i think if pump exclusively, its harder to clear blocked ducts, so ended up hospitalised with high fever from mastitis, sigh.. hope this time round i can latch properly... want to learn from all the experienced mothers here..

andrea, okie. will take a look as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, i was among the first of my friends to get preg too and whenever they see me busy with kid, they will shake their head. now its their turn to be busy with theirs... hehe

oshgosh, thks! i think wat u said is true. i was asking kaeden abt letting mei mei have his stroller since he is such a big boy, he refuse leh and gave me a sad look. told us to buy another one for mei mei instead cos he need his stroller too!

Hi Mummies, finally get off work liao... Now waiting for hubby to fetch me... hehe... Lookin forward to this long weekend for so long liao...

Cherrry, Wa... you can get to see your BB soon liao... Mus update us ya... Where did you see the chart? i based on babycentre chart, my BB also seems alot heavier than the average leh so i feel abit worried though Woody say she's normal weight... I only feel more relieve after reading that some mummies' BB also weigh ard the same as mine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can pass you the liner when we go shop at Aussino... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tint the amt of durian i ate so far is more than 4 durians liao.. :p, Cannot count by seeds... Wahahaha...

Milo, my colleague also told me to use disposable pantie but i wonder the secure feeling will be lesser anot cos disposable always seems thin or not tite enough is we were to used maternity pad.... So nice to be preggy with a good friend... The BBs can play together next time.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, $89 for a playpen is very cheap le... So far, the cheapest i found is $99... Where did you see yours? Is there alot of varieties and quality good? I'm also lookin for playpen...

Btw, playpen got different sizes too... Some smaller some bigger...

sunshine - thx ;) 60 x 120 cm is the really small sized one hor.... is the design plain? nice or not? the shears one i have to admit is quite colourful and cute, heheh... i'm a sucker for cuteness...

oshgosh - congrats!! i share your excitement! cause mine coming in in 2 weeks time also... hope things will work out smoothly for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) wow 2 cots side by side... will be a sweet sight... bfing- try to get baby to suckle the moment it's out... within the first half hour baby's sucking reflex is strongest. if you can get baby to suckle right from the word Go, it'll incrtease your chances of successful breastfeeding. i had my daughter plonked onto my breast first thing when she's out... BEFORE she's even washed. so really was in her original package, with her vernix and blood and all... but oh i still remember, she looked so beautiful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Lena - i saw it at the John Little Expo... it just started uyesterday, will be til next weekend. playpen only 2, shears $89, and lucky baby which is $79. they also have a few cots there but i didn't check cot prices. if you have Robinsons card, then today for purchses $50 you get $8 off... tomoro onwards no more liao. that's why i'm considering whether to buy lor...

