(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Lena, I also went for the maternity tour at Mt A, decided to give birth there. My gynae also delivers at TMC but heard a lot of comments about parking woes so decided to settle at Mt A, also have many frens who gave birth at Mt A and were satisfied with their service.

Debbie, JiaHui, my EDD is 26 Dec, maybe we 'll see each other at Mt A ;)

Btw do u mummies feel ur baby 's movement often? I feel a lot of movement by my boy, sometimes wonder is it my stomach movement or my boy..


Hi mummies,

I now then got time to log in SMH. So busy today. My back is aching...

Cindy and cheryl,

Is your vomoitting very jia lat? Hopefully, my 1st trimester symptoms wouldn't come back so early...


Tink we r in e same boat lei. Let's jia you jia you. Hope as we proceed, no more vomitting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I do get tt sometimes for my palms. Not painful but just feel irritated. Not sure if it's cos of diet? Too much salt? But i just try to drink more water. Anyway mine goes off in a couple of hours. Always happen at night though.


Ya.. some of e gals here hv gone to hospital tours.. But not for me. My gynae oni delivers @ glenE so i dun hv a choice too. so i hv no clue if glenE has any of such 'tours'. Mayb e rest of of the glenE mtbs can help u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U puke too? Hope your honeymoon will b long til delivery! Dun be like me n cindy. Lol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nowadays i always 'merlion' after lunch. No matter wat i eat. But alternate days now. Hope it's just a passing period too. Really dun hope to puke til delivery. Horrible horrible. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies! just weighed myself... suddenly gained 1 kg in the last 4 days! whoa... and my appetite has been so good, even after a meal i still feel like a snack.... and with all the yummy food and mooncakes.... sigh....

Muddypaws - wow your maid sounds like a gem... seems like you didn't have to train her very much at all! mine's coming straight from the filipines, so i figure she;ll need some time to get adjusted to local living and lifestyle. i recall yours is an experienced one who's already quite savvy with working in spore right? re: furniture - ya we checked the HDB shops out. very interesting that for the exact same set of wardrobe we saw in a nicer furniture shop going at $350, this HDB shop was offering $280. agree with you they're cheaper. only thing is gotta order from catalogue, can't see how the finishings are. where was the shop you got yours from?

Milo - sorry, blessed belated birthday!!! hope you had a great one!

PSH - i agree with Cheryl and Jiahui, pine garden cakes quite nice. i ordered a 3D lychee martini for my gal's birthday in june, so yummy....

i'm going to the JL expo sale shortly... hope i get some good buys!

DBaby - juz to confirm you're priscilla toh on FB right? sorry i forgot to reply on the nursing tops. i got mine from spring, carrano, moms in mind.. mostly, if i recall correctly ;)

Morning to all Mummies!

Thank you for the well wishes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, Cindy, Candy & Bubbly, thanks! Had a great time shopping with Kaeden yesterday.

Trying to catch up on the post and so happy that today is last day of the work week!

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

back to work today. later going to taka mooncake fair to get mooncakes. hehe...

hope everyone has a great day at work today before our break for the long weekend.

Crystal, Sunshine, Mango, Andrea, PSH and Cheryl, thanks for the wishes too!

PSH, thumb up for Pine Garden Cake too! Yummy!

Regarding diapers, have u girls started stocking up already? Gonna start cleaning up the nursery this weekend! Still so messy!

milo: great that you enjoyed your birthday with your son. must have burnt a big hole in your pocket. hehe...

i havent stock up on diapers yet. i think 1 pack of newborn should be enough bah? cause i heard from 2nd time mummies that newborn will outgrow their newborn diapers very fast.

eon, was quite fun shopping with him and my childhood friend who is also preggy. surprisingly he didnt make much noise following us shopping for 6 hrs! heng ah, i only spent abt 60+ buying books for kaeden! my friend spent more cos she is preparing for her baby's arrival!

1 pack of newborn diaper is abt 24 pcs? i remember they poo/pee abt 5-6 times a day.. 2 packs of 24pcs + the pack tat hosp give shld be ok la hor?

u wanna try asking for sample from goon? gotten mine yesterday!


good morning mummies!

i had a weird dream the night before - i dreamt i gave birth already! and the labour was only 2hours but baby was only 1.8kg! aiyoh.. i wonder if i'm supposed to go and buy 4D with that. LOL!

btw, i received a msg from my gynae clinic that they hv already booked my delivery ward with Mt A. Lena, once u have chosen, u can inform Dr Woody's assts and they'll book for u. I also went for the hospital tours at TMC and Mt A. Preferred Mt. A from the start.

eon, have fun trying the mooncakes! go eat the TWG ones, i'm in love with them! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine: I got it from a shop called Dynasty (I think) in Serangoon North Ave 1 (my estate). They have the cupboards on display so I can touch and try. Delivery and installation is free.

Mommies: Did a little experiment with Liz this morning to test how immaculate her 'timing' is. She always wakes me up to pee at certain times of the night, and that wakes my hubby up too. So last time, when my hubby rubbed my tummy, asking her to wake him up at a certain time, she 'ti-ki' and didn't wake me up to pee then. Hubby and I overslept [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] This morning, she kicked me awake to pee at the timing my hubby wanted. Bravo! Hubby's so happy, kept saying Liz is daddy's girl!

Coming to the end of my 28th week. Starting my 3rd trimester, and getting edgier as I count down to the weeks to delivery...

psh, i think for newborn hor, dun need good absorption cos they poo/pee so often.

goon/nepia both are super soft like cloth nappy hence i guess good to minimize allergy for newborn? pamper was quite a premium brand but kaeden was allergic to it so likely to try nepia bah cos cheaper :p

dew, ha ha i dreamt that i was in the hosp preparing for c-section too! and dunno why they poke so many things into my ear/mouth/nose. wat a nightmare!

muddypaw, i also getting panicky le. like the real thing is getting nearer and nearer..

thanks milo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u had a great day yest!

can ask hw many pcs of Goon u recv? I'd requested too, but havent recv.

happyhippo/cheryl, I went on the "tour" on my own ahha cos i was hospitalised earlier on during my first tri so when i was feeling better i went to the maternity level to look see. Glen E does do tour le. i've seen the posters a while back but i didnt join cos i've seen the rooms already. Do note that they recently released a new $ package which u can pick up from the info counter.

milo, thanks for the weblink for goon diapers hee i'll register now. how many pieces do u get?

ya, Lena... u decided on Mt A, then just go for it ba. since dr woody from the start did mention he can go either TMC or Mt A de. My hb wanted Mt A from the start bcos he feels tat its not as pack as TMC. It seems abit overcrowded and commercialise le. but no matter wat hosp we chose, i think it still all depends on luck with the midwife on duty u be getting. so just go with wat u comfortable with ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, glad u had a greatime yest!

eh how or where to get goon and nepia sample?

I tried their sample before when my gal was just born..nt bad but hubby say ex if count cents per pcs, so we stick to mummy pokko...

I want to get sample again leh :p

diapers dun need to stock up so early...can wait till late Oct la :p

cherry, only 1 pc nia! haha so meow hor?

psh, yup, jus sign up and ask for sample can liao.

mango, goon sample can get from the link i posted above. nepia sample is usu during those fair leh. thinking of ordering home delivery for nepia. $15 per pack for 60 pcs. collect 10 stamp can exchange for $10 ntuc voucher. sound ok hor?

good morning mummies!

decmum, i'm almost like having 1st tri symptoms, mainly nausea/MS..once puking starts, i no appetite for few days after, and when it goes, its ok for awhile again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheryl, i need baby to jiayou also LOL

change position soon, ease my vomitting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo, great that u enjoyed yr shopping, and Kaeden never bully u hehe

hmm..i havent start stocking up on diapers yet, think shall wait till oct hehe

lol~!! ya... so niao! hahaa... at least huggies gav 10. hehehe!

cant wait to go off for mdm wong class tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thks Milo, oki will use ur link provided, thks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nepia where to order for hm delivery?

gt contact or link?


the nepia diapers sounds good, even the pricing. but i heard that the cutting is rather small? what you reckon? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re. panic mode about our newborns

for me i dont feel panic at all leh. hmmm.. even for my 1st pregnancy, i actually dont panic until i was about the give birth on drip, haha. mommies, just relax and enjoy your pregnancy k, over let our babies feel stressed up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo: haha, i thought you will buy more stuff for Ashlyn too.

eh, i dont know how many pieces are there in a newborn packs. hmm, i will estimate based on your advise bah. okok, will go request for sample from goon. thanks.

dewdew: go for 4ds...

twg arh. okok, will try later. yum yum.. hope not too crowded else i will be super sianz. dont like to squeeze around.

muddypaws: wow! your Liz is so great with her timing leh. thus far, mine will only start kicking if i laze in bed after the alarm went off. haha, if im a good mama and wakes up straight after the alarm sounded, she will not kick.

muddypaws & milo: i think as the time draws nearer to our EDD, we will be super panicky bah. hehe... natural reaction.

mummies and daddies: i knew we have decided to change venue. but since Fairmont came back with the mexican fair menu for our review, i might as well copy for you guys to see if ultimately are we fine with the spread or not and also cause we have not chosen on another venue as yet.

Cold Selection

- Poblano Chilies Filled with Picadello (Ground Meat) Stuffing

Almond Cream Sauce, Cilantro Leaves and Pomegranite Seeds

- Acapulco Style Mixed Seafood Ceviche

- Enamorado” Octopus Salad

Served with Crispy Corn Tortadas

- Grilled Nopale (Cactus Leaf Salad)

- Chalupas with Chicken Salad

- Guacamole and Corn Chips Salsa Mexicana

- Marinated Panela Cheese with Tomatoes Olive Oil and Oregano

- Red Snapper in Escabeche

- Cold Marinated Spicy Red Snapper


- Tortilla Soup with Traditional guarnishes Sour Cream, Tortilla Strips, Toasted Pasilla Chile Rings, Avocado

- Yucatan Style Key Lima Soup Julienne Tortilla Strips, Limes

Hot Food

Abodo Glazed Robalo Filet wrapped in Banana Leaves

- Cheese Enchiladas

- Chicken in Puebla Style Mole

- Mexican Style Beef Tips with Tomato, Onion and Poblano Chili

- Corn Husk Tamales

- Ranch Beans

- Mexican Zucchini

- Mexican Rice

- Traditional Slow Cooked “Barbacoa de Borrego” Lamb

- Lamb Consome with Garbanzos and Rice

- Crispy Chicken Tacos


- Whole Slow Charcoal Grilled Goat “Cabrito”

- Red Snapper Sarandeado

- Whole Butterflied Red Snapper with a Sarrandeado Glaze

Action Station

- Quesadillas, Sopes, Sincronizadas and Hand Made Tortillas

(All Items made from Corn Meal with various fillings and salsas) Ranchero Sauce, Green Tomato Sauce, Roasted Tomato and Chili Salsa, Pot Beans, Sour Cream, Mexican Salsa, Jalapeño

Chilies, Grated Ranch Cheese, Limes

(Selection of Fillings)

Zucchini Blossoms, Huitlacoche, Chicken, Oaxaca Cheese, Mushrooms, Ham, Manchego Cheese, Refried Beans, Chorizo,Chile con Carne

Mexican Dessert Promotion

- Cinnamon rice pudding, orange salad

- Mexican Flan with mango

- Pumpkin cheesecake

- Natillas, caramel goat milk custard

- Sweet Corn tart

- Durian Pudding

- Key Lime Pie

- Mexican doughnut-Churros

- Baked Plantains with brown sugar

- Heuvos Realves, served with anise seed sauce

- Chocolate –coffee bread pudding

- Mexican sweet candy

thanks for letting us know the menu, eon!

i dunno most of the items, but the dessert part looks ok, lol! at least durian pudding is LOCAL! hahaha... i'd be very surprised if that's mexican! if we go for fairmont, it'd be an adventure for us. heeee...

i'm not panicking over the delivery or pregnancy leh... i assume 船到桥头自然直. hehe... dunno if my chinese got type correct or not. :p anything that's not ready, then just step out to shopping centre to buy. there's still time between now and then, if we get too big, we can do online shopping! miracles of internet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, i am feeling 'sick' everyday too. really cant wait to pop so that i will feel 'well' again :p

mango and andrea, the link for home delivery below. can order online leh but seems like only allow 4 packs of the same size. i remember many years back, they allow mixing of sizes, tat is 1 pack of NB, 3 packs of S.


andrea, i think 1 pack of nb (60pcs) shld be sufficient liao. up to 5kg mah so i reckon shld be ok.

eon, i dare not buy liao :p she got enough rompers for now and as for dresses, i still cannot visualise how she gonna look like leh. so maybe start the real shopping when she is out!

thks for the menu!

dewdew: haha, ya loz.. i also think the durian pudding is so local. so we will wait for the votes from the rest of the mummies bah. haha...

your mandarin is correct! im kind of panicky cause im afraid hubby doesnt know how to buy if we are really short of any item. haha, cant trust my hubby in terms of shopping de. wahaha...

milo: eh, me too thinking should start shopping for more when my princess is out too. cause now seems like a bit too much liao. especially those 0-3 months de. i think my princess wont be able to finish wearing all. faint!

dewdew, i also not buying much except clothes haha!

anything needed by delivery time, shall jus ask hubby to go get it hehe!

milo, faster go see yr gynae! haha

wanna see if yr 'condition' same as me LOL.. i cant imagine baby 'standing' position in my tummy leh T_T

kick, make me pee and head on my stomach, make me wanna puke...argh!

i also dun dare buy too many dresses...wanna see if cute anot first LOL...

if look like hubby, omg, no need dress liao!

Morning mummies,

Just had the worst leg cramp last night! It feels like multiple cramps one after another. Just when I thought it is getting better, the cramp tighten again! Now I am walking with a limp. Somehow I can never recover fully after a cramp for at least half the day. =(

Hubby only say that I am not stretching and exercising enough!

still waiting for my glucose test, 3rd blood extraction. Will get result on either sat or monday.

My total weigh gain maintains at 8kg +. The little one weighs 1.31kg now, she was 700+gm 4 weeks ago. That prob explains why i feel extreme ligament pain on both sides laterly. She still in breech position now. Hopefully she will turn when the time comes. She lay quite still today prob coz i've been fasting since last midnight, prep for the glucose test today.

Going to town for lunch with sis n niece, then test out the mooncakes at taka fair later!

crystal, i think tat time one of the mummies here posted the link. i just went to check again, the promo is over le. http://www.nomoresteamybums.com/

yeah, milo, cindy... me also cant help but keep drooling at all the pretty dresses for princess!! but i also dont dare to buy! lol...~

cherry, thanks. o well no choice then.

aiko, increase ur potassium intake. my sis said it will help prevent leg cramps.. i eat small bananas weekly. i tink it helps.

bribena, good to noe that your gal is past the 1kg mark. i'm waiting for mine next week ehehe.. enjoy ur mooncake tasting later.

eon, u bought many ah? think for in total for 0-3, 3-6 i only bought 8 tops and a couple of rompers... hehe

cindy, u made me laugh! me feel the same way! my hubby got dopey eyes and thick lips... if ash look like him, i think i will cry big time!

ribena, so nice to have ur sis and niece with you. my hub told me yesterday he may not be able to make it on 22 sep for my GD test. mum cannot come with me too cos she need to look after kaeden. sigh, the agony of an only child [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cherry, i dare not buy too many also. cannot imagine them in dresses yet except for rompers.

I only bought a few pieces of clothing.. Mostly plain white ones... my baby is having a boring wardrobe! I guess she won't know anyway, will get her nicer outfits when she is older.. hehe. Trying to buy neutral colours so that it can be reused for the next child, no matter what gender.

ask u mummies, r u all going to shave ur baby hair on full month? is tat a tradition culture or other purpose? my friend told me if dont do tat, eventually all baby hair will drop in patches, is tat true?

cindy: haha.. if look like hubby, all the more we should dress them in dresses. else people will start calling our girls, boy boy!

aiko: yes, i agreed with crystal on the eating of small banana part. does help de.

ribena: wow! baby really put on weight fast and furious hor. good good! haha, baby is too hungry to move liao.

we might bump into each other later as im going there too after lunch time. hehe....

cherry, i will heheh i tink its more a tradition then anything else hahaha... cos my mom did that for me when i was young and i have thick hair.

not all will fall in patches.

cherrry, that shaving thing is old wives tale lah. my nephew didn't shave, his hair is still abundant! standing on ends some more, lol! some ppl shave baby's eyebrows also but it's individual preferences and whether u pantang or not.

milo, you'll never know, i see many kids with daddy's features, they look surprisingly good! on daddy not so good, but on a girl - pretty! so dun cry if turn out not to your expectations. lol!

ribena, congrats on healthy baby news! baby will still turn, dun worry.

bbribena, wow so nice yr little girl 1.3kg! suddenly baby super growth spurt! enjoy yr mooncake testing, eat more hor, u deprive yr girl of food for long le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrry, i bought some last week liao after confirming baby girl hehe..now starting to slow down abit :p

milo, wahahaha!! i tell hubby, if my girl look like him, she will scold him next time LOL

then can dress in boy clothes liao, tomboy not my fault also haha!

u also make me laugh lor haha! cant imagine how much u going to cry is ash look like him haha!

cherrry, dropping in patches sounds crazy! haha

have to check with 2nd time mums le..


1.3kg sounds good!! wow thats a 400g increase over just 4weeks. how many weeks are you now? must be eating well ya or baby starts to pile up the fats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiko, the thing with white clothing is they turned yellow super fast leh. unless u intend not to have a big age gap between no 1 and 2.

cherry, my mil kept insisting we shave off kaeden's hair but we refuse lor. his hair is thick and nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my friend who shave off her girl's hair instead hor, grow in patches leh! took almost 3 years to even out.

dew, cindy & andrea, hopefully our girl will be a prettier version with daddy feature on them... looking forward to seeing her!

thanks crystal and dewdew... ya, cindy have to control! lol...

wah.. milo.. sounds not v nice leh. then i dont want to shave le. jus cut abit for the tradition part can liao. heee!

Hi Ribena: My BB also gain ard the same weight in 4 weeks... She's was 621g 4 weeks ago and now 1210g liao... Hehe... So happy that our BBs is growing well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Milo, Thanks for the link... I will request for the sample too to try it out... But reali miao lo, 1 pc nia... :p I also scared my ger ger will have daddy's thick lips leh... Later like shu Qi... lol... But tin we better dun say too much cos later BB patang and got what we dun wan... :x

Hi Eoneon: Though i have bought some clothings liao + abit hand down, but i still wonder how many den is enough leh... lol... So i'm still planning to buy somemore... Cos i also no confidence in hubby to go shopping! lol... Thanks for the showing the menu.... Dunnoe alot of the dishes so it's sure a tryout if reali have our gatherin there....

Hi Cherrry, I tin not reali that true la... I ever heard of cases that they din shave but their hair also grows well... Some shave liao but their hair also grow in patches! It depends on the BB i tin...

Hi Mummies: Mi too getting panicky liao... On Tue nite, i dreamt of giving birth! Quite scary cos the labour is alot earlier than EDD i tin, was tryin to deliver but BB dun wanna come out... Then Last nite, i dreamt of showering my NB BB... So kan jiong cos BB so soft and fragile... OMG... Lately my dreams seems interesting but also make me even more panicky now...

For brands like Mamy poko, Drypers and Huggies, their NB pack only comes in 24 or 28 pc... I only bought a pack for NB cos in case my BB comes out more than 3 kg, she can actuali use S size liao... But NB can also use till 4-5kg la...


cherrry: the shaving of head is more of tradition and old wives' tales. my nieces never shave their heads. just cut a bit for symbolic purpose.

dewdew: shave eyebrows also? wah, first time i heard about this leh. cannot imagine leh.

