(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Cindy, my hubby is good cook and I have tons of ideas. He is my personal chef[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I find crafting helps me to relax and take things easy, it is like yoga, very good.

Can't wait to see my baby tomorrow[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See whether got birdie or 3 lines.

Poor mine crown. Then have to watch your diet abit liao, but no dieting okay, you have 2 babies. Just try to eat more healthy stuff. No more durian for you now.


hello mummies! i'm back after a full day of doc visit and went for facial after. hehe... mine is a princess!!!! sonographer could scan between her butt and no birdy, can see 3 lines instead. she said see the 3 lines = confirm girl. lol... i'm very happy with the news. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, u dun need to keep a full bladder for this round of scanning - 'cos sonographer said usually full bladder is for the 3months scan. so can safely go toilet before scan. i silly silly didn't dare to go, then halfway thru' the scan sonographer told me to go so baby can move freely. lol!

baby was very active, one moment head at the top, another moment, wriggle downwards. hands on head, at forehead, between chest, just moving a lot! but i couldn't feel a single thing throughout all that movement. hehe... everything is ok, baby is about 14.6cm, weigh 330gm.

that's all from me now, i'll have to go read all the previous posts to see if i missed anything impt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you very much dewdew, when you are going back to see Dr Woody?

Gong xi Gong xi on your confirmation on having Princess, can get pink stuff liao right.

Your baby so cute[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks stefie! i went to see doc woody this afternoon, after the scan at TMC. got more piriton for my blocked sinus, lucky he said it's ok to take daily else i really dunno what to do besides breathing thru' my mouth!

crown, i just saw the picture of your feet. goodness they are really swollen!!! and the weight gain is too much, i think, for such a short period of time. so better stop the durians and eat healthy diet liao. we still have another 4 months to go, and weight will pile on faster in the last trimester. hope your feet gets better soon!

melissa: i told hubby im the winner cause princess will surely loves me more than him. he was so upset upon hearing his. wahaha.. i think i really make life hell for my hubby.

crown: your gynae never seen your feet before? she really takes a long time to realise leh. wah piangz!

yvaine: oh, ya hor. should have thought of that. treat them like perishable.

cindy: if you cant keep food down, why not try drinking more liquid stuff like fruit juice, shake, yogurt drink etc. try eating porridge too. i actually found comfort in it during my first trimester. plain porridge with pickled being the best. i make sure i have enough nutrition by adding fresh corns into my porridge. i cooked many different variety of porridge just so i can get the nutrition both me and princess need.

ribena: ya loz.. just as yvaine explained loh. i think im getting more stupid as i advance into my pregnancy leh. i will say ridiculous things and also my brain is not really working.

lovebyte: i also dont like queue and crowds de. have never participated in gss but this time round cause need to get stuff for my princess i actually dont mind queueing and squeezing. wahaha..

stefie: you very xin fu leh. hubby always cooking for you. haha.. hubby keep asking me recently am i xin fu, i tell him im not. cause i dont want to go through pregnancy alone. am i very bad inm saying that?

crown: thats so serious. but the weight you piled on more of water mah... plus your body preparing you for twins wor. those are the only things she said? gosh! take real good care of yourself. try not to over exert and rest well.

dewdew: your princess really very active and cute leh. wahaha.. i will be super thrilled seeing my princess like that too. time to start shopping!!! hehe....

Eoneon, the other time I saw her, I told her about my swollen feet but she didn't really take notice. Today I emailed her then she noticed that it is real swollen. Hope my blood test got nothing wrong

crown: seriously you have been paying money for nothing loh! hope she wakes up her idea! very angry leh. expecting twins mean you need more attention from her but she is so nonchalant!

Yalor, today I like that spent $200 plus. Sad. This mth I am seeing her every week. Faint. This mth I will be spending $500 plus. I rather spent the money on herbs to build up my body.

crown: dont worry so much. will be soon soon de. did you ask her what could be lacking or in abundant in your diet? maybe can start attacking the water retention with some food. im sure there will be some food remedy that helps. but im lacking in this area knowledge.

stefie, so fortunate to have personal cook! i wan also dun have haha...hmm i tot u know the gender of yr baby liao? hope baby will cooperate tomorrow for u hehe

dewdew u have such an active baby! congrats on knowing gender hehe..

eon, i'm drinking lots of liquids le hehe but jus mainly plain water...recently sometimes will cook porridge le...will get some pickles too hehe

the last time i bought, keep too long it turned mouldy haha

crown, check with the doc about yr diet like wat eon said, maybe could be coz of the stuff u eat or didnt eat

Crown pls reduce intake of ur salt. Think lifting up legs when zz also helps. If not hv to check wif ur gyne if ok for u to wear compression socks or not. I intend to wear during later pregnancy for vanity reason cos dun wan to have those ugly veriscoe veins.... Which my mum has quite alot... Scary. I still wanna wear my mini skirts wor. Haha

I didn't eat very salty ah. Today my mil stil buy durians. Really faint. I ate 3 seeds only. I knew she meant good but I can't go on putting on weight. Tomorrw I am on mc, will jus take plain porridge

cindy, me too.. have been getting too absent minded after getting pregnant..

stefie, i'll look through the designs... and most prob will nid ur help through... hehe

equare, my mum says curry cooked with coconut is best not taken frequently.. cos coconut is liang... but its ok to consume those cooked with evaporated milk...

crown, i dunno if this helps during pregnancy but i'm a super prone to water retention person. so strictly no water before bed time. and also two hours break before or after meal when u consume fruits. there's also an acupunture point to help reduce water retention... but i tink not so safe to try during pregnancy, later press the point link to other unknown parts...

Eon , yeah once you start you can't stop, hee. Now waiting for my Kate Spade to be shipped to me.

Stefie, you are taking a one year break to spend more time with your little one ? so nice...but wat if your company disapprove?

crown, my bestie had very bad water retention too.. exactly like e pic u took. my sis ask her to drink red date instead of plain water..

Wow say !! Crown u still eating durian eh?? Better dun eat so much during this stage. Later stage ok to take more cos my cousin ate till she got high sugar then got to limit her rice intake so better tell ur mil cannot eat so much this at this stage lor.

Dear MTBs, I am new here. Currently, I'm 16 weeks along and due in late Dec this year. I still do not know that gender of my baby.

Hope to get to know all of you better!

good morning mummies ^_^

cindy: im referring to those beverage with nutrition inside. like milk, yogurt drink, soya bean, fruit juice and of course plain water loh. hehe

crown: rest well! come online and chat with us if you are feeling sianz.

sharon: haha, i know how it feels. im trying hard to control here.

joyfulbliss: congrats and welcome ^_^.. you will find out the gender soon.

Morning to All Mummies,

Hw r all mummies???i hope everyone is doing well...Had been MIA for quite long...i hd a lot of fun during e weekends...yest juz celebrate my birthday...finally reach e "3"...haha


remember e blanket tat i say wan to knit??can we meet out one day i wan to start to learn. dun tink i will b joining e gathering on e 31 Jul le cos gt smting on.

Thanks eoneon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This forum is so full of life. ^^

Can I ask if anyone has babies who are in a squatting position when you last when for scan? My baby was squatting and had one hand behind his/her head.

And I've been feeling guilty cos I take a glass of ice milo a day when we shd not be drinking cold drinks right? But it helps whenever I feel sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

good morning mummies,

welcome to the club, joyfulbliss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] while cold drinks is not advised, i think it's still ok as long as u dun overdo it. i take about 1 cold drink every other day. singapore is so hot, i can't live without cold drinks. :p

PSH, happy belated birthday and welcome to the "3" club. haha!

hope everyone will have a good day today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi morning to all mummies, i also do take cold drinks, maybe once in 2days or 3 days.

And i do take a small cup of coffee everyday, i have checked with my gynae, she say as long as don't drink too much is ok one.

Hi moms,

am still taking my daily dose of ice coffee or ice latte. I cant function without a small dose of that everymorning.

I agree with dew2, its ok to drink a cup or so, as long as you dont drink coffee,ice tea,green tea in a day , its harmless.

Joyfullbliss,welcome .

morn to all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

been feeling so stressed and tired at work lately. really wish to call it quits but thinking of the 4mths ML + year end bonus... i chicken out...

stefie, i finally understand wat ur 'gold' means! went to fu hua last night to check out the cordecpys. was expecting abt 200+ nia ended up she told me its 400-500 for a box... shocking lor!

i think drinking cold stuff is ok bah. i couldnt resist drinking at least 1 cup of cold stuff everyday. trying to cut down on caffeine though cos i think i indulge too much already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

psh, happy belated birthday!

i also have the same feeling of dont feel like working. my body feel heavy and tired, but i just changed my job, and i am lucky that my boss still willing to accept me after knowing i am preggy. Most of my friends said i am consider lucky.

eon, u are not being mean cos i said tat to hubby to. dunno why this preg makes me more emo. felt tat i am going through everything on my own.

during K's time for gynae appt, my hub will make the effort to take leave and go with me... now hor, its like forcing him like tat.. always so rush and after appt, he will leave for work and i gotta go home myself. know that i shld be more understanding but cannot help feeling like an unwanted child lor.. must think postive hor?

candy, u are indeed lucky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i was in the midst of changing job before i found out i was preg. my employer sounded so positive abt accepting preg woman but the moment preg confirmed... its another story. hence i have no choice but to be stuck in this less than friendly working enviornment.

Good morning mummies!

joyfulbliss - congrats! I'm almost 21 weeks and my dender is still not confirmed yet too.

milo - though my work is not so stressful but I'm also damn sian to be working, feel like quitting but also considering the ML.

Every morn when I wake up I dread to come to work. Work has become so mundane for me and I feel very demoralised. I'm unable to look for another due to preg. Therefore, I told myself to just tolerate for another 4 mths and will start looking around next year!

Cheer up! look forward to ML!

milo, i'm feeling the same as u... am just hanging on for the sake of 4mths ML and nothing else. will take all 4mths at one shot so i dun have to suffer here anymore after that. :p

candy, u are lucky... i was starting to look for new opportunities then i discovered i was pregnant. since then, all opportunities that came knocking quickly said "bye" after i said i am pregnant. haiz...

dewdew - same same I was thinking of looking for new opportunities then I also discovered I was preggy So I got no choice but to stay on. But I think everything is worth it for our babies and the 4 mths ML.

Life starts anew after bb is born and we can all start looking for new career opportunites next year! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

That's why i also don't dare to take mc if i feel unwell or tired, don't wish to make my boss feel i take him for granted. Currently still under probation.

dew & melissa, we share the same fate! will be taking my ML from nov onwards for a good 3 mths and use my 4th mth to serve notice... after that its my turn to say 'bye' to this place!

Milo: Oh no.... bear with it for the year end bonus and the 4 months ML okies. Its hard but at least you have us in the forum to pei you. I know its not the same but at least u know you have virtual friends (till we meet on 31st).

About your hubby, sometimes their jobs are really like that then there is nothing much we can do la. We may feel unwanted that times cos our hormones are all over the place as well. The week before my hubby left for his 3 weeks overseas trip he was so busy that he didn't have a lot of time for me. Even when at home he was busy with work. To the point i got emotional and asked if he loved me. Its hard to control somehow cos we tend to just feel this whole wave of emotions and it hits us and we just wanna cry. Talk to hubby and let him know how you feel. What my hubby does is once in a blue moon he will drop me a really sweet sms and that alone is enough to chase all the bad emotions away. Hope this helps for u.

i think our hormones play a big part in how we feel also. so now we just have to bear with everything that comes our way and try to control our emotions. i'm getting a headache and have started coughing this morning... really ah, my immune system is so low!

milo, your hubby is so busy due to NDP maybe that's why u are feeling down. i'm sure he loves u and would love to spend time going to the gynae and hospital with you, it's just his work commitments are draining his resources also. maybe can try to spend time with him at night just cuddling or enjoying his company.

morning everyone,

milo, ur job seems to be pulling you down.. i tink now jsut need to grit teeth and pull thru and then can say bye bye lo.. not worth to let go now.

Dewdew: Same same. Immunity seems very very low these days. A little bit only I'll fall sick. Just recovered from a cough not too long ago but in the office can still hear so many people coughing. I'm trying very hard to boost the immunity by taking fruits and vegs. Just finished my mid-morning snack (cherry tomatoes). Hope it works man. I hate the feeling of being sick!

lovebyte & dewdew - samesame, I tend to get heaty whenever I don't get enough rest. Like know, a sorethroat is pending. Currently trying to gulp down loads of water. take care!

lovebyte, yeah, jiemeis here help to keep me going everyday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew & crystal, i really think our hormones are playing a huge part in our emo now. am used to hubby hectic schedules and has more or less gotten used to it.. somehow lately everything jus go haywire... tong tong tong!

our immunity is really weak. have been coughing lately too. got it from my boy.. must take care. its irritating to be sick now!

eon, walao yesterday went supermarket buy soyamilk, when i came back to drink, it turned out to be beancurd in a bottle! lucky hubby be guinea pig n tried 'eating' it, he got diarrhoea hehe so i'm throwing it liao T_T

melissa, me too unconfirmed gender of baby haha

have to wait patiently for scan in a week's time :p

when is yr next scan?

lovebyte, me too getting emotional lately...jus hope all these will end soon - the bad side of hormone imbalance haha

milo, its bad to let those hormones take control of our actions coz sometimes after lashing out, will regret de...

have to practise some self control (for myself) hehe

cindy - mine's this Thursday! wait very long already! 2 weeks ago I went back to docs for recurring fungus infection and had a scan too, but bb don't want let me know gender. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah I think hormones really affecting us now. Few days back hubby scolded me for some stuff and he kept talking and talking, was trying hard to hold back my tears(he doesn't like me to cry so I am afraid if I cry he will scold me more). But end up I couldn't control and was crying as if I am having asthma..

Having my detailed scan this friday, hopefully baby will be good and let us know the gender.

milo, we better take better care of our health hor? jia you!

cindy, soyamilk become beancurd = spoilt already! your hubby still took? alamak... kena food poisoning liao. better take care!

Good morning....to all mummies

today I have strong cravings for popiah.... Feel like making my own but duno can eat or not??


each morning I find it a tough to take all the medication.. Due to high bp I seem to have lots to take..


Mummies with work problems.. Ren ren... I used to suffer too but resign after birth of no2... I say bye bye...


any sahm staying at north side? Maybe can meet up??

melissa, i also cant wait for mine..hehe seems like looong wait!

thurs in 2 days only! haha u muz be so excited to see the little one =))

talk to her/him to be more cooperative hehe

yr fungus infection healed now? pls take extra care wor

dewdew, new bottle ma haha

sayang to throw leh....so hubby say he will test coz we tot it was over freezed haha

luckily i'm safe ^_^

esquare, which part of north u live at?


aiko - yup hormones are soring high now. I'm only emo at work.

esqaure - I'm staying in serangoon north, u?

cindy - luckily u had hubs to drink it 1st! yupyup its getting better, hopefully it won't recurr again.

Going to talk to little one on thurs morn before going for the scan, hopefully little one will let me know.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when's your scan?

