(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

stefie - hmmmmmmm..okok I'll go check it out. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm in banking industry, my bonus is like peanuts this year. Hopefully next year it will be more during my ML!


Ribena, yes tomorrow. Now no mood to work liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yaaa... the 3 white lines is girl girl. hahaha... ya, my baby active follow her daddy too. managed to see ur baby yawn is so cute! so lucky to take the photo too. mine also only a 2D scan.

Stefie, so exciting! I'm sure everything will be good, healthy and strong for your little one! Tmr will the gender too! YAY!

Cherry, 2D or 3D, most impt the little one is healthy! =))

bbribena, my scan will be following tuesday...

seems that everytime i do the scan, baby will be in sideways position,moving the hands often but legs barely move much...so gynae say unable to scan in between to tell..haiz

hope this time can scan le haha

bbribena - ya, i feel once a month is tooo long! My bb also shy dun wan to open legs, hopefully this thurs will open legs bigbig! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah yeah... i didnt want to opt for the 3D one. hehehe... ohya, i've signed up the preparation class for thursday in sept le. wont be too late to start right. i shld be in 28 weeks when i'm in the class.

cindy, u can start to talk to baby and say u are going for the scan soon, rem to leg open big so mummy can buy lots of things for u. hehee... tats wat i did.

noon mummies!

me MC today..lao sai for the whole nite n had this real sharp pain on n off. so long never merlion, morning merlion my water out, think my stomach almost out man. think was bcos i ate the can tuna which was opened 2 or 3 weeks ago...

btw, any mummy by the name June Ng here? i keep getting a fren invitation from Flixster.

bbribena: congrats on havin a gal! ur gal cute le...i wonder if i get to see my ah boy do funny things during nx week scan. last scan he was facing the floor...see his ribs n bones only.lol

crown: btw, CC is me, Dameimei oso me. u double count liao.haha.

stefie: wow! ur dog sure very BU with ur cordyceps! muz watch le, dont over BU ur dog.

Ribena, thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will update whether my baby has birdie or not tomorrow.

Cherrry, 2D enough liao lah. The money can use to buy better food to eat[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CC, Poor mine, do drink more water. I think the tuna spoilt liao. Canned stuff once open cannot keep for more than 3 days.

Once every 2 weeks is okay lah, some more cordyceps very ex leh, give them some bu also good, (only 2 worms each lah)[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherrry, hehe thx, baby seems to be ignoring me sometimes also haha but will surely try bestest to persuade baby to open the legs le, or at least change to a good position...seems like it likes to lie on the side haiz

btw any mummies here feel suan-ness at at rib area or low abdomen?

klitz, so scary leh T_T

i have the suan feeling maybe 2 days agoo, thinking it will go away..but it seems to stay on...when i lie on the bed on my sides the feeling is still there..hope i dun have to make a visit to the gynae soon haiz

Cindy, Klitz, I also have suan feelings on top of my belly, happens only when I sleep. Especially when I turn left or right.

stefie, i get the feeling when i sit n stand or other way round also...

i'm guessing its some muscle strain or something zzz

btw how are u going to crown's place? can i meet u too?

CC, Sparkle_bee, I also know a June Ng who is TTC, could she be the same June?? Maybe I should Kpo and sms her now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, when i 1/2 sitting and laying down I also has that feeling. As long as no pain, or spotting should be okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sure, I will be meeting Andrea (at Bedok), Eon Eon (at Plaza SIN) before going to Crown's place. Eon Eon want to learn knitting and crochet. You interested?

I think i felt quite a bit of baby movement today. There have been multiple thumps on my lower belly area. Especially when i'm seated down. I think that is baby movement not so sure man.. cos i never feel like multiple bubbles. just Thumps and Tuds. hehehee

stefie, mine suan-ness only started thru the weekend haiz..

hope nthg big for now...i'm abit constipated now, dun dare to use force also T_T

can i meet u at plaza SIN also? hehe easier for me :p time can let me know once confirmed, np with me =)

wats crochet T_T i got no idea zzz

as for knitting, its been my childhood dream to learn buti havent found companions/convenient place....where is yr knitting class at?

btw, are u going for any pre-natal courses?

oh! super full!!! just came back from lunch at sushi tei with colleague. exploding liao!!!

stefie: ok, you let me know regarding the timing hor..hehe

yah, regarding the taking care of princess part, can only take on step at a time liao. hope we can have it to our advantage, i.e. mummy dearest takes care of princess for me.

melissa: im still waiting for my turn to feel princess' movement. getting impatient liao. wahaha..

stefie: wow! your bonus super good leh. my bonus super pathetic! cannot see much difference kind.

ribena: oh, manage to get any good lobang from jusco?

cindy: maybe you tried talking to your beanie prior to the scan so that beanie will be cooperative?

cc: aiyoyo.. did you see doctor? drink plenty of water to make up for the fluid loss.

mummies: talking about suanness.. me is suanness in my two legs. cant take it man. stand or walk a little too long will be super suan.

Cindy, sure no problem. I just like doing craft. I am just sharing this fun with anyone.

Crochet is one hook, knitting is 2 needles[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will let you know the timing.

Some patterns for you to choose, if you want can get materials, I just guide you along[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


eon, wa nice lunch u have! haha my appetite still very bad leh T_T cant eat much, still feeling nauseous zzz

dun get impatient to feel yr little girl =) muz really be feminine, seldom move n kick hehe

try be in a still position, will be easier to feel...good things must wait patiently hehe

either the little one inside me is ignoring me or something, but jus not too cooperative haha

Sparkle_bee, yes, my friend is pregnant[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess could be the same June[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, Sure, Cindy would want to join us too. Aerospace Industry bonus all quite good one. But if kena economy down turn or SARS (touchwood), when no one travels, my co would be affected.

Andrea, I maybe earlier cos meeting Eon Eon and Cindy to start their craft. Would you want to join in?

lovebytes - mine also thumbs, tuds and nudging. No bubbles or butterflies. Bubbles feelings only once.

cindy - do you drink fibregel or prune juice? They help quite abit for constipation.

eoneon - maybe she moves when you're sleeping haha. or maybe like me, the placenta position, therefore cannot realy feel movements.


yes, but roughly what time? just let me know and i gotta arrange with my hub to look after my gal, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CC, I get what you mean! So disappointed when u only get to see his back! Talk to her/him before ur scan, perhaps he/she will be good for ya!

Eon, most of their bb clothings are cheaper than what you get frm Kiddy here. Eg. a bb top for ard rm4, here kiddy selling at SGD4. I bought diaper changing rubber pad, here SG is selling SGD14, Jusco selling at ard RM14. I also bought diaper cloths in a pack of 12 for ard RM25, not sure how much is selling here. GOod for using it as a protection on the bb cot bed incase she vomit milk, and also for swaddle. Previously we bought a bb mattress at Careefore JB, the price is 1/2 of what the price here. We intend to use that to put underneath the bb sarong, so if in any case *touchwood* the sarong give way, the bb won't get hurt. The mattress we use for the bb cot, we are going to get from Mothercare since the secondhand cot from my sis was previously brought from them. I feel that mattress has to be slightly of better quality in case the little fella jump, hop or roll on the bed.

cindy: i have been talking to princess everyday. asking her to let me feel her. but she refused. wahaha.. think i must get hubby to talk to her liao. seems like my princess loves daddy more than mummmy. ahah...

then you pop a sweet before scan. makes your beanie active so will have different position instead of just lying on one side.

stefie: all are welcome to meet earlier.. im so excited to start on my craft session. hope you wont vomit blood from teaching me.

melissa: maybe loh. her not moving makes me worried at times. so i desperately wants to feel my princess.

ribena: wow! thats cheap hor..

yes, i agree with you that mattress must be of better quality. to protect their spines too.

yalor.. stefie... 2D enough le. dont think i need to see in 3D which i can see in 20wks time. haaa... tmr is ur turn! woooots!!!

melissa, thx...will look out for fibregel, think i see b4..hehe

b4 i got pregnant already got constipation problems...but dun think i will continue taking those tablets, not sure if healthy for baby...

eon, maybe yr girl decided shes going to be daddy's girl le ^_^

so sweet hehe...

anw i read b4 that deeper tones (male voices) can penetrate tummy walls better than us...

get yr husband to talk at yr tummy lvl like what i asked hubby to do hehe

can be quite a bonding experience for u 3 ^_^

Andrea, maybe about 10am I meet you in Bedok, then we meet Eon Eon and Cindy about 10.30am? Is it too early?

Eon Eon, Cindy, 10.30am too early for you?

Cherrry, yes yes, very excited now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon - ya I feel worried also, I'll go surf net on fetal movements everyday and most ppl say they feel from 22 weeks or later. Si I'm just waiting patiently to feel bb more consistently.

cindy - my constipation started only when preggy and worst after taking the multi vits. I'm taking fibrewise everyday now, from Melaluka and trying to drink alot of water everyday. Haven been eating fruits much, feel very guilty.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie - lucky you, scan is tom.

hello ladies!

wow ribena u went to JB! me thinking of going next week with hubby to look look see see also. they also have a few maternity cloths shops right? anything of worth? how's your nursery shaping up? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa- how's the infection? hope it's cleared up? i asked my gynae last week about pantyliners since i was curious how come your gynae said no pantyliners.. she said generally it's ok if there are no averse reaction but they generally discourage those prone to fungus infection from wearing the liners.

stefie - so tomoro is the actual scan date? yippee... have lots of fun. your hubby still out of town or back?

CC - oh dear pls take care n have lots of fluids!!

crown - thanks, got your email. yippee it's coming up soon!

Melissa, your turn will come very soon too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, my hubby back on last Thu night, flying again this wed till sat night. He super busy with his business now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy: i think my princess really wana be daddy's girl loh. ya, my hubby will talk through my tummy de. but my princess has to wait for 3 weeks before she can hear daddy's voice as hubby outstation for 3 weeks mah. will only be back next month. meanwhile, i can only try to coax her to let me feel loh. hehe

stefie: ok, see you gals at 10.30am at plaza singapura. hehe..

stefie, 10.30 at plaza SIN is ok for me, NP... =)

thanks for coordinating :p

melissa, i get nauseous when i take fruits at times so i'm jus trying to drink more water to compensate...my vit C intake suffering also haha

hope the doc wun start scolding me at my next visit...

do the gynae prescribe medication to lessen nausea?

yvaine - Thanks! my fungus infection seems better, I realised I dun get so much discharge nowadays ever since it got better. So i'm not sure if the excessive discharge is caused by the infection. I change my panties 2 times a day at work now to keep the area dry. Hopefully it will stay this way and not recur again.

stefie - ya I wish someone can knock me out den I'll wake up on thurs morn. haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eoneon - i think all princesses are all daddy's girl. Your hubs so sweet will talk to her, my hubs like shy to talk leh...

cnidy - I stopped taking my vit c tablets ever since I start my prenatal multi vits, I scare I overload bb with vitamins. haha

I'm not sure if gynae prescribe meds for nausea.

eon, since yr husband outstation so often, maybe u can try recording his voice for yr princess hehe

some websites also say unborn babies respond to music hehe...

in the meantime dun stress on feeling her hehe

maybe the first time u actually feel her will be when she gives her first powerful kick/punch! hahaa

Stefie, I haven't search for the patterns yet. I want to do some kinda hair flower/bow for the lil one. Am thinking to use the new yarns I bought, patons big baby 4ply.

Eon, it's cheap. I like shopping there. No rush, more space to walk ard. I have a hard time finding things in Kiddy SK, very cramp for me. Generally the ppl at Jusco also more considerate so far, if they see u walking towards them in the same "ale", they will make space for you to walk over. Unlike SG, some just simply leave their pram everywhere they like.

yvaine, hmm... I don't remember if there's maternity clothes shops there... I think have ba. Coz I bought quite abit from Old Navy, so wasn't really looking out for it at JB. The nursery just need final touch up like the cot beddings, wall murals, and some organising baskets. I bought all the bb clothings to my mum's place to wash over the 2 mths. Just need to organize how to get things working around the hse after the bb is born.

hello ladies!

wow ribena u went to JB! me thinking of going next week with hubby to look look see see also. they also have a few maternity cloths shops right? anything of worth? how's your nursery shaping up? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa- how's the infection? hope it's cleared up? i asked my gynae last week about pantyliners since i was curious how come your gynae said no pantyliners.. she said generally it's ok if there are no averse reaction but they generally discourage those prone to fungus infection from wearing the liners.

stefie - so tomoro is the actual scan date? yippee... have lots of fun. your hubby still out of town or back?

CC - oh dear pls take care n have lots of fluids!!

crown - thanks, got your email. yippee it's coming up soon!

melissa, u can start talking to yr girl in front of yr hubby, then maybe he will be more convinced to talk to yr tummy hehe...

btw, wat multi vit yr gynae prescribe u?

i have only iron n calcium haha..dun have any other vitamin...zzzzz

bbribena, wow! seems like yr items for yr little girl almost all bought liao!


cindy: gynae do prescribe anti nausea pill.

melissa: i agreed. i think i will be jealous if my princess really is sticky to hubby. wahaha..

tell hubby dont be shy. must start communicating with baby le. bond building leh.

cindy: yah hor, why i never think of that. gong gong...

yah, give me one powderful kick please.. hehe..more than welcome.

ribena: people in singapore are generally spoiled and is super lack of social graciousness.

