(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

eon, i did tell gynae abt my nausea also but she nv prescribe anything...think i have to get from her at the next visit le..no time to wait liao haha

haha not gong gong la..maybe jus to occupied with coaxing yr princess to let u feel her hehe

haha powderful kick is good if shes not kicking at yr spine haha i heard babies who kick at spine is pain de T_T


Eon Eon, Cindy, with pleasure. You are the most welcome[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, If I find that pattern I'll let you know[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cindy, my gynae also didn't give me any multi vitamins. I printed out the multi vitamins from GNC and showed it to my gynae, but she don't recommend me to take it as it contains too high percentage of vitamin A. She said calcium and iron should be enough for me, and she find that the rest of the vitamin can and should come from food. Since she's my gynae so I take her advice. Some mummies do take GNC multi vitamins and have no prob with it. So it's really up to individual to take or not.

More or less lah. But there are items like formula milk, disposable diapers and wipes, these I haven't buy. The daddy afraid the items will get moldy wor... sigh... he nvr gets so kenchong when my bags or shoes get moldy lor.. XD

Eon, agree! Sometimes I get so fed up with ppl like this.

Stefie, thanks babe!

cindy - mine's pramilets the pink pills, think it contains iron also. Doc also only gave me 2 kinds, pramilets and calcium.

Hehe I'm already talking to him/her infront of hubs but he still shy..maybe he's not affection type. only sometimes he says hi and sayang my stomach.

eoneon- haha i think will compete with my hubs for y bb attention too!

bbribena, thx for advice, maybe i follow u ba

since gynae nv prescribe me other vit pills then i will stick with wat i have...will jus ask for thenausea medications =)

haha u're 'lao gu' to him now ma :p (no offence)

now he has his attention on another le, so u have half his attention now hehe

melissa, takes time for him to open up to yr tummy ba hehe

dun worry abt him not being the 'affection type'..he will change for sure when baby is out =))

crystal i will have to get the medication from my gynae liao...the nausea is killing me T_T

Hi afternoon all Mummies. Can i know anyone experience a sharp pain on my tummy, below belly button on and off, not consistent.

I have this feeling for since yesterday.

cindy: gynae do prescribe anti nausea pill.

melissa: i agreed. i think i will be jealous if my princess really is sticky to hubby. wahaha..

tell hubby dont be shy. must start communicating with baby le. bond building leh.

cindy: yah hor, why i never think of that. gong gong...

yah, give me one powderful kick please.. hehe..more than welcome.

ribena: people in singapore are generally spoiled and is super lack of social graciousness.

cindy: i think your nauseousness should be over pretty soon. endure a while more bah.

isit? kick at the spine do sound painful loh. my princess better not bully me loh. wahaha

ribena: wahaha.. so funny leh. but i agree that formula milk can buy later. but why not diapers and wipes?

melissa: i smell a war.. wahaha

I sent my swollen feet photo to my gynae and she want to see me later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now then she realize it is very serious

Cindy & Eoneon - think I'll try to ask my hubs to read to little one tonite. Ya I told him we shall compete and fight for little one's attention. Think I will win! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crown - izzit due to bad water retention?

Eon - wet wipes actually have expiry dates... so better to buy when it's closer rather than now. i usually look at the manufactured date. likewise for diapers, i normally get the 'fresh' batches, would check the dates of manufacture to make sure it's the latest.. cause sometimes the stores try to clear old stocks, and i prefer not to buy those. i've felt a difference in the quality of the same brand of diapers before, so rather be safe.

oh no crown - that sounds bad! can still walk?

Poor mine crown, it is water retention. Take care. Do soak with Epsom salt and warm water everyday. Your blood circulation is bad now.

afternoon ladies,

the thread is so active today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that's rather bad. keep us updated. hope the water retention will ease soon.

btw, can sms or pm me ur add?

eon, haiz duno how am i going to get any vitamins from food if my food doesnt stay in the body long enough zzz

hope i dun end up kana malnutrition haha

hmm where the baby kick depends on the position of baby also i guess hehe...but as long as yr princess starts kicking u, at spine think u also will be happy le =)

haha melissa n eon, dun have to compete with yr hubbies for baby's attention la :p

babies normally will stick to mums more than dads hehe

crown, yr feet swelling from water retention ma? sounds serious

better see gynae n get it treated T_T

Any mum-to-be join InspireMum & Baby Mother&Child Prenatal Yoga?Pls. share your experience.

I also have the following maternity clothes to let go.

Pls. email [email protected]

Spring White 3/4 pants, XS $18.


Spring Blue blouse,S $15.


BN Precious Moments Apron, $15.



FIMI maternity dress,$5.


Denim dress,L,$5.


Cindy, LOL! So true lor.. sigh...

Eon, he said the wipes will dry up, he's afraid the diapers will get moldy wor or simply like them fresh.... wait til he gets 'fresh' poo from our little one... XD our flat gets moldy very easily coz we tend to keep our windows close when we are out working in the day. Now I'm replacing all the thirsty hippo in our flat, hopefully they last thru the two months and won't get too misty when we aren't ard.

Wow so many mummies buying so many things already. I seem so slow or rather I dunno what to buy and what to look for le.

The only thing that I have bought so far is the stroller and that's it. No cot, no nothing yet. Dunno why when u all say got sale I also not excited to go. =) Cos i dun like crowds and all the queuing and pushing here pushing there la. I'm such a lazy pig. *oink*

Are fairs really cheaper?

bbribena, i lost 3kg when 2 mths into the pregnancy liao zzzz

my appetite is better now though the nausea still there, hope will get better results from doc T_T

haha nice one! fresh poo from the little one, sure pass baby back to mummy liao :p

lovebyte - I also haven started buying anything yet. Still waiting for the gender confirmation of my bb den maybe wait till 6-7mths to start buying. I'm currently living with my PIL, no space to put anything.

Can't wait for my new house next year to start decorating bb's room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbribena, thx..i'm opening up food choices now haha

used to hate veggie stuff but no choice now le haha

mummies, when does water retention normally start? any idea?

dear crown, take care & rest well *hugz*

cindy, i too lost 5kg in T1 .. now just picking up the weight very slowly. I'm seeing some light .. keep it up. Jiayou. I still have NS though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovebyte, me too haven bought anything for the baby yet coz i duno gender too plus pantang haha

so think will wait till abt 7mths b4 i start buying ba :p

sunshine, hehe me too picking up weight slowly

T1 was worst coz i could hardly eat anything..

i refuse to weigh myself now unless i go to the clinic hehe so i'm not monitoring my weight gain, dun wan stress myself too much...i'm also still having MS now haiz

seems like we in same boat le T_T

u too have to jiayou le, eat more healthy foods!

Wha so many mummies losing weight from all that puking. must take care yah. Eat the things that you like. Ice-cream?

I'm the reverse, everything all normal so everything eat nothing come out end up piling on too fast. =P Jiat lat how to lose weight after the pregnancy is a BIG question mark man...

lovebyte, haha beginning when nausea very bad, i tot when i ate food that i like would help but doesnt seem to work well for me also haiz

haha for yrself, eat normally can le..dun bother abt losing weight at this point :p

dieting is out now hehe

Cindy, for the sake of our bb, we can do anything! I cut off coffee entirely within 2 weeks, something that I've been trying to do for years. =)) You can also, take more vege!

bbribena, wa u cut off coffee T_T

i'm still hanging on to my tea (lemon tea n teh tarik mainly) hehe, but i'm trying to reduce intake now le...T_T guilty sia haha

cindy, my gynae prescribed anti-naeseous pill called metoclopramide for me at my worst period. In fact, I find it ineffective at times probably my sickness was too serious. Even taking it still puke quite badly at nite. My last visit, she dun gave it to me ler .. told me should be fine with occasional bouts *_*

bbribena: my gynae oso told me the same reason abt GNC prenatal. I was taking it initially & guess it didn't settle too well for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sunshine, i'll take note of the name n get from gynae at next visit le...better have some on hand, might be useful i hope..

since now gynae are the ones monitoring our babies, do wat they want ba! haha

lovebyte - i'm also reversed! constantly hungry and eating. I put on ALOT of weight!

cindy - i cut off coffee/tea too before one mth b4 i was preggie. but now i'm hook to milo. haha

Cindy, I still drink tea. I always want something hot to drink, so it's either tea or milo. =)) This morning I craved for black coffee, but when I went to the stall, my auto pilot mode ordered Teh C. LOL!

lilsunshine, ahhh.. what effect you have when you take GNC prenatal? I guess my gynae is very careful with vitamins that aren't from food. She is very particular about the quantity/dosage of vitamins, meaning eg. the fish oil pill she prescribed to me, she specifically said it's best for me as preggy woman to have a lower dosage of EPA, IIRC due to some possibilities of bleeding. I've heard from a friend who used to sell medication to gynaes and doctors, he mentioned my gynae is very careful with her medication choices despite sometimes it's more exp. That's why I take her advice on the multi vitamin.

melissa, wa u're super determined to be anti-caffeine T_T

bbribena, haha good that u got autopilot ready :p

being pregnant really not easy hor, have to compromise on so many things...

only after 9 mths then fruits of labour will show ^_^

cindy, i'll be gng to the gynae next wk... prob will ask her the reason for the suan feeling at the top of the abdomen area..

u gals going for knitting class?? can i join?? i used to knit when i was in sec.. tink i forgot all already... haha

klitz, hehe i'm also gg to gynae next week...

have to prepare a list of things to ask also...i'm getting more absent minded lately T_T

hmm i'm not confirm abt the class, but i've been wanting to learn for long time liao..

think depends on location n dates for me ba...


fibergel not effective.. I took so many types coz my constipiation is horrible.. Some mommy told me dragon fruit.. Good , it work but only red one .. So diffcult to get..


Can we take curry? I feel like eating today... And suddenly has craving for the Jian dao jian curry rice....


if your water retention is bad, try to take more water but fo not take too much after 8pm.. Do not take too salty..my 1st pregnancy was like that too..


the wet wipes will not dry up.. Dun worry as long as you dun open them, they will last..

Wow, I miss my Teh O kosong and Kopi O kosong. I don't even dare to drink Japanese Green tea, cos this and Ah mo teh all very liang. The only time I can enjoy is the smell, when I prepare my boss daily.

My gynae has stopped me from drinking since I am pregnant. Now the only hot drinks I drink are Hot water and Milo Kosong[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I am waiting in office for hubby to pick-me up, cos I need to clear up some work before I go on leave tomorrow for my scan.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now just relaxing here.

E Square, Can eat curry. everything in moderation. I had Mutton India Curry for last 2 days. Hubby siao about Indian curry again. His is very healthy, uses Olive oil, Low-fat milk and less curry powder. I had hard time eating cos I can't take spicy stuff at night. Heng baby very good, did not puke at all.

have you tried Vitagen, it works well for me too.

stefie, wow u really have alot of ideas abt food, and now knitting!! really pei fu! haha

u muz be so excited to be able to see yr girl tml hehe enjoy yr scan!

esquare, i tried getting dragonfruit last weekend, cant find red ones also zzzz

need to get those s*** out of my system soon b4 i get real constipated T_T

hmm for me, curry i find is ok jus eat moderately...


Saw the doc. She took blood test to check my liver and kidney. She said my water retention is due to my increasing weight. I have piled up almost 15 kg and I am now week 18 only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] if my blood test result dun turn out well, I need to bed rest at home

