(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

cindy, one of my friend managed to give birth naturally without episotomy but i think its better to let the doc decide as worried it may result in ugly tear.

eon, yup, i am planning to stop working from nov onwards. my first preg planned to take 1 week before my c-sect ended up baby came early :p for this time round its mainly becos of my tat particular colleague tat is making life too difficult for me till i jus feel like escaping!

ribena, i had white for my whole hse and spent hours trying to maintain them... so for my new place, i used black.. aiyo lagi cham! milo fur is so obvious against the black! 气死我了!

melissa, mine got no choice has to be c-sect cos no 1 also via c-sect. if can, best to go for natural as the wound heal faster [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


milo/Eon - for my first pregnancy, i worked all the way right up to the time i delivered.... i figured i don't want to waste the leave cause at home also nothing to do. but this time, with my gal, and being the second pregnancy, maybe things will be different. might be more tired towards the end of pregancny, so will see how i go. Milo - wow 3 weeks to enjoy before baby arrives! it'll be good bonding time with your boy i'm sure.

yvaine, congrats! updated liao. i always wanted to have 2 daughters [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its so nice to have sisters sharing secrets!

rainbow, mine alr 7 years le. old dog but still as active as ever. though i always complain abt him making me angry but if he is really gone, i bet i miss him loads too.

eon, hehe i am sleeping on an empty bed every night too cos hub have to accompany kaeden to slp first and ended up he fell asleep in his room. so now wat i do is to 'retrieve' him in the middle of the night :p

Yvaine, gong xi gong xi[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My baby shy mah. I am not kan cheong to buy stuff yet, so still alright[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just that the stuff I crochet or knitting are all off-white or almond colour[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow - don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine and good. I have a 7 yr old mini schnauzer whom I love very dearly too. I always hope to take a pic of my baby hugging my dog next year! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie - it would be lovely to see the play together provided they dun snatch toys. My dog loves and always guard her ball. She'll bite if anyone attempt to snatch it. Hopefully they won't fight next time.

Rainbow, ahhhh..... I hv seen a documentary video made by an individual, he recorded his thoughts and the journey he sent his dog to the clinic to put him to sleep coz of his illness. I nearly cried my heart out even though I don't have a pet. Perhaps that's why my hub and I just think about getting dog but nvr get it. Dont be sad. No matter what you've made your dog happy his life time, and he makes a difference in yours. And both of you share happy memories... I know it's easy to say than to do it.

Milo, yay! Black also! can see dust very easily. I think the best color is neutral color like beige and browns.

thanks milo and stefie! ya 2 gals good, i can get us 3 coordinated clothings when we go kai kai next time, and the daddy can wear color coordinated stuff as well. hehehe, yes, looking ahead that far! ;)

stefie - so sweet for the baby to be wearing things made by mommy's own fair hands. nothing can beat that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

milo: your boy just needs more attention from you bah. plus he is at his growing and active age. plus he is a boy! hehe...

ribena: i am quite set on getting white furniture leh. im like drooling over them. pure pure de.. just like our newborns.. so i dont care whether they will turn yellow or not. wahaha... though hubby is trying to make me change me mind on getting those white furniture for princess' room.

rainbow: i can imagine her sadness. i was so sad when i had to put my doggie to sleep cause he was too ill and cant be treated le.

yvaine: congrats on knowing the gender. wow wow! daddy is seriously outnumbered. wahaha.. but he will be willingly outnumbered though... keke

lucky you! big shot came to do the scan for you.. hehe...

milo/dewdew: i would like to do a natural birth without epi but so far gynae havent advised me on what to do yet, my next appt will only be this mth end...hpefully by then can tell the sex of the one in there hehe

rainbow - don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine and good. I have a 7 yr old mini schnauzer whom I love very dearly too. I always hope to take a pic of my baby hugging my dog next year!

stefie - it would be lovely to see the play together provided they dun snatch toys. My dog loves and always guard her ball. She'll bite if anyone attempt to snatch it. Hopefully they won't fight next time.

yvaine - congrats on baby girl!

milo - oh icic, what's birth naturally without episotomy? I'm still considering, I'm actually nervious about natural birth.

thanks Eon!yup absolutely! i think my hubby will be so sweetened by his gals ;) hahaah the 'big shot' ah... cause i lodged official complaint the last time mah...

for those of you who remembers my last horrible experience with the sonographer who was rude n brusque and unfriendly, or those going to NUH for scans, fyi, i wrote in to complain abt the sonographer and they responded very constructively and well to my feedback. The Head investigated the matter and spoke personally to the sonographer involved, and they sent an apology my way.

this time round, they made special arrangements for me to be seen by another sonographer, who of course took special care to make sure everything went well. and the prof came by to do extra scan. all of which i'm really appreciative of. cause i brought my gal down again today, for the bonding. my mom also went. and my gal could identify the different body parts on he scan without prompting, and also sang to her little mei-mei. we were soooo pleased [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks Melissa! mine's really long i think... cause they probably wanted to 'make up' for the last time. not sure if the standard detailed scan is that long.... and yes mine were in 3D... very cute!

yvaine, the detailed scan u went to, was it to scan for the baby's liver etc?

to all, how many prints of the scan do u get each time u do a mthly scan?

i get only 1 -.- is it possible to ask for more without charge? T_T

hi cindy! yup all the major organs and whatever we could see based on baby's position. the whole list of body parts you can think of, hahaha!

i get 2 prints each time usually. u can try asking but not sure if it's charged, cause i never thought of asking for more prints, heh.

Melissa, detailed scan can take up to an hour depending on how cooperate your little one is. I don't think mine is a 3D scan... don't remember what's the package like with my gynae.

yvaine, that's great! Now, you get their attention! It's great that they respond to your feedback promptly. Congrats that your bb is well and healthy!


actually you can try for natural birth.. For me it is by choice that no2 is c section..! That is why no3 also have to c sec.

thanks bribena! ;) yup absolutely.. but i felt a little paiseh having to complain.... cause my hubby knows them personally so a bit awkward to say bad things about them mah.... but my intention was not to be malicious but to give them objective feedback of how a patient feels about their service. thankful they took it in good stride! have u gone for yours yet?

hi yvaine, thx for sharing, congrats on yr little princess =)

what are the charges like for 3D scans?

i was actually thinking of jus doing it 2D, but not sure if its good enough?

aww i was thinking of creating a mini album for the unborn hehe but so far i've survived on jus 1 printout...maybe too late to ask for more now T_T

yvaine: yes, i remembered your horrible experience. the hospital is doing a good job with their PR and Corp Comm....

i hope i can have such long scan time with my princess too. wahaha... but she has to be cooperative during the whole 40 mins but think unlikely they will scan for 40 mins if the baby is cooperative. wahaha...

yvaine - sounds sooo fun! I hope mine's in 3D too. I know my gynae has a 3D scan. hopefully mine is! did they give u the 3D prints?

bribbena - hopefully mine is long too! so i can see bb longer!

heheh good memory, Eon.... so glad i didn't have to have another encounter with that same sonographer. my little one was up throughout, only towards the end she started dozing off. i did take a mentos just before the scan. that probably helped!

cindy - i'm not too sure about the charges as i agreed to be part of a really big scale nationwide research study so the major scans are all covered under the research. think have to hear from the other mommies about their expereicnes with the costing.

Melissa - yes hope you'll have a nice long time with your little one too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] whens your 20thweek scan? ya i got the printout , but dunno if considered 3D... cause doesn't seem that high resolution. but it doesn't matter that much la. when your baby is out, you can take a whole lot of pictures! ;)

cindy & melissa, i think she gave birth w/o episotomy + no tear at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, i am looking forward to wearing the same clothes as my princess!

esquare, actually is can but gynae mentioned tat there are some risk involved so must inform me first. upon hearing tat, hub and i decided to go for c-section instead.

Melissa - Opss! i just checked my scan printouts. they're actually 4D high quality scan printouts... i tot not so high-res... hehe...

cindy - if baby cooperative, like Eon said, will be shorter... sometimes if baby is 'hiding' certain body parts then they'll get th emommy to get a sweet drink, walk ard a little bit, then scan again. best is, before the scan, talk to your little one and say daddy and mommy have a date with you, ask the little one to be up and be cooperative and show what's needed, heheh. i've been doing that all this while right from first pregnancy, and it works!

milo - i can imagine how eager you'll be to start shopping for matching clothes already!!! heheh

milo - i think if the mum is able to dilate enough plus baby's head not too big then without epi will be ok....jus afraid that after epi will be difficult to poo n pee?

sorry if i sound crude T_T

yvaine - my last scan at 3.5mths, baby wasnt cooperative n was in wrong position so i cant tell the sex...

maybe i'll jus have to go to the gynae's n let nature take its course - if baby is cooperative, then i wun get to see it for long..if not cooperative, then can drag...hehe

but nonetheless, i shall try yr method, i would like to know the sex..i havent bought any baby stuff yet, still pending hehe

yvaine, agree! Sometimes some think it's not nice to make complain, but if it's a constructive feedback, i think it's ok! Without feedback, they will nvr improve.

Melissa, I hope so too! Coz now we only get to see our little one once a month... =/

yvaine - oh! tat's nice! are you able to see baby's features on the face?

cindy - same here! i have not bought any baby stuff yet.

bbribena - ya lor..soon soon!

melissa - yup can see but baby was covering her face with her hands at some points, maybe playing peekaboo with her jie jie, haha.. but my mom managed to pick up the details and commented baby's earlobes look like the daddy's ... hahaha...

btw defnition of episiotomy - surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vagina and so facilitate delivery during childbirth.

some women opt for natural tearing while others opt for episiotomy. the problem with natural tearing is that sometimes the tearing (since uncontrolled) can occur at highly sensitive parts and nerves can be damaged as a result. there r cases whereby the mommy suffers from post delivery incontinence because of that.

episiotomy allows a more controlled tearing and the gynae can cut along areas where there're less chances of damaging the nerves.

but of course, cutting sounds really scary and some get quite freaked out by the term.

hi lovebyte and yvaine,

ongrats on knowing the gender. can start thinking of names.

hi cindy,

most gynaes will do epistomy. however, you can make a request to see if yr dr will agree to it. it's not difficult to pee n poo after epi. in fact, the nurse will ask u to pee a few hrs after delivery.

cindy, yup, so i guess best to leave it to the gynae to decide. if not wrong, need alot of coordination to push at the right time else will tend to have tear.

yvaine, first the mummy must slim down first! i bought a few sexy strapless top for princess.. with my thunder arm, cannot wear same same with her :p

tantan - i heard from friends and colleagues that almost all gynaes will do epi, and maybe i'm scared by the 'tearing' word haha

maybe when gynae start asking if i will consider normal or c section, i will voice my fears haha

melissa - for me, i blame it on not knowing the sex thats y havent start buying anything, but mostly due to pantang lah haha...

duno when will be a good time to buy also?

cindy, for my case is i asked gynae whether can i try for natural birth tat leads to the discussion. think most gynae will assume tat parents prefer natural birth? perhaps u can raise this topic with your gynae as well. exciting hor? we are halfway through le!

milo, all the while the delivery thing has been on my mind which maybe made me all stressed up jus thinking of this haha

i din want to raise the topic in case doc thinks its still too early for me or something haha

is this yr first child? ^_^

Yvaine, wow 4D quality. Mine is more like 2D, ha!!! ha!!

Cindy, don't worry lah. 2D, 3D or 4D all can see well one. I paid my 1st & 5 months detailed scan at $208. So I guess the price is still reasonable bah.

Don't worry too much about the delivery, take things when things come. Since 1/2 way thro' liao, very fast one. Before you know it, you are on your ML liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Whatever where our gynae knows the best. So just trust your gynae judgement.

Personally I am more pro to natural birth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't worry too much, just enjoy our pregnancies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tantan - ya can start considering names.. but i suspect we'll be quite last minute parents... like the last time, only because we're both indecisive where this is concerned...

Rainbow - what happened??? glad you're feeling better now. muz be the hormones! maybe take some 'happy' foods like chocolates or icecream... might help ;)

milo - woohoo i knew it! u oredi started shopping!! it's very addictive! better budget properly else your hubby will flip

stefie, thanks for the encouragement, maybe i'm jus feeling the jitters for a first time mum haha

i'm also more pro natural birth, so probably will try out for no epidural n no epi - hope it works on me so i'm keeping my fingers crossed

currently i'm still waiting for my tummy to show more to announce the pregnancy...i dun like ppl starting at my tummy as though its fats T_T

stefie, mine also dunno wat D.. couldnt quite make up where is where but as long as gynae say all clear then no prob!

cindy, hehe how abt thunder breast! keke

yvaine, i will 冷静... my friend was using my vpost address and guess wat? she bought a pair of prada shoe for her girl. when i showed it to my hub, his eyeball almost drop out of his socket! P R A D A ah... how much??? only when i said its not mine then he started breathing :p

Milo, yes leh. As long as our gynae said everything is fine that okay lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yesterday U/S can only see baby's head and back only, if not my gynae said it is baby's tailbone, I thought it was baby's hand. ha!! ha!!

Wow you friend really spoilt her girl, so young already buy branded stuff for her.

Cindy, alot of 1st time mom here too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am consider 1st time also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just relax and be positive.

cindy - I'm also not sure whe its a good time to buy, I'll probably wait to confirm the gender den maybe slowly start buying stuff.

All the talks about natural birth, tearing and etc makes me cringe when I read it. I know its all worth it when the pop bb on your stomach. haha.

