(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

mangogal hahaha agreed, my house is like warzone most of the times!

milo - but at least it's kaeden's stuff, ie baby stuff, not the same. my hubby has army stuff, his rc planes, computer parts, wires n electronices, and many different boxes all taking up "prime land/space" in the store. at least 60% maybe. the rest 20-30% is baby stuff. me, maybe just 10%!

hahaha! i agree with crystal, milo you'll have MORe things instead of less! i bet you will sure buy many many things for your gal!!!


Crystal, mango, as long as baby growing it is okay. I guess we will put on more weight during our last trimester.

Melissa, Good appetite is good. As long as you eat healthy should be okay. Just enjoy your food[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango, yes, kaeden has his own room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but now hub is working late from hm and i couldnt climb up to accompany him till he fall asleep on his loft bed so he is BACK into our room AGAIN! hard to chase away lo :p

do u wanna try shifting her now? else will she feel tat bb is here and u are chasing her away?

crystal, *shy* ha ha u are right! i think hard lo! but but but accessories and clothes not as bulky as car seat right? LOL

yvaine, my hub stuff occupied 2 planks of the shelve out of the 4. another 2 is cot, car seat and toys.. none for mine becos i love throwing stuff away! the store room is really tiny right?

Yvaine, is ur gal sleeping alone now in her own room or one of u will zz with her?

milo, ya my hb said train her to zz on her own before no. 2 arrive...dun want her to feel being left out or chase away...otherwise she will be jealous

Hi mango,

my girls sleep with us as previously there werent enough room for her.

And now that my sis has shifted out, we are decorating my sis room to be her nursery with her lil sis. And we are shifting her out by sept to let her sleep alone. Beginning will lie with her and sooth her to sleep, then will leave the room,easier tactics than leave e room straight with a screaming 3yrs old.

We will be starting mini decor by oct,nov, but baby no2 will now sleep herself in our smaller study area till she can sleep through will let sleep with her sis.

Oh yes, the capella stroller link



Amuro, arent u gng to let ur no. 2 slee p with you? Wont be too troublesome if u gng to bfing?

mango & amuro, my boy has been sleeping on his own since birth till abt 18mths when he knew how to walk into our room. no 2 will likely be sleeping by herself too. shall see how, i am getting excited!

Oh mango,

usually for night, i ll pump and let my husb bottle feed while i rest and prepare to breastfeed her at dawn.

Its has beena routine since number 1 too. Just that my first one reject bottle at 8mths,so she drinks from sippy cup bottles or straight at the breast at night.

ANd this is to prevent no 2 from being too jealous knowing why is no2 sleeping with us and she cant and all.

Milo, anth sahm friend son i know,whom is my daughter close playdate, at 2plus he is still waking up 5,6 times to shout for his mom from his room so she can hold his hand and make him go back to sleep. And furthermore from day 1 they have put him in seperate room. Poor mom, never had a good night sleep for almost 3 yrs liao.

my gal has been co-sleeping with us since birth. we built an extension to our kingsize bed so we have close to 8 feet of bed space ;) i have to admit that i enjoy it very much and hate the idea of her sleeping so far away... but will probably start easing her from the bed to the floor (mattress i mean)... then slowly, but eventually, to her own room. same, we're trying to do so before baby arrives. if unsuccessful, maybe all 4 will have to squeeze on the famiy bed, hahahaha

Amuro, Milo & Yvaine, haha I gues diff families gt thier own prefrence wor...

Amuro & Milo: Peifu both of you let your no. 1 train sleep on thier own since birth, I cant leh as I latched her at nite or when she cried so become very auto liao, cant bear leh...but do both of u go to the other room and chk on them?

Yvaine, haa I see..wah king size bed....but r u gng to let ur no. 2 sleep in the cot?

btw, where can I buy toddler foldable table and chairs? I want to train my gal to self feed using utensils on her own little table :p


my daughter sleep with us on the same room since birth. From cot to bed as like u, i breastfeed her for 22mths.

So i think my husb will have a hard time making her sleep on her new room.He is the soft hearted one.

oh Amuro, sorry I mistaken, thot ur gal is zz in another room, read until blur liao,haa..so now where is she sleeping? :p

amuro, can understand your friend's agony cos initially kaeden also like tat. wakes up middle of the night and cry for us. but think he is getting smarter now. if he ever wake up now to pee, he will walk into our room and self help himself by squeezing between us on the bed!

yvaine, tat is quite a big space u have right? i asked hub to change to king size bed when we moved last year, he so confident tat dun need lor. ended up so squeezy.. usu i jus give up and slp in the living room. both boys of mine not exactly gentlemen when come to slping :p

mango, i was using a bb monitor until his cries became loud enough to hear :p i stopped bfing from the 3rd mth onward and he slept through the night from 4th mth so still ok for us.

u wanna try ikea? their tod table and chair not bad. at least durable to the kiddo's destruction :p

still with us, as my sis just shifted out and her stuff still in e room.

BUT, we have been telling her since a mth ago, she is a big jie2 ,will sleep herself, and all. Just to prep her first. She asked me where will i be though, i told her with her dad, but i ll read her books and pat her goodnight before she sleeps.

Just to get her ready.

yup we'll try to let no.2 sleep in the cot. it's now like a white elephant in my girl's room. must make better use of it. but i foresee, since i'm planning to BF, that it's a lot easier to co sleep. most times with my gal previously, we'd just nurse until we both fall back to sleep again. so maybe daytime will train no.2 to sleep in cot, nighttime, plans are fluid...

can u imagine us waking up in the middle of the night again? hehe we shld be able to hear baby cry hor? seems like i am used to screams instead.. later too soft cannot hear :p

Yvaine, sleep in cot also easy to bf la, hehe dun waste ur cot :p so lnog as ur no. 2 is same room with you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milo, haha Ikea ah ok thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but trying to look for foldabe one cos due to space constrain :p

Amuro, how old is ur gal? coming to 2 yrs old, cos nw she can understand better, mine is 15 months so hv to train her sleep alone now but she so use to see us early in morn, wonder what is her reaction be zz alone :p

mango, i am using this from little tikes for my boy now. seems to be getting smaller le. its foldable but we usu dun fold it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


amuro: Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine: Hey. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No leh its the holidays. But my first trimester was quite challenging, esp with my super duper active toddler. Then I fell very very sick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] School is starting soon and I am trying to clear more modules before the 2nd one comes. Ah yo. I think its gg to be tough! How are you doing?

Stefie: Thanks thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yours a boy too?

Milo: Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Is your older one a boy or a girl? Agree man..cannot imagine waking up in the nights and doing night feeds all over again..

mangogirl: Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa: Hope you get to know soon too! How many weeks are you?

milo, aiyo so cute! where can I buy this?

Yvaine, yalor hv to train n make ur plan flexible[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Do u hv a helper?

milo - so cute!!!

Chilli - I'm coming 20 weeks soon and only going for my detailed scan next week. Hopefully can confirm thee gender by then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chilli, my older one is a boy. 4 years old le so i really lost track of how to look after a newborn!

mango & melissa, i got this from taka fair few years back at 79. very durable. w/o the brolly though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chilli, mine still KIV till tonight or next week detailed scan. My guide feel is most likely to be boy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry, I survived Amnio and so can you. It is not painful and is only 2 mins job. After procedure, remember to rest well & take medicine for next few days, my gynae gave me 3 days MC. I paid $270 more for fast result and I get prelimary result in 2 days time. My OSCAR result is 1:6 and my Amnio result show my baby is fine.

I find that I have nothing to buy as I will be reusing things from 1st child. Feel so sian nothing to shop. But I pamper myself by buying new maternity clothing. There is a shop opp OG Bugis selling Carrona brand cheap maternity clothing. I bought 3 pants & 2 T-shirts for $120 in total.

Crystal, me woke up a few times. Then 4am cannot sleep liao. My baby is definately night tiger[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi milo,

i sent u a msg in FB regarding the dog boarding. my fren say if u are on a budget, just let her know and she'll see what she can work out for u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crown, o dear... do u wan to check with ur gynae bot the pain?

stefie, u seem to have problems sleeping at nite hor.. sighh... do u tink drinking warm milk before u sleep will help?

crown - take care & rest more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie - baby kicking alot at night? I'm not comfortable sleeping at night too. Every postion seems uncomfortable. I still cannot really identify baby's kicking and can't really feel much of it too.

stefie: we r the same .. night time cant really sleep well .. for me, the outcome will be headache or worse migraine .. the GP asked me to sleep well .. siao ~ if i can sleep well, i wont hv bad headache already lo .. talk nonsense

milo - yup, our bed is quite spacious, but my girl has the ability to do 180 to 360 turns and tosses and moves all over. on some occasions we've woken up to find that she was taking up half the bed and her parents, squashed with each other on the other half.

kingsize really worth it, since u spend 6-8 hours each night in that space. any chance u can upsize? so your 2 'boys' squeeze u to a corner ?? must fight for prime space now that u're pregnant, hahah!

mangogal - now no helper, but we're in the process of looking for one to come in Sept... give the helper 2 months to pick things up before baby arrives. just went to the maid agency last sat. they gave us a stack of bio data... soooo overwhelming!! now deliberating n waiting for new profiles to come in. such a big decision.... sure pray that we'll get a good one!

got such thing as pregnancy pillow??? where? whats it like?

crystal, I think I can't sleep too early. Yesterday I slept at 10pm. Then by 2am very well rest already, then went to pee then sleep till 4am eyes open big big liao. I think baby training me to night feed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I haven't drink milk for long time. Maybe can try. Thanks for the suggestion.

Melissa, Baby don't kick at night. Just that my hand very numb after sleeping on 1 side, so have to toss and turn left and right. My baby just kick me this morning 6.05am (my waking time) and just now at about 11am[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amelia, I am also like you. Not enough zzz then headache.

yvaine - ya i agree on kingsize. I bought queen size and i regret horribly. I'll get a kingsize next year when i move to my new place.

stefie - oh my hand also! My body very hot, plus waking up at night to pee. When turning its not as easy as last time. Plus need to poke hubby when he snores, plus weird dreams. combination of all makes sleeping uncomfortable.

I duno if kicking means sudden pop pop pop on my stomach a few times in a row. I had that yest and saw my stomach moving. Very unsure also. But I dun get to feel it always.

Melissa & Yvaine, ya gt pregnnacy pillow, I bought one for my 1st pregnancy at Paragon, dunno still selling or nt...

Think the gals mentioned previously mothercare is selling too

melissa - i used to poke my hubby and it worked, but now, gotta either nudge him or kick him for him to sense it and turn!

pop pop pop? is it at regular intervals? could be the baby's hiccups. very cute de...

hi mango, my daughter will be 3 in october.

Yvainne,same as u, our daughter can toss till she is almost horizontal!!

Her feet at most time now is on her dad's face.

yvaine - haha. I just poke him and if it doesn't stop i push him to make him turn also.

nope not regular intervals. its like sudden. happened twice yest. But none today. So i really cannot diff btw muscle spasm or gas.

mango - I heard the mummies talking abt it selling at compass point. Maybe I'll go take a look over the weekend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew, thks so much! i shld be going down to recce this weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u boarding yours there also?

yvaine, same as my boy! he is slping like a clock... one moment head is here, next hour 360 turn liao. so i rather slp on the sofa than risk getting orh bak ka from his kick!

Melissa, Ha!! Ha!!! My hubby also snores and sleep talk (in funny language). Heng thing is we bought King size bed, so half for hubby, 1/2 for me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We are quite huge size. I had some horny dreams yesterday when I try to sleep at 4am. Siao siao one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

