(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

hahaha... so cute to see MIL wanting girls. my MIL also first grandchild for her, she also said girl better. wahahahaha... i think she's had enuf of boys (whole family of men, she's the only woman until i came along).

i also want a girl!

Win, dun scared lah. coop up at home whole day is not good. it's not good to be too clean also 'cos u won't have the necessary antibodies to combat a simple virus. same goes for baby. just be reasonably careful and eat healthy. avoid too crowded places.


Funny leh, why all prefer gal?? My dh wan son leh. I hope I got long feng tai, fair. Haha. My mil said 2 gals also nevermind, anyway I think they dote on gals more.

Hi rainbow,

dont worry, as long as babe is healhty, its a blessing. When you see him for the 1st time, you ll be in love whether is it a boy and a girl.

But usually boy gender are very obvious once detected at 12weeks.

crown, hahaha i tink most parents and DHs now wan gal haha they witness GAL POWER hahaha we tend to be more caring ba i guess. hahaha

it's been a sucky day... got MC from doc cos have flu (migraine, fever, cough and sniffles) but back at office. Have been stressed at work cos boss is always picking on me and insulting me. When I wanted to take personal leave to go for Oscar test and also rest after my biz trip, boss didn't allow. Quite tired of this, and have requested to big Boss for a transfer.

Starting on my 14th week... trying so hard to control my emotions so as not to affect kiddo.

Boss is also under a lot of pressure at work, and i tell myself that he's prolly under a lot of pressure at home cos his wife is giving birth soon.

but there is only that much stress I can take...

oh dear, muddypaws, do take care. yah, ask for transfer and see how it is. how can he/she refuse personal leave to go do Oscar test?! that's ridiculous.

actually i also feel i'm more emo recently. my mood fluctuates worse than in my first trimester. last nite went for dinner with hubby's family, my gosh, my PIL's chattering got me on my nerves so bad. if i could jump out of the car at the expressway, i would!


we pay extra $2k yet cannt gt e whole photos bk lei


i go hm find my link aso...hehe


yr boss so mean...hope yr big boss approved yr transfer.

wow...look like a lot of mummies wan ger ger...ger more fun den boy rite can make them pretty pretty...but whether is a boy or gal as long as its healthy we shld b happy.=)

muddypaw, dun be so stressed up. maybe u wld like to talk to yr boss. btw, does he knows tat u'r preggy? cos if he knows, maybe it's easier to talk to.

dewdew, "ren ren ren"

Muddypaw, your boss duno you are preg hah? Otherwise how can he like that? He won't want ppl to treat his wife like that right?

Boss knows i'm pregnant... and says that pregnancy is not a medical condition. When he asked me something and I can't remember, I jokingly said it must be the pregnancy amnesia and he said I should be professional and not use pregnancy as an excuse for anything.

Hi Mummies..

Have been missing for sometime bec i just came back today from my long belated Honeymoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] A Honeymoon that we booked even before the pregnancy...

Luckily my Terrible MS went away during the trip and i could enjoy my trip. But i didnt dare to walk much...I was feeling so fine until me and my hubby was so worried that the BB is no longer here. Thus after i land today, reach home throw my luggage and went immediately to the gynea.. Lucky everythg was ok.. 'Phew'

BB was happily kicking, he was opening is leg so wide that the gynae say he could more or less guess his sex..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lena, good to know you enjoyed your photoshoot.. PS can be a fun but tiring process.... My leg was so achy after the indoor shot that i was doing my outdoor in slipper.

Wah.. i can see that some of the mummies have starting BB shopping... I also dun know when is a good time to start shopping for BB stuffs. But i bought 0-3months BB clothes during my trip bec i just couldnt resist how cute it was. But i bought neutral colous like yellow, green etc...

The nurse say i am late for my NT scan/ Oscar. so she just now quickly called and scheduled me for tomo.

Have a good dinner Mummies!!

Melissa - my watery discharge is yellowish - brown, hopefully nothing serious but just to be safe, I brought forward my gyane appt to tmr nite instead of Fri.

Yvaine - How much did you pay for the Oscar scan at NUH? So far they have not gotten back to you abt your complaint letter yet?

Asilmil - Glad that everything is ok for you.

EonEon - Ya i remind my hubby that the baby will learn from him, just that sometimes remind too much very become like nagging, haha. Anyway u take care, rest more.

Rainbow - COngrats on your scan. Where did u do it?

Muddypaw - Ur boss is so mean, hope your big boss will be able to help

Thanks sharon, I had mine done at raffles hospital.

Muddypaw, sorry to say... Yr boss really knn!!!! I so angry for u... Pardon me for being vulgar.

morning to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

was on leave yesterday for my oscar and also to spend some time with kaeden. sonographer didnt say anything much, jus say everything ok wor so i guess its ok from the scan?

now waiting to see gynae tomorrow. hopefully blood test result will be out by then.

time for pills and water parade!


Everyone's doing Oscar test, can't wait for mine next week!

In a good mood today coz I had a good night sleep yday. Only woke up once at 1.30am to go toilet, then slept all the way till morning.

rainbow, i agree with u le. muddypaw's boss is such a A**H***... he also have wife and she's preggy wat imagine if her boss tell her its not a medical condition. its like arrghhhh MEN!!

he's not born by his mother ma? IDIOT! Such a loser.

muddypaw, *ah bish* ur boss... some ppl really got no EQ. he sounded like those colleagues in my office... preg so wat? dun need to work ah?


im also thinking of going Hokkaido end july or early aug to see the sunflowers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe we can share more along the way when we find out more info .... u going for tour package yeah ?

im going for my oscar test this thurs afternoon!

Have you all received any nagging from elders saying we should avoid computers and handphones because of radiation?

tenq, yes but i tink as long as u dun put lappie or handphones on tummy its fine?

i tink hard for us to avoid totally la now.. ahhaha

welcome back milo! and good to hear baby's doing all fine. the sonographer didn't show you baby's movement and let u hear the heartbeat?

muddypaws, yah i'm surprised your boss said that when his wife is also pregnant. issit he has no sense of humour? some ppl are like that, superduper uptight. Loser!!! ignore him, next time dun try to joke with him.

tenq, nope i didn't get that nagging from elders. but nowadays everyone has at least 1 mobile phone, 1 laptop, and we have to work with comps everyday, how to avoid? not possible lah...

crystal, my mum keeps nagging me. Whenever she sees me on my iPhone she will start nagging.

dewdew, ya loh!! have to work and check forum mah, how not to use computer. But I try to put my hp far far away when I'm at home.

tenq, my mom give up on me liao ahhaha... cos i like playing games on the iphone and at nite the ipohone plays a big role in telling bedtime stories to beanie ahahaa... so as long as its away from tummy that's the best i can do liao ahha a

Hi Cherry,

u mean only scan and no blood test for $300 at TMC?

Does oscar test involved blood test? any advice?

crystal, me also! shopping online addict also! my hub almost fainted from my 3 mths ML at hm the last round with all my shopping! dun go out also can shop from hm lor :p

dewdew, got. the sonographer let me hear the heartbeat and show me bb face, leg and hand... can see bb stretching.. kaeden look so SHOCK staring at the screen! after tat still ask me where is baby? haha but she didnt tell me abt the ratio etc, so i presume shld be ok la hor?

yes Ethan, mine without bloodtest. dont know why. i asked the recept, but she says no need. it cost about $231 i think [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good Morning All.

Went for my oscar yesterday. The sonographer who took my scan is quite nice and told us that everything's ok, but still need to wait for blood test results. Hope everything ok. She also told us that Im close to 13th week already. Hee..

Just to share, our oscar at TMC was quite ok. My appt @ 830am. We were slightly late, reached around 840am. Was so worried that we missed our timing and got to wait 3hours (as I read from the web that need to re-queue). Luckily, still not much people in the queue, so the nurse registered me @ 845am.

Think bb was very co-operative, I saw the sonographer was taking the measurements from all angles. After she finished her measurement, she called my hb in to see bb and patiently explained to us what bb was doing. BB was in the head down position with legs raised, and 1 moment touching the legs and then 1 moment putting the hands at the back of the head. So cute. The sonographer also let us listen to the heartbeat and she measured 162 for it. Hee.. so happy.

After which she told us to go for blood test and can go back. Think by 915am, Im out of the place. So fast that hb asked me whether I missed anything. So I asked the nurse who took my blood again whether it ok to go back. Heehee..

Guess its fast for us cause bb very co-operative so don't need to wait / go out to walk walk / drink water and go back to re-scan. On the way there, I was still telling hb that I read that need to take some sweets to see bb move around. Luckily I didnt take, cause bb was in the right position. Hee.. so you gals might want to wait to go for the scan first before taking the sweets incase your bb is already in the right position.

Crown: For the MC, I also read previously that can take MC so I asked my gynae clinic about it. They told me that for my gynae, unless I had a follow-up at my gynae's place after the oscar's then can get MC from my gynae. I don't have any scheduled appt for my gynae yesterday so I took leave from work instead. Just to share my gynae's practice, you might want to check with your gynae on their practice.

Milo, I was given a copy of the result to keep for reference. Maybe u can request from yr gynae. Ratio result comes from yr blood test.

raspy, did i happen to see u at TMC yesterday? I was there too abt the same timing as u. My appt was 830. when will u be seeing dr ho again?

crystal, yeah! shopping is the only thing tat kept me sane during my 3 mths ML tat time. fun to shop for bb also!

rainbow, oic. i haven got my blood test result. hope can have it tomorrow when i see my gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies!

Jolin - i agree with the others, you can change at any point, but most important is you muz be comfortable enough with your new gynae. so totful of you for your hubby ;)

crown - yes i can imagine, u muz be wanting to announce to the whole world abt your twinnies! heheh... that time will come soon!

asilmil - good to know it's nothing serious and the baby is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon - poor thing! hope you're feeling better now.

Lena - sounds like you had fun even tough tiring! ounggol has some nice outdoor scenes, i'm sure the photos will turn out gorgeous [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as for the coooler, make sure you buy good brand and decent model. i ever tried one, those miscellaneous brands, lousy sia! so loud and hard to change the water/the ice tray not detachable etc, the design was totally lousy. so better get a good brand and if they have return policy, better still. so if you're not happy can still return :p

dewdew - so nice to hear abt your nephew! glad he's well now. i'm sure he's adding a lot of joy to the familyt. n when yours come the two of them can masak masak together.

PSH - how come don't like malacca? is it the heat? anyway good thatu r back i good old singapore, heheh.

Rainbow - why your gynae say boy?? boy or gal also good lah... they're all blessings! boy you don't have to worry when they start dating. but NS maybe...

Muddypaws- oh no.. sounds like a very hostile work environment to be in. hope your transfer will be granted! hang in there in the meantime okie... tune out whenever you can.

ling - wow! where did u go? muz be so nice hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have fun at the scan tomoro!

Sharon - i didn't do the oscar, just the basic NT and measurements... opted not to do the oscar. so not sure how much it costs. i sent in the complaint last wed, and they replied on the same day saying sorry blah blah and they will look into it and get back to me. so far no news yet. but i believe they will. when's your appt?

TenQ - me too! i stopped water intake from 8pm and managed to just get up once at 2.30am to pee. then took a while to sleep cause hubby snored sOOO loudly... but more refreshed coz only woke once... thank God!

milo - hihihi! you're a forum addict! like many of us here! hahahaha....

raspy good to know u had a lovely time at the scan! and your baby so active some more..

crystal n milo - hi5! me too, online shopping is a lot easier for me now compared to physcial shopping... heee

mummies, hv u ever try to put your palm on your lower tummy n able to feel your baby's heartbeat? i hope i m nt having illusion..

Yvaine, scanned by sonographer and gynae did another scan.. And from e angle view from bb 2 legs, gynae bet with me say boy! Told my hubby leave it to fate.. Bo bian! Cannot shop for pink cabinet, pink clothes, pink items liao... LOL

But gynae say 5th mth scan will be able to tell so might not be a boy... So nw cannot shop lor, must wait till then..

So many posts.. just managed to finish reading.

Rainbow: Congrats on your good oscar result. Think you're the 1st one to get to know the bb gender too. Hee..

Lena: Glad to hear that your ps went well. I remember my legs was aching so badly after the whole day of shooting. Hee.. Must rest well these few days. For us, we went in the afternoon to pick the photos cause heard that some studios will use pressure on the couple when they went in the evening. We didnt top up alot just 3-5 cause our package came with around 45pics already as we didnt want those photo frames etc.

Eoneon: Hope you're feeling better today and recover soon. I also saw from the news that h1n1 is coming back. Try to stay indoor for the time being. I also try to avoid crowded places.

Athena & PSH: We also went Hokkaido for our honeymoon last dec. We went with Chan bros. Overall was nice, the accomodation and guide was good. We used the route transit via taipei instead of tokyo cause our luggage can be sent to hokkaido direct via this route instead of having to collect them at tokyo and travelling to take domestic from tokyo. We felt its more hassle-free. Foodwise, quite good, plenty of crabs and sashimi. We went in Dec, so its freezing cold, not sure about the weather for Jul/Aug.

muddypaws: Gosh.. your boss sounds real nasty. How can he said that? And if the doc gave you MC, it means you're really not fit to work that day. Good to hear that you're going for a transfer.

wah Rainbow u had 2 scans! nice! ya last time my gynae also say, best bet is to buy white and yellow. but i like pink! heheheh....it is a lot more fun to buy gal stuff than boy stuff i have to say. boys quite easy, just shirt n pants most times, hahahah...

Milo: You are there yesterday too? We might have saw each other. What are you wearing? I wore a light yellow top. I just saw Dr Ho 1 week ago, and he ask me to go back only 4weeks later. So still got 3 more weeks to go.

Yvaine: Yah, so glad that the sonographer was quite nice and patiently explained to us. Actually bb didnt move much, just moving his/her hands around. Hee..

Yvaine, ya lor.. Went kiddy palace and saw those booties!! Girls has so much design to choose from and boy only 3... LOL.. Maybe this will help me save money.. Told my sis abt this than she say of cos la, yr nose grown bigger, still got acne, no need say we also know it's boy! LOL

Athena & PSH, i sooooo miss Hokkaido! lol~!!

Amelia, i read tat we can put our hands on tummy and feel bb heartbeat. initially i tot i felt it. then to realise, its the pulse from my fingers leh. cos i place it on mattress, also feel the same. lol... maybe i really dont knw how to feel it ba.

muddypaws, really feel like slapping ur boss! pui!!

rainbow, its true arh? bigger nose and more acne is boy arh? then i tink wat i saw at my scan is also a boy liao...

jsu that my gynae dun wan to confirm then cos it was too early.


hahaha ya my fren also has 2 boys and during her pregnancies, nose also grew bigger! kiddy palace has sale now, so tempting to buy things right....

