(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Amelia & cherrry: Same for me. I also can feel the beat when I placed my palm on my lower tummy. But Im thinking whether its my own pulse too. Hee..


Yvaine, actually I dunno y RH works this way.. Sonographer took a measurement than waited for another gynae to inform us e result and do another scan than see my own gynae.. I find it so funny.. Whole process took about 3plus hrs and hubby face like torn table cloth! Than I told hubby next time I just come myself which is also easier and if he wants he can join on alternate session

Hi TengQ: I c... Hope we will not be tempted and can stick firmly to the number of fotos in the package too... Haha...

Hi Dewdew: Thanks.. Hope we can finish choosing on monday itself... Feel so tired and lazy if have to go down again...

Ya ya... Nowadays feel tired so easily... For me... I shopped around half or 1 hour, i already feel so tired liao... Lately i'm starting to have backache at times too... Not sure y.... Y you got leg pain? Izzit cramps or? I tin it's not just the mood but probably noise... I also cant seem to tahan loud sound/noise nowadays, will feel irritated like going to get headache...

Hi Rainbow: Glad to hear tha tyou got good results... My BB also din move much during the Oscar scan... Haha... I ever heard before that BB at this stage tends to sleep alot too.... Maybe we're just not so lucky to be in time to see BB moving... Wow... At least you get to see the gender first liao... I din get to see at all... My next appt with gynae also 1 month later... Feel like time is passin so slowly...

Hi Ling: Good to hear that you enjoyed your honeymoon as your MS went away at the right time... Haha... Must be very exciting to start buyin BB clothes le huh... I also tempted to buy at times but gotta control myself first as i need money now for the weddin...

Hi Crystal: Yea.. it's hard for us not to be near something that got radiation like computer and handphones... I ever saw in some sprees before that sells anti-radiation stickers, wonder if it works well... Feel like buyin it if i happen to see the spree again...

Hi Milo: Welcome back... You paid so little? I paid ard $400+ for the scan and a tube of blood too... So ex lo...

Hi Raspy: So happy for you that the scan went well... Your BB so cute... Like relaxing in your tummy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Yavine: Thanks for the advice: Do you have any ideas what brand is good? Cos i nv buy cooler before... hehe...

Hi Raspy: Yup... It's quite fun though very tiring especially the part my bf gotta carry me up... haha... reali cant help laughing when i saw the way he panting and sweatin like mad... Wow... your package got so many photos... My package only got 22 photos... izzit consider little?

Seems like more mummies prefer girl girl than boy boy... I used to prefer boy as i was a child care teacher before and observed that boys are kinda easier to take care than girls as girls will cry more easier or eat slower... But i have change my mind cos i observe that girls are indeed better than boys in some ways (care more for parents)... So now i'm quite neutral, same for my bf... We're just hopin to have a healthy BB...

Crystal, tat's wat ppl say.. LOL!!!

My left breast is bigger than my right breast!! Normal or not???

Yvaine, think I'll wait till e gender more firm than start my shopping.. If not those cabinet will be attracting dusts..hehe

It seems like most of you do blood test and scan on the same day. My one is separated. Tomorrow blood test, next fri then scan. Any idea what is the cost at KKH? Anyone did there?

Rainbow - ya so many stops! hope they didn't charge u extra for that... 3 hrs is an extremely long time. but i think only for the detailed scans lah. future ones mostly quite brief, hopefully. did u check with them?

Lena - heheh, not sure, after i returned that cooler i never did buy another one. it was my hubby's idea to try to save money on aircon, but turned out to be a very bad idea. like white elephant sititng in our room! thankfully we managed to return. what u need to look out for is easy cleaning - ie detachable ice trays etc. the power consumption/efficiency (no point gettin one that eats up electiricity like nobody's business when the point is to save money). size also, if you have limited space. casue need to put on the floor, takes up a bit of space. happy shopping! ;)

raspy, i was in black with my hub and little boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think i too kancheong over tat tube of blood till i blur also!

i will be seeing dr ho on wed cos now on 2 weeks basis. jin siong ah! dunno after wed visit will it change to once every 4 weeks.

lena, how come urs so expensive? i dunno wat test for tat tube of blood but confirmed tat tomorrow will be another round of blood test at gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

crystal & rainbow, since both of urs detected its boy boy.. mine till now still cannot see... is it got hope its a GIRL! haha self motivation :p

ethan u mean grinning or grinding? means different thing leh... hehehe... my colleague just said yesterday that my belly looked "happy"... so i guess that's a 'grinning' belly, hahaha.

yvaine, nothin major la jsut mood very bad... feeling very grumpy and teary sighh..

milo, possible le haha if u canot see antying then there is chance.

crystal, dun be sad ya.. we are prone to mood swing recently. last night dunno why, i also started to cry while bathing...

we are all graduated/graduating from 1st trimester. its something to be happy abt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HI Yvaine: I c... Hmm... i also wish more for air-con but if my future in-laws dun plan to install yet, i also dun dare request, dun expect me n bf to bear the whole cost lo cos we already financially very tite and will shift to our own flat after 3-4 years... Will go check out the cooler... Thanks for the info ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Milo: My gynae only arrange me for the scan which is $200+ already then i decided to do the blood test as well which cost another $200+... I realli regret not applying for the FBI after reading the mummies posts whom applied for the FBI... I took mine at TMC so probably more ex?

Hi Ethan: Wat you mean by grinnin? Our tummy will smile meh?

Rainbow: Me same as you. Left one feel bigger, but not obvious.

Lena: Er.. I cant remember how many pics my package originally come with. But there's alot of stuff that we didnt want, e.g. those framed pics, guest book, table top etc.. so we used them to change for more pics. You might want to look at your package and see if you need those.

Crystal: Calm down calm down.. try to think of bb's scan pic.. I always do that when Im not feeling well and will make me feel better.

Milo: Er.. I didnt see any couple with little boy. Hee.. think I missed you. Im those blur blur kind, so trying to keep up with those nurse's instruction, didnt really observe the surrounding.

My next visit is the 4th one. What about you? Every 2 weeks basis really very siong, but can see bb more often. Hee.. How come you taking another blood test at gynae? The clinic assistant didnt tell me need to take another blood test.

lena, me also took my oscars at TMC leh... anyway their pricing so luan. we kana tok also dunno! really is anything for baby!

raspy, ha ha i also blur blur sotong type... worst off now tat i am preg! i dunno been seeing dr ho how often till i lost count! approx every 2 weeks since week 4... really is pok but as long as bb is safe and growing well, money can always earn back.

i asked the nurse after the blood test at tmc still need somemore blood test, she told me YES wor! how much u paid for the oscar at tmc? one tube of blood also?


ooh...so u aso intend to go Hokkaido?? end Jul gt sunflower mah?? i thot stl lavender...dun intend to go F&E especially nw pregnant...but heard H1N1 cm bk ardy so a bit scare scare.


i gt thot of gg wif Chan Bros...will see wat pkg they hv...

as for e blood test, till 2dae nobdy call me abt my results so i guess i gt to wait till nxt appt which is nxt Mon den kw e results.


i guess partly is e weather...so hot over there even if there is rain i stl feel hot...but i guess its their services that i dun like.


glad tat yr OSCAR scan is gd n bb is doing well.

ethan, u taking any iron pills? the smell could be from the multi v that u are taking.

psh, thanks thanks! jus hope the blood test results come back ok as well. tomorrow still gotta be treated for my mild fungal infection...

hokkaido is nice and super lomantic lor... good for preggy woman cos their day ended at abt 6pm daily. rest of the time is for us to explore ard the hotel area which is surrounded by mountain... very good place to relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dunno leh...just spoke to nurse, she said maybe is infection...will go and see see..have a peace of mine. hope bb oki..haiz

ethan, your stomach giving u problems? could it be indigestion or gas? or just bloatedness? i get that sometimes, esp so if i had a heavy meal, or just missed my meal so the gas in stomach is just going round in tummy and can't go away. take care yah!

milo, i think it's the blood tests that are the killers. i didn't take any blood test and my NT scan was $231.

crystal, quick go and look at cute baby pictures! maybe your mood will get better when you think how cute your baby will be. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lena, i think you're right, i can't stand loud noises - esp in enclosed space.

Ethan - maybe it's stomach wind? do u find yourself passing out gas much? if wind maybe can try what the other mommies shared, i think something like ginger tea or honey ginger ?? mine only churns when hungry, so when i have food, it's ok liao. re- smell of blood - ya ya like milo says, is it iron u took? as long as u don't see blood, its a good sign!

Lena - ya ya so many costs and expenses it's sensible to cut down on the unnecessary things. next time your own house can have it your preferred style. just 'ren' for now. a good brand cooler should work quite nicely ;)

milo - well done! u had your blood taken!!! kudos to you brave mommy! ;) helps that kaeden and your hubby were both there rite? cheering you on...

busy afternoon... catch u all later!

dewdew, agree! cannot imagine how much tomorrow blood test gonna cost me again!

yvaine, yeah! i tong through the blood test round no 1... another 1 up tomorrow! my hub and kaeden were both there and kaeden look shock seeing baby moving in my tummy but its a nice bonding time.

Im back from lunch. Have burger king. Hee..

Milo: My bill yesterday was around 318 also. I think same as yours. But the clinic assistant didnt tell me need to take another blood test at clinic. Any idea what's this 2nd blood test for?

Ethan: Don't worry. My urine also smell weirdy after I start taking those pills from gynae. Should be fine, don't panic. Bb will feel it. Stay positive oki?

PSH: We both think Chan bros tour quite good cause their accomodation, food & guide all quite nice. You can consider going to them.

By the way, have all of you tell your bosses about the pregnancy? Im haven't tell yet, hb and I think probably will tell this wk. But I have no idea how to go about. Just go into the room and tell her 'im preggy' ?

Crystal, tat's wat ppl say.. LOL!!!

My left breast is bigger than my right breast!! Normal or not???

Yvaine, think I'll wait till e gender more firm than start my shopping.. If not those cabinet will be attracting dusts..hehe


had bleeding this morning and rushed to KKH A&E. dunno why there's bleeding so doc suspected it's low hormones level. was still thinking how come no puking today. now i think i would prefer to puke a little while more if my baby can stay healthy. think i must be more like stefie. happy abt puking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Had the jab. now my leg is like very painful.


the scan and blood test at KKH is on separate days. This is to allow us to know the results on the day of the scan. It costs $300+ for both scan and blood test. Who are u seeing at KKH?

raspy, haha i also dunno wor... if tomorrow i do the blood test, will ask in details and update u. i hate blood test!

tantan, are u ok? alot of blood? pls rest well.

hi milo,

not too much. now resting. thanks.

hi crown,

i'm seeing her too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tantan, where are you seeing her? i am currently seeing her at AMK clinic. But i duno she is good at delivering twins or not

how much is her fee at KKH? need to wait very long or not?? i know she is good but i dont think she deliver twins before when i read fr the forum

am with the pte suite. paying around $90 per consultation exc. supplements. i'm paying more cos my appt is in the evening. dun have to wait long. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tantan00: Try to rest in bed and don't move around too much. Did they gave you MC for afew days?

Rainbow: Maybe right side will pick up the growth rate later? Hee.. Im wearing my old bra now cause its looser, think got to get new ones soon as the current one is underwired. Read that underwired ones are not good.

Milo: Yes, please help me to ask about the blood test. Im afraid that they forgot about me and I might missed out the period for the blood test since my next visit is 3 weeks away. My EDD is 6/Dec which is close to yours, also did the oscar yesterday same as you, so by right, should have this blood test too?

hmmm, cos i was wondering should i see her at KKH cos the machine at AMK clinic is not so good as claimed from her. Your $90plus inclusive of ultrasound? that is subsequent visit right? cos my first visit with her is $90plus so subsequently will be slightly cheaper

raspy, no problem. yup our edd is very close. mine is 7 dec so we shld be doing the test abt the same time.i did my blood test for my first preg at abt week 13 also.

hi mtbs...

i been mia for so long cos sometimes i cant log into the forum lei. frustrating! n i m totally drained from the puking! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my vomitting seems to be at its peak! my EDD has confirmed at 28dec. finally can update the listing alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] initially was 1jan. so im only abt 10weeks now. so happy to see most of u graduating fm 1st trim soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i wanna ask those mtbs who hv MS. i been "merlion" for a few weeks, on and off. and all food came out! it's like someone PULLING all the stuff out of my stomach! Buay Tahan manz! Then i tink tt's y i feel pain in stomach. like overstretched! anyone of u feel the same? wanna get some support and comfort here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae does not have a package and i hv to see him weekly cos i hv some complications - cysts in my ovaries. he gives me folic acid + pink pills + An Tai med everyweek and total cost per week abt $150 w/Vscan. so spent quite alot le cos i started seeing him when i was in my week5. my detailed scan (i tink oscar scan) will be at NUH but not sure how much too. so we shd also do blood test too right? can someone brief me more on the scan at NUH? wat i shd be expecting?

it's my 1st pregnancy n it kinda scares me alr. cos i hv bad MS or all day sickness. no appeitite, no energy. and alittle cramp here and there scares me too. have been experiencing headache past few days and insomina! really jialat! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and taking all the pills make me wanna puke even more - im scared of taking pills since young! have a phobia! n now im so hooked on cold drinks! soya bean, sugarcane, MOS milk tea, pokka milk tea and 7-11 slurppy... though doc say cold drinks are ok but i still feel not too good to hv cold drinks every meal but i cant help it! cos cold drinks kinda make the metallic taste go away for awhile.

i hope to graduate from 1st trim soon. at least bb is stable and hope the puking can stop n i can get my energy back too. then i can also start shopping!!!! Heehee :D

for those mtbs who hv spotting and cramps, pls stay IN BED. less movement!

